A Rendition of Kenn Nesbitt's "I Can't Wait for Summer" by our Perform Pre-Teen class!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ม.ค. 2025
  • 2022 Mid-Year Showcase Highlights: A rendition of Kenn Nesbitt ‘s ‘I Can’t Wait for Summer’ by our Perform Pre-Teen class!
    Through drama work and the analysis of more complex literature pieces, children learn how to convey meanings, emotions, and ideas with appropriate expressions. At Wonderlit, we nurture our students’ stage presence and oratory skills to captivate audiences with a compelling performance.
    Parents who enrol their children in Wonderlit Perform and Wonderlit Speak programmes will get to see their little ones on stage twice a year in bi-annual showcases held at our studio.
    #wonderlitworld #sgkids #sgparents #sgenrichment #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodlearning #funlearning #speechanddrama #parentcollaboration #marilynsinger

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