Great discussion and awareness. The Catholic church may be going through some confusions but it has given us the push to relook at the Catechism of the Catholic Church, read the Bible daily and pray more for the Spirit of Discernment. In the end the Immaculate heart of Mary will prevail. To God be the Glory.
If one looks hard enough, they will be able to make sin>ok. We need to study The word of God. We all know what God thought of sodomy, no one is above God. We are headed in very wrong direction. Those who want this I'll sin will find the answer They want!. Bergogolio had plans to change Church Teaching from day one. Too many things to list. How dare he alter word of God.!
Tony is a troll who posts the same comments over and over on various Catholic channels. He’s a Seventh Day Adventist who will never accept your answers, so I suggest you just shake his fist from your sandals and say a prayer for him.
@@tony1685 Google who created the Catholic church, You will see that it says Jesus Christ he even warned us that his church will be persecuted and spat upon like what happend to him at the scourging at the pillar. Just like how people dismissed him when he told the truth about who he is, people dismiss the truth of the catholic church in a similar way, insulting it and calling it a lie. People's commitments like this just prove the catholic church is something special because if it's not a big deal to you then why bother wasting ur time? God bless
@@tony1685 and the Catholic church means Universal soooo talking about the cult of Rome? Really? It means all are welcome to this church, You don't need to be Invited or have a nice car or have money to be welcomed, he wants you to come as you are.
This was an absolutely fantastic and uplifting video! Despite the confusion and injustice occurring in our world (and Church), I appreciated the calm and charitable manner with which both of you spoke. Favourite quotes: 1. "The highest form of charity is to tell someone the truth" - Fr. Murray 2. "We must express the truth with love" - Dr. Hahn God bless both of you :)
Thank you Dr. Hahn and Fr. Murray. Everyday I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to just give up like everyone else and bow down to the LGBTQ-Woke god who says sin is just a political form of control. But I won't because I know Jesus Christ is Lord and that the path of righteousness is an uphill road and arduous journey against the strong winds of sin and temptation. Matt. 11:28-30. November 2023!
At 24:24 minutes the interview moved into an area I consider one of the most pertinent to my life. As a grandfather, I have see and am addressing problems of doctrinal confusion from certain section of the church, with my children and grandchildren. Saint Paul Center has been a great source of direction in many ways to this end. Thank you.
@@lorainabogado doctrinal confusion?????? These so-called educated authors/historians/etc., are the ones confused by the GALLEN MAFIA TEAM of satanists past 60 plus years. Wake up so-called educated zombies paying lipservice to God and Mother Mary.
@danmccabe8528 - Agree with you 100% but unfortunately Fr. Murray is not interested in being a Cardinal. All he is a holy priest faithful to our Lord and His Church. Unfortunately now a days only most people promoted are worthless career politician priest who don't give a dam about our Holy Church and only seek power. Just look around all new appointments in our country. We must pray, hope and don't worry. God bless Fr. Murray and Dr. Hahn They are two faithful Catholics whom we and our Lord are very prod of.
Fr. Murray’s book is wonderful. It is certainly calming the storm in my heart upon reconnecting with the Church after 30+ years away. It is a lucid, intelligent explanation that should help many Catholics deal with the chaos going on not only in the Church but in the world at large. I highly recommend it!
What a beautiful educative podcast I love to listen to Dr Scott Hahn He makes Catholicism so magnificent Sending all my best wishes from South Africa ... God bless you all 🙏🏻
Thank you for this. It speaks to me of hope and offers me a reflection of my own personal need to "be effective" - to make sure I "have a proper understanding of who the Lord is, to pray to Him, and then to imitate Him." May God bless you, Fr. Gerald Murray and your co-author for this timely help, and you, Scott, for all you do.
Great analogy; calming the storm story after all Jesus told them on the start of the journey we are going to the other side. Likewise He said the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church so I can rest in the Church despite the crisis and pray for the Church and its leaders.
I was always told by holy priests, "Stay close to the sacraments." I wish I could by myself clean out the Vatican, but I can't. I have to rely on Our Lady and St. Joseph. I drive over 60 miles each Sunday for the TLM. I am blessed to be able to attend the TLM close to me and I hope I will be able to do so. I am willing to go underground to practice my faith in the Classical Roman Rite.
I'm a big fan of Fr. Murray, the church needs more like him, although I disagree on the death penalty issues, it's something that is far too common a practise, but like Mr. Hahn said, that's a discussion for another day!
