When The Beast Comes Out Of MAKKAH |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 พ.ค. 2023
  • seekersguidance.org/answers/i...
    Allah Most High states, “We shall bring forth for them out of the earth a beast that shall speak unto them.” [27: 82] The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “The first of the signs [the Hour] to appear will be the rising of the sun from the west and the appearance of the Best before the people in the forenoon.” [Muslim]
    There scholars differed greatly regarding the details related to the Beast, which, though not important to know, can be mentioned briefly as follows:
    (a) Appearance: Some scholars, such as Imam Qurtubi, held that the beast is the she-camel of the Prophet Salih (Allah bless him). Others stated that it was an animal that is a hybrid of many different animals. Another opinion states that it is an actual human being, which is a very weak opinion. [Qurtubi, Tadkhira]
    b) Place of Emergence: Some stated that the Beast will emerge from Makka, basing it on a narration of Hudhayfa (Allah be well-pleased with him). Others stated that it will emerge from a desert, then disappear, then emerge from a village, then disappear, then finally from the Masjid al-Haram in Makka. There is another opinion that states it will emerge from Ta’if. [Qurtubi, Tadkhira; Alusi, Ruh al-Ma`ani]
    (c) It’s Speech: The Beast will address the people with the words of Allah, “Mankind did not believe in our signs.” [27: 82] Others stated, quoting ibn `Abbas, that “speaking” refers to the action of the Beast in differentiating the believers and disbelievers.
    (d) It’s Role: The Beast will be tasked to differentiate the believers from the disbelievers. Abu Hurayra (Allah be well-pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, “The Beast of the earth will emerge and have with it the staff of Moses and the ring of Solomon.” [Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Musnad Ahmad] It will use these to mark off the believers from the disbelievers. [Qurtubi, Jami` al-Ahkam al-Qur’an]
    An important point to note is that many of the opinions regarding the beast may not have sound basis in the texts. As such, believing in these subtle details is not necessary, except that which has come in the authentic narratives of the Prophet (Allah bless him). This includes, first and foremost, believing in the coming of the Beast itself, a point established decisively in the Qur’an, as well as it being a sign of the Last Hour, its speaking to people, and its task of differentiating the believers from the disbelievers.
    Details regarding its appearance, where it will arise from, what it will say, and so forth, are matters of secondary importance. The safest route is to consign these modalities and details to Allah, while realizing that ultimately we will all return to Him to be judged for what we did in our worldly life.

ความคิดเห็น • 82

  • @ashmial
    @ashmial ปีที่แล้ว +4

    الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات جزاكي الله الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة مع النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن أولئك رفيقا

  • @user-wg5ne2xs8z
    @user-wg5ne2xs8z ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ربنا ثبت قلوبنا على دينك يا نور السموات والارض

  • @user-wg5ne2xs8z
    @user-wg5ne2xs8z ปีที่แล้ว +3

    الصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى أله وصحبه أجمعين

  • @aacc5984
    @aacc5984 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thanks very important spread the beautiful, logical, peaceful message of Quran and Islam in beautiful Italian language.

  • @user-wg5ne2xs8z
    @user-wg5ne2xs8z ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ربنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد أذ هديتنا

  • @nooruddin2702
    @nooruddin2702 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Walaikumussalaam warahmatullahi sister MASHAALLAH beautiful reaction

  • @mrsocdaal1434
    @mrsocdaal1434 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @muhammedsanyang1276
    @muhammedsanyang1276 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    MashÀllah that's great talking

  • @mohammadluthfiyunus5175
    @mohammadluthfiyunus5175 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Assalamualaykum sister ...alhamdulillah ..alhamdulillah ...alhamdulillah ...keep your dawwah sister n love from ALLAH and Rasulullah shalallahi alaihi wassalam..dont forget us in your dua...sister ♥️

  • @talimkhansipahi0786
    @talimkhansipahi0786 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Walekum assalam sister ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @SabirKhan-jd8do
    @SabirKhan-jd8do ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Masha allah

  • @AbdulkadirKarakas-yp2vk
    @AbdulkadirKarakas-yp2vk ปีที่แล้ว

    Allah sana her zaman zihin açıklığı versin inşaallah ve sana güç kuvvet versin inşallah ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ rabbim inşallah

