Thank you very much for sharing. Although I don't understand 廣東話,fortunately there is traditional Chinese subtitle. :-) Indeed there is so much to learn about day trade. It is mostly simple but definitely NOT easy at all. It takes a lot of efforts and highly self discipline. I don't know if I am suitable for that but the more I am learning it, the more I am getting addicted to it. I guess you probably feel the same?
That's exactly what I feel! Someone takes a few years to succeed in day trading and I believe there are times they think of quitting (so am I). I believe it is worth trying and putting effort into it. With a growth mindset and self-discipline, we can be consistently profitable someday!
Well done Alvin. It's excellent you learn & start trading in a very early stage of life. You are already well ahead of many people. My personal comment to you is that trading should not be a distraction from your important final year degree program. It is not too late to spend all your energy and passion right after university to start a full time trader. You have plenty of time to enjoy trading & then investments in your next 70+ years of your life......... Good luck!
That's true, the market is always be there for my next 70+ years of my life!! I have to enjoy my final year degree program and not allow trading to distract me. Thank you for your sincere advice! 😍😍
想請問你一下,你有使用webull的day trade嗎?我看humble trader有推薦,but the platform only got resident choices for America or China, and force Taiwanese to choice " Taiwan, China" that I really against that. Why do I give up my nationality just for using the simulator on this platform. Perhaps that's my stupid stubbornness. I wonder if you ever used webull. If yes, do you recommend it for a novice?
@@alvinyu_pw 你提供的資料都很正確而且really up-to-date. Not like many old datas from internet which is annoying. I just called IB today and being confirmed that there is no PDT if it was opened in HK. 可是我們台灣人是在美國管轄區的,所以還是會有PDT啊...殘念~~~ 想請教你,用Thinkorswim不是real-time data, 對day trader來說並不好用,你怎麼會選擇TOS呢?雖然我知道他是免費... 今天我試了IB的TWS, 不過FB上的網友說 TW charge fees per trade? That is scary,對初學者很傷啊!我也試用了DAS, 是目前真的最好用的工具。但是Mac不能用,所以成本會很高,因為還要設置一台window電腦或是買parella , 而且DAS本身也是高單價... 老實說,day-trader要投入的成本不算低,平台也有點複雜,不知是否我太笨的關係 :-( 很謝謝分享經驗喔!
這段影片會較長~ 裡面會提及很多我在day trade時學到的事,希望我的小小分享能令你更深入認識day trade這個世界~😀😀
Interactive Brokers(盈透證券):
富途牛牛: 1. 下載【富途牛牛】 2. 開戶前在活動中心輸入【R4Z7PAJM】3. 立即開戶
個直mon 咩型號
@@asapsben5932 P2419H 依個mon橫直都得架~!
你講的個兩個外國day trader我都有睇,humble trader係幾好,rick就比人踢爆佢只係用 paper trade 黎買野。另一方面,我覺炒股一定有loss,睇你點樣做好個人的risk reward ratio😊
@zzzgoo google 依家設計緊版面😀😀希望會係一兩個星期內開始出blog post! :))
年輕人獨有既"真心"氣質, 哈哈, LIKE~
好難得見到咁肯花時間學好基本功而唔係玩玩吓當投資係賭錢嘅年輕人,你嘅 videos 有好多有用資訊,你 present 得好好,多謝你願意分享,繼續加油!
謝謝你! 一起加油~
感謝Alvin分享心得, 你D片好精要, 無廢話,睇得好舒服
謝謝!! 其實我也有一點怕17分鐘會太長的~~
@@alvinyu_pw 17 分鐘 ok 啊!Thank you for sharing
哈哈!! 謝謝你令我知道堅持上17分鐘的字幕是值得的!😍💝
9:32 好同意,初初對price action看似 虛無縹緲,但反覆練習後會發現其玄妙之處,同心理學相關 (pattern會反映/重演 前人的心理變化
我依家都著重更加多係price action,比其他分析黎得重要❗️😊😊
不過,感覺今週一週二的市場情緒有點迷惘,一日gap down, 第二日反彈,這兩日我冇買
day trade=stop loss=always win
我都係年初跟d youtuber 報左課程學day trade, so far 都ok 黎緊下個月開ac 實戰 大家一齊加油
心理層面,觀念上很清楚概括左day trade既重點,但亦都想聽下技術層面上的,如開市進行操作該用甚麼指標注意甚麼等等
Alvin, 無意中看到你的片, 你的分享十分有用, 很欣賞你的執行力和組織力, 請繼續分享下去! 支持你!!!
You have done a great job! I find it very useful! Keep up the good work!
我覺得你好好 多謝你的真心分享
好有心嘅一條片, 佩服樓主唔怕得罪人, 真心分享! 不過有d意外, 以為只有師奶先至俾人呃, 估唔到樓主都被騙300美金. 最後建議錄影時減少肢体動作, 可能緊張掛, 一定會愈來愈好!
哈哈!! 我這個師奶都記下了,想自己減少肢體動作,嘗試在下段影片改善💪💪
Alvin 您好,我是個中年的初學者,你的分享很清晰易明,讓我能簡單學習了很多知識。看你年紀輕輕就能夠有這樣冷靜清的分享,相信將來你一定可以在投資介有你理想的發展,繼續努力,加油!
