May Allah bless you with the righteous way to reach your True God your True Creator, All alone and single God, Only One Right way to One Righteous Allah ❤️
(00:42) ⬇️ Hello, grandpa, You're watching me from above It's been almost 7 years Since I last gave you a hug It's been almost 7 years Since you said your goodbye It's been almost 7 years Since you died. I can still remember when I woke up in the morning then I decided to go out But you were passed out And I thought I thought that you were just sleeping When instead Instead you were so close to leaving. You were in a coma, grandpa And I didn't even know Until my grandma told me that I should get ready to let go I swear that my heart was breaking I didn't know how to react Cause you have always been there You loved me with all your heart You have raised me since day one You have teached me all I know You have showed me how it feels To be important to someone And although you were ill And although you were old You were still playing with me You just treated me like gold. I didn't know how important You actually were to me Until I understood that day Was the last one with you here I can still remember that You were laying on your bed While I was there, watching you Fighting between life and death You struggled to stay alive You saw me standing beside you Then you started to cry Knowing that it hurt me too You struggled to look at me You struggled to hold my hand At some point I left to cry And that was the end. Chorus : Grandpa rest in peace I'm missing you so much I wish you were still here, Here by my side. Please just give me a sign Please tell me you're okay Just hug me one last time Before you go away... Go away... R. I. P. grandpa I miss you...
I took this beat for my rap song 2 years ago in a school’s Got Talent competition, then I took the 1st place with my band then the 2nd one with my rap song❤ what an achievement!
To anyone out there who is going through a rough time dont worry you arent alone because there is over 7 billion people on this planet and im pretty sure you arent the only one alive suffering....and if you reach out for help that doesnt mean you are weak it means you are strong enough to help yourself. Since you have made it this far keep fighting things get better trust me i know from experience and all of yall are amazing and valid and yall deserve the best and just know someone out there loves you even if it doesnt seem like it now❤❤❤❤❤❤
I'm sitting in the bathroom having shower thoughts Sitting and listening to the water drops for hours All I think is if the universe is an illusion But I think I've come to a conclusion We live the life's of ourselves we set standards higher then our shelfs But that never stopped from achieving Because we still are believing We gotta look up at the sky and Peirce the light No matter if your asain black or white Gotta ask yourself if what your doing is wrong or right There are two paths failure or success But only one path can lead you where you want to be Loving your life being free Even if your failing and falling of course Doesn't mean that you dread on remorse Keep livin and everyone else will keep grinnin Love the life you were given
This is something I can listen to while walking alone on a seldom used bike path, enjoying the freedom of the outdoors and soaking in the sounds of nature (despite the highway traffic in the background).
Life is beautiful and amazing and so are you give the son of the living God Almighty your heart and life will be fun forever and happy I love you in Jesus name my friend 🙏❤️😁😘
Life use to be fun for you? If so I hope you don't mind me asking what changed your fun times to sadness. Can not go back to the fun times you had and look back on it as the good old days. Why the sudden change of heart, mind and soul ? Sometime we need to appreciate what we have, wandering hearts can leads emptiness some times. How do you know this is the real deal. How long have you know this soul. And what are you searching for now! If two soul are destiny to be together, then there is nothing you or I can do to change this. As I have read if this doesnt happen in this life time they may end up coning back in search for there soul mate but the two soul need to agreement on being together for it be everlasting. Let hope you sort it out, it will save the hassle of haven't to search again for right time and place, that's if this is the case. As, you maybe be aware some time it said we must live the present, all advise use in pass and present should be take heed to. Again I hope you quench that thirst and the anguish you are feeling. May you find peace and I wish all the best on your quest for love in its true form. Take care & may most assist you and guide you 🙏🏽
That feeling when suddenly woke up in the middle of the night with out any reason..and with a snap you remembered all the things you taken for granted with out thinking what it caused to the people who tirelessly work hard just for you... -Parents......
I’ve listened to a lot of EDOBY’s music, but for some reason I feel like this one hits different, it’s special to my core. Yk that irrational fear of something (like a phobia), and how it. just. Is. There. Sort of nostalgia in a way, but not. I DUNNO MAN. It’s amazing that’s all that’s needed to say.
This is the only path u would ever walk at the end of the day .. every single one of us.. so don't worry guys we are all the same.. but we are beautiful we are strong we are brave .. do what ever you want to do in your life.. but never give up always get up and you will have one great luck in your life..
I love this my Momma just past away back on Aug 13th 2020 and I have been writing songs from the beats istermentals on youtube just to heal a little because my momma and I had a very hard past. This helps me thank you for posting these they really help me
There is something about your music that I can't put it in words the only two words I can describe your music is: unbelievable and impressive. I feel mixed feelings when I listen to your music and when I mean mixed feelings I mean good feelings
I’m going to learn I’m going to burn I’m going to rise I’m going to ride I’m going to yearn I’m going to love Abandon tomorrow Be thankful for today So many things to stress about the worrying won’t stop and the suffering I wish would cease just give me some peace hands free from this beast we all shackled to our worst mistake the lie that wants to break I can’t take this feeling of worthlessness father I don’t want to forsake my fate father tell me it’s not to late have I missed the train at the tracks waiting will it run me over or take me to a destination of forgiveness the pain I give this to you lord teach me reach me preach me guide me mold me like clay take this knife out my heart pump in the saline tired of the darkness filling up my chambers carry my burdens like a cross carry my self hatred like a boss Walking through these college halls always gotta learn things the hard way so I snap back at God As if he created the problems He gave me everything I need to succeed yet I focused on what I didn’t have he gave me health a sound mind and a purpose where I wasn’t blind I chose to fail fed into the lie that I was worthless and I’d never arrive joist the sail yet I strive God I want you to drive into the sun burn away the iceberg
Only one path to take, One road to walk, I pray every day that iĺl get across, To the other side, But its not about the end its about the ride, Both beautiful and inspiring as you climb the ascent, Hope rising inside as you crest the bend, You reach the top so excited that you might vomit, Than fear kicks in as you look down and realize you're about to plummit, Free falling towards the ground, brace for impact, Breath catches as you make a sound, what'd you expect? If you are to scared to fly you will die, Right before you hit the floor, The wind catches your wings and you begin to soar, So happy to still be intact, Taking the chance dashed the chance of living a life filled with regrets, It's true when they say that nothing is perfect, The memories and the growth made the strife all worth it, If these lyrics relate than truely you have my respect, And if you say that life is a bore, I disagree and challenge you to learn more, Anything is possible in this dimension, So many ideas that I am unable to mention, Simply because I don't have the intellectual capacity to conceptualize them, Men gloved in fear and vanity are existing in a life of perpetualized sin, When will all the tragedies that I have visualized end? Negative emotions that brood can lead to war, Oceans of red construde with blood and gore, Unfortunately most of the victims are innocent, Humans with no moral code are indifferent, Mindless sheep becoming masses of millitants, Herded by a shepherd with ill intent, Defileing without negligence, Profileing the middlewest
Sometimes do you ever wonder if you can go back in time If you can go back and relive the days that were just fine And going back to where it was nothing but simple and fun And where we would do nothing but laugh and play in the sun Yes those were the greatest days where we didn't feel pain Instead of feeling sad we'd just play in the rain These everlasting memories that flow have been by my side They keep me strong and keep me going and give me my pride When will I ever feel the same way I did those years ago? When will I finally be seen as someone else tomorrow? When will I ever be seen as someone different than I am? Now all I see are stressful sights of past grades and exams The life that I live now is a hard one I agree It's probably best for me to give up on my hopes and dreams I want to keep going strong but did I reach my limit? Can I please go back to that place that I want to go visit? Can you help me God not to feel this pain anymore Please let me feel the same way I did those years before I'll keep trying and pushing to stay this pure and true And keep strong and keep fighting like I'm supposed to do
I've been trying to hide the demons are some of my all these little and we're trying to erase all this time and you can feel like me and I'm trying to get if I know is something funny
*[ PL ]* _Mantis - "Czekanie" ("Waiting")_ Nie mart się tyle, Byle dobrze było w głowy tyle. Zawsze tu będę, I tym razem się nie pomylę. Ceńmy wspólne chwile, Zapamiętajmy naszą drogę, Te mile spędzone mile. Byle dobrze było na chwilę, Liczę na twoje oblicze, Że będzie ciepłe i zawiłe. Byle nie proste, Monotoności nie sprostam. Chociaż przy tobie, Kochanie, Każda sekunda to nie czas, To na moje serce miłe oddziaływanie. Co będzie znami? Jak zegar działać przestanie? Nie myślę o tym, Teraz liczy sie działanie. Chciałbym żeby usłyszeli granie, Takie piękne, Jakby na leśnej polanie, A ja tam z tobą, Kochanie. Inne Panie nie mają znaczenia, Jest ich prostych tyle, Aż do obrzydzenia. Nie potrzebuję dobrego jedzenia, Nie potrzebuję pieniędzy, Ich pełno jak miodu, Kiedy nadchodzi czas pylenia. Potrzebuję tylko ciebie, Na zawsze, Jak i na ziemi tak i w niebie. Bo inaczej mam myśli dziwne, W głowie mi się jebie. Więc sądzę że spotkam, Spotkam ciebie, I dotrwam w oczekiwaniu, Może i w nerwowym załamaniu. W deszczu, W śniegu, W gradzie, I ludzkiej pogardzie, Sprostam temu zadaniu, Nie zakończę tej misji nigdy, Jakiej misji? Misji o zadaniu: "Na ciebie oczekiwaniu" A myśl o tym że jesteś, Jesteś gdzieś na świecie, Raduje mie jak dziecię. Więc wysyłam ten list, Będę czekał na ciebie, W Zimę, Wiosnę, Jesień, Jak i w lecie. Teraz działam w myślach, Nadzieja moja wianek plecie, Na każdym jego rogu kwiecie, A te największe, To ty. Twojej ważności nic nie przebije, Nic na świecie. Nadzieja i miłość nas poniesie, Ponad ludzie marudzenie, Ponad zło na tej planecie. Będę wierzył że kiedyś w sercach, Sercach naszych zapłonie płomień, Trwalszy niż olimpijski. Że będzie jak najwyższy, Nie przygasły i niski, Każdemu z nas bliski. Żeby nie obchodziły nas złe opinie, Nawet te osób nam bliskich, Ale nie tak w sobie umiłowanych, Tak jak my zakochanych. Byle nasze losy kiedyś, Gdy Bóg pozwoli, Nie żyły same w niedoli, Ale żebyśmy się spotkali, I swoje piękno odkrywali, Bez pośpiechu, Powoli... _[ Time: __0:00__-__2:30__/ Czas: __0:00__-__2:30__ ]_
THINGS THAT I WANT BUT CAN'T HAVE IT I keep dreaming to carry my hope The spirit rise to finish the road My heart keep yelling in my throat Keep moving or staying broke This journey is getting rough Since they give me more laugh I need spark to stay tough So getting high with my favourite stuff I believe it is my destiny Lifeless make me more greedy Everyday is the last day for me So hustlin till they both happy I wish a good voice like chester I wish i'm the marshal mather I wish to born with talent I wish to have rich parent I'm so stupid than i'm realise Maybe greedy has blinded my eyes I'm just wasted half of my life to impress everyone I shouldn't abandoned them just to be somebody i want I hope there still time to get I don't want to die regret Gettin rich still be my target But this time it for the love sake.
