I love this song so much, I listen to it while I sleep, and sometimes I have dreams about what Kara, Luther, and Alice might be doing in Canada. They always seem so happy and alive, like a real family. By far one of my favorite group of Androids.
Had to sacrifice kara to get Alice into Canada the first time I played the game because the public opinion was indifferent and Luther died in the raid at Jericho so Alice had to go to with Rose. Nearly cried at that scene.
I'm stil playing this game. I finished 3 times.. My fav is Kara... she is gorgeous and I think she was the most human among Markus and Connor. For me I never saw her like an android. She was human.. ❤ I'm sad that Kara is just a fictional character..
I really like Kara, Alice and Luther, they are my favorite characters, of course, I like other characters too, but Kara, Alice and Luther are on my first place. When I watched passing other people, I always worried about them, and if they died, I cried. "Welcome to Canada!"
Same. In my opinion, their story is more "human" than the other stories (Markus and Connor). Even though they are just game characters, they really have changed the way I think about life. Long story short, I love this game so much!
Its been two years now That this Fascinating, Emotional Game With Great Meaning has been put out Into this world. Godbless Quantic Dream. Will always Be a fan No matter how old it gets ❤️✊
while a lot of people did feel Kara and Alice were unconnected I felt they were more connected than anyone. When Kara found out Alice was an Android, Luther talked to her and finished off by saying "Maybe that's what it means to be Alive".
Kara: please......we just wanna be free Canada border security:(looks at Kara then Alice then Luther and see's the deviants protesting with Markus protesting peacefully and puts down temprature checker and smiles)Welcome to Canada
I bet in our world, everyone would love androids because who the hell doesn't want an android to help you with his/her homework, or someone to talk to about all of your problems like a therapist? And if I get one, I ain't treating mine like shit.
@@Danthegamer68 I heard that! Wasn't that the reason why Cyberlife made the androids so humanlike in the first place: so we _would_ treat them like we'd treat another human? Unfortunately, some people treat their fellow human beings pretty abominably. It makes sense that such human monsters would treat an android _even worse._
I can actually understand why people would treat androids badly. It's sad, but not unrealistic. Humans get mad at and hurt other humans, but they are discouraged from doing that. No human in Detroit is discouraged from hurting androids. Not from other humans or even androids themselves until the deviants start appearing, but by then deviancy is a whole different reason to hate them.
I don’t know what it is about this song. Kara, Alice, and Luther aren’t Necessarily my favorite characters...My favorite characters are Connor & Markus. But, for some reason, their soundtracks never attracted me like Kara’s. Kara’s are full of sweet melodies or emotional sounds that I have a fascination with - that i just don’t see in Connor & Markus’ soundtracks. But, this song specifically sticks out to me, followed by “Dark Night” for some reason. I have no clue why i love the two songs so much. I just know they are the best songs to calm me down and send me to sleep. Anyway, this was random, but i felt like sharing it.
I actually do feel emotions in Markus's and connor's themes. They aren't the same tho. Connor's theme : is made of two parts, according to me. The first one is just badass. You can feel the danger and connor's strength coming. Then it ends, and you can feel something coming again. But the "badass" time come, it is quite different. I can feel stress, and the fear to die of Connor. It represents well connor's developpement : at first he was just a machine. But he turned into a living being, meeting Hank. They helped each other in a way. Connor developped attachement for Hank and opened his eyes while giving Hank some hope not to commit suicide. They are like father and son. Connor feels mainly fear to die and stress (and his attachement for Hank. His hope too I guess). This is what I feel in Connor's second part of his theme. Also, Markus's theme is mostly badass but gentle. Great representation of Markus, which is the calm and thinkful energy. He is determined, logical and peaceful. Living beings living emotions their own way. Right as we do 😊 Hope it wasn't too long and interesting...
