Who knows who would have one without this. Morceli was No. 1 for a couple of years so at least deserved his win. El G went on to even greater things. True athletics fans would never disrespect either of these great athlete- go back to football!
I'm an athlete too, and I can tell you that it's feasible to trip someone in front of you or beside you (i.e. the recent women's 1500m in Berlin), but not behind. Morceli didn't win 45 straight 1500m contests by tripping people.
Also take into account the difference between first and last place is about five seconds; in high school it's all out; in the the championship tracks, it all comes down to who can best position themselves, time their kicks, and sprint the best.
el gourroguge finishing in 3:40 after falling....not only did he still finish the race....he even ran an amazing time after losing all focus... what a great guy
Long life to you Morceli, we are proud of you. You're the best sportman that I know. Viva Algeria, vive l'Algérie, tahia el djazaïr NB : El Guerroudj is also a great champion, but he went a star after Morceli stopped the competition. So don't try to find excuses Morocco
Morceli's right foot brushed just below his left knee causing his right leg to land wider than normal into El Guerrouj's path. El Guerrouj inadvertantly stepped on it. It obviously wasn't intentional but did prevent a great last lap showdown.
His right leg is displaced because Hicham stepped on his foot (accidentally of course), causing him to stumble. I don't know how it's possible for one to trip the person behind him, especially when in the lead coming towards the bell of an Olympic final, when all concentration is focused on the finishing kick. Morceli is not cheater- he was the greatest middle distance runner of the early '90s. His average last lap was 50-51 seconds. I think El G made a tactical error, which he'd later adjust.
Morceli achieved his last major international championship in this race. El Guerrouj was very close to Morceli when he fell. Probably without that fall, El Guerrouj would have received a medal. His peak career began in 1997.
the records show that Morceli won and El Guerrouj didn't. The fact is, El G kicked the heel of Morceli which made his own foot shoot back instead of landing.This left both of his legs bent in mid air and at the speed he was going he had no chance to re-adjust ,so he had to go down.
Morceli's foot was caught by the guy behind. You can see his leg flick out slightly to free his leg & avoid himself falling. El J then trips over Morceli's leg. You could not deliberately trip someone who is behind you
i thought so too but you can actually see that morcelli's heel clips his own calf when it's coming through and he lost balance which caused his legs to widen and it's just very unfortunate for el g
I will also add that at this level the athletes are so close in ability that they run together at a simmilar pace. Whereby at highschool level etc runners abilities tend to be quite alot more different so they spread out more. If you get a group of highschool runners of simmilar ability and make them race each other it might become slow and tactical.
putting ur foot out to trip someone at that pace is incredibly hard, particularly as it disturbs your own rhythm and places you in great danger. moceli clipped his own knee which forced him to stumble, which does happen. morceli was never involved in such incidents prior or after this race, to think he would risk such an important race by doing something so foolish is unlikely. an unfortunate racing incident. morceli stumbled quite badly before el g went down. no way that was intentional
I disagree Morceli was running fine until he felt Elguerrouj was behind him so he deliberately put his right foot in front of Hicham..he knew Hicham had the best time that year and he knew he couldnt beat him
Hicham is the best..his technic...his strategy ( start the kick with 700-800m and of course the sub 53 i nthe bell lap), his personality...all of those makes him a great man..in sport and socialy..he is the super hero of Morocco everyone loves him...Aouita also was one of the best miller. there is a train in morocco it names Aouita. ps: he was the first man to broock the 3.30.
Morceli still was number one in this race, but El Guerrouj already challenged him. Had El Guerrouj been more careful and experienced, he could well have received a medal - though not necessarily the gold.
I cannot believe the people who are actually dumb enough to think that Morceli would try and trip El G. Morceli was the dominant force and had been since 1991, with the exception of his Barcelona loss. When Morceli's leg kicks out, its because El G made contact with his leg causing him to kick out. Morceli himself stumbled, and why would he risk falling himself? Morceli was greater because he didnt need pacers to do his job, and could win off a fast or slow pace, and he would have won regardless
Records en plein air 7 septembre 1999 (2 000 m) 4'44"79 à Berlin 7 juillet 1999 (Mile) 3'43"13 à Rome 14 juillet 1998 (1 500 m) 3'26"00 à Rome Records en salle 12 février 1997 (Mile) 3'48"45 2 février 1997 (1 500 m) 3'31"18 à Stuttgart
Qu'en est il du projet de Noredine Morceli d'ouvrir en Algerie une ecole d'athletisme de haute performance pour preparer la nouvelle generation de champions algeriens ?