Let me tell you a story about this kid on my bus, He was two years older than me and never seemed to fuss, He would always dress nicely for that was his pride, But that strictly ended when he committed suicide, The kid lived down the street from me, But darkness was all he could see, He had trouble with bullies and at home with his family, The kid had all his life ahead of him but took it at 16, We never knew if he tried, We just know he left but did he ever cry, Cuz him the meaning of life must of been kind of dry, People act depressed saying that they knew him, Bitch shut up that’s a fucking lie, Think about the people who have been there since day one, Like his brother father mother just shut up cuz u ain’t one, The kids name was Lewis and he shot himself with a gun, People don’t really care cuz there is dozens of suicides and this is just one, But was this just one, These were human life’s at stake and people do not care I’m done! Left our neighborhood and shock with him dead, Never knew a kid like him would bust his own head, Imagine being the one to find him like his family, My prayers to them for hell on Earth was what they see, From there it must’ve been all darkness and misery, And we thought the kid was normal just like you and me, See that’s we we all thought, But that’s just some stupid lie that we all bought, I guess he must’ve had a thought life, Contemplating his days on the edge of a knife, Hopefully he found his desperate needed light, Not to find himself back in the darkness of the night, This is just another loss to a really tough fight, The world wishes for kids like you not to do this, Rest forever in peace to my neighbor Lewis.
Life is shit when I pick up this beat, to tell you stories, that we’re all (main characters) in it If you wana cry and that is alright, let tears fall then leave the past behind But just a few things you should keep in mind, do your job, and live your life Follow your dreams and don’t give up, no matter what, just keep going You are beautiful and you are handsome, it doesn’t really matter if they said you are dumb Cause what they want is just talking shits, but you are stronger even than the Beast, smarter than scientists, and hotter than…Brad Pitt Shits at work and then shits at home, it doesn’t really mean that you deserve shit at all What they have said and what they have done, they’ve tried to make you feel like a piece of scum But don’t let those shits get inside your brain, throw them away and get into lane Every time they think, that you are done, move one step closer, and they will be numb When they think that you’re left behind, let them catch up if they know how to fly Life is shit and it’s unfair, (there’s) no doubt about that but people don’t care But now is the time to face the truth, cause reality always comes rude It doesn’t really matter if you’re in deep shits, many out there, they have nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, or they’re not sure (if they’ll) be able to live, all what they want is peace They don’t even know if tomorrow comes, or they’ll lose their life, because of some, psychos, who wana be heroes Wars, nobody cares! But boobs and butts, (they’ve become) national affairs Climate change, they’ve said we’re insane or it’s a hoax, or maybe a joke Everywhere, you can find hate, people killing each other, because of faiths, races or rages People are dying everyday, because of guns or because they’re gay What you see is a nasty bully(ing), big or rich people think they can crush or buy any(thing) But don’t be afraid, we’re (defo) gonna show them, of what we’re made Be nice, be kind, look after each other and we will fight Let’s be brave and raise your voice, lend someone a hand, when they really need help You don’t need to be, a billionaire, to share a bit or to give your spares Cause people in needs, they’ll be pleased Don’t complain and keep playing your game Cause we’re still better, than those in pains, they have lost everything, even their name Children have died inside a lorry or on a boat when their parents flee, out of a war-torn country Life is too short and time cannot be paused The only way, is moving on, pursue your dreams, until they’re achieved. And don’t give up, no matter what, just keep going Find your own path, that makes you happy Write a great song, or (just) drink a cup of tea Whatever works, then you move forward Live your own life and create your own style, and let imagination be your guide No one can force you (to) do things you don’t like Living (in a) fictional jail is absolutely shite Free your mind, and free your soul Follow the route that you wana go Don’t ever let someone, say you can’t do that, because trust me, they’re just fooking twats! Be bold, be strong, and be really wise, Because you’re (a) super star, in the sky Whatever they’ve said, you get going, show them that, you know how to blink ;) Happiness is not (all) about money, but without it, life is full of miseries Earn enough to make you comfy, and spend decent time with your family There is no point, that you’re super rich, but everyone looks at you and say Dick! Life is wild but full of surprises Keep trying and things will be fine When you think (that) you’re so desperate, miracles happen, although a bit late Life is up and life is down, that’s alright, cause (that) life is all about But life is cruel and it is true, when we can not stop the shits going through Many people just simply died young, for no reason and we have found none Heaven called their name and suddenly they whacked, that’s it, that’s the fooking fact But don’t give up and moving on, sing a happy song, or find someone, to getting along Get married, and have children, watch them grow even from a distance They’re the best assets of life, your name carried on, and on, and on... Thanks Edoby for creating this incredible beat and I've written my first rap song based on it :)
Life Is... Too Short Too $hort [Verse 1] I remember how it all began I used to sing dirty raps to my Eastside fans Back then, I knew you couldn't stop this rap No M.C. could rock like that Then the new style came, the bass got deeper You gave up the mic and bought you a beeper Do you wanna rap or sell coke? Brothers like you ain't never broke People wanna say it's just my time Brothers like me had to work for mine Eight years on the mic and I'm not jokin' Sir Too Short comin' straight from Oakland California, home of the rock Eight woofers in the trunk, beatin' down the block Short Dog, I'm that rappin' man I said it before and I 'll say it again [Hook] Life is too short Too short Life is too short Too short [Verse 2] Life is to some people unbearable Committing suicide and that's terrible Was it much too much or nothing big? If you live my life, you'd be fightin' to live Life is to me my main asset I be doin' all right and keep it just like that Chill out at the house and pump that bass I'm tryin' to get rich as I rock the place Everybody's got that same old dream To have big money and fancy things Drive a brand new Benz, keep your bank right here Never hear me stutter once 'cause I talk real clear It's on you, homeboy, whatcha gonna do? You can take my advice and start workin', fool Or you can close your ears and run your mouth And one day, homeboy, ya soon find out [Hook] Life is too short Too short Life is too short Too short [Verse 3] Life is too short, would you agree? While I'm living my life, don't mess with me It's been a long time, baby, since I first got down But I still keep makin' these funky sounds 'Cause I don't stop rappin', that's my theme I make a lot of money, do you know what I mean? Life is, complicated, you must stay up You're asked a simple question boy, don't say "What?" Ya only live once and ya callin' it hell Policeman tryin' to take ya to jail You could give a man time but you don't know In a matter of time, I'll be runnin' the show Now another young buck wants to be on top Makin' big money, slangin' hop The task force tryin' to peel your cap Turn around, homeboy, you better watch your back [Hook] Life is too short Life is... [Verse 4] You can take back all the things you give But you can't take back the days you live Life is to some people heaven on earth Livin' every single day for what it's worth I live my life just how I please Satisfying one person I know, that's me Work hard for the things I achieve in life And never rap fake when I'm on the mic 'Cause if a dream is all you got, homeboy You gotta turn that dream into the real McCoy No time to waste, just get on that case Can't be down 'cause you need to taste A good life, livin' like a king on a throne Getting everything you want and trying to handle your own It's your life, don't be stupid though 'Cause when you waste it, you'll know life is... Life is... Alright, that's it
Shout out to all the true ones They always been by my side They the ones that i'll remember till the day that I die They're always on my team So there's no need to pick sides They the ones that have been there through all of my life They is friends, they is family They motivate me daily see They just wanna see me succeed And they gone see it Cuz Ima make it true And when I make a mill ima share it with everyone of you I ain't playing, no I ain't tripping I'm just trying to do me, i'm just trying to make a living I'm always writing then I go back make revision This the reason why you loosing and we winning Cuz when I shine, they gone shine too When I ride, they gone ride too My bling is they ice too Grateful for them, they have no clue
start at 1:25 yeah i been doin this for so long , i master of my own fate i sing all my own songs. and it hurts when they dont believe in me. i dont think they really seein my, for who i really am. im not superman i can only do so much goddam. push me to be my best, but tell me why is it that you really invest, is it cause you wanna see the best in me, or cause the money you getting, tell me! you dont needa yell see, i am right here i been here since i got outta jail g. but then i go back and remeber, what it was like when we was just kids. back when we di what we wanted no consequences, superstitions about life, back when you could say anythang, without a bullet endin up in ya brain yeah those were the days. if only we could go back, before alchohol and prozac, took over. before we started using a gun for all our problems, back when we could just talk to solve em'. but i guess things change, i hear the church bells ring, dang its over now, the human race aint advacin, we slowin down. but i guess thats normal, how could you expect me to not be formal, i mean this is my fucking funeral, there you go. you got your wish now, my god and i , up in the sky shakin our heads like are these people crazy, yeah maybe. they gettin lazy, smokin drugs till the air gets hazy. 2:29 then they wonder why they cant breah and cant see. like come on, are u fuckin' stupid, u gotta open your eyes its a choice now you better start choosin yo life aint ruined, it has just begun, and you just gotta belive that you are the only one who create your destiny i mean dont you see. you have more opportunities than even me. now get off yo ass. do something good. be great. you can. just believe. wait stop now, get back in school dont u drop out. im not mad, i just wish youd put in more effort into the things into the things you will carry with you forever. i mean did you really think you really, that yo life woulda been fixed by one silly drink i mean think alcohol dont solve it, it just helps you sink. into a spirling pit of depression, no longer any point for agression. but then again thats why this is my obsession lets heal the the world one therapy session at a time. imma pray that all of you stay happy. even if it means hard work, imma take that burden why cause its worth it.