For me the best track of this awesome faboulous game masterpiece! I never played a game since my 25 years of gaming ... incredible storys and well told is separate lanes with multiple endings ... just amazing!
essa musica me tras a misutra da sensaçao de esperança com muita tristeza, nao a escuto pra dormir, mas pra pensar a q ponto final estou me aproximando .
I found out and you aren’t wrong but you aren’t right. This specific part she is in the car with Todd going to the house but this song is also kind of visible in Todd’s house Edit my bad I think you are correct I was thinking of here theme so you are correct my bad
I came here for asking who are these person like Kara, Todds.. who are they and what is it ? A video game ? 😅 Sorry if I did some mistake but Im not english.. 😅
Your English is just fine, dearest! :) Alice, Todd, and Kara are from a video game. This music is one of the soundtracks from said game. The game is called "Detroit: Become Human." It is a game about androids becoming sentient and seeking freedom.
Please don't forget to subscribe. Thank you :)
@@altaykonyar5420 mkckxkcmkxcñkxkxkmkxxzmkckkkkxkcjzxjzñkxzcmkxkkcjzkczmkxkcjzkmkxmkxcjzmkxmkxkxmkxkxzkxmxkcñkxkxkmkxzkxjzxkkzkjzzxkckczmkcmkxkkczkccjzkxkcmkxkxzkxkkxñkxkczkxxkczmkczmkxkxkccmkckcxkkckxcjzkKxcñkxñkxmkxkxkckxmkxkxcmkxkckckxkckckxmkcñkxcmckxkkcñkxcmmkxxckmkxkczkxñkckxkcñkckxmkxkxkmkxkczkxmkxkxxkzxmkxmkxkkkxkkkkxkcmkxxmkxkccmmlmkxckkkxxmmkxckkckxcmcñkxkzlcñkxxmkccjzkckxmcmkckcmkxxzxkzkxmkckckxkxkczkxkckxkxkxmkckcxkxkckzkxkxkckckckxckmkczmkxkckxcñkckxckxkxxjzkkzkkxxjñkkzkxkxkxzmkccmkckxzzkxxjzjzmkxzkkñcñkxkcmkcñmkckxkckxmkxkkckxkxkczkxkxkckcvkzkxmkcxkcKkcxkxmkxzmkxkxkckxkxjkxkxkxkzzmkxlmkxkxxkzjzmkxkckkkcñkxkxkckxñkcmkxLzmkxkckxmkxkxmkxkcklmkxkclkxkxvmkcxmñkxkxñkxkcñkxzmkxñkxlcmkxkxxmkxkczkxkcmkckkmkxkxkxkcxkckckxkxjzkñkczkckckzmkxkckmkckxkkzñkcjkxkñkxmkxkxkxzkckcjzmkxkñcñkkzkxmkxkxkkxkxxmkckczmkczmkxxmkcckckxñkxkcjzzkcmkxkzkjxzmkxzjzkññkckzjzkckxzxkkkcñkxkxzñkxckxmkxxkxxmkljzzmkxmkxñmkckckcmkñjzkxzkckxkcmkxkcmkxkclckxkxñkkkkckckxlkxmmkckxkcmkckxmkxkckxkxkxkkkkzkxkkmkckxzñkxzkzzmkxkxkxkxñxñkxmkxkxkxjzkczmkcñkckcñkxkñcjzkxkczkzmkxkmkxkxñkxkxmkckxkckczmkcmkxkxkkckxkxmkxmkxkxkxzkxkczmkckñkczmkxkxñkxkckcñkxkckckxmkkczjzkckmkmkxkñkckckmkczkczmkxzkxkxmkckxmkxkckxkxkckxkckkxkzkckxmñkxzñjkckzñkxkckckcxkxzmkxkxkczkxkckczmkckxkjzmkxkkxkzkckckxzxñkxjzmkxkckxmkxzkxkckxkxkñkxkckxkxkckxkvckxkxzñkjzmkxkxmkckkkxxmlkkkkxkkxkxñkxkcmkcmkxkxkxkxzmkxkxkxmkmkxkxmkxkxkxkxzñkxkxzñkkmkczñcñkxkxzkxñkxxñkckxmkxzzmkmkckckxkckxñkxmkñkckxñzmkxkxñmkxkxkmlvmkckxkckxkckxkcñkcñkxkxxķkxmkxKxkxñkxklnkxkkxkzkxkxkxñkxckxkxkxkxkxxķkxxmkxxkkñkxxkxñkxkxjzkxķkxkckkñkxñkxkxkckxkmkxkmkxkķkxķkxkxkxkkjxķķkckxkxxkkkxķkxxkxkckķkxmkxkxcmkxkxzkķmkxķkcķkxkxkxkxkxkxkkxkxkxkckxkxxlķkxjxķkxkxkckxkxkxkkxkkkkxkxkķkckxkxkxkkxķkxķkxkkxkxkxxķkxkxkxlkxkķķkxxñkxkxķzkķkxkxkxķkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxxkkxkxldgjsglslģjskdaajjsþ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@@paxtonguillermo3924 yiuripeurtrieeetuuýýrieýeipreiepierrieiqýeyiiptteupeirwupuruueiptipewýtýwirýrýyripwiý
