Japan and China are close geographically and even culturally. However, their languages belong to different language systems. Is it easy for them to learn each other's language? A discussion in Chinese. --- FREE Language Learning Resources 10 Secrets of Language Learning ⇢ www.thelinguist.com LingQ Grammar Guides ⇢ www.lingq.com/en/grammar-resource/ My blog ⇢ blog.thelinguist.com/ The LingQ blog ⇢ www.lingq.com/blog/ My Podcast ⇢ soundcloud.com/lingostevepodcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/learn-languages-with-steve-kaufmann/id1437851870 --- Social Media Instagram ⇢ instagram.com/lingosteve_/ TikTok ⇢ www.tiktok.com/@lingosteve Facebook ⇢ facebook.com/lingosteve Twitter ⇢ twitter.com/lingosteve LingQ Discord ⇢ discord.gg/ShPTjyhwTN
Same, this video was pretty easy to understand I'm very proud of us all :D To the guy who asked about the method, I personally just listen and read a lot of Chinese from whatever I find on youtube or google (+anki cards saving unknown words) for the last 2 years
This is very interesting subject between learning Chinese and Japanese because of common ground: 汉字。By the way, Steve is the biggest motivator for learning these two. You are the living legend in terms of the acquisition of language.
@@jvu2ilj26))))) I know, but I don't hear any good things about learning late. All negative opinions are beside me. I don't wanna give up until speaking fluently )
As to her first problem - that japanese find it hard to learn chinese because they use traditional characters and not simplified... easy solution, don't teach them simplified then.. It makes no sense as to why you would do this? if you have already learned chinese, figuring out what the simplified characters are should be easy. It just makes the process harder to make them learn simplified from the beginning. And if you can already read traditional as you say -chinese can read both. Then what problem is it for you to teach them in traditional and make the process easier for everyone? I study chinese in taiwan and the japanese students have zero problems reading and writing chinese, because traditional is used in taiwan. As she says, the problems are with pronunciation.
Hey Steve! Thank you for posting such great content. This has inspired me to try learning mandarin again. May I ask if it is possible to also post transcripts of these conversations in simplified Chinese? Would love to be able to listen while also reading the characters for this conversation.
I always wish I could speak Japanese because I like Japanese culture. For a Chinese person although the kanji part should be easy but I’m so scared of the grammar. Also, I haven’t reached my goal of being 100% native English speaker yet so I might need to continue working on my English level first. 😢
I'm american studying Japanese and don't understand a word of chinese but did he switch for a split second to japanese at 10:57 before switching to english? I heard (chinese) っていうか strokes (chinese) Or: (Chinese) (Japanese: "or should I say") (English: "strokes") (Chinese)
I’m an American who learned Chinese to understand the whole video in Chinese this is what he said: 虽然会缺乏一些strokes (Chinese character strokes)我认为问题不大. In English: Even though they (the simplified Chinese characters) lack some strokes I don’t think it’s a big problem.
He said 會缺乏一些、一些“這個”strokes啊 "這個" means "this" in Chinese, and it is showed as "zhè ge" in Hànyǔ Pīnyīn It sounds like "ていうか" , but it's Chinese not Japanese
I don't understand anything, i'm studying chinese right now, i'm gonna watch this video one year later, if i can get it at least 75% definetely i got results
oml I've just come across your channel your Chinese is lit like the pronounce is like really good I mean it isn't like the best but its really good ok idk how to say but ok its just very good:)
Steve speaks with confidence, which is good, but it is basic Mandarin (basic grammar, basic vocab, no idioms). It sounds like HSK3/4 level. In any case, it is a good example that it is possible to have a nice simple conversation even in Chinese. Definitely, not something to take for granted
It's more than confidence. His vocalizations is very true. Easy for native speakers to understand. I have fluency in both English and Mandarin (by luck, not a polyglot ), and I can say his choice of vocabulary and the ease of expressiveness is very impressive.
Japan and China are close geographically and even culturally. However, their languages belong to different language systems. Is it easy for them to learn each other's language? A discussion in Chinese.
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The fact that I'm able to understand this with ease shows how far I've come! Patience is required in language learning!
Great! What course did you take to learn the language? Share your experience and suggestions here for our benefit.
Me too. I was astonished I could understand her almost perfectly (after 2 years of studying in my spare time) :)
Congrats. What's been your method?
Same, this video was pretty easy to understand I'm very proud of us all :D
To the guy who asked about the method, I personally just listen and read a lot of Chinese from whatever I find on youtube or google (+anki cards saving unknown words) for the last 2 years
@@FilipP88 I'm learning Japanese, how many hours do you immerse per day and how many new reviews do you do per day on anki?