The title kinda reminds me of the lengths and years of struggle kpop idols have to go through before debuting, just to chase their dream. I imagine the rising self-doubt and suffering that would come with committing to this uncertain path. Very few will actually make it, but many of those who do, look back on all the hardship and smile - at the raw strength they gained from the experience.
that tear begins to fall, my heart beat flutters n stalls, trapped inside of my own mental walls, beating my demons, stronger I grow as I sharpen these claws, I've gotten past my flaws and fears,
so i will begin my story with hurt and pain no body see me as a person they only see me as a stain i am lonely as i walk through this rain i don't have power enough to make way for my path not even enough to make my life last just a traveller wanna leave the past i don't have a life remebering my love as a true lust all i see my self in mirror is a broken person falling apart as dust i don't have a journey or a destination to my life just a broken person walking in tip of the knife i don't wanna sew my soul just a broken person with a heart with a hole i don't much wellpower to keep in my head a gun i don't have a path lord i just a broken person
Im a robot I feel no feelings you feel Never been in pain never had a brain to think straight never had a heart with a beat that shows passion through blind eyes The spirit the tension why did you never mention i knew it was different this time i was feeling emotions this time i was born not built im no false history im real put me down i get up put my fist up ill show you a fight i got light this is no fight i see you got no life Get out out of sight let me live my life
Ohh my allah! You can help me some cause and depression 😍belived that oneday we will come back again when Imam mahadi and hazrat isha (ala) coming in the world and published own message of allah
We all wanna die in the night time We don’t wanna cry when the light dies An she don’t wanna cry over nice guys He don’t wanna fly until the times right We don’t get to make these choices Hearing all the screams from the voiceless Kiss them on the lips with the poison I dont wanna trip over noises Living in this life is so pointless Only taken love by appointment Happiness is hard to enjoy an Closing people out what destroys us
The path that I've been walking has left me broken So frozen, feels like every move I make is playing in slow motion And I feel like most of the time I don't even know my own emotions Every passerby is stirring up a damn commotion These wounds on my soul are slowly tearing open Flowing out of them is all my confidence My accomplishments are just fragments of my conciousness I'm stuck, and I know it ain't obvious but it's hard to hit my mark When the arrows aren't knocked, then I get socked. By the world so cold, I get shocked. I have no one to be my rock, my damn anchor Then I never can hold in this overzealous anger. Everbody I know lately has become nothing but a stranger. I don't know if it's because we've become estranged or. Losing signal, slowly getting out of range. I try to hide my pain, try to rearrange it. And I know for a fact I can try to change it. But it's hard when I feel so basic, growing too damn complacent. Heart and mind are running laps, losing races. Destroying every dream I'm ever chasing. But my goals seem forever changing. It's so damn lame man, I wish there was a way to put this ish in Lamens But I have this hope I'm gonna make it. I have only one shot, and you bet I'm gonna take it. Never taking breaks man, well only when my heart is breaking.
Betrayal - Jakey Lopez Verse 1] On that day, I was on the call with you You were sad You told me, you were thinking From that problem I was trying to save you When faith slowly dies [Pre-chorus] The danger has struck on me Just 'cause you never told me anything That I been sober for too long Then you cut me off in every way I wanted to make it right 'Cause you were scared to be heartbroken [Chorus] You left me behind In the place of the dark I gave you comfort, but you suddenly push it away Your still whispering in my mind I wanted put that smile on your face 'Cause I thought you were broken But instead, you broke my heart With all of your betrayal [Verse 2] On that day, I couldn't stop my tears 'Cause my heart bled from the words you said To me that I'm gonna fall Maybe it was all a joke What a cruel world [Pre-chorus] The danger has struck on me Just 'cause you never told me anything That I been sober for too long Then you cut me off in every way I wanted to make it right 'Cause you were scared to be heartbroken [Chorus] You left me behind In the place of the dark I gave you comfort, but you suddenly push it away Your still whispering in my mind I wanted put that smile on your face 'Cause I thought you were broken But instead, you broke my heart With all your betrayal [Bridge] You torn me apart I thought you had my back You threw me away You blamed me, but I still took the blame From that day, I never found faith 'Cause you kept that from me [Chorus] You left me behind In the place of the dark I gave you comfort, but you suddenly push it away Your still whispering were in my mind I wanted put that smile on your face 'Cause I thought you were broken But instead, you broke my heart With all your betrayal With all your betrayal
All by myself feeling’ lonely as hell Like I fell in a well, no one hears me yell Someone get me out of this pit someone get me out of this shit Sorry drippin’ down my pen Bleeding out when I spit This is a verse for the lonely When you’re hurt mission’ homies Poppin’ perks cause your’ lonely on earth It’s the worst when you immerse into solitude Your shadow is the only one who follows you The mirror is the only 1 who talks to you It eats you alive till it swallows Here’s how I understand the why of his suicide. His brain telling him he wanted to go, had to go. It would be better somewhere else. It was too painful here. It is through these songs, as painful as they are to read, that I understand his depression. I wish he would’ve given life here another shot.
This is a song I made about self love♥♪ (0:41) Everyday, people walking in the rain...tryna' find a reason to stay but they found it hard I mean... Everyday, dealing with depression, dealing with the pressure! Everyday is like a battle... Knowing me....I won't even fight it, im too weak! I wont even try to hide it! Its like fighting my mind...but why fight, its a battle i cant why try? Imma lay low, live my own life...imma play slow, i wont even worry bout the lies....that they tell everyday...its not like i care so imma just be me... I dont really know, what it means to be free...but what i know.. Is that i like being me!! And i like being slow!! Yea the world migjt me fast,but imma keep it down low!! I dont need to change thats all i know...i love myself...and i hope you do to...dont change yourself...the world can change for you♥
I was crying because everything in my life is falling apart then i got tired of crying and started know that laughing alone in your room in midnight because you are going through some shit....jea.......then this got reccomended and i kinda feel good listening to it.
yep dont be sad the worlds falling apart I suffered 2 massive strokes in october last year and have been left paralysed in my left side of my body I can no longer use my left arm or walk properly anymore its ruined my life and destroyed any decent future I had I know the feeling of life being ruined and trust me I'm not happy like I used to be but try and keep your head up focus on what you want for yourself and get rid of anything causing negativity.
@@m6_jedi953 I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you are well and you are getting used to how you have to live but always keep positive man. I'm not sure what religion you follow, but as a Muslim I believe that everything negative that happens always results in having something good at the end as a reward. I know you can get through your hard times and always keep going further in things you want. You'll hopefully get them one day. Keep your head up (as you stated) and make sure that you have something to do to keep your mind off negative thoughts. Even if you are somewhat restricted now, make something amazing out of it and shock the world. Sounds a bit weird, but imagine if you broke a world record even with your limits that no one else was able to do... it sounds a bit outrageous, but can be possible and I hope you feel better after this comment. Remember, there will always be someone who loves you whether that's your parents, siblings, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend whatever. There will always be someone who takes care of you nonetheless and always will. Stay positive man, much love :)
@@Lightning2011 thankyou and it's funny you said about the keep doing stuff part because I was a lifelong gamer I was good to really good and ove been depressed because I I couldn't game again but I'm a determined minded person so I picked up my controller 1 handed and learnt to play again with 1 hand I'm not as good but I actually got 63 best time I vthe world on a rally game I play I was shocked and happy my next goal is to reach top 25 globally then eventually top 10 bu we,ll see and thankyou again I appreciate your words
@@Lightning2011 thankyou bro I'm just happy yo be gaming again even if I'm using 1 hand. in life theres always a way around things if you're determined enough and I love gaming so nothing going to stop me thsnkyou
Lyrics. My girl left but understand she needed time, that’s when I found out that she had somebody on the side , and now I wonder why every day she lies, it’s funny How are Demons are so beautiful in disguise, Still shedding tears every day I deal with hirt 🥺 , tryed to commit suicide but I didn’t even work, put the gun to my brains because everybody hates me click click I forgot the gun was on safety🤕
Bila cinta sebatas dusta tapiku selalu menyayanginya Meski harus menggoreskan luka Tapiku kan selalu setia Hening membisu tersudutku terpaku Terasa pilu risau hati tak menentu Saat ku tau engkau telah mendustaiku Akan cintamu yang telah melukaiku Telah kuberikan sepenuh jiwaku Serahkan seribu untaian kenangan hangat kesetiaan Lembut belaian selalu kutorehkan Walau harus menelan luka hati yang mendalam Takku sadari cinta suci yang kau miliki Sekejap memudarkan hati yang menepi Begitu jeli melabuhi jiwa yang sepi Hingga kusadari dirimu begitu berarti Bagaikan selembut awan menghiasi sang malam Tulus kebahagiaan yang kini tinggal harapan Kesucian cinta yang selama ini kutanamkan Kan tetap kujaga hingga hati ini bersemayam Sehelai rasa cinta yang tak pernah sirna Memperdaya raga hingga tak terasa hampa Seuntai kasih setia yang selama ini kujaga Terkhianati dusta dibalik sandiwara Telah ku berikan semua pinta yang kau inginkan Hingga nafas terasa sulit tuk menghempaskan Ingin kumusnahkan butiran cinta yang tersimpan Tiada luntaran batin berbisik tak menghiraukan
Có những thứ có lẽ ta ko cần như niềm đau và nước mắt Anh sẽ cho em bờ vai phong trần dựa vào, bước đoạn đường trước mặt Anh sẽ cho em cả 1 trời thu Cho em cả ngàn lời ru Khi tình yêu thật lớn nhưng văn anh vụng về Vậy làm sao để nói thành lời chứ? Anh muốn là bóng cây trong ngày nắng là gió xua mây những ngày mưa Anh sẽ hát như chim đón bình minh Cho em quên nỗi buồn của ngày xưa Cứ để bao lo toan kia ngủ quên ta ko cần nơi phồn hoa chật hẹp Có anh, có em Ta đưa nhau đến những nơi nào thật đẹp Yea đôi ta sẽ cùng bước Tay ta đan trong đôi tay Ta sẽ nhìn về một hướng Khi mệt mõi anh vẫn ở nơi đây bên cạnh em anh ko lạnh đêm về Yêu em, con tim mạnh thêm nè Yêu em anh đủ dũng cảm để lý trí Ko thắng được con tim Mặc dù ta đang xa nhau anh biết Anh cũng biết thật ra ta ko xa đâu Vi bao yêu thương trao chưa hết Tình yêu em sao như quanh đây baby
Why do I have to keep living my life as a lie Never had a shoulder to lean on Everyone says I'm alright But am I really I spend most of my time crying Wishing I wasn't so lonely but I learned that I gotta keep my head up I just need one more reason to be here I just need another fucking chance another day I'm not always alright I'm not always ok I wish you'd understand what it's like to be me Thinking everything is my fault I can't stand it I'm doing better than the day before But this over whelming sadness rushes over me I can't help it I'm not always alright I'm not always ok I just need one more reason One more reason....and I'll be here
@@LuckyHitter_30 bro believe me .my story better than u I'm going though alot of shit now And ldr with the my one and only girl 4000 miles distance And I cant do anything I'm like in jail Anyway I wish u luck
Wish you the best luck don’t give up cause like will punk you down at the worst times and say to you “do you really want this” you must overcome every obstacle life brings you wish you the best luck and I believe in you!!!!✨✨
Where do I go? I’m lost got no road ain’t yellow they all the same nobody can show me i’m stuck in my own pain cant even act like i’m sane pretend I am better without you but really I wish you’d change So we could try again though I know I cant let you back because love is a one time thing
Psy Aii I know what ya going through I owe it to whoever feels the glue to the ex who said we through keep ya head up like Tupac cuz I know if you let depression in ya letting them demons in and they’ll win
You look at this world and see the pain Everyone that I see, thinks it's a game No one really gets you, they think that your'e fine But I guess now, you think it's the time What do you see, a screwed up world That's what I see, a world with a lot of trouble You try to make it to the top, and they're trynna beat you there and everyone trynna get you to stop They drag you down, and beat you up and push you to the ground, and beat you with stuff No one ever get you, they ""see"' that you're fine Just wish I could pull back the hands of time Make it all work, and make it all stop and try to find the way back to the top change this world and change-a-these ways and try to find that light to all these dark days try to change this world and stay in your room fight that death battle to make it through this doom open up your wings, you've seen that they've broke just like your life, you think your'e a joke so leave your past behind, and open up those wings turn your back and forget those things look out your window you can always be mor just get up off your bed and open up your door why do I try, to get everything down, you act like, you never hear a sound why do I try x4 why do I try to be the best, but i think I never beat the rest why do I try x4 Be that light, that lights up this world you're almost there, don't let em beat you down keep movin' forward and fight through the rest let everyone else know that your are the best take this world and turn it around you can do better, it's harder than it sounds feel the pain, shake it off cuz what you do, is what makes you tough Fly high and make it through this age, make yourself stronger to make it through this age I don't know the problems that you'll face right now, but you won't face em alone, and that is my vow #xAFKxLegendxStudios
xAFKxLegendx dam I am truly inspired by the way you put this together. I give high props to you. And hope that you would let me put this on my Facebook page/profile and share it to everyone that I possibly can.
