mi no ta kompronde mas: kiko ta verschil intre Deluxe en Royal?? anto DVrse ta traha kanita: awo mi mes a mire. pero loko mi NO ta kopronde: dreams ta kanta e kantika tambe anto mas groepo ta kanta e mes un kantika. awo no ta isistie Auteurs-recht?? of nan tur ten mesun manager? heeeeeeel raar
Cachee DELUXE alll thee way.........Readyyyyy Pa Cache Royal!
i guess Im kinda off topic but do anyone know a good site to watch new tv shows online?
@Damon Dillon i use Flixportal. Just google for it =)
@Javion Cohen thanks, I signed up and it seems like they got a lot of movies there :) I appreciate it !!
@Damon Dillon no problem =)
dushi master cache sigiu hasi boso bes paso e koki tin cubota e ko
bo tin ku keda asina si bo kita e brel bo ta bira mas dushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
ze zijn supper 26-6-11 afrikaanderplein rotterdam was aan (L)
mi no ta kompronde mas: kiko ta verschil intre Deluxe en Royal?? anto DVrse ta traha kanita: awo mi mes a mire. pero loko mi NO ta kopronde: dreams ta kanta e kantika tambe anto mas groepo ta kanta e mes un kantika. awo no ta isistie Auteurs-recht?? of nan tur ten mesun manager? heeeeeeel raar