A humildade vem sofrendo a estupidez das guerras, desde início das civilizaçoes. É causada, pela soberba, inveja, orgulho. Enfim, falta de Deus na vida.
Sejarah di tulis oleh mereka para pemenang perang,,jadi sebiadap sekalipun melakukan pembantaian pada mereka yang kalah akan di tutupi oleh tulisan sejarah yang mereka tulis..dan siapa penjahatnya ya si yang kalah ini,padahal belum tentu yang kalah ini adalah penjahatnya.
Japonlar kaşınmasaydı amerıkalılar onları kaşımazdı.Japonarın Çin de yaptığı katlıamlardan ne haber? Perak harnboura baskın yapın dıy e Japonlara babam mı emır verdı? Tarıh yazmak zafer kazannaın en doğal hakkıdır.
Was the use of the atomic bomb twice necessary? After the USSR declared war on Japan, there was no doubt that the war was lost for the Empire of the Rising Sun. The Americans wanted to show their power to the Russians and especially to prevent them from obtaining an occupation zone in order to avoid the partition of Japan as Korea was.
4:58 for me its not the flag raising image that stands out the most in all the video & photos of WWII that I have seen, in my mind its that image of that soldier being shot. I've wondered every time I've seen it, who he is, where he's from & what's his story up until it likely ended on that beach. Its sad to see the sand kick up behind him or beside him to then see him fall like a rock with no movement on the ground. That happened thousands of times on D Day & millions of times throughout the war, that's a lot of stories ended too soon.
Yes.. that was a "shot" that influenced my early work with D Day programming.. I thought it was a stark and obvious moment.. as you say, repeated literally thousands of times. In my D Day Beaches program I actually added a distinct rifle shot sound TO that clip to increase emphasis of the moment. Thanks for recognising it.. Cheers.. Liam Dale
Entretanto, a Bandeira Vermelha tremulando no alto do Reichstag é símbolo da vitória da humanidade e de um povo heroico contra a prepotência de uma raça que se julgava superior.
To top off the most destructive conflict ever the nuclear bombing of Japan was just the cherry on top wasn't it what a crazy documentary to put in prospective what a crazy time this was
My wife is Japanese. Of course, the Atomic bomb is still a source of resentment for many Japanese people. And I can understand that. However, my grandpa was one of the soldiers in the Pacific who had just finished mopping up one of the islands in the Philippines and was already beginning to train for the invasion of Japan. Now, we can sit here today and judge them for dropping the bombs. That's one of many privilege's we're afforded for all THEY sacrificed. But I can tell you from hearing it from my Grandpa's own mouth, he would have been ok with them dropping a-bombs on Japan until there was nothing left if it meant he didn't have to invade the mainland. I think every American with something to lose if we did was ok with dropping A-bombs all day every day to prevent it. And we have no right to judge them for feeling that way. We weren't there, we didn't experience an amphibious assault under constant machine gun, mortar, artillery fire. Seeing you friends mangled bodies as you wonder when it's going to be you lying there. We didn't fight for 2 months on Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and the Philippines. Some of the nastiest combat ever to have transpired on Planet Earth. We have no idea how we would feel if it was our ass on the line. So for people to sit and pass judgement on them for wanting an end to that war with the least amount casualties as possible, is ridiculous. We have no right. Japan could have just surrendered too. Or, never picked a fight with us in the first place. We tried like HELL to stay out of that war. We weren't allowed to. That's the way I see it.
The Japanese were the most brutal soldiers ever. Raping and murdering women and young girls. They slaughtered anyone in their way. My father was training for the invasion when the atom bombs were dropped. It saved millions of lives both American and Japanese. The Japs fought to the last man on Iwo Jima as a warning as to how hard they would fight an invasion of Japan. They were expected to fight to the very last inflicting millions of casualties.
I always remember this phrase of the general Borghese:"In every war, the underlying question is not winning or losing, but how you win and how you lose". I don't see honor in bombing cities and schools, especially if you know that you are far more stronger than the enemy
`We and the British incinerated millions of Japanese and German citizens. The hypocrisy of us calling the Russians 'war criminals for their activities in the Ukraine is astounding.