Simple, and great. Track is clean, smooth, the sounds are mixed well. The voices are clear, and stay in the background. Nice work. Piano, sounds live, awesome plug-in.
No one ever says I'm never good at anything But in my mind, and in my heart all I feel is emptiness Even though I have a family, have people who care for me, Never could I ever to anything right for my self, I'm an empty shell... The only true thing inside of me is a hint of light, Something so small but bright, The last old part of myself, I was someone so nice Now look at me? All anyone can see is who I used to be, Now all they see is someone who lost everything but can't get up to fix these things, someone who was once nice, But now isn't anything.
I've come to realize that the life we live is an emotional/spiritual experience. Choose your experience. Dont let the horrors of this world get to you.
Waiting for that one signal, that tells me I'm dying, living, sinning, breaking every limit When I reach the mark, where all the hate diminish Cause I'm tired of excuses, I'm trying hard to win this Life call me out on my bs, if I don't work hard enough then I didn't need it Cause sometimes I hanging on by the end of the needle Curling up on my couch, clenching my fist barely breathing Cover my face with bag, until my lungs are squeezing Cause this life's brings pain, to the ones who have a reason Like more than a 9-5, why won't you see it Guess most society, is happy beneath it You can have more, if just open your eyes It's time for us, to stop settling for less and realize Your more than a check, your deserve to be happy But you work all day, and get home feeling crappy All for a few hundred dollars, that you spend on a necklace Most say you need to budget, cause it's a reckless habit I say you need to earn more, so you can buy what you wanted You shouldn't have to sacrifice your needs and wants Because your not earning enough You should be able to make enough, for your desires and all It's crazy to me, how I've realized this, at such a young age But most never do, or if they do it's to late Because your wants are not as important, after your kids are grown up You had to become responsible, now you learned to put dreams aside Stay in your lane and hide That's a sad life Where your living everyday hurting yourself Instead of enjoying the ride, and earning for life, having money for whatever you like That's just me I guess I just believe I deserve more than I've got It's not selfish, it just respecting myself And being satisfied finally for once in my life.
Bangsa Melayu pernah kuat, Buka tanah guna tulang empat kerat, Masih sempat beristeri empat, Tongkat Ali jamu khasiat. Bangsa Melayu pernah digentar, Ular, harimau ditepuk tampar, Kerisnya bisa silatnya gempar, Amuk Melayu bumi bergegar. Bangsa Melayu pernah gagah, Berkaki ayam hutan diredah, Pernah cuba diganyang penjajah, Umat Melayu jihad sabilillah! Bangsa Melayu pernah berdaulat, Seantero dunia kesultanan hebat, Tujuh penjajah cuba menempat, Dengan kudrat semua dihambat. Bangsa Melayu bangsa keramat, Nabi (saw) pernah beramanat, Buat dakwah di bumi berkat, Diakhir masa ramai wali hebat. Bangsa Melayu terasnya hikmat, Sejarah Melayu tertera riwayat, Nabi (saw) memberi amanat, Raja Melaka mendapat hidayat. Bangsa Melayu penuh santunan, Agama dijunjung zaman berzaman, Wali Melayu penuh kehebatan, Karamah barakah jadi laziman. Bangsa Melayu penuh daulah, Halusi sahaja kisah sejarah, Wa’ad Melayu jangan disanggah, Sanggah waad menjemput tulah. Tanah Melayu pernah tersurat, Raja rakyat saling muafakat, Alim ulama dijunjung hormat, Bumi bertuah terbilang sejagat. Bumi Melayu penuh berkat, Tempat tumpuan ulama sejagat, Madrasah pondok merata tempat, Menjana insan unggul berhikmat. Tanah Melayu intinya hebat, Bumi zuriyyat Nabi (saw) sudah tersurat, Kesultanan Melayu hampir padat, Pancaran Baginda penuh karamat. Bumi Melayu pernah terbilang, Sejarah rajanya penuh gemilang, Turunan penjajah mana menghilang, Kesultanan tradisi masih ditatang. Melayu pernah berilmu budaya, Dari llahi satu kurnia, Manuskrip tersebar serata sedunia, Menyimpan khazanah Melayu tua. Bangsa Melayu halus seninya, Hayati warisan persuratannya, Syair seloka indah madahnya, Pertukangan sulaman tiada taranya. Berkurun Melayu junjung agama, Adat dijaga bersama-sama, Bangsa Melayu harum namanya, Rahmat Allah turun semua. Orang Melayu usahlah alpa, Warisan leluhur bukan sehari dua, Pusaka Melayu 6 kurun lamanya, Jadi kebanggaan anak bangsanya. Orang Melayu usahlah goyah, Propaganda musuh jangan melatah, Ungkapan’Melayu lemah’ semata tohmah, Strategi musuh mencabar maruah. Sejarah Melayu sebenarnya hebat, Namun dicemar musuh keparat, Propaganda keji dibuat-buat, Maruah Melayu disiat-siat. Jatidiri Melayu sebenarnya kuat, Bangsa Melayu pernah berdaulat, Silap Melayu membuang adat, Silap rajanya membuang muafakat. Bukan baru musibah Melayu, Sudah wujud sekurun dua nan lalu, Serangan penjajah bertalu-talu, Tradisi dijarah tiadalah malu. Melayu mula ditimpa musibah, Pabila Inggeris datang menjajah, Adat dibuang agama disanggah, Akhirnya Melayu ditimpa tulah. Sekian lama Melayu disasarkan, Sejarah jatidiri diserang-serang, Musuh luar dan dari dalaman, Mungkin tersirat suatu ramalan? Melayu kini resah gelisah, Namun jelas hakikat sejarah, Mungkin tersirat sebalik musibah, Melayu pencetus kebangkitan ummah? Ingat pesanan Rasulullah (saw), Panji hitam dari timur, bumi karamah, Bangsa Melayu usah menyerah, Cari kekuatan dari sejarah.
Followng Jesus Christ is the only true path for me and I have tried many Things. Be blessed everyone, love be with u. :)
May Allah bless you with the righteous way to reach your True God your True Creator, All alone and single God, Only One Right way to One Righteous Allah ❤️
God bless you, I hope many great things come your way!
I'm Whicha, God Bless All 🙏
Hi and with you GOD BLESS YOU
@@brianamcclees4513 Qq₩
(00:42) ⬇️
Hello, grandpa,
You're watching me from above
It's been almost 7 years
Since I last gave you a hug
It's been almost 7 years
Since you said your goodbye
It's been almost 7 years
Since you died.
I can still remember when
I woke up in the morning then
I decided to go out
But you were passed out
And I thought
I thought that you were just sleeping
When instead
Instead you were so close to leaving.
You were in a coma, grandpa
And I didn't even know
Until my grandma told me that
I should get ready to let go
I swear that my heart was breaking
I didn't know how to react
Cause you have always been there
You loved me with all your heart
You have raised me since day one
You have teached me all I know
You have showed me how it feels
To be important to someone
And although you were ill
And although you were old
You were still playing with me
You just treated me like gold.
I didn't know how important
You actually were to me
Until I understood that day
Was the last one with you here
I can still remember that
You were laying on your bed
While I was there, watching you
Fighting between life and death
You struggled to stay alive
You saw me standing beside you
Then you started to cry
Knowing that it hurt me too
You struggled to look at me
You struggled to hold my hand
At some point I left to cry
And that was the end.
Chorus :
Grandpa rest in peace
I'm missing you so much
I wish you were still here,
Here by my side.
Please just give me a sign
Please tell me you're okay
Just hug me one last time
Before you go away...
Go away...
R. I. P. grandpa
I miss you...
May his soul rest in peace Amen.
@@rckzngaming9191 🙏💜
rip 🙏
That's sad. im sorry . I've never seen my grandpa. i still cry now i dont how he looked his personality. RIP to your grandpa.
@@Rizzly648 Thank you! 🙏💕And I'm sorry you didn't get to meet your grandfather. I'm sure he was an amazing person! 😔
I took this beat for my rap song 2 years ago in a school’s Got Talent competition, then I took the 1st place with my band then the 2nd one with my rap song❤
what an achievement!
Similar but no reward yet because i haven’t revealed it yet. 🙏 Its all for God. Not for profit.
It is hurt to hear this hit and not think about Kobe passing 💔😔
Rest in Paradise Dear Kobe 🙏
and Gianna omg - may the two rest in peacee
@@lovxe and the other passengers-
It hits different when you are alone in your room
Right u r right how do u knw and it feels sad too i love this music and trust beat 2
NEW BEAT TaylorT100 🎧🎶 peace people ✌
This beat puts me back in my old times where I got treated shitty alot now it's time to take it all back with my rapping so excited!!!
Yeah, I agree.
I am literally almost crying thinking about the song I'm going to write to this. I love this.
To anyone out there who is going through a rough time dont worry you arent alone because there is over 7 billion people on this planet and im pretty sure you arent the only one alive suffering....and if you reach out for help that doesnt mean you are weak it means you are strong enough to help yourself. Since you have made it this far keep fighting things get better trust me i know from experience and all of yall are amazing and valid and yall deserve the best and just know someone out there loves you even if it doesnt seem like it now❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you helps seeing this
I'm sitting in the bathroom having shower thoughts
Sitting and listening to the water drops for hours
All I think is if the universe is an illusion
But I think I've come to a conclusion
We live the life's of ourselves we set standards higher then our shelfs
But that never stopped from achieving
Because we still are believing
We gotta look up at the sky and Peirce the light
No matter if your asain black or white
Gotta ask yourself if what your doing is wrong or right
There are two paths failure or success
But only one path can lead you where you want to be
Loving your life being free
Even if your failing and falling of course
Doesn't mean that you dread on remorse
Keep livin and everyone else will keep grinnin
Love the life you were given
You are a genius ,trust me
Greg McCoy monster verse bro
Do u mind if I use this
Matthew. 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
anime_cloud anime _cloud amen
This is something I can listen to while walking alone on a seldom used bike path, enjoying the freedom of the outdoors and soaking in the sounds of nature (despite the highway traffic in the background).
ElfHighMage ✨✨✨💙
This instrumental hip hop one of the very best ive ever come across
This music and the image show me how much beautiful our life is.for this am thankful to this channel.