Hello, some one can help me-- i just want to know the NAME of the model of SPIKES Hicham El guerouj had in this rece. They are nike orange(red) and yellow. They was so famous but I dont rememver the name of the model.
I've been tripper over before in races, you run extremely close together, if you get the slightest touch at the wrong point of a stride you can fall very easily.
none of them meant to trip the other it just happened and if it must be like that its definitely not Morceli because he was leading and it would be dangerous to him ,he was about to fall as well after that tackle
I used to run this event and when I would be in the lead people used to try to trip me. i can tell in th replay that morceli did nothing wrong. that guy tripped him from behind which caused him to react that way. That bump from behind back fired on the guy that bumped him.
I feel very bad for el guerrouj as well as a few of the other athlets such as Cacho; even though he still got silver, he lost a good few metres nearly tripping over el guerroj. There was also another guy, I don't know who he is, but he had to run off the track to avoid stepping on him. Really the only one who didn't suffer was Morcelli imo.
That´s not true. First of all, El Guerrouj ran in this year (1996) a time of 3:29.05 in Brussels, which was the season best. Then El G met Morceli in the Grand-Prix-final in Italy, and El G won. And since El G did not lost any race 1996 except this in Atlanta, where he falled down. I´m 100% sure, if he didn´t fall down, Morceli would have had no chance against him, see what happened this year one month later in Italy!
We didn't say Morcelli cheated in 1995 when he got world championship title because he deserved winning and he didn't do anything wrong. But in 1996, we all know what's happened it's very clear so stop denying. I said that Morcelli is an icon and a great champion it's obvious but who made a great mistake in 1996 so when you want to compare the two champions even if you consider that he didn't cheat, The King's "exploits" are greater than Morcelli's. It's simple I think
it was not done on purpose. the minute el g hit morceli's foot, morceli's leg extended into a backward motion he could control. i wish we could of seen him challenge el g though. el g ended morcelli's reign a year later and the rest is history. morcelli's ruled half of the 90's but el g became the all time best.
Morcelli won it fair and square. El guerouj go scared as a virgin on her wedding night and messed it up,period. You should bear in mind that morcelli was imbeatable to that point,for a good six years.
djamila morceli ete capable de battre Elguerrouj jusqua 1995 mais pas plus.tu te rapel que just apres atlanta Elguerrouj a battu morceli ds un meeting en italy?
i just want to ask you ,if you did run with morcelli ,you don t know morcelli when he speed ,i did compet against him 1500 m , so please do not talk about something you don t know ,hi finish last lap 51 second nobody can do that even el guerroui with all my respect to him bye.
no both did run under 3,30 in the same race..and actualy it was just a bad tactical race, normaly Aouita was the favourit, right after that it was him who broke that record and not cram
@mjolnir262 morceli clipped his own knee which caused the change in stride. completely unintentional. As much as I love El Gerrouj he wasnt ready for Morceli yet, in fact he hadnt even beaten him at this stage. Morceli wouldnt have needed to resort to such tactics. He never had to before or even after when he began his decline. A simple racing incident where no one was at fault, nothing more.
im soo agre with u..all the officiers of the biggest and the important meets in europe tried soo hard to made morecli running against hicham...but he only went to the meets that hicham couldn't run...he wasn't DQ cuz i guess the saw it like an accident?
guerrouj messed up, its really as simple as that...he lost awareness of where his foot was going --> a similar thing happened to sebby in '84 olympic 1500m final but at that time it was steve scott apparently who was doing the stepping on from behind --> one can only feel sorry for guerrouj as he almost certainly would have done better than he did though it isnt clear he would have placed in the top three
You must be silly or ignorant. The guy who did fall (El gerrouje)was the favorite. He has no reason to trip the race leader. He would win if he didn't fall. After all, both are arab muslims.