Being stronger is no measure for succes, as is prevelant in many stories of strength in history - the A bomb made a statement, that after the defeat of Nazi germany, nobody else should try to prolong the world war, which Japan tried, also do not forget the fact that Japan was dropping typhoid and black plague infested fleas on mainland China, and would have done so on the US too if needed. Stop being ignorant. @@texanator1681
Gosto Muito dos Documentários sobre as Guerras que já aconteceram ao longo da História da humanidade, desde as mais Antigas quanto as mais recentes. Como ex: guerras Napoleônicas, a Primeira Guerra Mundial 1914 - 1918, As Grandes Batalhas nas guerras do Império Romano, as Conquistas e Vitórias de Alexandre o Grande, as Batalhas nas Guerras do Império de Genghis Khan. na América do Sul tivemos duas Guerras Importantes a Guerra das Malvinas em 1982 e a Guerra do Paraguay em 1864 - 1870. OBS: muitas foram guerras civis entre o próprio povo, as mais Conhecidas e estudadas guerras civis da História são a Guerra civil Americana 1861 - 1865, a Guerra civil Russa 1918 - 1921, a Guerra Civil Chinesa 1927-1937; 1946-1949 essa guerra teve um período de trégua entre os Nacionalistas e Comunistas, que se uniram contra as Forças Japonesas que invadiram o país em 1937, a Guerra civil entre ambos os lados Continuou em 1946. e a Guerra civil Espanhola 1936 - 1939 que foi um tipo de "ensaio" ou preparação para a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No Brasil tivemos várias a mais marcante delas foi a Guerra dos Farrapos 1835 - 1845. Enfim são muitas Guerras e Conflitos entre Nações que já aconteceram. Gosto de ler livros, e TUDO sobre estas Grandes Guerras, e assistir a Muitos Documentários sobre elas. Mas sem SOMBRA de DÚVIDAS nenhuma destas guerras entre Nações que já aconteceram, chama tanta atenção e Curiosidade, tanto dos Historiadores quanto das pessoas Comuns, quanto à ( Segunda Guerra Mundial ) pois além de ser uma Guerra que envolveu uma boa parte dos Países do Globo, seja de forma Direta ou Indireta, ela mudou o Curso da História em muitos Sentidos, vou citar só às ( 5 Cinco ) Principais. (1°) antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as Maiores Potências mundiais inclusive Militar, eram Inglaterra, França, e Japão, Mas depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial a MAIOR Potência econômica e Militar do Planeta passou a ser os Estados Unidos, sendo a Maior potência até hoje. OBS: a Alemanha só se tornou de Novo uma Grande Potência militar e Econômica somente alguns anos antes da Segunda Guerra mundial, com a Chegada de Adolf Hitler ao Poder em 1933. (2°) logo após os Estados Unidos ter se Consolidado como a Maior potência Econômica e Militar, logo depois da Guerra o idioma ( Inglês ) passou a ser Considerado o idioma mais importante naquele momento no mundo e continua até os dias de Hoje. (3°) O Dólar Americano passou a ser usado como uma moeda mundial valendo muito, em praticamente todos os Países e continua até os dias de Hoje. (4°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial a influência nos países do Globo, passou a ser disputada entre duas Potências mundiais, de um lado liderando o Bloco Capitalista os Estados Unidos. do outro liderando o Bloco Socialista ou Comunista como preferem chamar alguns, a União Soviética q emergiu como uma Grande Potência após a Guerra. (5°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi criada em 1947 a ( ONU ) Organização das Nações Unidas, que tinha como Principais Objetivos criar leis e regras rígidas no mundo tais como Comércio, migração de pessoas a outros países, entre outras coisas; mas o Principal Objetivo da criação da ONU era o de impedir novas Guerras, Sempre buscando em Primeiro lugar o Diálogo entre as Nações, mas caso o Diálogo não funcionasse a ONU tbm criou diversas leis para EVITAR ao máximo Guerras, e TODOS os países tinham que seguir estas leis. Mas uma coisa q NÃO entendo até Hoje e não entra na minha cabeça de jeito nenhum, É, Porque a "História" insiste em reconhecer a França como um dos Países Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial? Pois isso É uma Grande MENTIRA ensinada nas escolas, Faculdades, livros, revistas, Documentários, e etc.. sendo que o próprio estudo da Segunda Guerra Mundial através dos livros, revistas, artigos de Historiadores imparciais, e até nos Documentários nos ensina diferente ou Seja que a França foi na Verdade Derrotada pela Alemanha Nazista em menos de Seis Semanas. logo após a Derrota os Franceses foram humilhados pelos Alemães que os obrigaram a assinar os termos da Rendição no MESMO Vagão de Trem, que a Alemanha tinha assinado sua derrota na Primeira guerra mundial anos antes. Que humilhação! Entre as exigências Absurdas exigida pelos Alemães aos Derrotados Franceses, era de que eles criassem um Governo Colaboracionista, inclusive com a França entregando todos os Judeus recidentes no País, Sem contar q a França foi Dividida em duas zonas de influência uma Controlada pelos Nazistas Alemães, e a outra "Controlada" pelo Governo Colaboracionista da França. Portanto colocar a França como uma das Potências Vencedoras da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Não É apenas um Absurdo e "piada sem graça". mas também uma Afronta à própria História que nos Mostra os ( EUA, a URSS e a Inglaterra ) como os VERDADEIROS Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial. a França até hoje deveria agradecer de Joelhos, a Inglaterra e Principalmente os EUA e URSS pela Vitória. Portanto NÃO entendo porque que ainda a Muitos dos livros, Documentários e etc.. insiste nesta Grande MENTIRA em colocar a França como uma das "potências" vencedoras, se ironicamente os próprios livros e Documentários sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial nos mostra a Verdade de forma contrária ao que está sendo mostrado, pelo menos nesta questão dos Países Vencedores.