*That image is sad*
I just Wrote a song for my grandpa's funeral to this its truly a moving peice
This inspires me 2 continue moving forward, even though Loved ones have seemed to Leave and Never return. God Bless them, Thankyou guys 🙏👍
Praises The Lord, only path is running the race 4 GOD.
running out of options
patience slowly dropping
all i feel is pain
lately i feel so insane
i wish i could go numb
life use to be so fun
Yellow Kush let me use these lyrics please
Can I use this?
X do ozz
Life is beautiful and amazing and so are you give the son of the living God Almighty your heart and life will be fun forever and happy I love you in Jesus name my friend 🙏❤️😁😘
Life use to be fun for you? If so I hope you don't mind me asking what changed your fun times to sadness. Can not go back to the fun times you had and look back on it as the good old days.
Why the sudden change of heart, mind and soul ?
Sometime we need to appreciate what we have, wandering hearts can leads emptiness some times.
How do you know this is the real deal. How long have you know this soul. And what are you searching for now!
If two soul are destiny to be together, then there is nothing you or I can do to change this.
As I have read if this doesnt happen in this life time they may end up coning back in search for there soul mate but the two soul need to agreement on being together for it be everlasting.
Let hope you sort it out, it will save the hassle of haven't to search again for right time and place, that's if this is the case.
As, you maybe be aware some time it said we must live the present, all advise use in pass and present should be take heed to.
Again I hope you quench that thirst and the anguish you are feeling.
May you find peace and I wish all the best on your quest for love in its true form.
Take care & may most assist you and guide you 🙏🏽
First ! I love this instru ♡
Bra stop... You just snatched my heart with this one
This is so so beautiful. The chants/voices really motivate/move me. Gorgeous beat.
That feeling when suddenly woke up in the middle of the night with out any reason..and with a snap you remembered all the things you taken for granted with out thinking what it caused to the people who tirelessly work hard just for you...
I’ve listened to a lot of EDOBY’s music, but for some reason I feel like this one hits different, it’s special to my core. Yk that irrational fear of something (like a phobia), and how it. just. Is. There. Sort of nostalgia in a way, but not. I DUNNO MAN.
It’s amazing that’s all that’s needed to say.
This is the only path u would ever walk at the end of the day .. every single one of us.. so don't worry guys we are all the same.. but we are beautiful we are strong we are brave .. do what ever you want to do in your life.. but never give up always get up and you will have one great luck in your life..
U inspired me with no more words ur perfect
Thank you 😊❤️
This gives you hope so you can follow the path of your future
I love this my Momma just past away back on Aug 13th 2020 and I have been writing songs from the beats istermentals on youtube just to heal a little because my momma and I had a very hard past. This helps me thank you for posting these they really help me
There is something about your music that I can't put it in words the only two words I can describe your music is: unbelievable and impressive. I feel mixed feelings when I listen to your music and when I mean mixed feelings I mean good feelings
I’m going to learn
I’m going to burn
I’m going to rise
I’m going to ride
I’m going to yearn
I’m going to love
Abandon tomorrow
Be thankful for today
So many things to stress about the worrying won’t stop and the suffering I wish would cease just give me some peace hands free from this beast we all shackled to our worst mistake the lie that wants to break I can’t take this feeling of worthlessness father I don’t want to forsake my fate father tell me it’s not to late have I missed the train at the tracks waiting will it run me over or take me to a destination of forgiveness the pain I give this to you lord teach me reach me preach me guide me mold me like clay take this knife out my heart pump in the saline tired of the darkness filling up my chambers carry my burdens like a cross carry my self hatred like a boss
Walking through these college halls always gotta learn things the hard way so I snap back at God
As if he created the problems
He gave me everything I need to succeed yet I focused on what I didn’t have he gave me health a sound mind and a purpose where I wasn’t blind I chose to fail fed into the lie that I was worthless and I’d never arrive joist the sail yet I strive God I want you to drive into the sun burn away the iceberg
One of the best emotional instrumentals I've ever heard...
You define who you are in this are special... You make your lyrics here
Man love you my heart is resting now
Only one path to take, One road to walk, I pray every day that iĺl get across, To the other side, But its not about the end its about the ride, Both beautiful and inspiring as you climb the ascent, Hope rising inside as you crest the bend, You reach the top so excited that you might vomit, Than fear kicks in as you look down and realize you're about to plummit, Free falling towards the ground, brace for impact, Breath catches as you make a sound, what'd you expect? If you are to scared to fly you will die, Right before you hit the floor, The wind catches your wings and you begin to soar, So happy to still be intact, Taking the chance dashed the chance of living a life filled with regrets, It's true when they say that nothing is perfect, The memories and the growth made the strife all worth it, If these lyrics relate than truely you have my respect, And if you say that life is a bore, I disagree and challenge you to learn more, Anything is possible in this dimension, So many ideas that I am unable to mention, Simply because I don't have the intellectual capacity to conceptualize them, Men gloved in fear and vanity are existing in a life of perpetualized sin, When will all the tragedies that I have visualized end? Negative emotions that brood can lead to war, Oceans of red construde with blood and gore, Unfortunately most of the victims are innocent, Humans with no moral code are indifferent, Mindless sheep becoming masses of millitants, Herded by a shepherd with ill intent, Defileing without negligence, Profileing the middlewest
Lol, wrote both parts of this at different times of day and with different feelings, so the lyrics changed vibes pretty hard
Sometimes do you ever wonder if you can go back in time
If you can go back and relive the days that were just fine
And going back to where it was nothing but simple and fun
And where we would do nothing but laugh and play in the sun
Yes those were the greatest days where we didn't feel pain
Instead of feeling sad we'd just play in the rain
These everlasting memories that flow have been by my side
They keep me strong and keep me going and give me my pride
When will I ever feel the same way I did those years ago?
When will I finally be seen as someone else tomorrow?
When will I ever be seen as someone different than I am?
Now all I see are stressful sights of past grades and exams
The life that I live now is a hard one I agree
It's probably best for me to give up on my hopes and dreams
I want to keep going strong but did I reach my limit?
Can I please go back to that place that I want to go visit?
Can you help me God not to feel this pain anymore
Please let me feel the same way I did those years before
I'll keep trying and pushing to stay this pure and true
And keep strong and keep fighting like I'm supposed to do
Best of the best
That shit was ass
Count your bars
Yh Dd
I've been trying to hide the demons are some of my all these little and we're trying to erase all this time and you can feel like me and I'm trying to get if I know is something funny
*[ PL ]* _Mantis - "Czekanie" ("Waiting")_
Nie mart się tyle,
Byle dobrze było w głowy tyle.
Zawsze tu będę,
I tym razem się nie pomylę.
Ceńmy wspólne chwile,
Zapamiętajmy naszą drogę,
Te mile spędzone mile.
Byle dobrze było na chwilę,
Liczę na twoje oblicze,
Że będzie ciepłe i zawiłe.
Byle nie proste,
Monotoności nie sprostam.
Chociaż przy tobie, Kochanie,
Każda sekunda to nie czas,
To na moje serce miłe oddziaływanie.
Co będzie znami?
Jak zegar działać przestanie?
Nie myślę o tym,
Teraz liczy sie działanie.
Chciałbym żeby usłyszeli granie,
Takie piękne,
Jakby na leśnej polanie,
A ja tam z tobą, Kochanie.
Inne Panie nie mają znaczenia,
Jest ich prostych tyle,
Aż do obrzydzenia.
Nie potrzebuję dobrego jedzenia,
Nie potrzebuję pieniędzy,
Ich pełno jak miodu,
Kiedy nadchodzi czas pylenia.
Potrzebuję tylko ciebie,
Na zawsze,
Jak i na ziemi tak i w niebie.
Bo inaczej mam myśli dziwne,
W głowie mi się jebie.
Więc sądzę że spotkam,
Spotkam ciebie,
I dotrwam w oczekiwaniu,
Może i w nerwowym załamaniu.
W deszczu,
W śniegu,
W gradzie,
I ludzkiej pogardzie,
Sprostam temu zadaniu,
Nie zakończę tej misji nigdy,
Jakiej misji?
Misji o zadaniu:
"Na ciebie oczekiwaniu"
A myśl o tym że jesteś,
Jesteś gdzieś na świecie,
Raduje mie jak dziecię.
Więc wysyłam ten list,
Będę czekał na ciebie,
W Zimę,
Jak i w lecie.
Teraz działam w myślach,
Nadzieja moja wianek plecie,
Na każdym jego rogu kwiecie,
A te największe,
To ty.
Twojej ważności nic nie przebije,
Nic na świecie.
Nadzieja i miłość nas poniesie,
Ponad ludzie marudzenie,
Ponad zło na tej planecie.
Będę wierzył że kiedyś w sercach,
Sercach naszych zapłonie płomień,
Trwalszy niż olimpijski.
Że będzie jak najwyższy,
Nie przygasły i niski,
Każdemu z nas bliski.
Żeby nie obchodziły nas złe opinie,
Nawet te osób nam bliskich,
Ale nie tak w sobie umiłowanych,
Tak jak my zakochanych.
Byle nasze losy kiedyś,
Gdy Bóg pozwoli,
Nie żyły same w niedoli,
Ale żebyśmy się spotkali,
I swoje piękno odkrywali,
Bez pośpiechu,
_[ Time: __0:00__-__2:30__/ Czas: __0:00__-__2:30__ ]_
wow art!!! this is real art man!
I keep dreaming to carry my hope
The spirit rise to finish the road
My heart keep yelling in my throat
Keep moving or staying broke
This journey is getting rough
Since they give me more laugh
I need spark to stay tough
So getting high with my favourite stuff
I believe it is my destiny
Lifeless make me more greedy
Everyday is the last day for me
So hustlin till they both happy
I wish a good voice like chester
I wish i'm the marshal mather
I wish to born with talent
I wish to have rich parent
I'm so stupid than i'm realise
Maybe greedy has blinded my eyes
I'm just wasted half of my life to impress everyone
I shouldn't abandoned them just to be somebody i want
I hope there still time to get
I don't want to die regret
Gettin rich still be my target
But this time it for the love sake.
Good lyrics . Can i copy that ? 😊
@@khadijahhh7941 yes. Of course
@@aqmalhaqiem611 Thankk youuu so muchh
This is hella good man keep it up
Let me tell you a story about this kid on my bus,
He was two years older than me and never seemed to fuss,
He would always dress nicely for that was his pride,
But that strictly ended when he committed suicide,
The kid lived down the street from me,
But darkness was all he could see,
He had trouble with bullies and at home with his family,
The kid had all his life ahead of him but took it at 16,
We never knew if he tried,
We just know he left but did he ever cry,
Cuz him the meaning of life must of been kind of dry,
People act depressed saying that they knew him,
Bitch shut up that’s a fucking lie,
Think about the people who have been there since day one,
Like his brother father mother just shut up cuz u ain’t one,
The kids name was Lewis and he shot himself with a gun,
People don’t really care cuz there is dozens of suicides and this is just one,
But was this just one,
These were human life’s at stake and people do not care I’m done!
