Really appreciate the vlog! Lovely to see a gent with wife and kids like me heading out for a few solo days for a photo safari. This is what it's all about! Thanks for sharing the gear shots and details well.
Daniel Rucci Thanks man! I hear you, it’s not easy. But it has gotten better. My kids are 8 and almost 6 now so it’s easier to leave my wife alone with them for some time. The trip to Lofoten was actually her Christmas gift for me - the best gift possible. I won’t be taking any more trips like that this year, but perhaps some one day trips in Sweden or to southern Norway that are worth vlogging about.
Thank you! I would have loved to have taken my Tesla to Lofoten too, but since my trip was Wednesday to Sunday, I would have barely gotten there before having to turn back home again! So this time I went by plane and in a rented Toyota... I hope you get to do your trip some day, it's an amazing place!
Indeed! It is both challenging and rewarding. But I wouldn't have it any other way. That's what makes it possible to get those real masterpieces every once in a while!
Tack! Ja, det var mäktigt att lyckas fånga de scenerna. Särskilt glad är jag att jag bemödade mig stanna bilen och skicka upp drönaren i den första sekvensen, jag såg inte egentligen från vägen hur episkt det såg ut runt hörnet på andra sidan berget.
Alexander Boxi Tack! Jag var där 27:e februari till 3:e mars i år. Fast 27:e och 3:e var mest resdagar, så det är därför det står 28:e till 2:a i videon. Hoppas du får en fantastisk resa dit - det är ett skithäftigt ställe!
I look forward to the next vlog! Congratulations
Michael Cowen I’m glad to hear it! I’m actually going to Iceland on Monday so there should be a new vlog from Iceland within a few weeks.
Really appreciate the vlog! Lovely to see a gent with wife and kids like me heading out for a few solo days for a photo safari. This is what it's all about! Thanks for sharing the gear shots and details well.
Daniel Rucci Thanks man! I hear you, it’s not easy. But it has gotten better. My kids are 8 and almost 6 now so it’s easier to leave my wife alone with them for some time. The trip to Lofoten was actually her Christmas gift for me - the best gift possible. I won’t be taking any more trips like that this year, but perhaps some one day trips in Sweden or to southern Norway that are worth vlogging about.
Really fantastic pictures and enjoyed the vlog.. Even more inspired to do a combined Tesla and photo trip to Lofoten.
Thank you! I would have loved to have taken my Tesla to Lofoten too, but since my trip was Wednesday to Sunday, I would have barely gotten there before having to turn back home again! So this time I went by plane and in a rented Toyota... I hope you get to do your trip some day, it's an amazing place!
Constant changing weather and lighting conditions are one of most amazing thing there, one of the reasons why it is photographic paradise! Good job!
Indeed! It is both challenging and rewarding. But I wouldn't have it any other way. That's what makes it possible to get those real masterpieces every once in a while!
Super captures Danni! Great work!
Thanks, Lasal! ☺
Intressant! Snygga drönarsekvenser i början!
Tack! Ja, det var mäktigt att lyckas fånga de scenerna. Särskilt glad är jag att jag bemödade mig stanna bilen och skicka upp drönaren i den första sekvensen, jag såg inte egentligen från vägen hur episkt det såg ut runt hörnet på andra sidan berget.
Great Video! Great Pictures! You put everything in this and i could feel your passion ;) Keep up your best work!
That is so kind of you and it means a lot for me to hear! Thank you!
The beard and the landscape made me think about Last Kingdom and other Viking TV-series. Thanks for the video.
I actually haven't watched Last Kingdom. Should I? Oh, and thanks for watching!
Grymt filmat! Ska dit i Juni! När vad du där? ( inte kollat hela än ska göra det).
Alexander Boxi Tack! Jag var där 27:e februari till 3:e mars i år. Fast 27:e och 3:e var mest resdagar, så det är därför det står 28:e till 2:a i videon. Hoppas du får en fantastisk resa dit - det är ett skithäftigt ställe!