The Bati is the best overall bike, The Akuma has the best top speed (without wheelieing), The Hakuchou has the best top speed (whilst wheelieing), The Ruffian is the best stunter, The Sanchez is the best for wall riding. On another note I think the Daemon is pronounced 'Day-Mon'.
The Bati is the best overall bike. The Hakuchou has the best top speed period (Akuma best acceleration, Bati best balance with wheelie speed + acceleration + traction).* The Bati is the best stunting vehicle by far (same goes for wallriding).*
And to add, the three best bikes for stunting are the Ruffian, Bati, and Hakuchou. The Ruffian is the best all rounder, though it can take practice as it's very easy to fly over the handle bars when trying to bump of a small-medium wall. The Bati is the easiest to use, most consistent, best for wall riding, and best for gliding due to it having a mass of 230 compared the the other two bikes mentioned at 250. The Hakuchou is by far the hardest to use, but it gets by far the most height out of bumps, though it lacks distance as a result.
Want to know about the Lectro & Enduro from the Heists DLC? Well click here: (or just check the playlist as mentioned where you'll find everything).
Want to know about the Vindicator from the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 DLC? Well click here: (or just check the playlist as mentioned where you'll find everything).
That was informative. I prefer the Akuma all around on pavement. I never thought to wheely for greater speed because in the real world wheelies slow you down quite a bit. Where one wheel in the air does reduce roll resistance it also upsets air flow and creates drag and a measure of instability.
1400IntruderVS but in games, most games don't have this because it's sorta hard to implement to a degree, and especially how it originally was ported from the xbox360 and ps3, it would've been hard to add.
I like to keep 2 of every kind of vehicle in my garages. My racing bike, I seem to keep switching between the Bati and the Double-T, because I know the Bati's better, but I feel like I personally preform more consistantly with the Double-T (plus I love how the Double-T looks). Then I keep either a Bagger or a Daemon as a cruising bike because of how rare and customizable they are :P Anyways, great job with these guides! You are easily the most helpful gta 5 content maker on youtube :D
glad to see the double t still did so well. its my fav sports for racing. ruffian is my fav for stunting cos you can get the front up so easily. awesome vid.
Little correction: Leaning forward makes no difference to lap times (3:38). The only bike affected by leaning forward is the Blazer. UPDATE: Correction from further testing in the replies below.
That's not what I've experienced and tested. Leaning forward definitely helps with acceleration, just nowhere near as much as wheelie-ing. I also found that the blazer isn't affected by leaning forward. So pretty much the opposite haha XD
I've tested both and checked frame by frame time differences in Adobe Premiere Pro, along with Slayer from Nomad Union (the stunting crew). I'm confident that we're right. Go to the airport runway with multiple motorbikes using a quick save in single player so you get the same runup every time. Test them without and without leaning forward. Then compare frame timing in an editing program. You will find that leaning forward makes no difference unless you're using a Blazer, I guarantee it. PS. You can't use a race for the airport test because of restricted areas.
***** Don't, I've just checked this across last gen and current gen while testing the turbo bug out. Leaning forwards makes a VERY small time difference in a straight line :P. Using the airport runway from beginning to end, comparing the times frame by frame, I found that regardless of which modifications you use, leaning forwards results in you reaching the end of the runway 8 frames quicker than without leaning forwards. That equals about 1/3 of a second faster. So, I stand corrected :). With that said, you'd never gain an appreciable difference from leaning forwards in a real world situation. Through corners, it wouldn't have the time to make much of a difference (you'd certainly get better results out of not leaning forwards in this case, due to improved turning circles). On a long straight, you'd never lean forwards instead of doing a wheelie. So yeah, I wouldn't really recommend leaning forwards under any circumstances, but it does make a difference of 0.26* seconds on the airport runway (which is a 24.5 seconds long runup on a stock Bati, without a wheelie, east to west). Hope this helps :).
well done with the series dude. hopefully r* see this and spice up the classes system. would be really nice to see the host able to set a selection of vehicles rather than the track creator limiting you to only ever using the vehicles from 1 class that he likes. Would love to be able to race something like voltics and the closely matched sports cars and maybe even some bikes in the race. lol
All I heard since it came out "Hakuchou is the new fastest bike in the game". I guess you found different. Though I do use it to race with of my characters, I prefer the Bati 801 especially on stunting tracks. Hakuchou is a good racer but man is it god awful trying to pop over objects or stunt.
Justin Lynch Technically it's the fastest cuz it has the highest top speed and on-par acceleration with the akuma if you wheelie properly, just not the quickest in races with many corners, but as Broughy said it's the best in highway races thanks to it's speed and acceleration :D
I'm not surprised one bit, honestly. I find myself pretty good in bike races and, if I get in the zone with my Bati 801, I'm untouchable. I hit those wheelies whenever possible and even in those random races with catch-up and slipstream on, most people just can't catch me... and if they do, a second later, I've already shot past them like a rocket.
Bati, Bati, Bati, Bati!!! Yeee! Btw what surprised me was the Sanchez: I thought that it would be able to make the top 10.. And that it would beat the Thrust and the LCC Innovation.. Then my feeling that the Hakuchou would make the top 3 was correct, so, yeah, I'm glad for it. But I was expecting that the lap times were more close than a "big" 1.1 seconds! I also know that there was a "glitch" (maybe now it's fixed) that allows you to customize the Lifeguard Blazer thanks to the iFruit app, but anyway it will be in...19th place ahaha ;) At last thanks for this video, hope you'll upload soon the one you mentioned in the video.