i guess u forgot that el g hadnt beaten morceli ONCE at this stage. true el g went on to great things, and maybe he would have beaten morceli, but at this time time the likelihood is that morceli would have won
i don't understand what u mean..umm are u talking about the 1999 world in Seville? if yes..el guerrouj killed that race...and moreceli finished like 7 or 8
yes it was clear , morceli knows he was not going to win against Elguerrouj. that's why he void that season to run against Elguerrouj, this one beat him right after the olympic
i understand you,yes morceli was silly in that final 1500 of atlanta1996, but stil he is not a bad guy and not a cheater.i guess he regreted to make such silly mistake..but what else he could do to be olympic champion.normaly he should had win the one of 1992 at barcelone
If Morcelli won 3 World Championships, The King Of 1500m Guerrouj did it for 4 times. If Morcelli won one olympic medal by cheating Guerrouj won 2 (1500-5000) in the same olympic games by battling until the last meter honestly. Records of Guerrouj are greater: 3 times the best sportman of the year on world, 4 times golden league winner. He has records keep exist more than 10 years. Just go to wikipedia and type Guerrouj and you will see that he is "Roi de 1500m" So who are the losers????!!!!
tienes razon, le quito tiempo valiosisimo a cacho, la final entre el argelino y cacho, la final hubiera sido mucho mejor, porq los tres estaban fuertes(con el gerrouj) pero obviamente el marroqui venia mas tranquilo y fuerte q todos, estoy mas q seguro q hubiera ganada el gerrouj
This race would have been amazing if Hicham el guerrouj didnt trip. It was Morocco VS Nigeria the countries that are right beside eachother in North Africa. Tell you the truth, i think Guerrouj would of won the race
legendair !! c'est pas des Lunettes ki me fau . it's for u to focus hard on a footage . and if you 're honest enough you 'll see exactly how did it happened . i know it's hard To accept a loss,unfortunitly thats the it is " morceli was a winner and still a winner 96. Salam .
The trip must've been a great decline to a great runner like El Guerrouj since he finished last. I got pushed down in the 4th kilometer in a 5K race, but I finished 3rd.
You only have to see this video again in order to notice how Morcelli kicked El Guerrouj(Morcelli made a too strange movement leaving his leg to El guerrouj) Look between 2:38 and 2:42 very carefully and you will see why Morcelli is a cheater (He knew that El Guerrouj was superior at that race)
El Guerrouj this. El Guerrouj that. El Guerrouj bla bla bla. The fact of the matter is that El Guerrouj lost. Period. Morceli quit the races following the death of his brother who was also his coach. Morceli never recovered from the loss. El Guerrouj had nothing to do with Morcelli's decision to quit. Don't flatter yourselves, people of Morocoo.
Nobody who runs moves the leg in the same way as Morcelli. I'm going to say in Spanish: Morcelli dejó la pierna pues la mueve no de manera frontal, el deja la pierna moviendola de forma lateral, nadie que haya corrido en el atletismo hace eso pues significa desgaste innecesario de energía (a menos que tengas otro propósito,como en en este caso) . Morcelli patea a El Guerrouj eso está claro!!! Even if El Guerrouj hadn't defeated Morcelli before, Morcelli needed to cheat so that he won a medal!!
Alright, we can sit here and argue over who tripped who for a thousand years, and the truth is, no one will know unless someone can get one them to confess to it. Besides, falling in a race happens to the best of us, tripped or not.
La mort de son frere a represente la fin de sa carriere car apres cela, Noredine Morceli n'a plus ete en mesure de se concentrer et a donc pris la decision de prendre sa retraite.
Quelques réponses à mettre dans ta tête de mule ignorante: El guerrouj a battu 4 records qu'il détient toujours (ce qui n'est plus le cas de morcelli,Hicham ayant battu la majorité de ses records) 1500m,2000,mile indoor et outdoor. Hicham a été 4 fois champion du monde en 1997,1999,2001 et 2003 Il a gagné une médaille d'argent olympique en 2000 avant le feu d'artifice final avec 2 médailles d'or sur un doublé 1500/5000 en 2004.