Lt. Colonel Yamashita was not responsible for the sufferings of American and Filipino prisoners-of-war following the fall of the Philippines. He was in Singapore at that time. Wainwright surrendered to Lt.General Homma. The Bataan Death March happened under his watch and Homma was later tried for war crimes. Yamashita was prosecuted for the massacre of civilians in Manila which happened when he commanded Japanese forces in the Philippines. He did not order the massacre and had ordered all troops under his command to leave the city. Sadly. He failed to declare Manila an open city and the naval troops he ordered to leave Manila remained in the city and turned it into a bloody battleground. Both Yamashita and Homma were not war mongers. Yamashita had been called a butcher but this might have been more justified in Singapore where a murderous purge of the local Chinese ( called the Sook Ching) was carried out by the Kempetai. Yamashita had not ordered the purge but he didn't stop it while he was briefly in Singapore. The Sook Ching had already been planned by a higher command before the fall of Singapore. Yamashita punished (executed?) the officer who commanded the Japanese troops who massacred the staff and patients of the Alexandra military hospital. The execution of Yamashita has been controversial. He was never charged for ordering the murder of civilians in Singapore or in Manila. He was found guilty of command responsibility - held accountable for the crimes of troops under his command even when they disobeyed him as happened in Manila. The American lawyers who defended him put up a vigorous defence. The controversy of Yamashita's trial is covered in other TH-cam documentaries. Lt. General Homma was in a similar position as Yamashita. No one accused him of actually causing the deaths of prisoners during the Bataan Death March. Talk about massacre in the Philippines - look up the slaughter of Filipinos in Samar by American General Jacob Smith aka Howling Jake Smith during the nationalist insurrection.
God created human beings with minds, hearts and feelings so that we can understand and communicate with each other across our different races, religions and colours. Why war and destruction? Life is just a journey and then we die so we can live it in peace.
What to say brother😔 no matter how many times we scold humanity.They never understand.They think fighting is the way of life.But the question is "Is war the only solution ? ".
The flag was raised on Mt. Suribachi well before there had been 28,000 casualties. By which they mean dead. The word casualties also includes the injured and wounded. Yes. Those are two different things.
17:03 "many of the doctors"... Maybe the storyteller should learn that there were 24 people judged by Nurnberg tribunal. 2 suicide. So, in total, 22 people sentenced. We can say "on behalf" of all war criminals in Germany, but this is far, far away from "many of the doctors" or "many" of anything. Ops, another clip made by this guy pronouncing"Shtalin" 😂😂😂
@@martytrueblood5902 the people hired to train the moose have now been sacked. Those who replaced the original trainers have also now been sacked. The film directors will now hire a new trainer using llamas.
The film clearly mentions the horror of war. There are plenty of documentaries on such things. I thinks it’s ok to learn history and not entirely focus in every conversation of the consequences of said history.
Olhem só a ironia do ditado japonês em dizer ki eram pra continuar a lutar até o último homem e porque não cumpriram com seu ditado quando o governo dos EUA disse ki lhe enviariam uma chuva de bombas sobre o Céu do Japão já mais vista antes se eles não se rendensem, será ki não se fazem mais japoneses como como os samurai de antigamente.
MacArthur's speech, and America's ensuing treatment of the Japanese, represent the CHARACTER and VALUES that made America so great. What other conquering nation in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD would have been so gracious towards their former enemies -- particularly enemies who back-stabbed them so brutally. It's a real testament to what America has stood for in this world and meant to the world, to create a more peaceful world. Of course, we've made mistake along the way, but no country is perfect. American values of freedom, fairness, equality, and justice have brought the world decades of peace and prosperity. But now we face a new evil -- Putin and his puppet, Trump, who intend to destroy all that America stands for.
I guess I’ve always been a bit perplexed about how anyone can call japans island invasions “successful”. Outside of the Philippines, did any of the islands even have any kind of military? In my mind it’s just they show up and now they occupy it.
It wasn't the nuclear bombs that made Japan surrender, we could of easily dropped 100 of the same and they still wouldn't of surrendered. The two bombs dropped was a research mission to see how nuclear bombs affect land and life. Sick and insane, isn't it? So what made Japan surrender? It was the 200,000 screaming Russians that were slated to invade Japan, that made Japan surrender. Right after the nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan, they were given notice that the Russians were ready to invade Japan and seeing that Japan's royal bloodline would have been totally devestated by such invasion, because those Russian armies would have also sexually assualted the Jappanese women and the royals, essentially creating half breed bloodlines and that's not how Japan's royalty rolls.
You're right and so many history teachers get this wrong. Around 68 cities had been fired bombed by that point, two more didn't really mater. And Nagasaki was not the last bombing mission of the war, and many are led to believe. The Japanese still had a very large army in China, and 1000 planes earmarked as Kamikazes if the US invaded. The Japanese simply did not want the same Soviet horde that raped and murdered its way across Germany doing the same to them, that's why they gave up.
USA only had enough for three bombs.. the Japanese knew that... that is why USA lost and paid reparations.. sweety Operation Cherry Blossums at night would have ended the US world and silly delusion..
Interesting point. The second fire bombing of Tokyo did kill more and destroyed area as large as the nuke. So I suppose there is some merit to this idea.