I did actually try that lifeguard blazer glitch but it didn't work, so no dice on that one. I thought the sanchez would be higher too but in that section they're all pretty close :)
Oh ok, so R* definetly fix it. And yeah I know. Being 1 second faster, I mean, it's such a little time lol. Even thinking about 0.3 or 0.5 i.e. seconds. But that matters in a racing situation ;)
Nice work Broughy1322! You know i'm a specialist of motorbikes. I don't speak very well english, but you explained very well the characteristic of each bikes.
This video surprised me, because I always beat everyone with my Hakuchou over both the Bati and the Akuma. I switched from my Bati to the Hakuchou and had a huge amount of success with it. But I trust Broughy and his tests, I guess I am just more skillful with the Hakuchou.
Along with the better acceleration, I've always found the Akuma to be the better handling bike and much better over curbs/bumps and going offroad over the Bati, which only had the better top speed. All my fastest lap times are with the Bati due to wheelieing, but they're only better by less than a second, which while time attacks are concerned is a huge difference, doesn't matter much when everyone online is still 6-10+ seconds behind me either way. Plus wheelieing is boring to me lol. Therefore my go-to bike is the Akuma for everything except racing the other 'top' guys I know. I'm more of an always-go-for-the-best-time-no-matter-what kind of guy, but since wheelieing is boring to me (and I don't mean challenging/annoying), I want more consistency and ease this time around.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but if you show the fastest lap in the video, then the Bati's fastest lap was the first one you did which is actually really impressive considering you dont get that extra speed to start the lap compared when finishing a lap and starting a new one, also thanks Broughy! (y)
Bati 801RR is my favorite bike in the game. I used to ride it constantly when i was really low level so I could keep up with (and beat) zentorno's on missions
I was almost certain that the hackachu would be faster than the akuma but I suppose not. I knew the bati would be the race winner but the ruffian is still my personnel favourite bike in the game. So much fun to ride.
i wasn't surprised by the bati, what's funny is I never could feel a diffrence between the akuma and bati, so I picked bati for it's stunting capabilities because they've saved me from dying.
well im supprised that the carbon finished 5th, as it handles very well but 1m 2secs isnt that bad compered to others cars in my garage. but thanks for the wheely tip
Wow, Trevor's Hot Rod is better for racing than Franklin's Bagger. It's even more of a shame considering the Bagger can only beat the Faggio and the unmodifiable Lifeguard Nagasaki in lap times. I suppose that makes the "free" (via spawn menu from the single player 4 car garage) Carbon RS from the CE, the Thrust and Hakuchou motorcycles from the DLCs even more useful as the "go to" replacements for the Bagger in the single player campaign (which I will be replaying in its entirety once the next gen version is released). Personally, I'm hoping that we can set a completely different "Default" player customizable vehicle for Franklin (Sultan or Elegy and Bati 801 for me), Michael (Schafter or Huntley) and Trevor (Dubsta 6x6 or Sandking XL) as a new feature in the next gen consoles, and maybe have a default bike option for Michael (LCC Innovation) and Trevor (Sanchez or Akuma). I'm a bit disappointed at the latest DLC motorcycle the Hakuchou's lap time performance. This was supposed to be the GTA clone of the Suzuki Hyabusa one of the fastest production bikes made and the chance to have a DLC motorcycle rise to the top of its class similar to how the Zentorno, Rhapsody and Huntley, all DLC vehicles were the best of their classes with the Massacro and the Blade being close seconds. Thanks again for all the work done testing and making these videos. They are all very helpful in deciding what will ultimately wind up in my GTAO garages!
My list was way off. I also assumed the Hot Road Blazer and Lifeguard Blazer would get the same lap times as the normal Blazer. All in all, nice video. Was there ever any doubt that the Bati and Akuma would still be at the top? ;)
I've noticed that with the Akuma you HAVE to lean forward at the higher speeds; when you lean back it doesn't get the front wheel up and essentially kills its top speed.
The Daemon is the only bike with a kick start animation (or to my knowledge it is) and therefore to me is the coolest Also Seat tassles, just....just seat tassles
Interesting, the top 2 bikes are similar to the top 2 cars. The Bati is better than the Akuma, but it requires much more attention to maximize its ability. Same relationship between the Zentorno and Enity.
About the World Records in GTA Online, I think they are now reset every day. That means if you get the best lap time on a given track on a given day, you get a World Record. Pretty cool since before 1.17 the lap times had been hacked and were impossible to attain.
I used the 3rd best bike in the long haul 2 race with a full 16 player race and I won with it because the 3rd best bike fly's along the starights when getting that from wheel up.
I was wondering when this video was going to go up. The results were kind of what I expected except the Bati and the Akuma were closer then I thought they would be. If the Akuma could wheelie do you think it would easily be the quickest bike?
Well the Akuma can wheelie, it's just that the bati gets more of a boost out of it. When neither of them are wheelieing the akuma is the quickest though.