Left our neighborhood and shock with him dead,
Never knew a kid like him would bust his own head,
Imagine being the one to find him like his family,
My prayers to them for hell on Earth was what they see,
From there it must’ve been all darkness and misery,
And we thought the kid was normal just like you and me,
See that’s we we all thought,
But that’s just some stupid lie that we all bought,
I guess he must’ve had a thought life,
Contemplating his days on the edge of a knife,
Hopefully he found his desperate needed light,
Not to find himself back in the darkness of the night,
This is just another loss to a really tough fight,
The world wishes for kids like you not to do this,
Rest forever in peace to my neighbor Lewis.
dope bro. I dont even notice that this was a songs lyrics.
alexander ezekiel wdym
alexander ezekiel wait I may get it lol
wow i love that
What a Amazing Lyrics
I really admire your work. I like your organizations, timing, and sounds selecting. You know how to vibe.
Life is shit when I pick up this beat,
to tell you stories, that we’re all (main characters) in it
If you wana cry and that is alright,
let tears fall then leave the past behind
But just a few things you should keep in mind,
do your job, and live your life
Follow your dreams and don’t give up,
no matter what, just keep going
You are beautiful and you are handsome,
it doesn’t really matter if they said you are dumb
Cause what they want is just talking shits,
but you are stronger even than the Beast,
smarter than scientists, and hotter than…Brad Pitt
Shits at work and then shits at home,
it doesn’t really mean that you deserve shit at all
What they have said and what they have done,
they’ve tried to make you feel like a piece of scum
But don’t let those shits get inside your brain,
throw them away and get into lane
Every time they think, that you are done,
move one step closer, and they will be numb
When they think that you’re left behind,
let them catch up if they know how to fly
Life is shit and it’s unfair,
(there’s) no doubt about that but people don’t care
But now is the time to face the truth,
cause reality always comes rude
It doesn’t really matter if you’re in deep shits,
many out there, they have nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep,
or they’re not sure (if they’ll) be able to live, all what they want is peace
They don’t even know if tomorrow comes,
or they’ll lose their life, because of some, psychos, who wana be heroes
Wars, nobody cares!
But boobs and butts, (they’ve become) national affairs
Climate change, they’ve said we’re insane
or it’s a hoax, or maybe a joke
Everywhere, you can find hate,
people killing each other, because of faiths, races or rages
People are dying everyday, because of guns or because they’re gay
What you see is a nasty bully(ing),
big or rich people think they can crush or buy any(thing)
But don’t be afraid, we’re (defo) gonna show them, of what we’re made
Be nice, be kind, look after each other and we will fight
Let’s be brave and raise your voice,
lend someone a hand, when they really need help
You don’t need to be, a billionaire, to share a bit or to give your spares
Cause people in needs, they’ll be pleased
Don’t complain and keep playing your game
Cause we’re still better, than those in pains,
they have lost everything, even their name
Children have died inside a lorry
or on a boat when their parents flee, out of a war-torn country
Life is too short and time cannot be paused
The only way, is moving on,
pursue your dreams, until they’re achieved.
And don’t give up, no matter what, just keep going
Find your own path, that makes you happy
Write a great song, or (just) drink a cup of tea
Whatever works, then you move forward
Live your own life and create your own style,
and let imagination be your guide
No one can force you (to) do things you don’t like
Living (in a) fictional jail is absolutely shite
Free your mind, and free your soul
Follow the route that you wana go
Don’t ever let someone, say you can’t do that,
because trust me, they’re just fooking twats!
Be bold, be strong, and be really wise,
Because you’re (a) super star, in the sky
Whatever they’ve said, you get going,
show them that, you know how to blink ;)
Happiness is not (all) about money,
but without it, life is full of miseries
Earn enough to make you comfy, and spend decent time with your family
There is no point, that you’re super rich,
but everyone looks at you and say Dick!
Life is wild but full of surprises
Keep trying and things will be fine
When you think (that) you’re so desperate,
miracles happen, although a bit late
Life is up and life is down,
that’s alright, cause (that) life is all about
But life is cruel and it is true, when we can not stop the shits going through
Many people just simply died young, for no reason and we have found none
Heaven called their name and suddenly they whacked,
that’s it, that’s the fooking fact
But don’t give up and moving on,
sing a happy song, or find someone, to getting along
Get married, and have children, watch them grow even from a distance
They’re the best assets of life, your name carried on, and on, and on...
Thanks Edoby for creating this incredible beat and I've written my first rap song based on it :)
nice Rhyme....
Bro you gotta work on your rhythm flow it's so suffocating your word don't end well it's mostly stuck
Can you help me make a music
This is amazing 🔥
I Feel The Deep Meaning Inside Of This Beat ❤️
Life Is... Too Short
Too $hort
[Verse 1]
I remember how it all began
I used to sing dirty raps to my Eastside fans
Back then, I knew you couldn't stop this rap
No M.C. could rock like that
Then the new style came, the bass got deeper
You gave up the mic and bought you a beeper
Do you wanna rap or sell coke?
Brothers like you ain't never broke
People wanna say it's just my time
Brothers like me had to work for mine
Eight years on the mic and I'm not jokin'
Sir Too Short comin' straight from Oakland
California, home of the rock
Eight woofers in the trunk, beatin' down the block
Short Dog, I'm that rappin' man
I said it before and I 'll say it again
Life is too short
Too short
Life is too short
Too short
[Verse 2]
Life is to some people unbearable
Committing suicide and that's terrible
Was it much too much or nothing big?
If you live my life, you'd be fightin' to live
Life is to me my main asset
I be doin' all right and keep it just like that
Chill out at the house and pump that bass
I'm tryin' to get rich as I rock the place
Everybody's got that same old dream
To have big money and fancy things
Drive a brand new Benz, keep your bank right here
Never hear me stutter once 'cause I talk real clear
It's on you, homeboy, whatcha gonna do?
You can take my advice and start workin', fool
Or you can close your ears and run your mouth
And one day, homeboy, ya soon find out
Life is too short
Too short
Life is too short
Too short
[Verse 3]
Life is too short, would you agree?
While I'm living my life, don't mess with me
It's been a long time, baby, since I first got down
But I still keep makin' these funky sounds
'Cause I don't stop rappin', that's my theme
I make a lot of money, do you know what I mean?
Life is, complicated, you must stay up
You're asked a simple question boy, don't say "What?"
Ya only live once and ya callin' it hell
Policeman tryin' to take ya to jail
You could give a man time but you don't know
In a matter of time, I'll be runnin' the show
Now another young buck wants to be on top
Makin' big money, slangin' hop
The task force tryin' to peel your cap
Turn around, homeboy, you better watch your back
Life is too short
Life is...
[Verse 4]
You can take back all the things you give
But you can't take back the days you live
Life is to some people heaven on earth
Livin' every single day for what it's worth
I live my life just how I please
Satisfying one person I know, that's me
Work hard for the things I achieve in life
And never rap fake when I'm on the mic
'Cause if a dream is all you got, homeboy
You gotta turn that dream into the real McCoy
No time to waste, just get on that case
Can't be down 'cause you need to taste
A good life, livin' like a king on a throne
Getting everything you want and trying to handle your own
It's your life, don't be stupid though
'Cause when you waste it, you'll know life is...
Life is...
Alright, that's it
damnnnn that's sick!!
Bro HMU I can sing this
@@Caleb-ml1vg he didn't write that it was a song made 10yrs ago
This is one of the best songs i have yet heard. I hope to hear more from EDOBY
Shout out to all the true ones
They always been by my side
They the ones that i'll remember till the day that I die
They're always on my team
So there's no need to pick sides
They the ones that have been there through all of my life
They is friends, they is family
They motivate me daily see
They just wanna see me succeed
And they gone see it
Cuz Ima make it true
And when I make a mill ima share it with everyone of you
I ain't playing, no I ain't tripping
I'm just trying to do me, i'm just trying to make a living
I'm always writing then I go back make revision
This the reason why you loosing and we winning
Cuz when I shine, they gone shine too
When I ride, they gone ride too
My bling is they ice too
Grateful for them, they have no clue
Anonymous Kicks this shit is good man. Love it
Can i use this? Ill give u credit.
start at 1:25 yeah i been doin this for so long , i master of my own fate i sing all my own songs. and it hurts when they dont believe in me. i dont think they really seein my, for who i really am. im not superman i can only do so much goddam. push me to be my best, but tell me why is it that you really invest, is it cause you wanna see the best in me, or cause the money you getting, tell me! you dont needa yell see, i am right here i been here since i got outta jail g. but then i go back and remeber, what it was like when we was just kids. back when we di what we wanted no consequences, superstitions about life, back when you could say anythang, without a bullet endin up in ya brain yeah those were the days. if only we could go back, before alchohol and prozac, took over. before we started using a gun for all our problems, back when we could just talk to solve em'. but i guess things change, i hear the church bells ring, dang its over now, the human race aint advacin, we slowin down. but i guess thats normal, how could you expect me to not be formal, i mean this is my fucking funeral, there you go. you got your wish now, my god and i , up in the sky shakin our heads like are these people crazy, yeah maybe. they gettin lazy, smokin drugs till the air gets hazy. 2:29 then they wonder why they cant breah and cant see. like come on, are u fuckin' stupid, u gotta open your eyes its a choice now you better start choosin yo life aint ruined, it has just begun, and you just gotta belive that you are the only one who create your destiny i mean dont you see. you have more opportunities than even me. now get off yo ass. do something good. be great. you can. just believe. wait stop now, get back in school dont u drop out. im not mad, i just wish youd put in more effort into the things into the things you will carry with you forever. i mean did you really think you really, that yo life woulda been fixed by one silly drink i mean think alcohol dont solve it, it just helps you sink. into a spirling pit of depression, no longer any point for agression. but then again thats why this is my obsession lets heal the the world one therapy session at a time. imma pray that all of you stay happy. even if it means hard work, imma take that burden why cause its worth it.
@@yunggemini8029 can I use this
yeah bro go ahead ive been wanting to be a rapper for a while now.... but I can get u some more lyrics if you want... gotta build the dream somehow XD
The title kinda reminds me of the lengths and years of struggle kpop idols have to go through before debuting, just to chase their dream. I imagine the rising self-doubt and suffering that would come with committing to this uncertain path. Very few will actually make it, but many of those who do, look back on all the hardship and smile - at the raw strength they gained from the experience.