Richard - The July 26th , 1945 , Potsdam Declaration made it clear the US wanted to remove Japan's military gov for all time , and bring in human rights . The " Big Six " rejected this and wanted to make it so costly for the US to invade Kyushu , that the US would negotiate terms . The atomic bombs and Soviet attack in Manchuria meant that the JIA would not get the opportunity to kill Americans . Richard Frank is a true scholar on the Asian Pacific War . As I recall during one of his interviews , he outlined that it was both . The US had to get the Emperor and the " Big Six " to agree to the Potsdam Declaration . The Soviet attack in Manchuria convinced the JIA to agree to surrender . . The part that no one seems to say is that while under US occupation , Japan's Constitution was changed in 1947 , bringing in democratic and human rights . .
Stalin thought he was in the position of power and was skeptical of America having a wonder bomb. He was motivated to declare war on Japan and invade Manchuria only after the bombing of Hiroshima in order to secure his spoils of war.
Oh poppycock! Stalin only declared war on Japan because he knew it was about to be over and if Russia wasn’t in war with Japan he would have no say in post war treaties. So he declared war only so he could be a part of what happens.
Atomic bombs were pointless. USSR came in from the North so Japan would have be invaded by both directions and broken into 2 (like Korea and Germany) in the end. Heck, pro war tried but failed at a coup to keep war going.
That may be so. But they acted & complied to all the terms from the Americans as if they surrendered. No resistance or guerrilla warfare afterwards. Which was great for everyone involved. I mean, look at Japan today - rich, highly advanced nation & one of America's most important allies.
@@Wings_of_foam because British 🇬🇧 made ww1 and WW2 in order to divide each one nation Pirate state 🏴☠️🇬🇧 manager of Hamas training CAMP'S İNSTRUCTORS BRİTİSH SAS 🇬🇧🇹🇷 bodrum. Tamam a ❓ AYDE SYHTIR aptalca
When Australia and America occupied Japan, they transformed a backward, feudal society into a civilised and peaceful land for the first time in the entire history of the Japanese.
Japan was not feudal country in WW2 It was State capitalism under Showa with military dictatorships They feudal before Boshin war or Japanese civil war
Parabens! narrração formidável., esclarecedora. 0 melhor documentário que ví até hoje no You Tube sobre a II Guerra Mundial. Valeu!
Na Pandemia li todos os episódios com esse narrador
Excellent documentary
Thank you to the journalist because without you the world will never know history 🤠
Mas os de hoje manipulam a verdade ,
Americano fedido 😂
É incrivelmente inacreditável que após tudo isso,nos dias atuais ainda existam guerras 😢
Só existe guerras graças a existência do comunismo e da religião muçulmana no mundo
Good documentary
A humildade vem sofrendo a estupidez das guerras, desde início das civilizaçoes. É causada, pela soberba, inveja, orgulho. Enfim, falta de Deus na vida.
Sejarah di tulis oleh mereka para pemenang perang,,jadi sebiadap sekalipun melakukan pembantaian pada mereka yang kalah akan di tutupi oleh tulisan sejarah yang mereka tulis..dan siapa penjahatnya ya si yang kalah ini,padahal belum tentu yang kalah ini adalah penjahatnya.
Os que venceram, não iniciaram esse massacre
Japonlar kaşınmasaydı amerıkalılar onları kaşımazdı.Japonarın Çin de yaptığı katlıamlardan ne haber? Perak harnboura baskın yapın dıy e Japonlara babam mı emır verdı? Tarıh yazmak zafer kazannaın en doğal hakkıdır.
Was the use of the atomic bomb twice necessary?
After the USSR declared war on Japan, there was no doubt that the war was lost for the Empire of the Rising Sun.
The Americans wanted to show their power to the Russians and especially to prevent them from obtaining an occupation zone in order to avoid the partition of Japan as Korea was.
Excelente documentário.
very good doc...pity the background music is a bit too loud
OMG,the freaking music!
4:58 for me its not the flag raising image that stands out the most in all the video & photos of WWII that I have seen, in my mind its that image of that soldier being shot. I've wondered every time I've seen it, who he is, where he's from & what's his story up until it likely ended on that beach. Its sad to see the sand kick up behind him or beside him to then see him fall like a rock with no movement on the ground. That happened thousands of times on D Day & millions of times throughout the war, that's a lot of stories ended too soon.
Yes.. that was a "shot" that influenced my early work with D Day programming.. I thought it was a stark and obvious moment.. as you say, repeated literally thousands of times. In my D Day Beaches program I actually added a distinct rifle shot sound TO that clip to increase emphasis of the moment. Thanks for recognising it.. Cheers.. Liam Dale
Entretanto, a Bandeira Vermelha tremulando no alto do Reichstag é símbolo da vitória da humanidade e de um povo heroico contra a prepotência de uma raça que se julgava superior.
Two go down in that scene.
To top off the most destructive conflict ever the nuclear bombing of Japan was just the cherry on top wasn't it what a crazy documentary to put in prospective what a crazy time this was
And the nuclear bombs weren’t the most lethal event - they aren’t even the most lethal air raids.
It’s amazing how the Japanese turned out what they are today. They had a 360 degrees turn.
They are still picking fights with the Chinese!
At the cost of much innocent blood.