***** Ive always said that the Bati is overrated for racing. Its treated like its some sort of god amongst boys in the bikes when in fact on tracks made for bikes the bati cant even keep up. To me a bike race should be a LOT of consecutive turns due to their traction. With that in mind the wheeling aspect would go out the window. Of course on tracks like this the Bati will win but even then just barely. I own one pretty much only for stunt races, we never actually race bikes anymore but when we did I was akuma all the way and I won a lot.
LambentBunny Well its by no means slow in the turns and it would still be second but the akuma without wheeling is faster and has better acceleration. So on a track made for bikes that doesnt have long sections for wheeling the akuma is supreme. Part of the reason a car race requires those straights to be so long is because it takes so long to reach top speed. With the bikes it doesnt take very long at all so a normal straight for a car turns the track into more of a drag race with a bike. Basically tracks like the original cutting coroners or downtown underground that lack technical aspects. I think the akuma and bati are closer this time around because the track has more turns for the akuma to do its thing than the original testing but its still designed for cars, not bikes so again you see the Bati edge out the akuma by a cunt hair.
That's because I had to use someone else's as I don't have the collectors edition vehicles. The time you see is actually for the Carbon RS and as you can see that's what I'm riding in the video.
You CAN upgrade the lifeguard blazer using your phone 📱 with the ifruit app just log in and you will be able to modify it but still no insurance. Maybe you want to test it that way idk but it isn't really a glitch it's just something you can only do from the phone.
So, a friend of mine has an Akuma. How am I going to beat that? The Bati 801 is quick, but it seems to really lose out in a straight line. I'm thinking a Hakuchou, should dominate in a straight line. I'll just have to work a little harder in the corners...
All videos I see mention pulling back on the stick to pull a wheelie and get the acceleration boost when coming out of a corner, but none mention pushing forward on the stick when you are on straights, it gives you a boost on top of your max speed which you can't get from doing a wheelie, at the expense of ot being able to corner.
That's because pulling a wheelie is a much better option than pushing forward in terms of acceleration and top speed gained. Pushing forward isn't anywhere near as effecting as wheelie-ing
I know this comment is made quite a long time ago but just to give you an update the new cars in the cunning stunts update are faster than the bati now.
Overall, its completely your opinion of which one you like the best, but some people want to go the fastest, some want to do stunts, and some want to just cruise, whatever you choose. That rhymed.
***** Double T is a good bike and i use it pretty much for all races, its pretty fast but not the fastest but one thing it can do is pretty much take any corner full throttle while almost all the other bikes you had to let off the gas or slow down, that thing corners so fast and thats the place where you over take people, iv been racing with it while EVERYONE else was either using a akuma or batti and i got so far ahead by the end of the race a couple of people were calling me a hacker because of i was over 10 seconds ahead from everyone else so yes its a good bike to race
Was just wondering, has any difference been noticed between the motorcycle wheels? After seeing the Off-Road tire video, I noticed the Bobber wheels have the thickest wheel-sidewall, does this make a difference, or is it just aesthetic?
Great, informative video. I wonder if things have changed at all since the most recent updates. Also, do you know which bike is best for heists and the like? I prefer acceleration and handling over top speed. I know it's dumb to use a motorcycle for heists and missions, but it's so much more fun.
Yeah, if you haven't gotten the Akuma yet, you definitely should. My brother and I both have them and like them very much. Aesthetically and in terms of sound I think it's better than the Bati 801. I have the tube frame on mine painted chrome, and it looks so good.
Im always curious about tests like this one. The akuma came in second, with the bati in first (this is fine). But how much is really tied to the bike's performance vs your ability to drive that bike effectively? With practice wouldn't you be able to beat that bati time with the akuma or even the third place bike? Don't know, but I find it an interesting test to micro-analyze
by far you make better videos than gun1t123 because he only judges vehicles based on how it feels and he usually does top 5 AND he doesn't do lap times (this is not a hate comment)
I only race with the Akuma but I do struggle on the long haul against the bati but I'm wondering now if I should go for the thrust or the hakouchu for these long races. Brought how about a video on a long race where straights dominate the track? Say with the top 5 cars ant top 5 bikes?
Cheers no problem at all I do like your tests on the coroners tracks and you have clearly spent enough time doing them I'm just coming R from an every day racing POV like with races such as grand tour and long haul. No worries though you've done some great stuff already. I'll give the hakachou a whirl anyway
Is it making any difference when you upgrade akuma? I mean it has maxed acceleration already, so like, does it upgrade its performance in any way? (except brakes)
results were as expected, though I think i'll stick to my akuma. most of the bike races i do with my friends are consecutive corners, so very few straights to get the wheel up and seems like the akuma is much better than the bati without wheelies. also, do you have any advice on how to obtain the nemesis? I just want it for free roaming and the rarity factor
Yeah I'd probably lean towards the Akuma being the better race bike even if it isn't the quickest. Can't help you with the nemesis I'm afraid - I got really lucky getting it in free roam randomly.
Uh, I ride a motorcycle and drag motorcycles have an extended swingarm to reduce wheelies. The more time your front wheel is in the air the less aerodynamic you are and less throttle you can give. Think again before you speak. (:
+LaneShift YT having an extended swing arm doesn't stop it from doing a wheelie notice how most drag bikes have a wheelie bar. It's sad you didn't know this.
