It is a tough deck to run with. I'm currently experimenting with a life regen version, less focused on ramp, getting to 8 when I get to 8, but more toolbox-y allowing me to control the board as the energy builds up. I've had some success with it, it's just not quite there, and I think that's the same for all Piccolo decks at the moment, almost but not quite.
Green feels like its in a tough spot overall. Androids feels great, except when you run into jiren. Every other green deck has answers to jiren, but ramps too slowly against other decks with early aggression. Thankfully yellow is a rare matchup, but if you run into it in the early rounds of a tourney you just lose.
Piccolo is so tough to find success with. I may try the 3 cost spam strategy with him since the ramping is not working well enough. Once he gets 6 energy the EDK starts drawing at least. Jiren feels so bad, but maybe there is a way to pop him twice in 1 turn. Gotta lab it more
It is a tough deck to run with. I'm currently experimenting with a life regen version, less focused on ramp, getting to 8 when I get to 8, but more toolbox-y allowing me to control the board as the energy builds up. I've had some success with it, it's just not quite there, and I think that's the same for all Piccolo decks at the moment, almost but not quite.
Big facts, it exacerbates the problems that Green already has lmao
Green feels like its in a tough spot overall. Androids feels great, except when you run into jiren. Every other green deck has answers to jiren, but ramps too slowly against other decks with early aggression. Thankfully yellow is a rare matchup, but if you run into it in the early rounds of a tourney you just lose.
Green finally in the place it's put others this format and it sucks for them lol
Piccolo is so tough to find success with. I may try the 3 cost spam strategy with him since the ramping is not working well enough. Once he gets 6 energy the EDK starts drawing at least. Jiren feels so bad, but maybe there is a way to pop him twice in 1 turn. Gotta lab it more
You're so right T_T
yeah piccolo is powerful at 8 energy but just way too fragile. Everything gotta go perfect
I agree!
Not worth it lmfao
Not yet lol