My wife is Japanese. Of course, the Atomic bomb is still a source of resentment for many Japanese people. And I can understand that. However, my grandpa was one of the soldiers in the Pacific who had just finished mopping up one of the islands in the Philippines and was already beginning to train for the invasion of Japan. Now, we can sit here today and judge them for dropping the bombs. That's one of many privilege's we're afforded for all THEY sacrificed. But I can tell you from hearing it from my Grandpa's own mouth, he would have been ok with them dropping a-bombs on Japan until there was nothing left if it meant he didn't have to invade the mainland. I think every American with something to lose if we did was ok with dropping A-bombs all day every day to prevent it. And we have no right to judge them for feeling that way. We weren't there, we didn't experience an amphibious assault under constant machine gun, mortar, artillery fire. Seeing you friends mangled bodies as you wonder when it's going to be you lying there. We didn't fight for 2 months on Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa and the Philippines. Some of the nastiest combat ever to have transpired on Planet Earth. We have no idea how we would feel if it was our ass on the line. So for people to sit and pass judgement on them for wanting an end to that war with the least amount casualties as possible, is ridiculous. We have no right. Japan could have just surrendered too. Or, never picked a fight with us in the first place. We tried like HELL to stay out of that war. We weren't allowed to. That's the way I see it.
I appreciate your input. I think you said it well
The Japanese were the most brutal soldiers ever. Raping and murdering women and young girls. They slaughtered anyone in their way. My father was training for the invasion when the atom bombs were dropped. It saved millions of lives both American and Japanese. The Japs fought to the last man on Iwo Jima as a warning as to how hard they would fight an invasion of Japan. They were expected to fight to the very last inflicting millions of casualties.
I always remember this phrase of the general Borghese:"In every war, the underlying question is not winning or losing, but how you win and how you lose". I don't see honor in bombing cities and schools, especially if you know that you are far more stronger than the enemy
`We and the British incinerated millions of Japanese and German citizens. The hypocrisy of us calling the Russians 'war criminals for their activities in the Ukraine is astounding.
Being stronger is no measure for succes, as is prevelant in many stories of strength in history - the A bomb made a statement, that after the defeat of Nazi germany, nobody else should try to prolong the world war, which Japan tried, also do not forget the fact that Japan was dropping typhoid and black plague infested fleas on mainland China, and would have done so on the US too if needed. Stop being ignorant. @@texanator1681
After that..
US and the allies especially UK guide Dutch (Amsterdam) to occupie Indonesia again
Excelente documentário histórico
Gosto Muito dos Documentários sobre as Guerras que já aconteceram ao longo da História da humanidade, desde as mais Antigas quanto as mais recentes. Como ex: guerras Napoleônicas, a Primeira Guerra Mundial 1914 - 1918, As Grandes Batalhas nas guerras do Império Romano, as Conquistas e Vitórias de Alexandre o Grande, as Batalhas nas Guerras do Império de Genghis Khan. na América do Sul tivemos duas Guerras Importantes a Guerra das Malvinas em 1982 e a Guerra do Paraguay em 1864 - 1870. OBS: muitas foram guerras civis entre o próprio povo, as mais Conhecidas e estudadas guerras civis da História são a Guerra civil Americana 1861 - 1865, a Guerra civil Russa 1918 - 1921, a Guerra Civil Chinesa 1927-1937; 1946-1949 essa guerra teve um período de trégua entre os Nacionalistas e Comunistas, que se uniram contra as Forças Japonesas que invadiram o país em 1937, a Guerra civil entre ambos os lados Continuou em 1946. e a Guerra civil Espanhola 1936 - 1939 que foi um tipo de "ensaio" ou preparação para a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No Brasil tivemos várias a mais marcante delas foi a Guerra dos Farrapos 1835 - 1845. Enfim são muitas Guerras e Conflitos entre Nações que já aconteceram. Gosto de ler livros, e TUDO sobre estas Grandes Guerras, e assistir a Muitos Documentários sobre elas. Mas sem SOMBRA de DÚVIDAS nenhuma destas guerras entre Nações que já aconteceram, chama tanta atenção e Curiosidade, tanto dos Historiadores quanto das pessoas Comuns, quanto à ( Segunda Guerra Mundial ) pois além de ser uma Guerra que envolveu uma boa parte dos Países do Globo, seja de forma Direta ou Indireta, ela mudou o Curso da História em muitos Sentidos, vou citar só às ( 5 Cinco ) Principais. (1°) antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as Maiores Potências mundiais inclusive Militar, eram Inglaterra, França, e Japão, Mas depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial a MAIOR Potência econômica e Militar do Planeta passou a ser os Estados Unidos, sendo a Maior potência até hoje. OBS: a Alemanha só se tornou de Novo uma Grande Potência militar e Econômica somente alguns anos antes da Segunda Guerra mundial, com a Chegada de Adolf Hitler ao Poder em 1933. (2°) logo após os Estados Unidos ter se Consolidado como a Maior potência Econômica e Militar, logo depois da Guerra o idioma ( Inglês ) passou a ser Considerado o idioma mais importante naquele momento no mundo e continua até os dias de Hoje. (3°) O Dólar Americano passou