+LaneShift YT do I prove my point doing a wheelie makes you go faster. Also please watch actually motorcycle Grand Prix races you can see the front wheel leave the ground when they want to go fast. You clearly don't ride on a track or drag strip you just ride slow and on the street like every other person driving on the road. I doubt you do any racing since you are very uneducated in the field.
Charles Morris Interesting... Maybe its my headphones but the Bati is a dead ringer for a Ducati in terms of engine noise, by far the best sounding for me, I am guessing I am hearing it differently to you folks though.
I just started playing GTA Online again. And I found some old competitive races. And it looked like a lot of fun! Are you guys still doing competitive races or did the community die?
The Bati is the best overall bike,
The Akuma has the best top speed (without wheelieing),
The Hakuchou has the best top speed (whilst wheelieing),
The Ruffian is the best stunter,
The Sanchez is the best for wall riding.
On another note I think the Daemon is pronounced 'Day-Mon'.
The innovation is the best cruiser bike,
The blazer is the best 4-wheel.
Lasagna Buster Yeah and those :P
If it was spelled Damon then it would be 'Day-mon'. Since it's spelled Daemon it is in fact 'Dee-mon'.
According to google translate its 'Dee-Man' haha
The Bati is the best overall bike.
The Hakuchou has the best top speed period (Akuma best acceleration, Bati best balance with wheelie speed + acceleration + traction).*
The Bati is the best stunting vehicle by far (same goes for wallriding).*
you are the only youtuber that works hard to make videos, sad that you don't have much subs compared to other youtubers
that's a lie lmao
And to add, the three best bikes for stunting are the Ruffian, Bati, and Hakuchou.
The Ruffian is the best all rounder, though it can take practice as it's very easy to fly over the handle bars when trying to bump of a small-medium wall.
The Bati is the easiest to use, most consistent, best for wall riding, and best for gliding due to it having a mass of 230 compared the the other two bikes mentioned at 250.
The Hakuchou is by far the hardest to use, but it gets by far the most height out of bumps, though it lacks distance as a result.
Want to know about the Lectro & Enduro from the Heists DLC? Well click here: (or just check the playlist as mentioned where you'll find everything).
Do you know what's the best bike right now?
I think alums should be 1st because it has great turning
you need to change your videos to best race vehicles instead of fastest cause then shtizu and adder should be number 1
Michael Brown "Fastest" is relative. Here.s the serries for top speed:
+Michael Brown adder and shitzu arent the fastest vehicles
lol "the Lifeguard Blazer can't be stopped!" 0:30
Want to know about the Vindicator from the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 DLC? Well click here: (or just check the playlist as mentioned where you'll find everything).
***** If you forget about races, what bike would you advice?
***** Thank you :D
What a quick reply, even on a video that was made long ago, I might subcribe, do you have any future video ideas?
Tomás Gomes I've got more future video ideas than I have time to make them :)
***** Nice, subscribed, could you give me an example, or is it confidential? :p
thanks for these videos broughy i cant even imagine the time it mustve taken, very appreciated
No problem! Glad to help :)
0:30 "the Lifeguard Blazer can't be stopped" YEAH LIFEGUARD BLAZER BEAAAAST
+koalawithchaingun53 didnt realise that while watching, thanks for the laugh
This is how an intelligent video is done about GTA. Thanks Broughy, u r reliable as always. Nicely done 😀😀😀
Thanks! :)
That was informative.
I prefer the Akuma all around on pavement.
I never thought to wheely for greater speed because in the real world wheelies slow you down quite a bit. Where one wheel in the air does reduce roll resistance it also upsets air flow and creates drag and a measure of instability.
1400IntruderVS but in games, most games don't have this because it's sorta hard to implement to a degree, and especially how it originally was ported from the xbox360 and ps3, it would've been hard to add.
the hakuchu "lacks a little bit of traction" hahaha. That's an understatement. It's like driving on snow
Hahaha XD
fantastic series... well done sir!
Thanks! :)
I like to keep 2 of every kind of vehicle in my garages. My racing bike, I seem to keep switching between the Bati and the Double-T, because I know the Bati's better, but I feel like I personally preform more consistantly with the Double-T (plus I love how the Double-T looks). Then I keep either a Bagger or a Daemon as a cruising bike because of how rare and customizable they are :P
Anyways, great job with these guides! You are easily the most helpful gta 5 content maker on youtube :D
Thanks man! I appreciate that :)
glad to see the double t still did so well. its my fav sports for racing. ruffian is my fav for stunting cos you can get the front up so easily. awesome vid.
Thanks! :)
Thank you for these vids, most informative and thorough series I've found yet!
Glad to help!
Awesome stuff Broughy :)
Little correction: Leaning forward makes no difference to lap times (3:38). The only bike affected by leaning forward is the Blazer.
UPDATE: Correction from further testing in the replies below.
That's not what I've experienced and tested. Leaning forward definitely helps with acceleration, just nowhere near as much as wheelie-ing. I also found that the blazer isn't affected by leaning forward. So pretty much the opposite haha XD
I've tested both and checked frame by frame time differences in Adobe Premiere Pro, along with Slayer from Nomad Union (the stunting crew). I'm confident that we're right.