In HIM there is peace - JESUS
Oh Man, I Love These Things.
that tear begins to fall, my heart beat flutters n stalls, trapped inside of my own mental walls, beating my demons, stronger I grow as I sharpen these claws, I've gotten past my flaws and fears,
so i will begin my story with hurt and pain
no body see me as a person they only see me as a stain
i am lonely as i walk through this rain
i don't have power enough to make way for my path
not even enough to make my life last
just a traveller wanna leave the past
i don't have a life remebering my love as a true lust
all i see my self in mirror is a broken person falling apart as dust
i don't have a journey or a destination to my life
just a broken person walking in tip of the knife
i don't wanna sew my soul just a broken person with a heart with a hole
i don't much wellpower to keep in my head a gun
i don't have a path lord i just a broken person
Yours great man🙏
Whoever reads this is a king👑 keep going man!💪
Im a robot I feel no feelings you feel
Never been in pain never had a brain to think straight never had a heart with a beat that shows passion through blind eyes
The spirit the tension why did you never mention i knew it was different this time i was feeling emotions this time i was born not built im no false history im real put me down i get up put my fist up ill show you a fight i got light this is no fight i see you got no life Get out out of sight let me live my life
Ohh my allah! You can help me some cause and depression 😍belived that oneday we will come back again when Imam mahadi and hazrat isha (ala) coming in the world and published own message of allah
My man ,allah❤️
This music remember me when i was a child 😥
We all wanna die in the night time
We don’t wanna cry when the light dies
An she don’t wanna cry over nice guys
He don’t wanna fly until the times right
We don’t get to make these choices
Hearing all the screams from the voiceless
Kiss them on the lips with the poison
I dont wanna trip over noises
Living in this life is so pointless
Only taken love by appointment
Happiness is hard to enjoy an
Closing people out what destroys us
My whole graduation has been spent listening Edoby beats ❤️❤️🎉
The path that I've been walking has left me broken
So frozen, feels like every move I make is playing in slow motion
And I feel like most of the time I don't even know my own emotions
Every passerby is stirring up a damn commotion
These wounds on my soul are slowly tearing open
Flowing out of them is all my confidence
My accomplishments are just fragments of my conciousness
I'm stuck, and I know it ain't obvious but it's hard to hit my mark
When the arrows aren't knocked, then I get socked.
By the world so cold, I get shocked.
I have no one to be my rock, my damn anchor
Then I never can hold in this overzealous anger.
Everbody I know lately has become nothing but a stranger.
I don't know if it's because we've become estranged or.
Losing signal, slowly getting out of range.
I try to hide my pain, try to rearrange it.
And I know for a fact I can try to change it.
But it's hard when I feel so basic, growing too damn complacent.
Heart and mind are running laps, losing races.
Destroying every dream I'm ever chasing.
But my goals seem forever changing.
It's so damn lame man, I wish there was a way to put this ish in Lamens
But I have this hope I'm gonna make it.
I have only one shot, and you bet I'm gonna take it.
Never taking breaks man, well only when my heart is breaking.
Envious_Reaper damn
keep going.sounds good #nevergiveup
Betrayal - Jakey Lopez
Verse 1]
On that day, I was on the call with you
You were sad
You told me, you were thinking
From that problem I was trying to save you
When faith slowly dies
The danger has struck on me
Just 'cause you never told me anything
That I been sober for too long
Then you cut me off in every way
I wanted to make it right
'Cause you were scared to be heartbroken
You left me behind
In the place of the dark
I gave you comfort, but you suddenly push it away
Your still whispering in my mind
I wanted put that smile on your face
'Cause I thought you were broken
But instead, you broke my heart
With all of your betrayal
[Verse 2]
On that day, I couldn't stop my tears
'Cause my heart bled from the words you said
To me that I'm gonna fall
Maybe it was all a joke
What a cruel world
The danger has struck on me
Just 'cause you never told me anything
That I been sober for too long
Then you cut me off in every way
I wanted to make it right
'Cause you were scared to be heartbroken
You left me behind
In the place of the dark
I gave you comfort, but you suddenly push it away
Your still whispering in my mind
I wanted put that smile on your face
'Cause I thought you were broken
But instead, you broke my heart
With all your betrayal
You torn me apart
I thought you had my back
You threw me away
You blamed me, but I still took the blame
From that day, I never found faith
'Cause you kept that from me
You left me behind
In the place of the dark
I gave you comfort, but you suddenly push it away
Your still whispering were in my mind
I wanted put that smile on your face
'Cause I thought you were broken
But instead, you broke my heart
With all your betrayal
With all your betrayal
is there a song?
No Words To Describe About This Beat Really Soulful ❤️
Victor Paredes Amen 🙏
recalling your past while listening this masterpiece...... now it all looks too far to hold 💔
All by myself feeling’ lonely as hell
Like I fell in a well, no one hears me yell
Someone get me out of this pit
someone get me out of this shit
Sorry drippin’ down my pen
Bleeding out when I spit
This is a verse for the lonely
When you’re hurt mission’ homies
Poppin’ perks cause your’ lonely on earth
It’s the worst when you immerse into solitude
Your shadow is the only one who follows you
The mirror is the only 1 who talks to you
It eats you alive till it swallows
Here’s how I understand the why of his suicide. His brain telling him he wanted to go, had to go. It would be better somewhere else. It was too painful here.
It is through these songs, as painful as they are to read, that I understand his depression. I wish he would’ve given life here another shot.
Mans straight spittin
This is a song I made about self love♥♪
Everyday, people walking in the rain...tryna' find a reason to stay but they found it hard I mean...
Everyday, dealing with depression, dealing with the pressure! Everyday is like a battle...
Knowing me....I won't even fight it, im too weak! I wont even try to hide it!
Its like fighting my mind...but why fight, its a battle i cant why try?
Imma lay low, live my own life...imma play slow, i wont even worry bout the lies....that they tell everyday...its not like i care so imma just be me...
I dont really know, what it means to be free...but what i know..
Is that i like being me!!
And i like being slow!!
Yea the world migjt me fast,but imma keep it down low!!
I dont need to change thats all i know...i love myself...and i hope you do to...dont change yourself...the world can change for you♥
Can I use this?
this is fire🔥🔥 it is so good in 2019 as well. Keep it up bro!!
Your beats are touching my heart 🥺
I have the right tune for this beat
This is a beautiful master piece🎧🌍❤
I was crying because everything in my life is falling apart then i got tired of crying and started know that laughing alone in your room in midnight because you are going through some shit....jea.......then this got reccomended and i kinda feel good listening to it.
yep dont be sad the worlds falling apart I suffered 2 massive strokes in october last year and have been left paralysed in my left side of my body I can no longer use my left arm or walk properly anymore its ruined my life and destroyed any decent future I had I know the feeling of life being ruined and trust me I'm not happy like I used to be but try and keep your head up focus on what you want for yourself and get rid of anything causing negativity.
@@m6_jedi953 I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you are well and you are getting used to how you have to live but always keep positive man. I'm not sure what religion you follow, but as a Muslim I believe that everything negative that happens always results in having something good at the end as a reward. I know you can get through your hard times and always keep going further in things you want. You'll hopefully get them one day. Keep your head up (as you stated) and make sure that you have something to do to keep your mind off negative thoughts. Even if you are somewhat restricted now, make something amazing out of it and shock the world. Sounds a bit weird, but imagine if you broke a world record even with your limits that no one else was able to do... it sounds a bit outrageous, but can be possible and I hope you feel better after this comment.
Remember, there will always be someone who loves you whether that's your parents, siblings, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend whatever. There will always be someone who takes care of you nonetheless and always will. Stay positive man, much love :)
@@Lightning2011 thankyou and it's funny you said about the keep doing stuff part because I was a lifelong gamer I was good to really good and ove been depressed because I I couldn't game again but I'm a determined minded person so I picked up my controller 1 handed and learnt to play again with 1 hand I'm not as good but I actually got 63 best time I vthe world on a rally game I play I was shocked and happy my next goal is to reach top 25 globally then eventually top 10 bu we,ll see and thankyou again I appreciate your words
@@m6_jedi953 dude thats so amazing man! I know you'll get there. Keep going and never give up man, much respect to you bro. Keep going!
@@Lightning2011 thankyou bro I'm just happy yo be gaming again even if I'm using 1 hand. in life theres always a way around things if you're determined enough and I love gaming so nothing going to stop me thsnkyou
Lyrics. My girl left but understand she needed time, that’s when I found out that she had somebody on the side , and now I wonder why every day she lies, it’s funny How are Demons are so beautiful in disguise, Still shedding tears every day I deal with hirt 🥺 , tryed to commit suicide but I didn’t even work, put the gun to my brains because everybody hates me click click I forgot the gun was on safety🤕
J Will ✨💙
Nadie merece perder la vida por nadie, las cosas malas que suceden es para fortalecernos, ya habrá otra persona que te valore, amáte. Dios te bendiga
Yea, the gun was on safety ❤
I wish I could just get the beginning of this. Great piano!
The beat really relaxed the person who is listening and it's good for the situation of seperation from someone who u want 2 not leg go.....🤘
This track has become my "thinking music"
Bila cinta sebatas dusta
tapiku selalu menyayanginya
Meski harus menggoreskan luka
Tapiku kan selalu setia
Hening membisu tersudutku terpaku
Terasa pilu risau hati tak menentu
Saat ku tau engkau telah mendustaiku
Akan cintamu yang telah melukaiku
Telah kuberikan sepenuh jiwaku
Serahkan seribu untaian kenangan hangat kesetiaan
Lembut belaian selalu kutorehkan
Walau harus menelan luka hati yang mendalam
Takku sadari cinta suci yang kau miliki
Sekejap memudarkan hati yang menepi
Begitu jeli melabuhi jiwa yang sepi
Hingga kusadari dirimu begitu berarti
Bagaikan selembut awan menghiasi sang malam
Tulus kebahagiaan yang kini tinggal harapan
Kesucian cinta yang selama ini kutanamkan
Kan tetap kujaga hingga hati ini bersemayam
Sehelai rasa cinta yang tak pernah sirna
Memperdaya raga hingga tak terasa hampa
Seuntai kasih setia yang selama ini kujaga
Terkhianati dusta dibalik sandiwara
Telah ku berikan semua pinta yang kau inginkan
Hingga nafas terasa sulit tuk menghempaskan
Ingin kumusnahkan butiran cinta yang tersimpan
Tiada luntaran batin berbisik tak menghiraukan
Daniel 77 wehhh srs ah lirik nii padu beb . nak buat lagu guna lirik ni please . pm nama full kau aku bagi credit kat lagu tu nanti
Amazing! It's so beautiful!
SECRET your soft af
try the airplane song with this seems like identical
When my penis peeks out of my foreskin, It's just so beautiful.
Jake H same no homo
This is going to take it to the next level for me im so ready to express my self threw my rapping to others im so excited where it takes me !!!
Life is a candle 😔😔😔
INDIAN FAUZI Life is. Journey, a dance, in the eternity of Time
Có những thứ có lẽ ta ko cần
như niềm đau và nước mắt
Anh sẽ cho em bờ vai phong trần
dựa vào, bước đoạn đường trước mặt
Anh sẽ cho em cả 1 trời thu
Cho em cả ngàn lời ru
Khi tình yêu thật lớn nhưng văn anh vụng về
Vậy làm sao để nói thành lời chứ?