Who knows who would have one without this. Morceli was No. 1 for a couple of years so at least deserved his win. El G went on to even greater things. True athletics fans would never disrespect either of these great athlete- go back to football!
I'm an athlete too, and I can tell you that it's feasible to trip someone in front of you or beside you (i.e. the recent women's 1500m in Berlin), but not behind. Morceli didn't win 45 straight 1500m contests by tripping people.
Also take into account the difference between first and last place is about five seconds; in high school it's all out; in the the championship tracks, it all comes down to who can best position themselves, time their kicks, and sprint the best.
I always thought El G was tripped from behind, but this video shows clearly that he tripped himself by stepping on Morceli's foot.
That you put this to the remix of punch out is just awesome. It actually fits the race extremely well too.
el gourroguge finishing in 3:40 after falling....not only did he still finish the race....he even ran an amazing time after losing all focus...
what a great guy
@anand185 The song is Dream Fighter (Punchout remix)
Long life to you Morceli, we are proud of you. You're the best sportman that I know.
Viva Algeria, vive l'Algérie, tahia el djazaïr
NB : El Guerroudj is also a great champion, but he went a star after Morceli stopped the competition. So don't try to find excuses Morocco
Morceli est un phénomène ! il est vraiment indétronable au niveau de la classe et de l'élégance dans la course.
Morceli's right foot brushed just below his left knee causing his right leg to land wider than normal into El Guerrouj's path. El Guerrouj inadvertantly stepped on it. It obviously wasn't intentional but did prevent a great last lap showdown.
@kipkiter123 they were called the "Jasari's". I remember them too.
His right leg is displaced because Hicham stepped on his foot (accidentally of course), causing him to stumble. I don't know how it's possible for one to trip the person behind him, especially when in the lead coming towards the bell of an Olympic final, when all concentration is focused on the finishing kick. Morceli is not cheater- he was the greatest middle distance runner of the early '90s. His average last lap was 50-51 seconds. I think El G made a tactical error, which he'd later adjust.
It's amazing how quickly Hicham went down....and how quickly he got up again.
Morceli achieved his last major international championship in this race. El Guerrouj was very close to Morceli when he fell. Probably without that fall, El Guerrouj would have received a medal. His peak career began in 1997.
the records show that Morceli won and El Guerrouj didn't. The fact is, El G kicked the heel of Morceli which made his own foot shoot back instead of landing.This left both of his legs bent in mid air and at the speed he was going he had no chance to re-adjust ,so he had to go down.
Morceli's foot was caught by the guy behind. You can see his leg flick out slightly to free his leg & avoid himself falling. El J then trips over Morceli's leg. You could not deliberately trip someone who is behind you
i would love to heard morcelli admeting that it was not an accident but by expres as it was the only way for him to win an olympic medal
i thought so too but you can actually see that morcelli's heel clips his own calf when it's coming through and he lost balance which caused his legs to widen and it's just very unfortunate for el g
I will also add that at this level the athletes are so close in ability that they run together at a simmilar pace. Whereby at highschool level etc runners abilities tend to be quite alot more different so they spread out more. If you get a group of highschool runners of simmilar ability and make them race each other it might become slow and tactical.
If he did, then he deserves a medal for that, because that's more difficult than winning the 1500.
putting ur foot out to trip someone at that pace is incredibly hard, particularly as it disturbs your own rhythm and places you in great danger. moceli clipped his own knee which forced him to stumble, which does happen. morceli was never involved in such incidents prior or after this race, to think he would risk such an important race by doing something so foolish is unlikely. an unfortunate racing incident. morceli stumbled quite badly before el g went down. no way that was intentional
he also has the mile and the 1500m indoor records
And 2000m
I disagree Morceli was running fine until he felt Elguerrouj was behind him so he deliberately put his right foot in front of Hicham..he knew Hicham had the best time that year and he knew he couldnt beat him
Remember this, people of Morocco.