Go to the airport runway with multiple motorbikes using a quick save in single player so you get the same runup every time. Test them without and without leaning forward. Then compare frame timing in an editing program. You will find that leaning forward makes no difference unless you're using a Blazer, I guarantee it.
PS. You can't use a race for the airport test because of restricted areas.
It's something I'll attempt to do for a future series :)
***** Don't, I've just checked this across last gen and current gen while testing the turbo bug out. Leaning forwards makes a VERY small time difference in a straight line :P.
Using the airport runway from beginning to end, comparing the times frame by frame, I found that regardless of which modifications you use, leaning forwards results in you reaching the end of the runway 8 frames quicker than without leaning forwards. That equals about 1/3 of a second faster. So, I stand corrected :).
With that said, you'd never gain an appreciable difference from leaning forwards in a real world situation. Through corners, it wouldn't have the time to make much of a difference (you'd certainly get better results out of not leaning forwards in this case, due to improved turning circles). On a long straight, you'd never lean forwards instead of doing a wheelie.
So yeah, I wouldn't really recommend leaning forwards under any circumstances, but it does make a difference of 0.26* seconds on the airport runway (which is a 24.5 seconds long runup on a stock Bati, without a wheelie, east to west). Hope this helps :).
VaNilla Good to know! :)
Hmm. Think I'll ditch the carbon for the akuma.. just sold my hakouchu? Last week. Great video again!
love the series. cant wait to see your gta v next gen vids!
Yeah I can't wait for next gen GTA :D
well done with the series dude. hopefully r* see this and spice up the classes system. would be really nice to see the host able to set a selection of vehicles rather than the track creator limiting you to only ever using the vehicles from 1 class that he likes. Would love to be able to race something like voltics and the closely matched sports cars and maybe even some bikes in the race. lol
Fully agree, would love to see a much better class system for racing fully upgraded cars. Cheers!
Wow! You really put much effort in this video.Keep it up!Like and sub :)
All I heard since it came out "Hakuchou is the new fastest bike in the game". I guess you found different.
Though I do use it to race with of my characters, I prefer the Bati 801 especially on stunting tracks. Hakuchou is a good racer but man is it god awful trying to pop over objects or stunt.
Justin Lynch Technically it's the fastest cuz it has the highest top speed and on-par acceleration with the akuma if you wheelie properly, just not the quickest in races with many corners, but as Broughy said it's the best in highway races thanks to it's speed and acceleration :D
Justin Lynch I actually love doing some stunting with the Hakuchou. its really not that bad.
I'm not surprised one bit, honestly. I find myself pretty good in bike races and, if I get in the zone with my Bati 801, I'm untouchable. I hit those wheelies whenever possible and even in those random races with catch-up and slipstream on, most people just can't catch me... and if they do, a second later, I've already shot past them like a rocket.
Bati, Bati, Bati, Bati!!! Yeee!
Btw what surprised me was the Sanchez: I thought that it would be able to make the top 10.. And that it would beat the Thrust and the LCC Innovation..
Then my feeling that the Hakuchou would make the top 3 was correct, so, yeah, I'm glad for it. But I was expecting that the lap times were more close than a "big" 1.1 seconds!
I also know that there was a "glitch" (maybe now it's fixed) that allows you to customize the Lifeguard Blazer thanks to the iFruit app, but anyway it will be in...19th place ahaha ;)
At last thanks for this video, hope you'll upload soon the one you mentioned in the video.
I did actually try that lifeguard blazer glitch but it didn't work, so no dice on that one. I thought the sanchez would be higher too but in that section they're all pretty close :)
Oh ok, so R* definetly fix it.
And yeah I know. Being 1 second faster, I mean, it's such a little time lol. Even thinking about 0.3 or 0.5 i.e. seconds. But that matters in a racing situation ;)
Good video :)
I love the innovation, hakuchow and the carbon RS ^^
Really great help. Got a carbon RS BUT HAD A FEELING IT was lagging some what. Not upgraded yet though so won't sell!
Nice work Broughy1322! You know i'm a specialist of motorbikes. I don't speak very well english, but you explained very well the characteristic of each bikes.
if you're interested or anyone interested, i have published 3 videos of my rockstar race on my chain (1 World Record).
Nice videos. You should upload more 😜
tyler_12d Thanks! I'm glad I met with the approval of a bike specialist :D
This video surprised me, because I always beat everyone with my Hakuchou over both the Bati and the Akuma. I switched from my Bati to the Hakuchou and had a huge amount of success with it. But I trust Broughy and his tests, I guess I am just more skillful with the Hakuchou.
Along with the better acceleration, I've always found the Akuma to be the better handling bike and much better over curbs/bumps and going offroad over the Bati, which only had the better top speed. All my fastest lap times are with the Bati due to wheelieing, but they're only better by less than a second, which while time attacks are concerned is a huge difference, doesn't matter much when everyone online is still 6-10+ seconds behind me either way. Plus wheelieing is boring to me lol. Therefore my go-to bike is the Akuma for everything except racing the other 'top' guys I know. I'm more of an always-go-for-the-best-time-no-matter-what kind of guy, but since wheelieing is boring to me (and I don't mean challenging/annoying), I want more consistency and ease this time around.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but if you show the fastest lap in the video, then the Bati's fastest lap was the first one you did which is actually really impressive considering you dont get that extra speed to start the lap compared when finishing a lap and starting a new one, also thanks Broughy! (y)
It was on the second lap - the bati isn't that good haha XD Cheers :)
Hakuchou is my everything bike!