Anh muốn là bóng cây trong ngày nắng
là gió xua mây những ngày mưa
Anh sẽ hát như chim đón bình minh
Cho em quên nỗi buồn của ngày xưa
Cứ để bao lo toan kia ngủ quên
ta ko cần nơi phồn hoa chật hẹp
Có anh, có em
Ta đưa nhau đến những nơi nào thật đẹp
Yea đôi ta sẽ cùng bước
Tay ta đan trong đôi tay
Ta sẽ nhìn về một hướng
Khi mệt mõi anh vẫn ở nơi đây
bên cạnh em anh ko lạnh đêm về
Yêu em, con tim mạnh thêm nè
Yêu em anh đủ dũng cảm để lý trí
Ko thắng được con tim
Mặc dù ta đang xa nhau anh biết
Anh cũng biết thật ra ta ko xa đâu
Vi bao yêu thương trao chưa hết
Tình yêu em sao như quanh đây baby
Vietnamese squad
về với đội của ta :
Em xin lyrics dc k ạ:(
Hay ạ e cover nhé
Why do I have to keep living my life as a lie
Never had a shoulder to lean on
Everyone says I'm alright
But am I really
I spend most of my time crying
Wishing I wasn't so lonely but I learned that I gotta keep my head up
I just need one more reason to be here
I just need another fucking chance another day
I'm not always alright I'm not always ok
I wish you'd understand what it's like to be me
Thinking everything is my fault
I can't stand it
I'm doing better than the day before
But this over whelming sadness rushes over me
I can't help it
I'm not always alright I'm not always ok
I just need one more reason
One more reason....and I'll be here
Can i use this if i credit u?
That reason is you are beautiful and have talent
One day im going to rap about my story it will amazing to others it didn't take long to learn how to rap for me!!!
@Sal2Saucy Thank you So much bro!!!
@@LuckyHitter_30 bro believe me .my story better than u
I'm going though alot of shit now
And ldr with the my one and only girl
4000 miles distance
And I cant do anything
I'm like in jail
Anyway I wish u luck
@@mastermind102 Thanks bro So Much!!!
Wish you the best luck don’t give up cause like will punk you down at the worst times and say to you “do you really want this” you must overcome every obstacle life brings you wish you the best luck and I believe in you!!!!✨✨
@@no-tv6is thank you so much
the music and the scenery reminds me of the wonderful, long-distance outings
miss you EDOBY beats😭😭
I love this it's an inspiration kodos to the person who did this I feel heartbreak sad song amazing
Scared, I’m falling in love
Cant hold back
In the eyes of trouble
Lose control
And it’s outta my head
Screaming out
Uh oh
Baby not again
Where do I go?
I’m lost got no road
ain’t yellow they all the same
nobody can show me
i’m stuck in my own pain
cant even act like i’m sane
pretend I am better without you
but really I wish you’d change
So we could try again
though I know I cant let you back
because love is a one time thing
Ya its hard to find way here..
She comes and goes fades near..
I've lost my heart so stuck here...
Searching for way is it there?
Psy Aii I know what ya going through I owe it to whoever feels the glue to the ex who said we through
keep ya head up like Tupac cuz I know if you let depression in ya letting them demons in and they’ll win
a great legend that has not returned :(
this beat give me a hope
You look at this world and see the pain
Everyone that I see, thinks it's a game
No one really gets you, they think that your'e fine
But I guess now, you think it's the time
What do you see, a screwed up world
That's what I see, a world with a lot of trouble
You try to make it to the top, and they're trynna beat you there
and everyone trynna get you to stop
They drag you down, and beat you up
and push you to the ground, and beat you with stuff
No one ever get you, they ""see"' that you're fine
Just wish I could pull back the hands of time
Make it all work, and make it all stop
and try to find the way back to the top
change this world and change-a-these ways
and try to find that light to all these dark days
try to change this world and stay in your room
fight that death battle to make it through this doom
open up your wings, you've seen that they've broke
just like your life, you think your'e a joke
so leave your past behind, and open up those wings
turn your back and forget those things
look out your window you can always be mor
just get up off your bed and open up your door
why do I try, to get everything down, you act like, you never hear a sound
why do I try x4
why do I try to be the best, but i think I never beat the rest
why do I try x4
Be that light, that lights up this world
you're almost there, don't let em beat you down
keep movin' forward and fight through the rest
let everyone else know that your are the best
take this world and turn it around
you can do better, it's harder than it sounds
feel the pain, shake it off
cuz what you do, is what makes you tough
Fly high and make it through this age, make yourself stronger to make it through this age
I don't know the problems that you'll face right now, but you won't face em alone, and that is my vow
xAFKxLegendx It's really good!
xAFKxLegendx dam I am truly inspired by the way you put this together. I give high props to you. And hope that you would let me put this on my Facebook page/profile and share it to everyone that I possibly can.
Ya same here
I rap it in 30 sec
xAFKxLegendx this was good man God bless you 😢❤️
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6
Simple, and great. Track is clean, smooth, the sounds are mixed well. The voices are clear, and stay in the background. Nice work. Piano, sounds live, awesome plug-in.
The Baseline is beautiful 💪👌
Best music for study and workout.
No one ever says I'm never good at anything
But in my mind, and in my heart all I feel is emptiness
Even though I have a family, have people who care for me,
Never could I ever to anything right for my self, I'm an empty shell...
The only true thing inside of me is a hint of light,
Something so small but bright,
The last old part of myself, I was someone so nice
Now look at me?
All anyone can see is who I used to be,
Now all they see is someone who lost everything
but can't get up to fix these things,
someone who was once nice,
But now isn't anything.
Its time to claim your life back my friend . Rise with all what is left and Make yourself proud.
I've come to realize that the life we live is an emotional/spiritual experience. Choose your experience. Dont let the horrors of this world get to you.
very beautiful, i would like to use this in my wedding background music
Before reading I thought same
Vocal make the song more famous with this music
Listen to this song on this track:
“ they say yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift. That’s why they call it the present
Nestihl jsem si vzít buřta ani kolu 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤣
Waiting for that one signal, that tells me I'm dying, living, sinning, breaking every limit
When I reach the mark, where all the hate diminish
Cause I'm tired of excuses, I'm trying hard to win this
Life call me out on my bs,
if I don't work hard enough then I didn't need it
Cause sometimes I hanging on by the end of the needle
Curling up on my couch, clenching my fist barely breathing
Cover my face with bag, until my lungs are squeezing
Cause this life's brings pain, to the ones who have a reason
Like more than a 9-5, why won't you see it
Guess most society, is happy beneath it
You can have more, if just open your eyes
It's time for us, to stop settling for less and realize
Your more than a check, your deserve to be happy
But you work all day, and get home feeling crappy
All for a few hundred dollars, that you spend on a necklace
Most say you need to budget, cause it's a reckless habit
I say you need to earn more, so you can buy what you wanted
You shouldn't have to sacrifice your needs and wants
Because your not earning enough
You should be able to make enough, for your desires and all
It's crazy to me, how I've realized this, at such a young age
But most never do, or if they do it's to late
Because your wants are not as important, after your kids are grown up
You had to become responsible, now you learned to put dreams aside
Stay in your lane and hide
That's a sad life
Where your living everyday hurting yourself
Instead of enjoying the ride, and earning for life, having money for whatever you like
That's just me I guess I just believe I deserve more than I've got
It's not selfish, it just respecting myself
And being satisfied finally for once in my life.
Bangsa Melayu pernah kuat,
Buka tanah guna tulang empat kerat,
Masih sempat beristeri empat,
Tongkat Ali jamu khasiat.
Bangsa Melayu pernah digentar,
Ular, harimau ditepuk tampar,
Kerisnya bisa silatnya gempar,
Amuk Melayu bumi bergegar.
Bangsa Melayu pernah gagah,
Berkaki ayam hutan diredah,
Pernah cuba diganyang penjajah,
Umat Melayu jihad sabilillah!
Bangsa Melayu pernah berdaulat,
Seantero dunia kesultanan hebat,
Tujuh penjajah cuba menempat,
Dengan kudrat semua dihambat.
Bangsa Melayu bangsa keramat,
Nabi (saw) pernah beramanat,
Buat dakwah di bumi berkat,
Diakhir masa ramai wali hebat.
Bangsa Melayu terasnya hikmat,
Sejarah Melayu tertera riwayat,
Nabi (saw) memberi amanat,
Raja Melaka mendapat hidayat.
Bangsa Melayu penuh santunan,
Agama dijunjung zaman berzaman,
Wali Melayu penuh kehebatan,
Karamah barakah jadi laziman.
Bangsa Melayu penuh daulah,
Halusi sahaja kisah sejarah,
Wa’ad Melayu jangan disanggah,
Sanggah waad menjemput tulah.
Tanah Melayu pernah tersurat,
Raja rakyat saling muafakat,
Alim ulama dijunjung hormat,
Bumi bertuah terbilang sejagat.
Bumi Melayu penuh berkat,
Tempat tumpuan ulama sejagat,
Madrasah pondok merata tempat,
Menjana insan unggul berhikmat.
Tanah Melayu intinya hebat,
Bumi zuriyyat Nabi (saw) sudah tersurat,
Kesultanan Melayu hampir padat,
Pancaran Baginda penuh karamat.
Bumi Melayu pernah terbilang,
Sejarah rajanya penuh gemilang,
Turunan penjajah mana menghilang,
Kesultanan tradisi masih ditatang.
Melayu pernah berilmu budaya,
Dari llahi satu kurnia,
Manuskrip tersebar serata sedunia,
Menyimpan khazanah Melayu tua.
Bangsa Melayu halus seninya,
Hayati warisan persuratannya,
Syair seloka indah madahnya,
Pertukangan sulaman tiada taranya.
Berkurun Melayu junjung agama,
Adat dijaga bersama-sama,
Bangsa Melayu harum namanya,
Rahmat Allah turun semua.
Orang Melayu usahlah alpa,
Warisan leluhur bukan sehari dua,
Pusaka Melayu 6 kurun lamanya,
Jadi kebanggaan anak bangsanya.
Orang Melayu usahlah goyah,
Propaganda musuh jangan melatah,
Ungkapan’Melayu lemah’ semata tohmah,
Strategi musuh mencabar maruah.
Sejarah Melayu sebenarnya hebat,
Namun dicemar musuh keparat,
Propaganda keji dibuat-buat,
Maruah Melayu disiat-siat.
Jatidiri Melayu sebenarnya kuat,
Bangsa Melayu pernah berdaulat,
Silap Melayu membuang adat,
Silap rajanya membuang muafakat.
Bukan baru musibah Melayu,
Sudah wujud sekurun dua nan lalu,
Serangan penjajah bertalu-talu,
Tradisi dijarah tiadalah malu.
Melayu mula ditimpa musibah,
Pabila Inggeris datang menjajah,
Adat dibuang agama disanggah,
Akhirnya Melayu ditimpa tulah.
Sekian lama Melayu disasarkan,
Sejarah jatidiri diserang-serang,
Musuh luar dan dari dalaman,
Mungkin tersirat suatu ramalan?
Melayu kini resah gelisah,
Namun jelas hakikat sejarah,
Mungkin tersirat sebalik musibah,
Melayu pencetus kebangkitan ummah?
Ingat pesanan Rasulullah (saw),
Panji hitam dari timur, bumi karamah,
Bangsa Melayu usah menyerah,
Cari kekuatan dari sejarah.
Bossku 🔥 lit wei haha nice giler
ahhh this track, soooo beautiful!
So gifted stay bless my brother God loves u
Música boa!!! Adoro ler ouvindo ela ❤