Great you both have the same connection to bring to lite the problems the Church is facing and with respect you Both have The Proper Traditional Church Teachings we the laity has lost especially from the Pulpit and definitely from the Vatican thank you Fr Gerald and Scott this so much needed for our Times to much Confusion God bless you Both a must this Book be in every Catholic Home and Seminars and Convents. 🙏🏻🕊📿⛪✝️🔥
Watched Lusia Piccarreta. I have been praying for St Joseph to keep my will locked up and that I do only his Will. Been reading her books up to vol 16. She is telling us about Gods wrath which will be coming.
We await the consensus of great minds that guard the unerring traditional doctrines and doctrines of the Church. The current actions of church prelates can wake up and "change their tune" soon I hope. Not to disrespect the wise counsel of the better minds before them
I am a roman catholic for I may say thanks be to God I was born that way, never the less some years ago I was invited to attend mass at Our Lady of Lebanon catholic church in Miami where I was living at that time. I must confess I was astonish and delighted, their holy mass seemed more profound more I maybe say deep in spiritual that ours, sure some the ch-antics I didn't understand for they do it in Maronite. If someone know about this topic and want share I appreciate.
appreciate this interview and note about this book which I will be ordering. I would have liked to hear more from Father Murray, sometimes Scott talks too long. i know it's his interview, but still wanted to hear more from the priest.
The German character has caused more bad and good than the Irish because it is about 10 times more powerful in numbers alone... You, Scott Hahn, are a good example for the good :-) Keep up the good FIGHT!
Dear Scott and Father Gerald - Yes, the Lord is in control "but" we the faithful need to defend the church with our lives as Peter did if necessary. Just saying "God is in control" is not enough. I am nor concerned about the Lord forsaking us, I am very concerned about how we respond to this crisis.
What is the difference between good and bad behaviour? Or, what is the difference between the tree of knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, and the tree of life?
When I awaken each day, I realize there is nothing in my life that I have complete control over. When I think of all God does, I wouldn't want to have his job. I also realize how profoundly STUPID I am with my limited intellect or surely I'd have life totally figured out.
Mr Hahn, we need to get True Catholics rally against the Declaration! We need a leader who can arrange this! The priest can't do it their hands are tied. We need to speak up
In 1985 I was 13 at the shrine of the blessed virgin at Mount Mellary Ireland, the statue of our lady became brighter than white and shone, it moved out from the rocks and the image of Jesus Christ began to appear in its place, he was in a bright white robe, a black sash around hs waist, his hair was dark shoulder length, his heart was outside his chest,he appeared white, his hands were by his sides palms facing forward with the wounds of crucifixion visable, tears rolled from my eyes, not because I was weeping, it just was like my body was doing its own thing, I was taken to a little hut that had windows cut out, no glass, I blinked as in a situation like ths you will try to assure yourself what your seeing as real, when I called him in my mind, I said his name Jesus Christ, before I could say his name he responded to my thought and slowly turned his head until he was staring right at me, I looked as long as I could and hung my head, his look made me feel something that to this day struggle with, I mustered my strength and looked back up, he was still looking at me, I looked at him as long as I could which was only about 5 to 10 seconds and I had to hang my head again, I belive I felt the weight of sin beneath his gaze, I am a lowly and vile sinner, somtimes I belive that he let me see him to show me his unfathomable mercy and love as he knew then all the terrible sins I would commit but still his love was greater than anything I could ever do, other times I remember the strong thout that struck me that evening in my aunts house, that maybe it's for somone else, someone who needs to hear my testomony of the realty of what happened that day, what I can tell you with total faith, is that Jesus Christ is real, you need to know about his firece side that some girls and I saw, I can tell you that I think of that moment many times throughout the day, my one regret is that I didn't throw myself facedown on the ground I front of him, look up Mount Mellary apparitions on TH-cam, there's video from the week during the visions and eye witness testimony, hope this helps you in your journey too the Father through Jesus Christ, Ave Maria
Christ vs Religion, God's word vs man's doctrine. This contrast is something seeking believers must receive revelation from God about in order to know and follow and be subject to the truth.
I would have liked more respect for the Holy Father ad not showing suspicion on him It is better to navigate on following his teachings and directives, rather than resisting and being critical: it WS not help the unity of the Church, neither our pastoral work. Y name is Fr. Manuel Castanyos. Nairobi
Great information. There's lots of work to be done as Abraham would be hard pressed to find 10 good Bishops in the Vatican or the USCCB, or any other conference.