a ser usado como uma moeda mundial valendo muito, em praticamente todos os Países e continua até os dias de Hoje. (4°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial a influência nos países do Globo, passou a ser disputada entre duas Potências mundiais, de um lado liderando o Bloco Capitalista os Estados Unidos. do outro liderando o Bloco Socialista ou Comunista como preferem chamar alguns, a União Soviética q emergiu como uma Grande Potência após a Guerra. (5°) após a Segunda Guerra Mundial foi criada em 1947 a ( ONU ) Organização das Nações Unidas, que tinha como Principais Objetivos criar leis e regras rígidas no mundo tais como Comércio, migração de pessoas a outros países, entre outras coisas; mas o Principal Objetivo da criação da ONU era o de impedir novas Guerras, Sempre buscando em Primeiro lugar o Diálogo entre as Nações, mas caso o Diálogo não funcionasse a ONU tbm criou diversas leis para EVITAR ao máximo Guerras, e TODOS os países tinham que seguir estas leis. Mas uma coisa q NÃO entendo até Hoje e não entra na minha cabeça de jeito nenhum, É, Porque a "História" insiste em reconhecer a França como um dos Países Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial? Pois isso É uma Grande MENTIRA ensinada nas escolas, Faculdades, livros, revistas, Documentários, e etc.. sendo que o próprio estudo da Segunda Guerra Mundial através dos livros, revistas, artigos de Historiadores imparciais, e até nos Documentários nos ensina diferente ou Seja que a França foi na Verdade Derrotada pela Alemanha Nazista em menos de Seis Semanas. logo após a Derrota os Franceses foram humilhados pelos Alemães que os obrigaram a assinar os termos da Rendição no MESMO Vagão de Trem, que a Alemanha tinha assinado sua derrota na Primeira guerra mundial anos antes. Que humilhação! Entre as exigências Absurdas exigida pelos Alemães aos Derrotados Franceses, era de que eles criassem um Governo Colaboracionista, inclusive com a França entregando todos os Judeus recidentes no País, Sem contar q a França foi Dividida em duas zonas de influência uma Controlada pelos Nazistas Alemães, e a outra "Controlada" pelo Governo Colaboracionista da França. Portanto colocar a França como uma das Potências Vencedoras da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Não É apenas um Absurdo e "piada sem graça". mas também uma Afronta à própria História que nos Mostra os ( EUA, a URSS e a Inglaterra ) como os VERDADEIROS Vencedores da Segunda Guerra Mundial. a França até hoje deveria agradecer de Joelhos, a Inglaterra e Principalmente os EUA e URSS pela Vitória. Portanto NÃO entendo porque que ainda a Muitos dos livros, Documentários e etc.. insiste nesta Grande MENTIRA em colocar a França como uma das "potências" vencedoras, se ironicamente os próprios livros e Documentários sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial nos mostra a Verdade de forma contrária ao que está sendo mostrado, pelo menos nesta questão dos Países Vencedores.
A small but important omission... German and the Soviet Union jointly attacked and occupied Poland.
Infelizmente as guerras sempre vão acontecer...! A sede pelo poder não acaba...!
Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa.Thế chiến 2 đã thay đổi thế giới mãi mãi
maybe, maybe not
Yes, the cold war between the USA and the Soviet Union began and a new world order emerged.
16:50 "mas enquanto era feita justiça para os nazit4s" foi f...da
Hirohito never rescinded his order that Allied POWS were to be murdered when the homeland was invaded.
You forgot to explain soviet invasion on manturia 😂😂😂😂😂😂.
Lt. Colonel Yamashita was not responsible for the sufferings of American and Filipino prisoners-of-war following the fall of the Philippines. He was in Singapore at that time. Wainwright surrendered to Lt.General Homma. The Bataan Death March happened under his watch and Homma was later tried for war crimes. Yamashita was prosecuted for the massacre of civilians in Manila which happened when he commanded Japanese forces in the Philippines. He did not order the massacre and had ordered all troops under his command to leave the city. Sadly. He failed to declare Manila an open city and the naval troops he ordered to leave Manila remained in the city and turned it into a bloody battleground. Both Yamashita and Homma were not war mongers. Yamashita had been called a butcher but this might have been more justified in Singapore where a murderous purge of the local Chinese ( called the Sook Ching) was carried out by the Kempetai. Yamashita had not ordered the purge but he didn't stop it while he was briefly in Singapore. The Sook Ching had already been planned by a higher command before the fall of Singapore. Yamashita punished (executed?) the officer who commanded the Japanese troops who massacred the staff and patients of the Alexandra military hospital. The execution of Yamashita has been controversial. He was never charged for ordering the murder of civilians in Singapore or in Manila. He was found guilty of command responsibility - held accountable for the crimes of troops under his command even when they disobeyed him as happened in Manila. The American lawyers who defended him put up a vigorous defence. The controversy of Yamashita's trial is covered in other TH-cam documentaries. Lt. General Homma was in a similar position as Yamashita. No one accused him of actually causing the deaths of prisoners during the Bataan Death March. Talk about massacre in the Philippines - look up the slaughter of Filipinos in Samar by American General Jacob Smith aka Howling Jake Smith during the nationalist insurrection.