I love this song so much, I listen to it while I sleep, and sometimes I have dreams about what Kara, Luther, and Alice might be doing in Canada. They always seem so happy and alive, like a real family. By far one of my favorite group of Androids.
To know i am playing the game in my tablet
Bruh lucky i wish i could have dreams like that. Are the dreams good
@@alice5178 howww bruh
Had to sacrifice kara to get Alice into Canada the first time I played the game because the public opinion was indifferent and Luther died in the raid at Jericho so Alice had to go to with Rose. Nearly cried at that scene.
@@alice5178 bro how
i remember being obsessed with this when dbh came out i cant believe it’s been almost 3 years wtf
Indeed … I’m glad you haven’t entirely forgotten us :)
I'm stil playing this game. I finished 3 times.. My fav is Kara... she is gorgeous and I think she was the most human among Markus and Connor. For me I never saw her like an android. She was human.. ❤ I'm sad that Kara is just a fictional character..
I really like Kara, Alice and Luther, they are my favorite characters, of course, I like other characters too, but Kara, Alice and Luther are on my first place.
When I watched passing other people, I always worried about them, and if they died, I cried.
"Welcome to Canada!"
Mine to but its sad **cries**
Same. In my opinion, their story is more "human" than the other stories (Markus and Connor). Even though they are just game characters, they really have changed the way I think about life. Long story short, I love this game so much!
I would to not only you
Don't worry 😢
Remember, only we can change the world. It can be better or worse place for our children.
You make a great point and we will make the world a better place for everyone.
The present decides the future
Marzena Bruc-Jarmużek ikr
@@BoraniumArt Good news!
"What, do you love her less that you know she's one of us?"
"Alice loves you Kara, she loves you more than anything in this world"
@@nihartanna8798 "she became the little girl you wanted and you became the mother she needed"
Forgetting who you are to becoming what someone needs you to be. Maybe that’s what it means to be alive
You blessed my sleep thank you
RaDe ShAdOw LeGiNtS
really really good idea ty
Best Game i ever played!!!!
Its been two years now That this Fascinating, Emotional Game With Great Meaning has been put out Into this world. Godbless Quantic Dream. Will always Be a fan No matter how old it gets ❤️✊
Helps me sleep when my ptsd keeps me up at night. Thank you for helping me stay calm. You are a godsend
while a lot of people did feel Kara and Alice were unconnected I felt they were more connected than anyone. When Kara found out Alice was an Android, Luther talked to her and finished off by saying "Maybe that's what it means to be Alive".
Our love will never end
@@alice5178 I subscribed to your channel!