Great video! :)
@@dick9307 北儿京儿人儿
This is very interesting subject between learning Chinese and Japanese because of common ground: 汉字。By the way, Steve is the biggest motivator for learning these two. You are the living legend in terms of the acquisition of language.
Hi, Steve! You are only one who motivates me not give up learning the language despite my age. 🌺🌺🌺
Love from Russia.
How old are you?
I'm 30 y. o.)
@@candy-ir5ui Your comment made it sound like you're at least 75.
I know, but I don't hear any good things about learning late. All negative opinions are beside me. I don't wanna give up until speaking fluently )
Do u like vodka?
I speak English and Japanese and chatted with Steve in Japanese at a conference back in 2018. To hear him converse in Chinese blows my mind.
Very interesting ! Thank you Mr. Caufmann
I can understand what they're talking about in general, though not yet in details.
I had Hsk-3 in October 2019....
I'm from Brazil here
Sempre tem br
Eu adorei o Brasil e aprendi a lingua deles
Brazil has a lot of Japanese in Sao Paulo.
Hola, me encantó este video.
Amazing job! Steve!
@@宇神教的信徒 是的,畢竟全球排華愈演愈烈,您囯領袖又這兩天稱帝了,以後學中文的只會越來越少。
@@xialv 日本当时学的越来越少,是因为当时的钓鱼岛游行反日,这是为什么那是巅峰之后滑落。
As to her first problem - that japanese find it hard to learn chinese because they use traditional characters and not simplified... easy solution, don't teach them simplified then..
It makes no sense as to why you would do this? if you have already learned chinese, figuring out what the simplified characters are should be easy. It just makes the process harder to make them learn simplified from the beginning.
And if you can already read traditional as you say -chinese can read both. Then what problem is it for you to teach them in traditional and make the process easier for everyone?
I study chinese in taiwan and the japanese students have zero problems reading and writing chinese, because traditional is used in taiwan. As she says, the problems are with pronunciation.
“以后我们可以编辑” 哈哈
Chinese subtitles would be great in this video so I could import this on LingQ
言語例: 中国語、チベット語、タイ語、ミャンマー語、ラオス語など
2)語系名: アルタイ語族
言語例: 日本語、韓国語、モンゴル語など
結論: 母語と同じ語族の言語を勉強すれば文法はめっちゃ簡単だと思う人のほうが多い、違う語族の言語を勉強すれば文法はほとんど違うので、文法と言葉の言い方を深く理解するまで結構時間が掛かるかもしれない、とのことで日本語と中国語は本来語族の違う言語なので日本語は中国の漢字を借用しても文法ロジックは変わらい、そのため、以下のようになる:
Mr. Steve is an excellent language learner.
@@dick9307 谢谢~
@@ねこの手-d1k ねこのyoutubeのチャンネルで返信を致しましたので、ご覧のほどお願いします。
@@dick9307 我不知道怎么看您的コメント🥲 我还没理解you tube的方式,不好意思~
Ohhhh! Collaboration of two of my favorite people!!! They're amazing in so many ways!
who is the interviewee?
Hey Steve! Thank you for posting such great content. This has inspired me to try learning mandarin again. May I ask if it is possible to also post transcripts of these conversations in simplified Chinese? Would love to be able to listen while also reading the characters for this conversation.
greetings from Germany
중국어와 일본어는 문법체계가 너무 달라서 서로간에 배우기가 힘들죠. 한국어와 일본어는 문법체계가 거의 동일하니 훨씬 배우기가 쉽습니다.
맞아요. 공감합니다.
It's a very interesting video. I hope it has English subtitles at least. I'm a Japanese who can't speak Chinese.
I apologize for lack of translation or sub-titles. We are working on adding them.
Thank you for adding the English subtitles. It's very helpful.
I always wish I could speak Japanese because I like Japanese culture. For a Chinese person although the kanji part should be easy but I’m so scared of the grammar. Also, I haven’t reached my goal of being 100% native English speaker yet so I might need to continue working on my English level first. 😢
It's a shame this interesting conversation cannot be imported into LingQ, and studied there, because it lacks Mandarin subtitles.
If only I could speak Mandarin as well as you do!!! OH my!!! Well done, Steve!
You can.
3:11 - I think they forgot to edit it out haha. Anyway, interesting conversation as always Steve
I like her Mandarin. It's very easy to understand.
I'm american studying Japanese and don't understand a word of chinese but did he switch for a split second to japanese at 10:57 before switching to english?