  • @jsjdjjsjdj4050
    @jsjdjjsjdj4050 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ربنا يوفقك ويحفظك ويثبتك يا اخت فاطمة اتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح والسعادة والاستقامة يا اختي الفاضلة

  • @hhaa4992
    @hhaa4992 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    بارك الله فيكي احتي والله يثبتك ويقويكي يارب 👋👋💪💪

  • @MuhammadAdnan-lz1pw
    @MuhammadAdnan-lz1pw ปีที่แล้ว +2

    From Pakistan
    Allah bless all of us.
    Fatima d'agostino You make great videos and look great. Take care of yourself too.

  • @hafiz5001
    @hafiz5001 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Masha Allah amazing video thanks dear sister jazak Allah khair ❤

  • @mohamedenebeh6564
    @mohamedenebeh6564 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    May Allah bless you, sister.

  • @mr.spookey5647
    @mr.spookey5647 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    MashAllah MashAllah

  • @yassereldaw8269
    @yassereldaw8269 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته

  • @jameelalnamree3096
    @jameelalnamree3096 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    استغفر الله العظيم رب العرش الكريم
    اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد

  • @moammadali5056
    @moammadali5056 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very nice❤❤❤❤فيديو حلو وجميل جدا ❤❤❤❤

  • @rmfaruque7115
    @rmfaruque7115 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Salam sister in Islam. Good reaction indeed. Signs and situation of Day of destruction is widely discussed in many suras chapters of Qur'an repeatedly.
    Repetence will not be accepted asand when the signs of Day of destruction is seen.Also there may not be accepted as and when death situation of an individual will appear as happened to Feraun Qur'an 10:90,91. his repentance was not accepted.while drowned .also repentance will not be accepted if one doesn't turn to Allah,Qur'an 25:71 One may deserve for forgiveness then may have desire for that.Yet Allah accepts the prayer at nonbelievers when they pray to Him leaving other false deities.

  • @sijoad
    @sijoad ปีที่แล้ว

    For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
    ( 1 Corinthians 1 : 18 )

  • @dinsta8778
    @dinsta8778 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh ...
    #salam from Indonesia 🇮🇩

  • @shekhkhashiciofficialchann9798
    @shekhkhashiciofficialchann9798 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    @ASSLANO ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @smerkh6398
    @smerkh6398 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    قال جل جلاله في سورة الدخان ....فارتقب يوم تأتي السماء بدخان مبين يغشى الناس هذا عذاب أليم ربنا اكشف عنا العذاب إنا مؤمنون أنى لهم الذكرى وقد جاءهم رسول مبين ثم تولوا عنه وقالوا معلم مجنون . صدق الله العظيم الايه 10

  • @endey5775
    @endey5775 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Assalamualaikum sis❤🇲🇾

  • @mirmuhammad6995
    @mirmuhammad6995 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Revered sister you have posted a very beautiful, and knowledge full video again. Praying with Almighty ALLAH to Grant you more of wisdom and knowledge of Islam. As science discovered that mother Earth rotates at the speed of 1000 NM per hour towards the east and we human beings, mountains and all the creatures on the surface of the earth are riding Earth, as I think perhaps when it will rotate towards the west at the same speed and sun will rise from the west at this time the condition of all the things on earth could be imagined. Allah knows what will happen we beg His mercy and seek refuge with Almighty ALLAH. استغفار استغفرُللہ ربی من کل ذنب و اتوب الیہ

  • @MyChannel-1999
    @MyChannel-1999 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Makkah is the place of Beasts

  • @amania9254
    @amania9254 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @sidiidris1240
    @sidiidris1240 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In the Israk Mikraj journey, the MESSENGER traveled in another dimension of time and space. He was brought forward in time until the end of the world and beyond, and he saw all these things with his own eyes. So he came back and told his people what he actually saw. The problem is we use the word "prophet" for divine messenger, that means to predict the future (prophecy). This is a christian term! Our messenger or nabi did not prophecize. He related what he saw himself in another space-time dimension.