And I 'm your first subscriber! OH YEAH! :) ❤❤❤❤
@@alice5178 Much love from Greece! :) 😘😘😘😘❤❤❤❤❤
I live there😃😃😃😃😄
-You have one hour to live
Me: that’s nice
Oh fuck this could be used as sad music-
no......... [sucides to prov that the coment is a lie]
I’m crying rn because their story was the best, I only watch the good ending because the other endings aren’t what I wanted. Great game!❤️
*i'm begging you: I want to live* *-Kara*
"Please... We just want to be free..."
lucky her its an ending where she got to canada
i cry with every ending... this game is so powerfull
Kara: please......we just wanna be free
Canada border security:(looks at Kara then Alice then Luther and see's the deviants protesting with Markus protesting peacefully and puts down temprature checker and smiles)Welcome to Canada
Thats awesome
That's when you know, his heart is in the right place. Unlike all the other assholes that beat their androids for no reason.
I bet in our world, everyone would love androids because who the hell doesn't want an android to help you with his/her homework, or someone to talk to about all of your problems like a therapist? And if I get one, I ain't treating mine like shit.
@@Danthegamer68 I heard that! Wasn't that the reason why Cyberlife made the androids so humanlike in the first place: so we _would_ treat them like we'd treat another human?
Unfortunately, some people treat their fellow human beings pretty abominably. It makes sense that such human monsters would treat an android _even worse._
I can actually understand why people would treat androids badly. It's sad, but not unrealistic. Humans get mad at and hurt other humans, but they are discouraged from doing that. No human in Detroit is discouraged from hurting androids. Not from other humans or even androids themselves until the deviants start appearing, but by then deviancy is a whole different reason to hate them.
When i listen to this, i think of my great grandma who passed away last year. its so sad :'(
i feel swad fwor u i gib u cookie 🍪 eberything okwe? i fight sad for you (☆▽☆)
Detroit Become Human: Opening Theme (Hopeful) - 1 hour PLEASE!!!!!
There's a video on that!! Idk if there's a @ing Feature
i like to listen to this when im sad
doesn't it make u more sad?
I do too
Wich makes you more sad its supposed to be a sad song
My lullaby music
Make a 10h long version. I’m tired of hitting the replay button
There is a replay option in the TH-cam videos. Search it in settings.
Can’t stop listening
Don't stooopp !! :)
I'm playing this on piano! Not the original, of course. I am not an octopus.
Thanks for making this we all needed it
I played the game on platinum it was an amazing experience 👍😍
This makes me think about my great nanna and my two little puppers. May they rest in peace.
Exactly what I needed~..
Thats right
@@alice5178 heyy Alice how is Kara?
I don’t know what it is about this song. Kara, Alice, and Luther aren’t Necessarily my favorite characters...My favorite characters are Connor & Markus. But, for some reason, their soundtracks never attracted me like Kara’s. Kara’s are full of sweet melodies or emotional sounds that I have a fascination with - that i just don’t see in Connor & Markus’ soundtracks. But, this song specifically sticks out to me, followed by “Dark Night” for some reason. I have no clue why i love the two songs so much. I just know they are the best songs to calm me down and send me to sleep. Anyway, this was random, but i felt like sharing it.
I actually do feel emotions in Markus's and connor's themes. They aren't the same tho.
Connor's theme : is made of two parts, according to me. The first one is just badass. You can feel the danger and connor's strength coming. Then it ends, and you can feel something coming again. But the "badass" time come, it is quite different. I can feel stress, and the fear to die of Connor. It represents well connor's developpement : at first he was just a machine. But he turned into a living being, meeting Hank. They helped each other in a way. Connor developped attachement for Hank and opened his eyes while giving Hank some hope not to commit suicide. They are like father and son. Connor feels mainly fear to die and stress (and his attachement for Hank. His hope too I guess). This is what I feel in Connor's second part of his theme.
Also, Markus's theme is mostly badass but gentle. Great representation of Markus, which is the calm and thinkful energy. He is determined, logical and peaceful.