Os americanos certamente comeram muitos crimes de guerras, eles são sujo, mas se safaram porque foram os vencedores
God created human beings with minds, hearts and feelings so that we can understand and communicate with each other across our different races, religions and colours. Why war and destruction? Life is just a journey and then we die so we can live it in peace.
What to say brother😔 no matter how many times we scold humanity.They never understand.They think fighting is the way of life.But the question is "Is war the only solution ? ".
Why? 💵💵💵
The flag was raised on Mt. Suribachi well before there had been 28,000 casualties. By which they mean dead. The word casualties also includes the injured and wounded. Yes. Those are two different things.
Mount Suribachi, literally "Mount Pestle" (used for grinding medicine and other substances into powder).
Quelle tristesse et désolation. Refusons les guerres!
Vocês estão sendo escrito em outras línguas, até cozinha inventaram de forma irresponsável.
17:03 "many of the doctors"... Maybe the storyteller should learn that there were 24 people judged by Nurnberg tribunal. 2 suicide. So, in total, 22 people sentenced. We can say "on behalf" of all war criminals in Germany, but this is far, far away from "many of the doctors" or "many" of anything. Ops, another clip made by this guy pronouncing"Shtalin" 😂😂😂
There was also the Einsatzgrupen trials.
E um vídio de um bom conteúdo não paro de acistir
درود خدمت شما اگر زحمتی نیست زیرنویس فارسی بگذارید، با سپاس فراوان 🙏🙏🌹❤️🌹
I refuse to give a thumbs up for a historical film that blurrs out the consequences of war!!!!
a moose once bit my sister
If you invade a neighbor starting a war you must wait this ...
@@martytrueblood5902 the people hired to train the moose have now been sacked. Those who replaced the original trainers have also now been sacked. The film directors will now hire a new trainer using llamas.
The film clearly mentions the horror of war. There are plenty of documentaries on such things. I thinks it’s ok to learn history and not entirely focus in every conversation of the consequences of said history.
@@lawdawgfair9611 I heard that it started when a bloke called Archie Duke shot an ostrich 'cause he was hungry.
Os julgamentos de Nuremberb foram uma farça política
Olhem só a ironia do ditado japonês em dizer ki eram pra continuar a lutar até o último homem e porque não cumpriram com seu ditado quando o governo dos EUA disse ki lhe enviariam uma chuva de bombas sobre o Céu do Japão já mais vista antes se eles não se rendensem, será ki não se fazem mais japoneses como como os samurai de antigamente.
Bạn chỉ dám phán xét, bạn không đủ dũng cảm để chiến đấu với họ đâu. Kẻ hèn nhát
ネバーギブアップ!! ネバーサレンダー!!
Imprecionate documetal .
Penyerahan jepang ke sekutu di Indonesia tdk ditayangkan 😂
Imaginem se a Alemanha tivesse desenvolvido a bomba atomica na frente dos Americanos!
Foi por pouco...
Impossível a Alemanha ter desenvolvido a bomba atômica porque os melhores físicos nucleares eram judeus
I thought this was a doc about Japan. Instead we get this pointless recap of the war in Europe. What's up with that?
MacArthur's speech, and America's ensuing treatment of the Japanese, represent the CHARACTER and VALUES that made America so great. What other conquering nation in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD would have been so gracious towards their former enemies -- particularly enemies who back-stabbed them so brutally. It's a real testament to what America has stood for in this world and meant to the world, to create a more peaceful world. Of course, we've made mistake along the way, but no country is perfect. American values of freedom, fairness, equality, and justice have brought the world decades of peace and prosperity. But now we face a new evil -- Putin and his puppet, Trump, who intend to destroy all that America stands for.
Os EUA hj é o câncer no mundo
USA is as imperialist as great powers oysters
Only you Americans believe this 🤣🤡
Yet the Japanese DID SURRENDER.😊
O Japão sofreu o que a China sofreu como exemplo o massacre de Nanquim .
I guess I’ve always been a bit perplexed about how anyone can call japans island invasions “successful”. Outside of the Philippines, did any of the islands even have any kind of military? In my mind it’s just they show up and now they occupy it.
They were mostly concerned with the whole Chinese holiday thing
Ww2 never ending
You know why
No I don’t
Back to your gaming now kiddo.
@@snowflakemelter1172 thanks 👍 for your compliment
I'm 95 years old today ⚠️
gosto de ver assiste toda história sobre à segunda guerra mundial infelizmente existiu todas essas atrocidades cometidas pôr nazistas e aliados!!!😢😢😔
It wasn't the nuclear bombs that made Japan surrender, we could of easily dropped 100 of the same and they still wouldn't of surrendered. The two bombs dropped was a research mission to see how nuclear bombs affect land and life. Sick and insane, isn't it?
So what made Japan surrender? It was the 200,000 screaming Russians that were slated to invade Japan, that made Japan surrender. Right after the nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan, they were given notice that the Russians were ready to invade Japan and seeing that Japan's royal bloodline would have been totally devestated by such invasion, because those Russian armies would have also sexually assualted the Jappanese women and the royals, essentially creating half breed bloodlines and that's not how Japan's royalty rolls.