  • @ImparaTV383
    @ImparaTV383 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Arriva un momento nella vita in cui bisogna dire basta. La festa è finita. Non sappiamo quando moriremo. La vita è breve e il giudizio di Allah sarà rigoroso, equo e giusto, ma senza possibilità di ritorno. Arriva il momento in cui bisogna dire "ne ho abbastanza". Basta essere seguiti e amati solo per interesse. Basta inseguire il denaro come una persona insaziabile e affamata. La corsa alla ricchezza vi distrae tutti, fino a quando non mirate alle tombe. Ne ho abbastanza di conoscere solo una o due sura del Corano e di non sapere quasi nulla della mia religione.
    Cosa hanno le altre persone che sanno il Corano a memoria, che fanno la preghiera notturna, che pregano regolarmente? Perché loro e non io? Puoi commettere errori nella vita terrena, fare errori e lasciare questo mondo con dei rimpianti e delle mancanze. Ma se sbagli nella tua pratica religiosa, nel tuo rapporto con il tuo Signore, e lasci questo mondo con grandi mancanze, non c'è possibilità di ritorno. Allah ce lo ricorda nel Corano. Ci saranno persone che diranno dopo la morte: "Avrei dovuto fare ciò che ho trascurato. Ho trascurato la preghiera, ho trascurato le offerte di carità, ho trascurato il digiuno del Ramadan, ho trascurato la preghiera in moschea, ho trascurato la preghiera a casa, ho trascurato un buon comportamento verso i miei genitori, ho trascurato di dedicare tempo alla mia famiglia, ho trascurato di fare cose lecite, di sposarmi in modo lecito, di viaggiare in modo lecito, di guadagnare denaro in modo lecito..."
    E ha dimenticato che nella sua tomba, prima ancora del Giorno della Resurrezione, Allah manderà un essere che lo spaventerà o gli annuncerà una buona notizia in base alle sue azioni. L'uomo sarà spaventato quando vedrà l'uomo davanti a lui, che non gli ispirerà fiducia, ma lo terrà in terrore, lo spaventerà con un odore sgradevole e gli dirà: "Chi sei tu?" Ha dimenticato che quell'uomo gli dirà: "Sono le tue azioni. Sono la preghiera che hai trascurato, sono i tuoi furti, le tue bugie, le tue calunnie, sono tutte le cattive cose che facevi quando venivi richiamato.

  • @junaidibnurusyd6780
    @junaidibnurusyd6780 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When ad dukhaan occurs, the world is dark, all technology is destroyed and returns to the stone age... many disbelievers die because they can't wait for what will come after, only believers endure patiently because what is expected will come, namely Al Mahdi!

  • @ranasarwar4620
    @ranasarwar4620 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ciao Bella fatima molto bene fai cosi una molta.inglese.e Italiano perche tu.explain bene in Italiano grazie Mille Cara sorella fatima Simona.tvb.sempre ma Salaam.ciao

  • @durg5847
    @durg5847 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

  • @NRI_1
    @NRI_1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    إسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    How are you I hope you are doing well
    I am searching a reverted girl who follow Islam problem I am from India but I am living in Tanzania zanzibar island 🇹🇿🇹🇿

  • @wolverinescratch
    @wolverinescratch ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is the narrator a Australian brother?

  • @mohammadfahim2838
    @mohammadfahim2838 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    God forgive me and every Muslim before this day

  • @sulemanbarkat8076
    @sulemanbarkat8076 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Beast is the partner of Satan

  • @abadirzulu5249
    @abadirzulu5249 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel sorry 4 you sister

  • @albertrinaldi1380
    @albertrinaldi1380 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    1gemba ditimut dan barat dan ditanah jazirah Arab 2dabbah3asap4imam Mahdi 5 nabi Isa turun dari langit 6dajjal7matahari terbit dari Barat 8yajuj majuj9angin dari Yaman 10 aku lupa.wassalam

  • @RMFaruque-iz3of
    @RMFaruque-iz3of ปีที่แล้ว

    This forecast is made in Quran (18:99,21:96) These will comes out as waves sfter waves engulf the whole earth and will be removed just before the first low of Trumpet.
    But this obnoxious drawing is totally imaginary, so shouldn't be.