Living beings living emotions their own way. Right as we do 😊
Hope it wasn't too long and interesting...
favourite song. a true bop
This music is so touched 😔💕
so much.
This music so... So amazing
I listen this song when i m Sad , happy , e everyday
For me the best track of this awesome faboulous game masterpiece!
I never played a game since my 25 years of gaming ... incredible storys and well told is separate lanes with multiple endings ... just amazing!
My favorite music ❤️ i love that a Lot 💞❤️🎵( and) This music makes me depressed💔
Why am I crying so hard
My favourite song
Ни одной рекламы от Ютуба за час кайф)
I sleep while listening to this and I sometimes, dream about Alice and Kara
Very nice video I loved the video song
bitirdim şarkıyı saol furkan allah razı olsun
Alice is the cutest!
Thank you
“Little one? No, no, Ralph haven’t seen little one..”
Welcome to canada.
Guys dis sound is buteful❤❤❤
Frank Spice jacksepticeye?
I subscribed to him! (Jacksepticeye)
My favorite TH-camr...Jacksepticeye!!
This is so sad😭
Vay be toplama kampından kurtarmıştım kara ile kızı
If sad violen doesnt make me sad what does ?
Answer: This song
If I am going to get excuted, I would like to listen to this music before I close my eyes
Kimime_art don’t think they would let you on TH-cam man
mhm good song to die to..
very nice for studying One hour
This helps my dog sleep
essa musica me tras a misutra da sensaçao de esperança com muita tristeza, nao a escuto pra dormir, mas pra pensar a q ponto final estou me aproximando .
This soundtrack + raining sounds =
10 times more comforting
And yes its a request
Now i feel really bad for chasing u kara.
You better be ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Kara seni çok sevdim unutamıyorum çok güzel karakter oynadığım en iyi oyun teşekkürler kara
This is so sad, alexa play despacito
Soundtrack to me..
Alice 😢😢
Oh I see you saw my comment......hi
Hello... Sorry its kinda late 🙃
I m c o l d
Es increíble como Valorie Curry hace de madre para Alice y Homlander :)
çok güzel ya
Harbi amk
Mario listens to this in his sleep
You should do Not Just a Machine 1 hour
I don't know, but I can't grasp that androids are living beings, do they really live or do they mimic human emotion?
Replying to you 11 months later. No, they don't have emotions in real life of course, it's only a game. Whatever they say is just programmed by humans
Play this song when your phone's about to die lol
Je pourrai refaire le jeu juste pour cette musique et la relation entre kara et alice😍🥰🥰
Instructions unclear:Kara killed Alice.
And now she has BSoD because she killed Alice but she can't
Relax music
Welcome to Canada
Doctor: you have 1 hour life
11 ay geçti oyun çıkalı hala dinliyorum.
Which scene is this,song played in? Sorry been a long time since watching this series
MARK SAMIR if i’m not wrong,when Kara is in Todd’s house
I found out and you aren’t wrong but you aren’t right. This specific part she is in the car with Todd going to the house but this song is also kind of visible in Todd’s house
Edit my bad I think you are correct I was thinking of here theme so you are correct my bad
In todds house. In rain looking for shelter and i think in the car with luthar and rose i think was her name
Also Markus plays it on the piano, called "intimate"
It also plays a little at the end when Kara, Alice, and Luther get to Ontario.
Make 10 hrs please
nostalgia boi
I came here for asking who are these person like Kara, Todds.. who are they and what is it ? A video game ? 😅 Sorry if I did some mistake but Im not english.. 😅
Your English is just fine, dearest! :)
Alice, Todd, and Kara are from a video game. This music is one of the soundtracks from said game. The game is called "Detroit: Become Human." It is a game about androids becoming sentient and seeking freedom.
@@smolsunikki8043 Oooh okey thank u so much 💕 And thank u about my english aha 💜
A türk var selam Furkan