Jhon you all need to make the ramp on the back of the truck bed longer or add another piece of ramp onto that ramp and put it so that it can be folded with hinges so that the cows can get into the truck easier and they'll get into the truck a lot quicker and and easier. If they were to make it out of aluminum pretty thick with braces on the bottom side it would make it strong enough to have the big cows walk on it. I used to haul cattle in the United States with a 48 foot long cattle trailer 60 to 80 cattle at one time. With a bottom level and a top it level. The way i was trying to tell you it would make it a lot easier for you and the cattle. Good luck and and Thank you for sharing another good video!👍
Thanks for the advice guys. if you use a pickup on the back door there is an additional incline. and usually we have a ramp to raise or lower the cows. because the farmers don't have it.. so lastly I painted a higher place so the cows can climb easier.. thanks again, friend. wach so I want to upload a video when my friend is loading a cow in America.
@@TukangNgaritBlitar There's a lot of cows here in the United States and a lot of dairy farms that have thousands of milk cows on a few dairies here in California in United States where I used to haul Corn, oats and cotton seeds and other grains and also molasses to put in the rest of the feed when they are loading up the rest of the grains and hay. I used to live on a dairy where my friend used to milk 300 cows 2 times a day..
Assalamualaikum Om Jhon, hadir 🙏🏻👍🏻🐂 Istimewa, Jos gandos 🥇 Berhubung Bima sakti sudah tidur nyenyak, nanti di kawinkan Sama Raden Kondo Om Jhon 😁 Cocok kayaknya.
Jhon you all need to make the ramp on the back of the truck bed longer or add another piece of ramp onto that ramp and put it so that it can be folded with hinges so that the cows can get into the truck easier and they'll get into the truck a lot quicker and and easier. If they were to make it out of aluminum pretty thick with braces on the bottom side it would make it strong enough to have the big cows walk on it. I used to haul cattle in the United States with a 48 foot long cattle trailer 60 to 80 cattle at one time. With a bottom level and a top it level. The way i was trying to tell you it would make it a lot easier for you and the cattle. Good luck and and Thank you for sharing another good video!👍
Thanks for the advice guys. if you use a pickup on the back door there is an additional incline. and usually we have a ramp to raise or lower the cows. because the farmers don't have it.. so lastly I painted a higher place so the cows can climb easier.. thanks again, friend. wach so I want to upload a video when my friend is loading a cow in America.
@@TukangNgaritBlitar There's a lot of cows here in the United States and a lot of dairy farms that have thousands of milk cows on a few dairies here in California in United States where I used to haul Corn, oats and cotton seeds and other grains and also molasses to put in the rest of the feed when they are loading up the rest of the grains and hay. I used to live on a dairy where my friend used to milk 300 cows 2 times a day..
Wa Alaikum salam mas Azis hadir Hongkong anae pak mat mas Azis semangat mas beh aku deleng tok ae Melu seneng mas Azis semangat masss👍👍👍👍
Siyap... terimakasih
MasyaAlloh MasyaAlloh sapi nya jooss istimewa banget om
Wah mantap bang
Sapi seharga mobil luar biasa sapinya bang
Mantap besar poll
Sementara cuma bisa melihatnya blm bisa memiliki tipe2 kaya gini salam ngaret dr Kalimantan top markotop jos gandosss
Istimewa.pokoknya induk dan anaknya.
Terima kasih
Asli Sapi besar N superrr banget nic ...
Jos gandos tenan om jhon...👍👍👍
Sekarang sapi turun harga dramatis sangat murah,Smoga barokah.....walaupun murah...
Sapi impian laskar ngarit..mantap poll..👍👍
Jan...gawe ngiler babone...ora umum supere...
Gede lurr
Joss maasee sapi ne lampung hadir
Mantul mantap betul mas 👍👍👍👍
Mantab bosqu selalu pantau ilmu2nya tentang persapian 👍salam sangking Tonggo dewe Kediri 🙏
Babon sapi yg pnting babon cetak bisa mencetak tulangan jantan nya...ank2nya pasti jos2 tingi2 tulangan besar.