  • @akhiruddinsuccessline4905
    @akhiruddinsuccessline4905 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Assalam mualaikum sister Fatima. ♥️ from 🇲🇾

  • @SRK8481_2
    @SRK8481_2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    To badly that what is promoted on internet (Insta TH-cam etc) by you and other Muslims (Hamza, Dawah, Muftiman, Mohammed Hijab...) is not true. I mean you promote the word of God but seems you don't do it what you say (not you personally, I mean Muslims....). Monday I travel a pretty long distance just to visit a mosque for first time and to talk with imam (walking few km,then train, bus, walk..) ! The opening time is from 1 pm to 10 pm, he ask me to come at 12pm. I've go there happy to talk with him, told him some problems, some thoughts and events from my life that made me want to convert to Islam. But he was just hurrying me, all was during about 5-10 minutes then he told me( between words) that I should go because at 1 pm people will come for short pray,and I'm not Muslim so... I insist when I can come to, asist to pray, in the end he told me I can go friday but if I promise to be quiet and stay still in a small corner (why he treat me like a dog or small kid) Then he said there are only young teenager's so... (I'm 30+ probably that for..) Also I kindly ask him for a copy of Quran to read it and I promis I will bring him back but he didn't want "people's now one don't use books, use phone to read it", and he said that will send me on phone some pdf how to become Muslim, and I told him that I read it that, also I read Bibles from all Christians worship and Torah, so I wish to read Quran, and he said it's too much for the moment... I told him I'm totally dedicated to Islam from last 6 months, I learn from internet how to pray (in English and my main language, I still don't speak Arabic), but is one thing to learn different ways from Google and another way to learn from one muslim. I told him that already I do it alone home 3 time Shahada (last time, the nigh before I go to him) falling on my knees with tears in my eyes, because I'm in some really bad times and also joy tears for join Islam), and he was just laughing and said it's useless to say Shahada alone if is not one imam around, but also he keep saying is to much for now... Well I'm feeling ready! How's about that? I read Quran only some peace's but he doesn't want to give me one... Is not forced but this shows Muslims are not so welcoming.... Sad 😕😒 This makes me keeping my Christianity surounded with drinks,woman's, naked parties, swing etc, and at the end of the days I'm pretty sure he will be one same path like me, for how treat people's .... P. S. I'm not saying the city where was but I'm from Romania... But I give you another example:In another city Constanta, to visit Mosque you have to pay the entrance, so don't say that is free to everyone to visit,because Isn't! Also they have few hours open but they don't respect the program... So... It's much like Christianity :We have Bible but don't read it(majority), you Muslims don't ofer the chance to someone to read Quran! We have old lady's in church to sell stuff, you Muslim have old lady's that don't even aloud someone to entrance without pay... Don't believe? Google it, or look for reviews on Google or just visit "Mosque Constanta"...... I try it last month to visit but when I saw you have to pay, I didn't do it, not because money but because anyone say is a free religion and free visit for anyone but in fact isn't.... I'm curious if you will delete this comment to not see it anyone... (Mufti Menk, simply deleted this comment when I asked on last video what he thinks about this! And before I was listening him with joy.... Stupid me...)

    • @fatimadagostino552
      @fatimadagostino552  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Salam and thanks for your comments.
      We’re humans and we all make mistakes. That’s why Islam was sent , according to Muslims it was sent to save humanity. The law of Islam is very simply , accurate and perfect.
      Sorry to say , being a Muslim doesn’t not mean you’re a perfect perfect person.
      We have to learn and ponder on our teachings.
      If you’re 100% genuinely interested to learn and follow Islam.
      Please continue to do more research, perhaps you can. Go to different Mosque for Dawah . Insha Allah if you’re genuinely to learn help will come .

    • @SRK8481_2
      @SRK8481_2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@fatimadagostino552 Wa alaykumu ssalam sister! 🤍 Don't throw with stones please!
      I don't judge anyone I was just saying what was happening to me, and how he made me feel like! Nothing else... Now tlrefecting, he was talking like Baptist preacher so maybe he was converted from them, who knows.... Anyway things are going on the right path I think, I converted, now learning to pray... Wanna starting to learn Arabic ( befor someone asked me many times to do thiis.. She really want it to teach me Arabic, but me=stupid... 🤷‍♂️) Also she said (years ago..) "one day you will convert to Islam and you will regret that you don't know Arabic", guess what : Just happened... 🤦‍♂️