When an algerian is in the race, silver is the best you can hope for
yes i agree, but it doesn't sound fair to cal that cram he was the first one who run under 3.30..but both were the first to run under 3.30
Hicham is the best..his technic...his strategy ( start the kick with 700-800m and of course the sub 53 i nthe bell lap), his personality...all of those makes him a great man..in sport and socialy..he is the super hero of Morocco everyone loves him...Aouita also was one of the best miller. there is a train in morocco it names Aouita. ps: he was the first man to broock the 3.30.
Morceli still was number one in this race,
but El Guerrouj already challenged him.
Had El Guerrouj been more careful and
experienced, he could well have received
a medal - though not necessarily the gold.
@jimmyg141 Hicham beat morceli a month later in the milan grand prix...
I cannot believe the people who are actually dumb enough to think that Morceli would try and trip El G. Morceli was the dominant force and had been since 1991, with the exception of his Barcelona loss. When Morceli's leg kicks out, its because El G made contact with his leg causing him to kick out. Morceli himself stumbled, and why would he risk falling himself? Morceli was greater because he didnt need pacers to do his job, and could win off a fast or slow pace, and he would have won regardless
how did he tripped him ?? he was in front hiM .. el guerroudj was in a back .
De no haber caido El Guerrouj la carrera hubiese sido distinta.....
Fermin Cacho. Oro en Barcelona y Plata en Atlanta...!!!
Records en plein air
7 septembre 1999 (2 000 m) 4'44"79 à Berlin
7 juillet 1999 (Mile) 3'43"13 à Rome
14 juillet 1998 (1 500 m) 3'26"00 à Rome
Records en salle
12 février 1997 (Mile) 3'48"45
2 février 1997 (1 500 m) 3'31"18 à Stuttgart
Oh, and for those of you use the 97 world champs as evidence, Morceli was in decline by this stage, so thats not a fair comparison.
Qu'en est il du projet de Noredine Morceli d'ouvrir en Algerie une ecole d'athletisme de haute performance pour preparer la nouvelle generation de champions algeriens ?
Hello, some one can help me-- i just want to know the NAME of the model of SPIKES Hicham El guerouj had in this rece. They are nike orange(red) and yellow. They was so famous but I dont rememver the name of the model.
Not sure about the fastest last 400m in any 1500m/Mile race! Which of his runs are you talking about?
Does Morceli stick his foot out to trip the other runner (don't know his name)??? That's what it looks like but I am not a running expert.
These are Guerrouj's records
why was his running form all choppy in the first place? you would think since he was a world class runner, he would have pretty good running form
kinda feel like John Tesh should be standing on the podium next to the track pounding on his keyboard
I've been tripper over before in races, you run extremely close together, if you get the slightest touch at the wrong point of a stride you can fall very easily.
el gerrouj here made a big mistake ,he must not tripe Morcelli ...why he stepped on morcllice's foot ?
Great racer Morceli...Viva Algeria champions...
Morceli one of the best in the world
not at that stage of morceli's career, morceli was still king
none of them meant to trip the other it just happened
and if it must be like that its definitely not Morceli because he was leading and it would be dangerous to him ,he was about to fall as well after that tackle
I used to run this event and when I would be in the lead people used to try to trip me. i can tell in th replay that morceli did nothing wrong. that guy tripped him from behind which caused him to react that way. That bump from behind back fired on the guy that bumped him.
i totaly agree :D
I feel very bad for el guerrouj as well as a few of the other athlets such as Cacho; even though he still got silver, he lost a good few metres nearly tripping over el guerroj. There was also another guy, I don't know who he is, but he had to run off the track to avoid stepping on him. Really the only one who didn't suffer was Morcelli imo.
he is not smelling his arm pits at 3:59, just raising his arm for his victory...
Maybe, G would have won but you're totally wrong when you say that he was more experienced than M because that's just not true!
That was a TRIP...and so obvious too. Wow El Guerrouj should have won that race...and he still got an awesome time.
Go El G :D
look carefully at 2:41, picture at picture. Y make an strange move with his right leg, ¿casuality?, i don't think so
i want to see the 2 mile challenge , morceli vs haile gebreselassie anyone has it??