Bati 801RR is my favorite bike in the game. I used to ride it constantly when i was really low level so I could keep up with (and beat) zentorno's on missions
An Analysis video up next? THAT I can't wait for!
I don't go quite as in depth as you might like but there's always scope for that in future videos. It's more of a round-up
I was almost certain that the hackachu would be faster than the akuma but I suppose not. I knew the bati would be the race winner but the ruffian is still my personnel favourite bike in the game. So much fun to ride.
i wasn't surprised by the bati, what's funny is I never could feel a diffrence between the akuma and bati, so I picked bati for it's stunting capabilities because they've saved me from dying.
The analysis video should be interesting. Im looking forward to your spreadsheet.
Fun to use because of wheelies: Hakuchou
All around good: Bati
Never wheelies but will go take you from point a to b fast: Akuma
well im supprised that the carbon finished 5th, as it handles very well but 1m 2secs isnt that bad compered to others cars in my garage. but thanks for the wheely tip
The only real advantage to the Bati, is that it can wheelie, and then you can do stunts.
And I predicted the top 3 correctly
so what is the difference between the Pegasus Bati 801 and the Pegassi Bati 801RR? why 3000$ more? is it just for the racing paint job?
They're identical in terms of performance. The extra money is just for the livery
+Broughy1322 thanks man, really appreciate you answering on a video posted a few months ago :)
The Bati 801 RR is slower then the Bati 801 idk why
Wow I can't believe I bought one thinking it had better performance, what a waste of money
i kept getting around 1:03 with the hakuchou drag. you cant wheelie :( and holding duck doesnt do much
Wow, Trevor's Hot Rod is better for racing than Franklin's Bagger. It's even more of a shame considering the Bagger can only beat the Faggio and the unmodifiable Lifeguard Nagasaki in lap times.
I suppose that makes the "free" (via spawn menu from the single player 4 car garage) Carbon RS from the CE, the Thrust and Hakuchou motorcycles from the DLCs even more useful as the "go to" replacements for the Bagger in the single player campaign (which I will be replaying in its entirety once the next gen version is released).
Personally, I'm hoping that we can set a completely different "Default" player customizable vehicle for Franklin (Sultan or Elegy and Bati 801 for me), Michael (Schafter or Huntley) and Trevor (Dubsta 6x6 or Sandking XL) as a new feature in the next gen consoles, and maybe have a default bike option for Michael (LCC Innovation) and Trevor (Sanchez or Akuma).
I'm a bit disappointed at the latest DLC motorcycle the Hakuchou's lap time performance. This was supposed to be the GTA clone of the Suzuki Hyabusa one of the fastest production bikes made and the chance to have a DLC motorcycle rise to the top of its class similar to how the Zentorno, Rhapsody and Huntley, all DLC vehicles were the best of their classes with the Massacro and the Blade being close seconds.
Thanks again for all the work done testing and making these videos. They are all very helpful in deciding what will ultimately wind up in my GTAO garages!
No problem! Glad to help :)
I never noticed the thumbnail before xD
I always thought it was a Bati :D
My list was way off. I also assumed the Hot Road Blazer and Lifeguard Blazer would get the same lap times as the normal Blazer. All in all, nice video. Was there ever any doubt that the Bati and Akuma would still be at the top? ;)
Can't imagine there being too many surprised with the top two for most people here :)
I like the Ruffian in free roam, typically don't do motorcycle races so no big deal really.
Yeah it's definitely a nice bike to jog around on.
Thanks mate 😉 😉 😉
Is the akuma fully upgraded? because the exhaust is not on that high position like in the vide @10:35
Exhaust has no effect on performance so will be stock in this video.
I've noticed that with the Akuma you HAVE to lean forward at the higher speeds; when you lean back it doesn't get the front wheel up and essentially kills its top speed.
Even with the front wheel not up that much it's still more effective to wheelie than it is to lean forward.
The Daemon is the only bike with a kick start animation (or to my knowledge it is) and therefore to me is the coolest
Seat tassles, just....just seat tassles
Interesting, the top 2 bikes are similar to the top 2 cars. The Bati is better than the Akuma, but it requires much more attention to maximize its ability. Same relationship between the Zentorno and Enity.
About the World Records in GTA Online, I think they are now reset every day. That means if you get the best lap time on a given track on a given day, you get a World Record. Pretty cool since before 1.17 the lap times had been hacked and were impossible to attain.
I came, I saw, I came again
Haha XD
I used the 3rd best bike in the long haul 2 race with a full 16 player race and I won with it because the 3rd best bike fly's along the starights when getting that from wheel up.
I was wondering when this video was going to go up.
The results were kind of what I expected except the Bati and the Akuma were closer then I thought they would be. If the Akuma could wheelie do you think it would easily be the quickest bike?
Well the Akuma can wheelie, it's just that the bati gets more of a boost out of it. When neither of them are wheelieing the akuma is the quickest though.
It only wheelies like a foot off the ground though haha. But yeah I gotcha.