“This people honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men.” St Matthew 15:8-9 “Anyone who is so “progressive” as not to remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God; whoever remains in the teaching has the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him in your house or even greet him; for whoever greets him shares in his evil works.” 2 John 1:9-11 “There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who ransomed them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.” 2 Peter 2:1
Logic suggests that our response to the storm could be (1) change the Church; (2) allow the storm to continue; or(3) change the people. I think no one wants the storm to continue.
At 34 minutes you mention the time Jesus spent talking to Clopas and his companion, then you say they recognised Jesus at the breaking of the bread. I think we can understand that Clopas and friend were Disciples but not Apostles. So were there more than just the Apostles at the Last Supper? If so, no one else appears in the gospels at having been in attendance; if not how did Clopas recognise Jesus from the way he broke the bread?
Defending the Faith IS part of proclaiming the Faith. It always has been, individuals who do a better or worse job of it being irrelevant. The implication that there is a difference between defending the Faith and proclaiming the Faith is not Traditional, and it's only a step or two away from "witnessing," 'accompanying" and all of that other unnecessary vocabulary that sooner or later leads to error.
There is no confusion in The Church revealed in the Bible. Indeed it is characterised by oneness and order. In all the religious enterprises, from the largest to the smallest however, darkness, confusion and chaos are predominant.
I’m a cantor at my parish and have studied the liturgy specifically liturgical music for a number of years. I’m curious what Father Murray would have to say in regards to a renewal badly needed in Spanish liturgies specifically in the US.
Confusion in the church is a normal thing. No confusion, no debat means a dead church. Just some exemples: Will we cooperate with fascist dictators? (Pius XI yes, later may be, Pius XII after 1945: that was a bad idea). Must the church do a aggiornamento? (Pius XII no, John XXIII and Paul VI yes). Must we crush the reforms? (John Paul II, Benedict XVI yes, pope Francis no). Gay rights? ( pope Pius V: burn them all, later Pius VI they are sick but not diabolic, John Paul II: no civic unions allowed, Pope Francis: why not?) . So by this dialectic process we proceed. Nothing to be worried about. Period.
1 Tim 2: 5 "for there is one God and one Mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus". This rather cuts through all religious hierarchy placing men between men and God, don't you think?? What price Pope to Deacon in this light?
Jesus never promised us an easy road but strength and grace for the journey. Society has attached the Church for the past 60 years. Currently we as a church need to repent. Poor education of priests and religious and adoration of culture by the ordained religious has shaken the laity's Faith and TRUST in the woke church. The open acceptance of abuse of the Blessed Sacrament, poor example by closing the Catholic Church during the lockdown (refusal to do their jobs by priests in providing spiritual leadership)
As a youth I heard the word of Christ and received faith to believe into Him, and to depart religious enterprise and enter into Christ. Today all believers are priests serving God. This is not religion. It is truth.
prudence…. we need prudence…. i am trying to pray for all those who are confusing the faithful… and i find so many in the clergy and hierarchy are so arrogrant to hear what many of us want to say to these confusing clerics… yet many of us are dismissed as rigid and uncaring …. tired of hearing from clergy there are straight and gay people we must affirm
The demons surround those that are holy. Pray for them. i do NOW through IMMACULATE HEART of MOTHER united to HIS HOLY SACRIFICE in Time and Eternity united to all the angels, saints, souls in Heaven and Purgatory, Nephilim the same. Especially St John Vinney and all that have feast days this day. And all that i speak of in a special way in my Morning Offering. Amen.
Religion is essentially man's concept and method of doing, in his limited understanding, something to please God. Faith, in contrast, is to receive and live out Christ to the glory of God. As God said to Adam, Where are you?
The Bible says that the powers that be are ordained of God. This is speaking of secular rule type wisdom given by God.Natural law is similar in content, but yet different in nature to spiritual law. Spiritual wisdom comes from above and cannot corrupt. Powers that be, delegated authority ,can corrupt if their source is natural only. The cosmic flow of wisdom to leaders in churches corrupts when they get their source of wisdom from natural law alone and not from God. The apostle Paul said that the law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. Preaching in the churches must contain the actual substance of the law and the nature of Christ in fullness through revelation knowledge. Christ and Him crucified, realizing that the force and weight of the finished work off the cross of Christ comes with demonstrations of power because His work wrought incorruptibility with it. This is the revelation for this final hour. Many protestants have given up on the Catholic Church but I have not, because of the Doctrines of Christ contained within.