That´s not true. First of all, El Guerrouj ran in this year (1996) a time of 3:29.05 in Brussels, which was the season best. Then El G met Morceli in the Grand-Prix-final in Italy, and El G won. And since El G did not lost any race 1996 except this in Atlanta, where he falled down. I´m 100% sure, if he didn´t fall down, Morceli would have had no chance against him, see what happened this year one month later in Italy!
what's with the NES punchout music? why no announcer?
We didn't say Morcelli cheated in 1995 when he got world championship title because he deserved winning and he didn't do anything wrong. But in 1996, we all know what's happened it's very clear so stop denying.
I said that Morcelli is an icon and a great champion it's obvious but who made a great mistake in 1996 so when you want to compare the two champions even if you consider that he didn't cheat, The King's "exploits" are greater than Morcelli's. It's simple I think
it was not done on purpose. the minute el g hit morceli's foot, morceli's leg extended into a backward motion he could control.
i wish we could of seen him challenge el g though. el g ended morcelli's reign a year later and the rest is history. morcelli's ruled half of the 90's but el g became the all time best.
it seems 80% hicham faults..after looking the diferent camera angles and speeds.
There is no way Morcelli did not plan that. His leg just shot out right into Hicham's path.
Morcelli won it fair and square.
El guerouj go scared as a virgin on her wedding night and messed it up,period.
You should bear in mind that morcelli was imbeatable to that point,for a good six years.
djamila morceli ete capable de battre Elguerrouj jusqua 1995 mais pas plus.tu te rapel que just apres atlanta Elguerrouj a battu morceli ds un meeting en italy?
i just want to ask you ,if you did run with morcelli ,you don t know morcelli when he speed ,i did compet against him 1500 m , so please do not talk about something you don t know ,hi finish last lap 51 second nobody can do that even el guerroui with all my respect to him bye.
no both did run under 3,30 in the same race..and actualy it was just a bad tactical race, normaly Aouita was the favourit, right after that it was him who broke that record and not cram
just watch the video. his stride wasn't out of place. It was very straight. he would also put himself in jeopardy to trip El G like that.
@mjolnir262 morceli clipped his own knee which caused the change in stride. completely unintentional. As much as I love El Gerrouj he wasnt ready for Morceli yet, in fact he hadnt even beaten him at this stage. Morceli wouldnt have needed to resort to such tactics. He never had to before or even after when he began his decline. A simple racing incident where no one was at fault, nothing more.
im soo agre with u..all the officiers of the biggest and the important meets in europe tried soo hard to made morecli running against hicham...but he only went to the meets that hicham couldn't run...he wasn't DQ cuz i guess the saw it like an accident?
viva nouradine morsli algerian athlete? best ever
TO BE CONTINUED...""" IMAD TOUIL """ Just remember this Algerian name...Junior World championship 2008 in Poland.
His "ugliness" did not stop him from becoming one of the finest athletes in the history of sport.
guerrouj messed up, its really as simple as that...he lost awareness of where his foot was going --> a similar thing happened to sebby in '84 olympic 1500m final but at that time it was steve scott apparently who was doing the stepping on from behind --> one can only feel sorry for guerrouj as he almost certainly would have done better than he did though it isnt clear he would have placed in the top three
You must be silly or ignorant. The guy who did fall (El gerrouje)was the favorite. He has no reason to trip the race leader. He would win if he didn't fall. After all, both are arab muslims.
i guess u forgot that el g hadnt beaten morceli ONCE at this stage. true el g went on to great things, and maybe he would have beaten morceli, but at this time time the likelihood is that morceli would have won
thx for uploadin the vid:) shame bout the music:P
i don't understand what u mean..umm are u talking about the 1999 world in Seville? if yes..el guerrouj killed that race...and moreceli finished like 7 or 8
et oui hicham le roi de 1500 M
morceli was in decline by then, he was only a shadow of what he used to be
yes it was clear , morceli knows he was not going to win against Elguerrouj. that's why he void that season to run against Elguerrouj, this one beat him right after the olympic
Il fallait lire debiter au lieu de debiner bien sûr
et ma réponse s'adressait à Midas234 qui prétendait que Hicham n'avait jamais battu Morcelli !!!
i understand you,yes morceli was silly in that final 1500 of atlanta1996, but stil he is not a bad guy and not a cheater.i guess he regreted to make such silly mistake..but what else he could do to be olympic champion.normaly he should had win the one of 1992 at barcelone
take a look again, Morceli sticks his right leg out, hoping El Guerrouj catches it, and he does.
vive morcelli for ever , the king of 1500 m , we love you morcelli , you are the best for ever
If Morcelli won 3 World Championships, The King Of 1500m Guerrouj did it for 4 times.