You're right and so many history teachers get this wrong. Around 68 cities had been fired bombed by that point, two more didn't really mater. And Nagasaki was not the last bombing mission of the war, and many are led to believe. The Japanese still had a very large army in China, and 1000 planes earmarked as Kamikazes if the US invaded. The Japanese simply did not want the same Soviet horde that raped and murdered its way across Germany doing the same to them, that's why they gave up.
USA only had enough for three bombs..
the Japanese knew that...
that is why USA lost and paid reparations..
Operation Cherry Blossums at night would have ended the US world and silly delusion..
Interesting point. The second fire bombing of Tokyo did kill more and destroyed area as large as the nuke. So I suppose there is some merit to this idea.
@@lawdawgfair9611 Think of it this way, if the US nuked Nagasaki on Aug 9th, then why did it take the rest of the month before Japan surrendered?
Чудовищная ложь циничных англосаксов, применявшихся ядерное оружие на гражданах японии
Perang hanya membawa bencana dan malapetaka,stop peperangan di bumi
Thank god we had captain America
and hell boy
And Indiana Jones
When Russia declared war against Japan they surrender shortly after. It wasn’t just the two bombs.
Indeed bro.
Richard - The July 26th , 1945 , Potsdam Declaration made it clear the US wanted to remove Japan's military gov for all time , and bring in human rights . The " Big Six " rejected this and wanted to make it so costly for the US to invade Kyushu , that the US would negotiate terms . The atomic bombs and Soviet attack in Manchuria meant that the JIA would not get the opportunity to kill Americans .
Richard Frank is a true scholar on the Asian Pacific War . As I recall during one of his interviews , he outlined that it was both . The US had to get the Emperor and the " Big Six " to agree to the Potsdam Declaration . The Soviet attack in Manchuria convinced the JIA to agree to surrender .
The part that no one seems to say is that while under US occupation , Japan's Constitution was changed in 1947 , bringing in democratic and human rights .
Stalin thought he was in the position of power and was skeptical of America having a wonder bomb.
He was motivated to declare war on Japan and invade Manchuria only after the bombing of Hiroshima in order to secure his spoils of war.
Oh poppycock! Stalin only declared war on Japan because he knew it was about to be over and if Russia wasn’t in war with Japan he would have no say in post war treaties. So he declared war only so he could be a part of what happens.
Más bien las bombas fueron para evitar rendición ante los soviéticos.
Atomic bombs were pointless.
USSR came in from the North so Japan would have be invaded by both directions and broken into 2 (like Korea and Germany) in the end.
Heck, pro war tried but failed at a coup to keep war going.
Matthew Clemence, your comment is pointless.
@@minerran psst whatever
this comment is what historical illiteracy looks like
@@samantharay6098 more like your idoiticy
@@KangaKucha id almost feel sorry for you if i forgot what you people are doing to our society
They never surrendered. They just said they did. It's basically a peace treaty not surrender.
That may be so. But they acted & complied to all the terms from the Americans as if they surrendered. No resistance or guerrilla warfare afterwards. Which was great for everyone involved. I mean, look at Japan today - rich, highly advanced nation & one of America's most important allies.
Uno entra a lo de la rendición japonesa y se topa con un rollo otanero. Falta de honestidad..
Os japonêses se se renderam porque os americanos arrocharam duas tabocada federal sobre hiroshima e nagazaki
WW2 NEVER ending you know why
Because TH-cam is full of WW2 docs.
@@Wings_of_foam because British 🇬🇧 made ww1 and WW2 in order to divide each one nation
Pirate state 🏴☠️🇬🇧 manager of Hamas training CAMP'S İNSTRUCTORS BRİTİSH SAS 🇬🇧🇹🇷 bodrum.
Tamam a ❓ AYDE SYHTIR aptalca
thats the reason if why some russian community come to the philippines for seeking peaceful country who stayed... i love russia..🇷🇺🇸🇮🇵🇭❤️
ni berarti film Rambo, bukan film pearl harbor. kalo pearl harbor holocaust I
4:00 drugzzz...
🙈🙉🙊TH-cam👶, censorship🖕. No like's, no subscribe.👎
Le floutage des documentaires est vraiment pénible autant faire un docu audio ça choquera moins TH-cam...
When Australia and America occupied Japan, they transformed a backward, feudal society into a civilised and peaceful land for the first time in the entire history of the Japanese.
Japan was not feudal country in WW2
It was State capitalism under Showa with military dictatorships
They feudal before Boshin war or Japanese civil war
@ An all powerful Emperor meant that Japan was feudal.
@@seanlander9321 feudalism is different from capitalism
@ 🙄
نرجو ترجمه فلم اللغه العربيه
Arapi nisu učestvovali u svetskim ratovima osim kao engleski konjušari. Amerika i Engleska i SSSR glavni su činioci svih svetskih ratova.
There is Arabic captions
일본은 여전히 역사적 사실을 은폐하며 대한민국에게 80년이 가까이 되도록 진심으로 사과하지 않고 있습니다 대한민국 피해자들은 아직도 고통속에 있습니다
best censorship strikes again
12:20 17:05 36:09
Onde está a lista desses documentos do 1 até o último só encontro completo em preto e branco?