A Fox News commentator?....disappointing conservative commentary which does not really show a whole lot of love the way Jesus would have loved his people and the way the Pope is encouraging to love one another.
I have a relatively easy answer for those who are disgusted on what the Catholic Church has done in the last 60 years. Join the SSPX! I did, and I watch their religious services/programs on TH-cam daily. ✝
Pope Francis, and his leadership, is filled with the Holy Spirit and is a bright spot in the Catholic Church’s history over the past 50 years. I get the feeling that capitalism is the religion being worshipped among many far right Catholics.
Our dearest Lord Holy Spirit is the only Teacher of His Truth, the life within you, love and holiness. Why believe another human? Mother spoke at Fatima Portugal in 1917. This Oracle given by Mother had no optional premise to Truth spoke by Her. More a do or die. The pride of His men in His Church could not hear Her Love proclaimed.
So the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a waste of time? I honestly thought that it was supposed to be our roadmap. One virtue which i believe is most pleasing to God is obedience, and yes, if one is in disagreement with the hierarchy, as the Gospel states, one must try to reason with the wrong party, in order to bring him/her to what is right. I get the impression that most feel disappointed with Pope Francis, compare him with his most recent predecessors. Isn't the Holy Spirit the one that guides the Church? Is it that we are trying to make God do what we think is best? I think it may be enlightening to read Job 38 to put all these issues in perspective. The confusion in the Church began with those who do not understand their vocation to shepherd, who want to enjoy the accolades of the world, and who seem to be too enamoured with their own intellectual prowess.
Isn't it just so comfortable to be part of a huge religious enterprise like Roman Catholicism that is so responsible for everything that you just need to relax and wait for God... But wait! Justification is by faith, not good works 😕.
Hobnobbing with socially acceptable big names does not grant authenticity to the man with a white collar, or his book. It just gives a fuzzy feel-good feeling at interview time... Wake up and rise up and pay the price to gain the truth, Laiety!
Great discussion and awareness. The Catholic church may be going through some confusions but it has given us the push to relook at the Catechism of the Catholic Church, read the Bible daily and pray more for the Spirit of Discernment. In the end the Immaculate heart of Mary will prevail. To God be the Glory.
Amen .
If one looks hard enough, they will be able to make sin>ok. We need to study The word of God. We all know what God thought of sodomy, no one is above God. We are headed in very wrong direction. Those who want this I'll sin will find the answer They want!. Bergogolio had plans to change Church Teaching from day one. Too many things to list. How dare he alter word of God.!
Thanks to you guys who have strengthened my hopes and faith in the Catholic Church. We still have a chance.
@@tony1685 you mean the 10 commandments that we reflect upon when we go to confession??? Ok bud
Tony is a troll who posts the same comments over and over on various Catholic channels. He’s a Seventh Day Adventist who will never accept your answers, so I suggest you just shake his fist from your sandals and say a prayer for him.
*dust, not fist.
@@tony1685 Google who created the Catholic church, You will see that it says Jesus Christ he even warned us that his church will be persecuted and spat upon like what happend to him at the scourging at the pillar. Just like how people dismissed him when he told the truth about who he is, people dismiss the truth of the catholic church in a similar way, insulting it and calling it a lie. People's commitments like this just prove the catholic church is something special because if it's not a big deal to you then why bother wasting ur time? God bless
@@tony1685 and the Catholic church means Universal soooo talking about the cult of Rome? Really? It means all are welcome to this church, You don't need to be Invited or have a nice car or have money to be welcomed, he wants you to come as you are.
Fr. Murray we Catholics need more solid, grounded and wise priests to carry us through these dizzying sometimes depressing times in our church.
Good families bring forth good Priests.
Fr.Murray!!!! God Love You!!!!
This was an absolutely fantastic and uplifting video! Despite the confusion and injustice occurring in our world (and Church), I appreciated the calm and charitable manner with which both of you spoke.
Favourite quotes:
1. "The highest form of charity is to tell someone the truth" - Fr. Murray
2. "We must express the truth with love" - Dr. Hahn
God bless both of you :)
Thank God for priests like Fr. Murray!!
I feel so blessed to be living in a time to have such great material readily available to learn more about the Faith!
Thank you Dr. Hahn and Fr. Murray. Everyday I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to just give up like everyone else and bow down to the LGBTQ-Woke god who says sin is just a political form of control. But I won't because I know Jesus Christ is Lord and that the path of righteousness is an uphill road and arduous journey against the strong winds of sin and temptation. Matt. 11:28-30. November 2023!