Im still always gonna stick with my Akuma. Best bike in the game
The Bati is a very unforgiving bike but hands down the best for hot lapping on most tracks.
Agree with that. I think the Akuma could possibly be the best race bike in all honestly.
***** Ive always said that the Bati is overrated for racing. Its treated like its some sort of god amongst boys in the bikes when in fact on tracks made for bikes the bati cant even keep up. To me a bike race should be a LOT of consecutive turns due to their traction. With that in mind the wheeling aspect would go out the window. Of course on tracks like this the Bati will win but even then just barely. I own one pretty much only for stunt races, we never actually race bikes anymore but when we did I was akuma all the way and I won a lot.
TrowaPX Guess its just a speed thing like lots of people think fastest top speed = best.
LambentBunny Well its by no means slow in the turns and it would still be second but the akuma without wheeling is faster and has better acceleration. So on a track made for bikes that doesnt have long sections for wheeling the akuma is supreme. Part of the reason a car race requires those straights to be so long is because it takes so long to reach top speed. With the bikes it doesnt take very long at all so a normal straight for a car turns the track into more of a drag race with a bike. Basically tracks like the original cutting coroners or downtown underground that lack technical aspects. I think the akuma and bati are closer this time around because the track has more turns for the akuma to do its thing than the original testing but its still designed for cars, not bikes so again you see the Bati edge out the akuma by a cunt hair.
TrowaPX Bati>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Akuma
For the Carbon RS vid, the post scoreboard only showed the Bati 801 times and the RS DNF'd.
That's because I had to use someone else's as I don't have the collectors edition vehicles. The time you see is actually for the Carbon RS and as you can see that's what I'm riding in the video.
Double-T just sounds so much better then the Bati, it makes the speed difference invalid.
Gonna stick to the akuma :)
You CAN upgrade the lifeguard blazer using your phone 📱 with the ifruit app just log in and you will be able to modify it but still no insurance. Maybe you want to test it that way idk but it isn't really a glitch it's just something you can only do from the phone.
So, a friend of mine has an Akuma. How am I going to beat that? The Bati 801 is quick, but it seems to really lose out in a straight line. I'm thinking a Hakuchou, should dominate in a straight line. I'll just have to work a little harder in the corners...
Nice vid! Subbed :)
Can you do the new heist bike (electro with KERS boost), Thnx! :p
Thanks! Didn't look too much into my channel though did you :P video on new bike was up on friday :)
Haha ^^
All videos I see mention pulling back on the stick to pull a wheelie and get the acceleration boost when coming out of a corner, but none mention pushing forward on the stick when you are on straights, it gives you a boost on top of your max speed which you can't get from doing a wheelie, at the expense of ot being able to corner.
That's because pulling a wheelie is a much better option than pushing forward in terms of acceleration and top speed gained. Pushing forward isn't anywhere near as effecting as wheelie-ing
sterling knightley Thanks bro, really worked out for me. Is it only a feeling or does this work best when you're in a good position?
How do you get the ruffian with one headlight
MMotorcycles are awesome. Even the 4th fastest is better than the T20.
I know this comment is made quite a long time ago but just to give you an update the new cars in the cunning stunts update are faster than the bati now.
Hakuchou is fastest, but akuma is better if there is turns all the time
But the bati is just a mix of both
Ethan Vandewoestyne Double T come on, Such a cheap bike and handles the best out of all of them and sounds the best and is very fast
Overall, its completely your opinion of which one you like the best, but some people want to go the fastest, some want to do stunts, and some want to just cruise, whatever you choose.
That rhymed.
Ethan Vandewoestyne true but you got to admit one of the best all round bikes is double t
I agree
***** Double T is a good bike and i use it pretty much for all races, its pretty fast but not the fastest but one thing it can do is pretty much take any corner full throttle while almost all the other bikes you had to let off the gas or slow down, that thing corners so fast and thats the place where you over take people, iv been racing with it while EVERYONE else was either using a akuma or batti and i got so far ahead by the end of the race a couple of people were calling me a hacker because of i was over 10 seconds ahead from everyone else so yes its a good bike to race
the akuma is still my fav bike, no matter what anybody says
thx i was about to buy dinka thrust cus i won 2nd with my bati 801
Was just wondering, has any difference been noticed between the motorcycle wheels?
After seeing the Off-Road tire video, I noticed the Bobber wheels have the thickest wheel-sidewall, does this make a difference, or is it just aesthetic?
Can't say I've fully tested it but bikes are pretty impervious to bumps under normal circumstances anyway
Right, thanks man!
I appreciate your speedy replies :)
Great, informative video. I wonder if things have changed at all since the most recent updates.
Also, do you know which bike is best for heists and the like? I prefer acceleration and handling over top speed.
I know it's dumb to use a motorcycle for heists and missions, but it's so much more fun.
Things haven't changed in terms of the order. For heists and general freemode you're probably going to want to go with the Akuma
Yeah, if you haven't gotten the Akuma yet, you definitely should. My brother and I both have them and like them very much. Aesthetically and in terms of sound I think it's better than the Bati 801. I have the tube frame on mine painted chrome, and it looks so good.
