Pescuit plantat pe lacul Iannis

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 มิ.ย. 2023
    Vlad Pavlovici si Victor Costache au facut o partida de o saptamana pe lacul Iannis la jumatatea lunii mai. Vlad a venit sa testeze lacul la pescuitul plantat, avand in vedere ca plantatul este deja permis in anumite perioade ale sezonului si vom extinde aceste perioade incepand din 20 octombrie . Pescuind in echipa, Vlad si Victor au prins peste o tona de crap. Cele mai mari capturi au fost noua exemplare de peste 20kg. Captura partidei a fost un crap de 27,8kg.
    Vlad Pavlovici and Victor Costache have a week fishing trip on Lake Iannis in the middle of May. Vlad came to test the lake for boat fishing, considering that boat fishing is already allowed in certain periods of the season and we will extend these periods starting from October 20. Fishing as a team, Vlad and Victor caught over a ton of carp. The biggest catches were nine carps over 20kg. The catch of the game was a 27.8kg carp.

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