Thank you both for being lights in the darkness right now. We need all the strong brave voices we can get.
At 24:24 minutes the interview moved into an area I consider one of the most pertinent to my life. As a grandfather, I have see and am addressing problems of doctrinal confusion from certain section of the church, with my children and grandchildren. Saint Paul Center has been a great source of direction in many ways to this end. Thank you.
There is no doctrinal confusion. They reject Christianity after understanding how stupid it is.
@@lorainabogado doctrinal confusion??????
These so-called educated authors/historians/etc., are the
ones confused by the GALLEN MAFIA TEAM of satanists past
60 plus years. Wake up so-called
educated zombies paying lipservice to God and Mother Mary.
What a Mountain of a Man and Great Priest!!! Should be Cardinal Murray!!!
@danmccabe8528 - Agree with you 100% but unfortunately Fr. Murray is not interested in being a Cardinal. All he is a holy priest faithful to our Lord and His Church. Unfortunately now a days only most people promoted are worthless career politician priest who don't give a dam about our Holy Church and only seek power. Just look around all new appointments in our country. We must pray, hope and don't worry. God bless Fr. Murray and Dr. Hahn They are two faithful Catholics whom we and our Lord are very prod of.
Excellent interview! Love both you good holy men of God! May our Lord bless you and keep you in precious name of Jesus Christ!
Fr. Murray’s book is wonderful. It is certainly calming the storm in my heart upon reconnecting with the Church after 30+ years away. It is a lucid, intelligent explanation that should help many Catholics deal with the chaos going on not only in the Church but in the world at large. I highly recommend it!
What a beautiful educative podcast
I love to listen to Dr Scott Hahn
He makes Catholicism so magnificent
Sending all my best wishes from South Africa ... God bless you all 🙏🏻
Thank you... I enjoyed the discussion
Thank you for this. It speaks to me of hope and offers me a reflection of my own personal need to "be effective" - to make sure I "have a proper understanding of who the Lord is, to pray to Him, and then to imitate Him." May God bless you, Fr. Gerald Murray and your co-author for this timely help, and you, Scott, for all you do.
Thank you men Of God.
So enjoying the book and the talk sessions. So informative Fr. Murray! Blessings Fr. Murray and Dr. Hahn!
So refreshing to hear from you both ✝ 🙏 📿 📖 ❤
Great analogy; calming the storm story after all Jesus told them on the start of the journey we are going to the other side. Likewise He said the gates of hell would not prevail against the Church so I can rest in the Church despite the crisis and pray for the Church and its leaders.
And to think that the Lord was in the boat... He will never abandon us in our weakness and even lack of faith...
I pray for the Church and it’s leaders ever day at Mass
However I’ve heard of fraternal correction and I believe it’s past due to apply some
🙏🏻Thank you
Fr. Murray and Scott Hahn.👏
I was always told by holy priests, "Stay close to the sacraments." I wish I could by myself clean out the Vatican, but I can't. I have to rely on Our Lady and St. Joseph. I drive over 60 miles each Sunday for the TLM. I am blessed to be able to attend the TLM close to me and I hope I will be able to do so. I am willing to go underground to practice my faith in the Classical Roman Rite.
I needed to hear this , even though it’s one year later . The wisdom shared , is never a “later”.
Thank You JESUS .
Thank God for you!
Beautiful Program!
Amen thank you Father prayers covering you!!!
It is a blessing to be here .
My Respectful good evening.
I'm a big fan of Fr. Murray, the church needs more like him, although I disagree on the death penalty issues, it's something that is far too common a practise, but like Mr. Hahn said, that's a discussion for another day!
Fantastic exchange. Thank you!!
Thank you for a reasoned and hopeful discussion.
Happy birthday Sister..Thank you for dedicating your life to sharing GOD'S LOVE and MERCY with others❤️❤️🙏
Excellent discussion.
Thank you, I’ll look out for the book.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for speaking truth praise God 🙌
Great conversation.
Thank you
This is so excellent. This is so helpful to me.
Love both these men
What can’t men like this run the church.
Precisely, READ the book so you don't question yourself this question again!!
@@america998 read the Bible
You might learn humility
Great you both have the same connection to bring to lite the problems the Church is facing and with respect you Both have The Proper Traditional Church Teachings we the laity has lost especially from the Pulpit and definitely from the Vatican thank you Fr Gerald and Scott this so much needed for our Times to much Confusion God bless you Both a must this Book be in every Catholic Home and Seminars and Convents. 🙏🏻🕊📿⛪✝️🔥
I will keep my eyes on Jesus.