If Morcelli won one olympic medal by cheating Guerrouj won 2 (1500-5000) in the same olympic games by battling until the last meter honestly.
Records of Guerrouj are greater: 3 times the best sportman of the year on world, 4 times golden league winner. He has records keep exist more than 10 years. Just go to wikipedia and type Guerrouj and you will see that he is "Roi de 1500m"
So who are the losers????!!!!
tienes razon, le quito tiempo valiosisimo a cacho, la final entre el argelino y cacho, la final hubiera sido mucho mejor, porq los tres estaban fuertes(con el gerrouj) pero obviamente el marroqui venia mas tranquilo y fuerte q todos, estoy mas q seguro q hubiera ganada el gerrouj
This race would have been amazing if Hicham el guerrouj didnt trip. It was Morocco VS Nigeria the countries that are right beside eachother in North
Africa. Tell you the truth, i think Guerrouj would of won the race
legendair !! c'est pas des Lunettes ki me fau .
it's for u to focus hard on a footage . and if you 're honest enough you 'll see exactly how did it happened .
i know it's hard To accept a loss,unfortunitly thats the it is " morceli was a winner and still a winner 96.
Salam .
The trip must've been a great decline to a great runner like El Guerrouj since he finished last. I got pushed down in the 4th kilometer in a 5K race, but I finished 3rd.
You only have to see this video again in order to notice how Morcelli kicked El Guerrouj(Morcelli made a too strange movement leaving his leg to El guerrouj) Look between 2:38 and 2:42 very carefully and you will see why Morcelli is a cheater (He knew that El Guerrouj was superior at that race)
Abdi bile for somalia come on abdi!!
El Guerrouj this. El Guerrouj that. El Guerrouj bla bla bla. The fact of the matter is that El Guerrouj lost. Period.
Morceli quit the races following the death of his brother who was also his coach. Morceli never recovered from the loss.
El Guerrouj had nothing to do with Morcelli's decision to quit. Don't flatter yourselves, people of Morocoo.
Nobody who runs moves the leg in the same way as Morcelli. I'm going to say in Spanish: Morcelli dejó la pierna pues la mueve no de manera frontal, el deja la pierna moviendola de forma lateral, nadie que haya corrido en el atletismo hace eso pues significa desgaste innecesario de energía (a menos que tengas otro propósito,como en en este caso) . Morcelli patea a El Guerrouj eso está claro!!!
Even if El Guerrouj hadn't defeated Morcelli before, Morcelli needed to cheat so that he won a medal!!
what??!?!? haha how do you know???
who is the cheater you mean?
algeria not nigeria
its clear planned by morceli
Alright, we can sit here and argue over who tripped who for a thousand years, and the truth is, no one will know unless someone can get one them to confess to it. Besides, falling in a race happens to the best of us, tripped or not.
there was no cheating involved it was just an unfortunate incident.
La mort de son frere a represente la fin de sa carriere car apres cela, Noredine Morceli n'a plus ete en mesure de se concentrer et a donc pris la decision de prendre sa retraite.
Quelques réponses à mettre dans ta tête de mule ignorante:
El guerrouj a battu 4 records qu'il détient toujours (ce qui n'est plus le cas de morcelli,Hicham ayant battu la majorité de ses records) 1500m,2000,mile indoor et outdoor.
Hicham a été 4 fois champion du monde en 1997,1999,2001 et 2003
Il a gagné une médaille d'argent olympique en 2000 avant le feu d'artifice final avec 2 médailles d'or sur un doublé 1500/5000 en 2004.
cerraron a Fermín Cacho. El atleta que le cerró fue pagado por Nurredim Morcelli Morcilla.