Ini indukan sapi super jumbo andaikan ini sapi jantan pasti sudah viral dari dulu
Bojonegoro hadir om jhon👍pertama kali komen...semoga chanel ee tambah sukses dan semangat membuat konten selalu 😊💪
Lancar john
Istimewa 👍👍👍
Tak bisa berkata2 lagi lihat indukan ini,sangat istimewa👍🙏
Om jon saya puya babon jumboo mirip kayak ituu
Jos ms
istimewa bener ini indukan nya mase
Waw jumbooo babonnya,,salam ternak dari Kalsel
Pedetku y Eneng putihe nong bathuk ngonokui. Ning nggonku simetal..... Namanya Miming,
Mantap ini
Super jumbo omm, mantap untuk indukan
Indukan kelas kontes ini, super asli
Sehat om
Malesiya hdr om jhon
Joos super tenan babone anak e Ojo di jual bos ISO 1.5 bobote jos tenan
Mantap bang
Indukan nya mantap om,tinggi panjang istimewa pokoknya.
Coba vlog indukan yang ada di bantul istimewah lagi lurrr simental
Klo làki2 mantep iku buat korban
Super josss
Andai di kawinkan dengan sapi sprti Bimasakti/Grandong/wariso....
bikin konten tentang perkembangan sapi" mu dongg omm,kangen nihh
Sabar njih lurr
Assalamualaikum Om Jhon, hadir 🙏🏻👍🏻🐂 Istimewa, Jos gandos 🥇
Berhubung Bima sakti sudah tidur nyenyak, nanti di kawinkan Sama Raden Kondo Om Jhon 😁
Cocok kayaknya.
Bojonegoro matoh
Hora umommm
Mirip di vidionya chanel didik sapi. Pas di pasar Bojonegoro ya
Iya taa
Kandang Bima sakti kemaren tidak menurunkan di kontes Karawang ya om?
Ini awalmula hugoo😂
Aq ya ndwe om produk 2kali tinggi ya hampir 160
Bos ada lagi yang seperti nih model nya
Ndbdnd fbfg
Jodohnya wariso ini
Mantap mungkin
Kalau bisa pengambilan Vidio kameranya jangan dari bawah om biar terlihat natural baik tinggi atau besarnya...🙏
Saya cari yg paling natural... Sapinya besar ini tingginya saja hampir 160 cm.. ..
Luwar mantap .harga pinten mas niku
Kayak e mau buat Amunisi kontes d Karawang ini mas
Sapi ku mbenn tukuo boss lek wes gede
besar gitu susah lah naik kendaraan
Gede lurr
Izin share mas e
Dilepas berapa om indukan dan anakannya
Harusnya pedet dinaikan dulu induknya pasti ikut naik Bos
Berapa harganya
Dapate bibit babone dari mana Kak Jhon?
babone sapi seng nk mae pk osen ye om
Daerah mana ni Bos….?
mbak bintiny kok nggak pernah klihtn om
Beranak berapa kali ya itu?
Kalau gak salah 4x
hrg. piro. om
Mas babon itu sapi jenis apa?
Babon / indukan
@@TukangNgaritBlitarjenis bos
Ndek Endi hp GK Ono di jual Piro kang Ojo komen tok
Opo kich?
Anaknya kog gado² jenisnya
In Belgian blue
Pake pasir kurang duwur lemahe
Lembu kok ngene Iki, gajah Iki masse ampuuun ga Eneng obate ngene Iki!!!
Semoga bisa ada keturunan betina yang sesuper ini
Oh jhon minta no wa nya njenengan 🙏
Rego Piro boss
Maaf privasi dari yg punya ..gambarnya Vios upgrade
Cuci kki pake air kencing 😂😂😂
Di beli dengan harga berapa om?
Shrga Mobil,Thu x hrga mbil brpa 😀
Mloro sapi nk carane ngono
Om anaknya boleh nggak q beli 10 jt
Ngawur 🤣🤣🤣
Itu pedet belgian blue.30 juta ngk bakal di kasih itu 🤣🤣🤭
Pedet e aku wani ngijoli babon wkwkwkwkkw
biasa biasa
indukan biasa aja
Biasa Yo ben
La seng gk biasa seng piye duwe ye
Sak Joss'e pkoke😍