《三生三世十里桃花》(電影)主題曲-那英(歌詞) Once Upon A Time (lyrics)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ต.ค. 2024
  • 《三生三世十里桃花》電影簡介:
    天族戰神墨淵(楊洋 飾)鎮壓鬼君擎蒼(嚴寬 飾)於無妄海,魂飛魄散,仙體冰封於青丘炎華洞內。青丘帝姬白淺(劉亦菲 飾)同天族太子夜華(楊洋 飾)早有婚約,二人卻一直未曾相見。直至東海盛宴,夜華發現白淺竟然同亡妻素素(劉亦菲 飾)相貌一樣,就勢住進白淺的青丘,放下太子身段,為求解開白淺與素素之謎。夜華側妃素錦(李純 飾)生妒,暗中協助鬼族王后玄女(顧璇 飾)搶走墨淵仙體。白淺一怒之下血戰鬼族大紫明宮,身負重傷,終被夜華救下。白淺跟隨夜華來到九重天,通過天族聖器結魄燈恢復記憶,回想起身為素素一世之時所受傷害,不能原諒夜華。陷害白淺的素錦受到責罰,發配至無妄海,由妒生恨,終至瘋狂,利用夜華之子小天孫阿離(彭子蘇 飾)之血釋放出被墨淵封印的鬼君擎蒼。夜華為維護四海八荒,以元神生祭東皇鐘,將擎蒼封印。世事輪回,萬般糾葛不過一個愛字。命運輪回,夜華與白淺究竟何去何從……
    Once Upon A Time film introduction :
    Once Upon a Time (Chinese: 三生三世十里桃花) is a Chinese romantic drama fantasy film about the story of Bai Qian, a goddess and monarch from the Heavenly Realms. In her first life, she was the disciple of Mo Yuan. Due to a devastating war, Mo Yuan's soul was destroyed while sealing the Demon Lord. Seventy thousand years later while Bai Qian was trying to reseal the Demon Lord, she was sent to the mortal realm to undergo a trial to become a High Goddess. There, she meets Ye Hua with whom she falls in love and eventually married. However, their love ends tragically. Later, the two star-crossed lovers meet again as deities but all her memories have been erased due to her request. Ye Hua, who is now a crown prince black dragon 90,000 years younger than Bai Qian, gets a second chance at love with her.
    大家好,我們是VC Music,這次做了《三生三世十里桃花》電影版的動態歌詞視頻,希望大家好好享受!
    Hey! This is VC Music. It's the first tho we post a video online and here is the lyrics video of Once Upon A Time (film version). Enjoy it!

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