Thank you, I'm very interested in this topic, pray for you!
Thanks for sharing💐💐💐
Watched Lusia Piccarreta. I have been praying for St Joseph to keep my will locked up and that I do only his Will. Been reading her books up to vol 16. She is telling us about Gods wrath which will be coming.
Please do more about invalid annulments, standers, and the Annulment Abuse Crisis Scandal.
Brilliant for that woman maby she saved that priests soul🙏
We await the consensus of great minds that guard the unerring traditional doctrines and doctrines of the Church. The current actions of church prelates can wake up and "change their tune" soon I hope. Not to disrespect the wise counsel of the better minds before them
I am a roman catholic for I may say thanks be to God I was born that way, never the less some years ago I was invited to attend mass at Our Lady of Lebanon catholic church in Miami where I was living at that time. I must confess I was astonish and delighted, their holy mass seemed more profound more I maybe say deep in spiritual that ours, sure some the ch-antics I didn't understand for they do it in Maronite. If someone know about this topic and want share I appreciate.
Scott, your insights are well known and much appreciated, but please let your guests finish their thoughts without interjecting mini-sermons.
appreciate this interview and note about this book which I will be ordering. I would have liked to hear more from Father Murray, sometimes Scott talks too long. i know it's his interview, but still wanted to hear more from the priest.
Let’s go!
The German character has caused more bad and good than the Irish because it is about 10 times more powerful in numbers alone... You, Scott Hahn, are a good example for the good :-) Keep up the good FIGHT!
I wish Scott Hahn would let Fr. Murray do more of the talking.
Yay 😀 📖 Eternal City 🌃... i never DID read the ending 🤔.... 💭 THANK YOU FATHER 😊 ☺️
Dear Scott and Father Gerald - Yes, the Lord is in control "but" we the faithful need to defend the church with our lives as Peter did if necessary. Just saying "God is in control" is not enough. I am nor concerned about the Lord forsaking us, I am very concerned about how we respond to this crisis.
What is the difference between good and bad behaviour? Or, what is the difference between the tree of knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, and the tree of life?
When I awaken each day, I realize there is nothing in my life that I have complete control over. When I think of all God does, I wouldn't want to have his job. I also realize how profoundly STUPID I am with my limited intellect or surely I'd have life totally figured out.
I actually used to go to Holy Family in Turtle Bay.
Mr Hahn, we need to get True Catholics rally against the Declaration! We need a leader who can arrange this! The priest can't do it their hands are tied. We need to speak up
In 1985 I was 13 at the shrine of the blessed virgin at Mount Mellary Ireland, the statue of our lady became brighter than white and shone, it moved out from the rocks and the image of Jesus Christ began to appear in its place, he was in a bright white robe, a black sash around hs waist, his hair was dark shoulder length, his heart was outside his chest,he appeared white, his hands were by his sides palms facing forward with the wounds of crucifixion visable, tears rolled from my eyes, not because I was weeping, it just was like my body was doing its own thing, I was taken to a little hut that had windows cut out, no glass, I blinked as in a situation like ths you will try to assure yourself what your seeing as real, when I called him in my mind, I said his name Jesus Christ, before I could say his name he responded to my thought and slowly turned his head until he was staring right at me, I looked as long as I could and hung my head, his look made me feel something that to this day struggle with, I mustered my strength and looked back up, he was still looking at me, I looked at him as long as I could which was only about 5 to 10 seconds and I had to hang my head again, I belive I felt the weight of sin beneath his gaze, I am a lowly and vile sinner, somtimes I belive that he let me see him to show me his unfathomable mercy and love as he knew then all the terrible sins I would commit but still his love was greater than anything I could ever do, other times I remember the strong thout that struck me that evening in my aunts house, that maybe it's for somone else, someone who needs to hear my testomony of the realty of what happened that day, what I can tell you with total faith, is that Jesus Christ is real, you need to know about his firece side that some girls and I saw, I can tell you that I think of that moment many times throughout the day, my one regret is that I didn't throw myself facedown on the ground I front of him, look up Mount Mellary apparitions on TH-cam, there's video from the week during the visions and eye witness testimony, hope this helps you in your journey too the Father through Jesus Christ, Ave Maria
The blind leading the blind!!
Christ vs Religion, God's word vs man's doctrine. This contrast is something seeking believers must receive revelation from God about in order to know and follow and be subject to the truth.
Why is Father not a Bishop?