P.S., the Akuma's real-world counterpart is the Buell XB9 or XB12, and it's even more badass in real life.
you have a great view to subscriber ratio
Well thanks! :)
Im always curious about tests like this one. The akuma came in second, with the bati in first (this is fine). But how much is really tied to the bike's performance vs your ability to drive that bike effectively? With practice wouldn't you be able to beat that bati time with the akuma or even the third place bike? Don't know, but I find it an interesting test to micro-analyze
I give each of the bikes the same amount of time (and a lot of practice with them all already)
by far you make better videos than gun1t123 because he only judges vehicles based on how it feels and he usually does top 5 AND he doesn't do lap times (this is not a hate comment)
I only race with the Akuma but I do struggle on the long haul against the bati but I'm wondering now if I should go for the thrust or the hakouchu for these long races. Brought how about a video on a long race where straights dominate the track? Say with the top 5 cars ant top 5 bikes?
I would recommend the Hakuchou personally. Can't guarantee I'll be doing any top speed tests but never say never.
Cheers no problem at all I do like your tests on the coroners tracks and you have clearly spent enough time doing them I'm just coming R from an every day racing POV like with races such as grand tour and long haul. No worries though you've done some great stuff already. I'll give the hakachou a whirl anyway
Is it making any difference when you upgrade akuma? I mean it has maxed acceleration already, so like, does it upgrade its performance in any way? (except brakes)
It doesn't have max acceleration already - don't trust everything you see:
results were as expected, though I think i'll stick to my akuma. most of the bike races i do with my friends are consecutive corners, so very few straights to get the wheel up and seems like the akuma is much better than the bati without wheelies.
also, do you have any advice on how to obtain the nemesis? I just want it for free roaming and the rarity factor
Yeah I'd probably lean towards the Akuma being the better race bike even if it isn't the quickest. Can't help you with the nemesis I'm afraid - I got really lucky getting it in free roam randomly.
I really hate that doing a wheelie is faster. Way unrealistic...
No it's not unrealistic idiot look at drag motorcycles in real life you fucking 12 year old.
Uh, I ride a motorcycle and drag motorcycles have an extended swingarm to reduce wheelies. The more time your front wheel is in the air the less aerodynamic you are and less throttle you can give. Think again before you speak. (:
+Cool Beans please watch any drag racing video you idiot before commenting that you rude a motorcycle.
+LaneShift YT having an extended swing arm doesn't stop it from doing a wheelie notice how most drag bikes have a wheelie bar. It's sad you didn't know this.
+LaneShift YT do I prove my point doing a wheelie makes you go faster. Also please watch actually motorcycle Grand Prix races you can see the front wheel leave the ground when they want to go fast. You clearly don't ride on a track or drag strip you just ride slow and on the street like every other person driving on the road. I doubt you do any racing since you are very uneducated in the field.
Is there any difference in acceleration and top speed between a Bati 801 & a Bati 801RR ?
which of these are in story mode and last gen together? please please tell me
does the the turbo add on actually improve the akumas acceleration even though the stat is maxed out?
Yes. more info about that here:
Big surprise. I thought the Carbon RS was the fastest. Now I might have to replace the bike with a Bati.
i predicted top 3 but the rest i had no clue about
I'll stick with the Akuma since you have to be accurate with the Batti
What kind of times could you get with the new Vindicator bike here?
what is the racing track?
is it avaiable on xbox one?
6:15 and what car is it? fastest than all bikes?
I said faster than all the bikes up to that point:
If do the wheelie it will go faster right? but if you duck(hold A on xbox) can it go faster like wheelie?
Wheelie > Leaning Forward > Doing Nothing
thanks for the answer but I got another question.
Can you tell me about wheels for cars?
I really confuse about it.
This is all you need to know:
I ♡ the nemesis even though it's not the fastest it's such a great little bike
how about the Lectro? vs Akuma / Bati 801
The only reason i dont use the bati is because the engine sounds so high pitched and i cant stand it lol
I'm the same mate, akuma is much nicer!
msp2896 hell yeah
Charles Morris Interesting... Maybe its my headphones but the Bati is a dead ringer for a Ducati in terms of engine noise, by far the best sounding for me, I am guessing I am hearing it differently to you folks though.
tomcornwall83 it sounds super squirly and high pitched, i think ducatis sound much more low pitched
+Dorito Bandito iv been using Hukuchu and am sooo used to its driving style that i just cant use the bati or akuma
Can you please do an updated version of this with all the new bikes in it?
Check the playlist for the update videos containing any new bikes (there aren't many)
Here is a question; as motorbikes do not have the offroad tire custom available, did you use any custom wheels for this test?
I used speedway wheels on all bikes to keep things consistent
You should try it again with Hakuchou, because that's too powerful machine.
I just started playing GTA Online again. And I found some old competitive races. And it looked like a lot of fun! Are you guys still doing competitive races or did the community die?
My crew very much is.
Ok :) I registred, my name is "Cloud". Cant wait to start meeting new players!
Well , when I first watch this video , I was expecting the Carbon RS to be the 1st ...
Lol me too
in stunt races, I have to put out an armor on my bati for you?
Hey ***** !! Can you do a review on the dinka enduro from gta5 online??
Check the playlist:
Thanks *****
Is this list still accurate? with all the new updates since then my Bati feels kind of slow in races.
It's still accurate. The Bati and the Akuma are still the ones to stick with in races