I admire those king and those barman, they knows when to bow down their heads and where , and they are so lucky to have the opportunities bhudha himself is present at the moment wonderful, i admire you great guys and i bow down my head towards bhudha and hes students, and those kings and thise great barmans
Namo Buddhay 🙏🏾🙏🏾
सत्यम शरणम् गच्छामि 😅🎉❤
बुद्ध का ज्ञान पूरी दुनिया को प्रकाशित कर रहा है।
Namo buddhay namah
Jai bhim namaste buddaya
Namo budhdhaya
सादर सप्रेम साहेब बंदगी साहेब जी
Namo budhay
Namo buday
Att.dip bhav ❤❤❤
Jay bhim namo buddaya
Namo Budhay.
Budham dharang gachhami.
How do buddh has so practical solutions for the problems ..
Mere piyare parbhu Budh ji
I admire those king and those barman, they knows when to bow down their heads and where , and they are so lucky to have the opportunities bhudha himself is present at the moment wonderful, i admire you great guys and i bow down my head towards bhudha and hes students, and those kings and thise great barmans
बुद्ध ही सत्य है 🌺🌸🌿
Budham sarnam gachhami--------
तभी सब चिल्लाते हैं हमे शिक्षा चाहिए😂😂, ये असल जिंदगी की शिक्षा नही देते हैं😅
ये भिखारी बनने की प्रेरणा देते है😂😂😂
Jivn me Keya hai Khali hath aay hai Khali hath Jana to isme dhn ki aoskta Keya
Jai bheem joy boudha
नमो बुद्धाय
Jai Bhim namo Buddhaya
Namo Buddha. Kisi nich insan ko budha ke sath mat jodh adharmi.
आज समझ आया सनातन धर्म कितना महान और विशाल है, बौद्ध को तो कोई महामूर्ख ही फॉलो करेगा😂😂😂
Anatmawad ka sidhant diya attached ka nahi
Yeh jay bheem na likho. Buddha can't be compared to a mere a human. This is a blasphemy to Buddha.
Namo budhay namo budhay
Namo buddhay namah
Namo buddhay
Namo buddhay
Namo Budhay