He is holier, smarter and more moral than most of our current Bishop class
Hahn should let Father talk about his book...not expose a history lesson. Ask questions!!!
I would have liked more respect for the Holy Father ad not showing suspicion on him
It is better to navigate on following his teachings and directives, rather than resisting and being critical: it WS not help the unity of the Church, neither our pastoral work.
Y name is Fr. Manuel Castanyos.
Great information.
There's lots of work to be done as Abraham would be hard pressed to find 10 good Bishops in the Vatican or the USCCB, or any other conference.
“This people honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men.”
St Matthew 15:8-9
“Anyone who is so “progressive” as not to remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God; whoever remains in the teaching has the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him in your house or even greet him; for whoever greets him shares in his evil works.”
2 John 1:9-11
“There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who ransomed them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.”
2 Peter 2:1
Logic suggests that our response to the storm could be (1) change the Church; (2) allow the storm to continue; or(3) change the people. I think no one wants the storm to continue.
At 34 minutes you mention the time Jesus spent talking to Clopas and his companion, then you say they recognised Jesus at the breaking of the bread. I think we can understand that Clopas and friend were Disciples but not Apostles. So were there more than just the Apostles at the Last Supper? If so, no one else appears in the gospels at having been in attendance; if not how did Clopas recognise Jesus from the way he broke the bread?
What is it to obey the Lord?
Defending the Faith IS part of proclaiming the Faith.
It always has been, individuals who do a better or worse job of it being irrelevant.
The implication that there is a difference between defending the Faith and proclaiming the Faith is not Traditional, and it's only a step or two away from "witnessing," 'accompanying" and all of that other unnecessary vocabulary that sooner or later leads to error.
There is no confusion in The Church revealed in the Bible. Indeed it is characterised by oneness and order. In all the religious enterprises, from the largest to the smallest however, darkness, confusion and chaos are predominant.
How does one imitate the Lord?
I’m a cantor at my parish and have studied the liturgy specifically liturgical music for a number of years. I’m curious what Father Murray would have to say in regards to a renewal badly needed in Spanish liturgies specifically in the US.
What a great question. There is really a need for this
Where can I buy your book K ????
Hi Rory! There is a link in the description box that you can follow to preorder the book. Let us know if you have any other questions!
They have been selling it everywhere books are sold. Including EWTN and the St. Paul Center.
There's no confusion in the Church. There is a confusion in you. Take care of your Soul.
anything more needed right now?
All these confusion would not have come, if Vatican II never took place
Confusion in the church is a normal thing. No confusion, no debat means a dead church. Just some exemples: Will we cooperate with fascist dictators? (Pius XI yes, later may be, Pius XII after 1945: that was a bad idea). Must the church do a aggiornamento? (Pius XII no, John XXIII and Paul VI yes). Must we crush the reforms? (John Paul II, Benedict XVI yes, pope Francis no). Gay rights? ( pope Pius V: burn them all, later Pius VI they are sick but not diabolic, John Paul II: no civic unions allowed, Pope Francis: why not?) . So by this dialectic process we proceed. Nothing to be worried about. Period.
"Gay rights: Pius VI must be Paul VI. Civic unions is: civil unions. Sorry I am not english speaking.
1 Tim 2: 5 "for there is one God and one Mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus". This rather cuts through all religious hierarchy placing men between men and God, don't you think?? What price Pope to Deacon in this light?
I am confused
I promised I’d never be in the Catholic Church
Was I misled?
Clean it up!
Jesus said to teach His words
Jesus never promised us an easy road but strength and grace for the journey. Society has attached the Church for the past 60 years. Currently we as a church need to repent. Poor education of priests and religious and adoration of culture by the ordained religious has shaken the laity's Faith and TRUST in the woke church. The open acceptance of abuse of the Blessed Sacrament, poor example by closing the Catholic Church during the lockdown (refusal to do their jobs by priests in providing spiritual leadership)
St Paul with brotherly love went to Peter and correcting him on just eating with the Jews and never eating with Gentiles.
Your confusion waters and nourishes confusion and doubt. Stop it.
Peace of Christ
Fratelli tutti
para 15
As a youth I heard the word of Christ and received faith to believe into Him, and to depart religious enterprise and enter into Christ. Today all believers are priests serving God. This is not religion. It is truth.
Do NOT watch the Chinese Olympics!
