I was introduced to this song when I first visited Taipei in late 2011. Those were the innocent first few months of my time here in Asia. Back then, life was exciting and new and much to hope for. But of course, nothing gold can lasts and all honeymoons end. such are the vicissitudes of life, when reality, with all its good and bad, become the norm. I still remember fondly those early days everytime I hear this song. Its sentimental and sweet and it seems like a long time ago. It gets me everytime, the sweet longing and sadness of the melody, it perfectly captures the long ago memories all of us have in our hearts. We know we can never relive those golden days of past, and perhaps we should not keep looking back. But we know that what is in our heart that has touched us so deeply lasts forever. In that sense, those golden days will never die. We will will someday be together again, all our memories and feelings.
@PLAYAROMA this band is from taiwan, and this song is also a movie soundtrack. but actually there's no words in this song, she just keep singing 'nah,nah,nah', lol
哈囉~各位喜歡這首音樂的大家~這是在10幾年前我讀大學的時候看電影第33個故事心靈被感動和治癒的歌~雖然沒有歌詞只有旋律哼哼唱唱~她依然很美好~至於為什麼後面沒有聲音我也忘了~可能那時候急著分享沒剪接好吧。原來的音樂長度就是有聲音的部分喔~也謝謝大家獲得共鳴~謝謝雷光夏老師~音樂是回憶最棒的鑰匙。來自2023年末的我 突然想起這個帳號再很久以前我的分享~
I was introduced to this song when I first visited Taipei in late 2011. Those were the innocent first few months of my time here in Asia. Back then, life was exciting and new and much to hope for. But of course, nothing gold can lasts and all honeymoons end. such are the vicissitudes of life, when reality, with all its good and bad, become the norm. I still remember fondly those early days everytime I hear this song. Its sentimental and sweet and it seems like a long time ago. It gets me everytime, the sweet longing and sadness of the melody, it perfectly captures the long ago memories all of us have in our hearts. We know we can never relive those golden days of past, and perhaps we should not keep looking back. But we know that what is in our heart that has touched us so deeply lasts forever. In that sense, those golden days will never die. We will will someday be together again, all our memories and feelings.
好多回憶 真的很奇妙
ㄏㄏ 真容易滿足
在這年輕的時候 在那些充滿了陽光的長長的下午 我無所事事也無所懼怕 只因為我知道 在我的生命裡有一種永遠的等待。挫折會來 也會過,熱淚會流下 也會收起。沒有什麼可以讓我氣餒了 因為 我有著長長的一生 而你 你一定會來😊
謝謝你的文字很觸動,生命來來去去,離開的總會相見,我也相信 :)
無所懼 長長的路上 有 你 有 妳 還有 你 謝謝。 文字很觸動人心 :)
Echo Kung
Echo Kung
2 年前
在這年輕的時候 在那些充滿了陽光的長長的下午 我無所事事也無所懼怕 只因為我知道 在我的生命裡有一種永遠的等待。挫折會來 也會過,熱淚會流下 也會收起。沒有什麼可以讓我氣餒了 因為 我有著長長的一生 而你 你一定會來😊
可是有個聲音告訴著我 我的討厭我的恨和怨都是源自喜歡她愛她的心 祝福的力量遠比怨氣怒氣好,他有權利選擇他現在所擁有的享受著 我會背著難過的心慢慢的努力認真的過好我的生活的
每每聽雷光夏的音樂心情總會寧靜許多 平靜下來 謝謝有雷光夏音樂陪著我
The song for those days in Taipei.
@PLAYAROMA this band is from taiwan, and this song is also a movie soundtrack. but actually there's no words in this song, she just keep singing 'nah,nah,nah', lol
Just perfect
@PLAYAROMA The language is Mandarin Chinese. It is from a Taiwanese movie called 36 Stories
A very good movie with pretty songs and music
lau mau 哈哈!會有這種人……
The film named "Taipei Exchanges."
@jing82614 jajajaja es verdad!!! solo dice nah nah nah nah!!!! (LOL, that´s true, thaks:) )
那...我按了," 上載" lol
sorry, but can you tell me what language this is? Japanese, chinese, korean, sorry I am from Mexico and I can´t identify it, thanks :)
chinese :) name of the song: 這就是城市(traditional Chinese)这就是城市(simplified Chinese) translation: this is city (or this is what city looks like)
要講幾次 那個icon不是下載.......
what film?
mgeric 要講幾次 這個梗並不好笑