I heard (chinese) っていうか strokes (chinese)
Or: (Chinese) (Japanese: "or should I say") (English: "strokes") (Chinese)
I’m an American who learned Chinese to understand the whole video in Chinese this is what he said: 虽然会缺乏一些strokes (Chinese character strokes)我认为问题不大. In English: Even though they (the simplified Chinese characters) lack some strokes I don’t think it’s a big problem.
I understand just a little Chinese but much more Japanese, and I am sure I heard "yi1xie1 strokes", and no Japanese at this point.
He said 會缺乏一些、一些“這個”strokes啊
"這個" means "this" in Chinese, and it is showed as "zhè ge" in Hànyǔ Pīnyīn
It sounds like "ていうか" , but it's Chinese not Japanese
feeling a bit discouraged,,,, i can read pinyin very well but listening is a different story, anyone have any tips?
我觉得Steve要听小姐姐说的话。因为在视频里面彼此想说话。但是因为那个四川来的小姐是客人,你要尊重她的。你们都讲得非常有道理的。Keep it up 加油
我倒是覺得Steve一直打斷 中文一直都是主尊客卑 客人是要禮讓主人的
你覺得主持人在講話 來賓可以一直打斷?
你好。 你是台湾人吗?
Hello sir. How you can speak in chinese ?
Je vous encourage à faire d'autres vidéos en chinois! 谢谢
Yeah found an french here. I am studying french, but still at a beginner level.
Japanese has also simplified KANJI.
9:31 我是台灣人,我也很懶得看或認識簡體字,因為它就是一個硬製造出來的東西,硬去刪減一些筆畫,很不自然,也沒有邏輯,很多部首都亂套! 沒邏輯,我覺得日本漢字跟我們比較接近好懂,基本上沒兩樣。
可是简体字是适应中国国情的啊 台湾当年才多少人
Acknowledged silver fox Steve Kaufmann explains
For most Chinese, learning Japanese is certainly much easier than learning any western language.
I don't understand anything, i'm studying chinese right now, i'm gonna watch this video one year later, if i can get it at least 75% definetely i got results
Je vous découvre, vous êtes impressionnant, hallucinant même !
All the Chinese I know I learned from *Firefly!* 😜
This girl is cute. It would have been more interesting if you two also speak some Japanese to each other
They are different indeed.
I don't speak Chinese, but It looks like "the language of ghosts."
I understand many words. I suspect the girl is japanese. Is she though? Or is she a native mandarin speaker?
She's from China
@@harry_wong 日本中國語檢定協會每年都會統計、公佈參加中國語能力測試的人數的。
但是學習不代表要考等級 如果只是興趣愛好 而不是就業
@@leeko6688 不存在中文興趣愛好者基數增加,而應試者卻極端減少的可能,基本邏輯。
@Wilson Edwards 你沒證據證明學習者增加或減少 就斷定一定怎樣 這個邏輯才是錯誤吧 又不是強制要求 為什麼一定要考試人數跟學習人數成正比
oml I've just come across your channel your Chinese is lit like the pronounce is like really good I mean it isn't like the best but its really good ok idk how to say but ok its just very good:)
한국에서는 한국어도 중국어를 배우고 있습니다. 중국과 같은 외국인 친구가 있으면 두려워하기 때문입니다. 중국인이 한국어를 모르면 의사 소통하기 어려울 것입니다. 이것은 제 의견입니다.
괜찮아요. 한국에는 중국말 잘 하는 사람이 많거든요. 의사 소통에 지장이 없는 것 같아요. 특히 서울 가리봉 대림동에 중국사람이 많이 살아요. 그리고 인천에는 중국인거리가 있습니다.
Steve speaks with confidence, which is good, but it is basic Mandarin (basic grammar, basic vocab, no idioms). It sounds like HSK3/4 level. In any case, it is a good example that it is possible to have a nice simple conversation even in Chinese. Definitely, not something to take for granted
It's more than confidence. His vocalizations is very true. Easy for native speakers to understand. I have fluency in both English and Mandarin (by luck, not a polyglot ), and I can say his choice of vocabulary and the ease of expressiveness is very impressive.
He also made grammar mistakes, while saying Chinese grammar is the simplest in the world.
@@お節介じい 我台語不是很好可能可以聽不過不是很會講
快去学日文跟你祖宗对话吧, 坟头的那种.
日语是你祖宗的语言, 懂? 给我趴, 叫两声叔叔
你亲爹是日本人, 懂?
I'm earlyy c:
Ladies , please, I cannot understand when you speak over each other
Aaaaaaa ya