Oh the sinful web Cardinals, Bishops and Priests weave when they commit sin, by lying 🤥, and deceiving. Remember Almighty ✝️God ✝️ sees all.
prudence…. we need prudence…. i am trying to pray for all those who are confusing the faithful… and i find so many in the clergy and hierarchy are so arrogrant to hear what many of us want to say to these confusing clerics… yet many of us are dismissed as rigid and uncaring …. tired of hearing from clergy there are straight and gay people we must affirm
i am the breach before the Storm, HIS WRATH. A breach birth gained human. Why do you KNOW?
What is your interaction with GOD? His prophets have no escape.
No one is guaranteed Heaven. Show me Scripture. i will rebuke you solemnly, then you owe HIM more.
If you care to believe i am the baptist from Hell.
The demons surround those that are holy. Pray for them.
i do NOW through IMMACULATE HEART of MOTHER united to HIS HOLY SACRIFICE in Time and Eternity united to all the angels, saints, souls in Heaven and Purgatory, Nephilim the same. Especially St John Vinney and all that have feast days this day. And all that i speak of in a special way in my Morning Offering. Amen.
Religion is essentially man's concept and method of doing, in his limited understanding, something to please God. Faith, in contrast, is to receive and live out Christ to the glory of God. As God said to Adam, Where are you?
The Bible says that the powers that be are ordained of God. This is speaking of secular rule type wisdom given by God.Natural law is similar in content, but yet different in nature to spiritual law. Spiritual wisdom comes from above
and cannot corrupt. Powers that be, delegated authority ,can corrupt if their source is natural only. The cosmic flow of wisdom
to leaders in churches corrupts when they get their source of wisdom from natural law alone and not from God. The apostle Paul said that the law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. Preaching in the churches must contain the actual substance of the law and the nature of Christ in fullness through
revelation knowledge. Christ and Him crucified, realizing that the force and weight of the finished work
off the cross of Christ comes with demonstrations of power because His work wrought incorruptibility with it. This is the revelation for this final hour. Many protestants have given up on the Catholic Church
but I have not, because of the Doctrines of Christ contained within.
Your confusion waters and nourishes confusion and doubt. Stop it.
Peace of Christ
How to deal with confusion in the mean Pope Francis?
A Fox News commentator?....disappointing conservative commentary which does not really show a whole lot of love the way Jesus would have loved his people and the way the Pope is encouraging to love one another.
I have a relatively easy answer for those who are disgusted on what the Catholic Church has done in the last 60 years. Join the SSPX! I did, and I watch their religious services/programs on TH-cam daily. ✝
Is the SSPX the Catholic Church?
@@66605 Is the Catholic Church the Catholic Church?
@@66605 Is the pope Catholic?
@@butterflybeatles If the church the pope is in charge of is not the Catholic Church where is the Catholic Church?
@@66605 We don't know anymore.
Pope Francis, and his leadership, is filled with the Holy Spirit and is a bright spot in the Catholic Church’s history over the past 50 years. I get the feeling that capitalism is the religion being worshipped among many far right Catholics.
Just look at the donor list to EWTN.
Our dearest Lord Holy Spirit is the only Teacher of His Truth, the life within you, love and holiness. Why believe another human?
Mother spoke at Fatima Portugal in 1917. This Oracle given by Mother had no optional premise to Truth spoke by Her. More a do or die. The pride of His men in His Church could not hear Her Love proclaimed.
So the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a waste of time? I honestly thought that it was supposed to be our roadmap.
One virtue which i believe is most pleasing to God is obedience, and yes, if one is in disagreement with the hierarchy, as the Gospel states, one must try to reason with the wrong party, in order to bring him/her to what is right.
I get the impression that most feel disappointed with Pope Francis, compare him with his most recent predecessors. Isn't the Holy Spirit the one that guides the Church? Is it that we are trying to make God do what we think is best?
I think it may be enlightening to read Job 38 to put all these issues in perspective.
The confusion in the Church began with those who do not understand their vocation to shepherd, who want to enjoy the accolades of the world, and who seem to be too enamoured with their own intellectual prowess.
Isn't it just so comfortable to be part of a huge religious enterprise like Roman Catholicism that is so responsible for everything that you just need to relax and wait for God... But wait! Justification is by faith, not good works 😕.
The church will NEVER heal as long as it remains an enemy of orthodoxy!
over the years I bought books in the church wanting to imorove my faith and now I know these books were there to destroy church
Hobnobbing with socially acceptable big names does not grant authenticity to the man with a white collar, or his book. It just gives a fuzzy feel-good feeling at interview time... Wake up and rise up and pay the price to gain the truth, Laiety!