The Carol movie; "What use am I to her, to us if I'm living against my own grain. So, thats the deal. I won't...I can not negotiate anymore. Take it or leave it, but if you leave it, we go to court. If we go to court, it'll get ugly ...AND WE'RE NOT UGLY PEOPLE, HARGE"...that is my favorite part in this movie...damn she said it perfectly.
Amazing, yes! But I love the scene at the end in the restaurant when Carol is attempting to get Therese back. Interesting, puzzling dialogue, but Cate’s acting ability is extraordinary!
I just saw the movie. Cate has always been my favorite actress, so I loved the movie...a true piece of art. I read The Price of Salt and found the film to be far better, much to do with Cate developing the character of Carol. What an amazing actress and person she is.A sequel would be wonderful, yes?
Yes, she reminds me of Audrey Hepburn too. Lilly Collins is the one who is in such a way people thinks (including me somehow) she looks like Audrey Hepburn, but when you comparing those nature with each other, there is something missing. That something is a thing that Rooney Mara has it but Lilly Collins doesn't.
Este filme tem o olhar do primeiro amor😍😍. Quando a carol fica com ela diz" Estou tremendo" aaaaah Deoooooos. Eu pensei que era a Therese falando mas NÃO, era Carol😍. O olhar da Therese vendo a Carol pela primeira vez 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤. Fooooora que a Carol foi à primeira pessoa da vida dela. É MUITO LINDA a percepção da Carol sobre isso, sobre Therese.
Cate and Rooney are perfect for the roles. They should've won the Oscar!
I guess I am kind of randomly asking but does anyone know of a good place to watch newly released movies online ?
@Graysen Lukas Ehh I use Flixportal. You can find it on google :P -jamison
@Jamison Khalil Thank you, I signed up and it seems like a nice service :D I appreciate it !
@Graysen Lukas No problem xD
The Carol movie; "What use am I to her, to us if I'm living against my own grain. So, thats the deal. I won't...I can not negotiate anymore. Take it or leave it, but if you leave it, we go to court. If we go to court, it'll get ugly ...AND WE'RE NOT UGLY PEOPLE, HARGE"...that is my favorite part in this movie...damn she said it perfectly.
Linney Verwey *living against my own GRAVE
Me too
@@sairaali4986 Grain! 😁
Linney Verwey omg yes that part makes me weep, it’s so moving and she says everything with great detail and she turns into the character
Amazing, yes! But I love the scene at the end in the restaurant when Carol is attempting to get Therese back. Interesting, puzzling dialogue, but Cate’s acting ability is extraordinary!
Rooney mara. She should play villainous roles. She has that intensely serious look to her.
I just saw the movie. Cate has always been my favorite actress, so I loved the movie...a true piece of art. I read The Price of Salt and found the film to be far better, much to do with Cate developing the character of Carol. What an amazing actress and person she is.A sequel would be wonderful, yes?
rooney looks stunning
Rooney your soo beautiful
Rooney's acting skill is the BEST !!
Rooney will be an amazing film director when she begins to pursue that.
Oh yes, both Rooney and Cate will. No doubt.
Cate's voice omg
Rooney Mara reminds me of Audrey Hepburn...more precisely, combination of Audrey Hepburn and Audrey Tautou (Amelie Poulain)
Yes, she reminds me of Audrey Hepburn too. Lilly Collins is the one who is in such a way people thinks (including me somehow) she looks like Audrey Hepburn, but when you comparing those nature with each other, there is something missing. That something is a thing that Rooney Mara has it but Lilly Collins doesn't.
@@LK-dw1wy complete agree, Lilly Collins looks like her as well but she doesn’t have the essence that Rooney have
Yes there should wins the oscar!!!
Cate is best of the best
I really want to see the rest of this interview.
Este filme tem o olhar do primeiro amor😍😍. Quando a carol fica com ela diz" Estou tremendo" aaaaah Deoooooos. Eu pensei que era a Therese falando mas NÃO, era Carol😍. O olhar da Therese vendo a Carol pela primeira vez 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤. Fooooora que a Carol foi à primeira pessoa da vida dela. É MUITO LINDA a percepção da Carol sobre isso, sobre Therese.
Great interview!
4:10 cate was look at rooney‘s leg and then roony cover it 😎😍❤😂
looks like Rooney mara just graduated from law school
Thank you so much for this! will you post the rest of it?
This part is all I have in DVD :) I dont know why ,maybe they cut some officially
Gigi ShallweLeave thanks for uploading it. Yeah I have the dvd too and I was wondering why they cut it so abruptly. .. it feels unfinished. ..
They all seem woke up together and got rush
oh my gosh *_*
Cate 😍
Guys pleaseee help me find that interview when she (cate) said that she did not mind the characters gender(carol) pleaseee guys help me find it
Where she explained that she did not think of what others would think of it
Cate says that a lot, which one in particular do u mean? Phrasing
Why no final.? Lesbian.? the Carol. Movie
Why no final.? Lesbian. The Carol.
La verdad Todd se ve que tiene mal aliento cate se ve cansada y trasnochada y rooney no se baño.
Lo siento así lo veo
Qué tendrá que ver!!!!!
Who asked