謝謝你!! 什麼年紀都一樣,每人都有學習一開始的煩惱,只要付出努力就一定會有成果!! 一起加油💝💪💪
我是Day Trader的初學者。Thank you for sharing.
Your channel is informative, keep it up!!
啱啱開始學投資 你既片真係好有用! 好多謝你 繼續加油!😆
在stock day trade赚钱前提就是要有钱, 跟Forex一样
全部都是Risk Reward Ratio & Percentage Risk
day trade 辛苦錢黎,i like humbled trader too!!
叻仔,你可以成功的,加油! 記住有了些成績的時候也不要驕傲,平常心,謙虛不斷學習,才能長久。
Day trade 又要心態又要紀律又要時間,真心唔易........
Hello Alvin,可以讲下你的选股方法吗?你是选好一批股票然后每日观察买入机会,还是怎么确定买入一只股票?分析基本面和技术面会用多少时间?是在开市后吗?
意見很理性中肯. 多謝你
謝謝你!! 希望對你有用😍😍💝
Thank you so much for sharing !! cant wait to see your next video !!
用DMI作 輔助,相信號線上升越高,代表市況波動大,正DI在訊號線之上,代表持續上升波動。週期時間完結,負DI向上市場反向急跌,之後負DI沒有 突破,市場會變持續上升直到合理價格到信號線向下。
市場真係好多野學 加油😉
Your channel is very good, very honest sharing.👍🏻
有冇一啲paper trade 嘅軟件?
你好!我想問吓剛剛學day trade需要咩set up? 因為我成日見你哋都好多個monitor,其實裏面係睇緊啲乜嘢?可唔可以搵一集講解下
Very informative! 👍 good job
Anton Kreil 的課程你覺得點?
師兄有無睇過Steven Dux?
想好做一个day trader,稳Day Trade The World的加盟公司,然后入去做一段时间
Good video, 建議比多d信心講,可以唔洗講如:大家唔好介意,係我個人的想法等等....
用Firstrade呢類券商應該比較適合做day trade(本人用緊),唯一開支係滙出滙入時。
唔知香港firstrade係唔係會有PDT rule for $25,000 usd下既account? 因為我都未用過!
@@alvinyu_pw 我見有PDT,應該係美國嗰邊嘅規定。
can make a video about IB hotkey setup?
Sure! and I'm planning about it as well!
Thank you very much for sharing. Although I don't understand 廣東話,fortunately there is traditional Chinese subtitle. :-) Indeed there is so much to learn about day trade. It is mostly simple but definitely NOT easy at all. It takes a lot of efforts and highly self discipline. I don't know if I am suitable for that but the more I am learning it, the more I am getting addicted to it. I guess you probably feel the same?
That's exactly what I feel! Someone takes a few years to succeed in day trading and I believe there are times they think of quitting (so am I). I believe it is worth trying and putting effort into it. With a growth mindset and self-discipline, we can be consistently profitable someday!
長遠黎計 swing trade 好過day trade. U don't have to spend too much time on chart.
的確swing trade會比day trade用少好多時間😍,我依家係day trade之餘都想搵一啲swing trade既機會,去清空少少時間出黎😂😂
Are you still using IB for day trading?
Yup yup 👍🏻👍🏻
@@alvinyu_pw Would be good if you have an update video about it
Thanks for sharing!
Day trade is fast money but I still recommend long-term investments. It benefits for long.
可否介绍美股 day trade 操作,是否要很短時間作出買賣來賺錢?
Well done Alvin. It's excellent you learn & start trading in a very early stage of life. You are already well ahead of many people. My personal comment to you is that trading should not be a distraction from your important final year degree program. It is not too late to spend all your energy and passion right after university to start a full time trader. You have plenty of time to enjoy trading & then investments in your next 70+ years of your life......... Good luck!
That's true, the market is always be there for my next 70+ years of my life!! I have to enjoy my final year degree program and not allow trading to distract me. Thank you for your sincere advice! 😍😍
Good suggestion. Vey helpful
I learn a lots INF from you! keep it there !upload more and more videos 👍
great video,support
想請問你一開始做day trading的本金係港幣幾多?thx
好實用,多謝你呀! 會唔會有推薦既書單可以分享? 😃
"Trade the trader" 和"Trading for a living" 也是不錯的,但是我覺得前者更容易明白,看完後我現在的感覺還是練習最重要💪💪
editing 得好靚, 又 ali abdul style 可唔可以分享點做到架
我好鍾意ali abdaal既片,我係佢既big fans!! 我自己都係慢慢摸索premiere pro,續個試下加一啲新野落去😙😙詳細就好難兩三句講到出黎😅
I was researching about day trading and found your video. Thanks for sharing!
Do you also use the RSI indicator for daytrading as well?
I mainly use support and resistance and vwap as my indicator~
@@alvinyu_pw How do you use vwap? Do you buy right away when price rises across it? Thanks.
Cool Sharing
Thankyou for sharing
你好 多謝你既分享 但想請教你day trade 唔怕t+2 限制嗎? 請教
詳細可以留意下依條片 :)
Thanks so much for your sharing. I am a super beginner of investment and your clips really help me. Add oil!
Thanks for your support!! Please be remembered, day trading is a kind of speculation instead of investment💪💪
好有用subscribed 想問下有冇睇過Steven dux 佢好似好勁嘅tutor咁
係! 佢真係放好多心機落去,做好多野,我都好佩服Steven dux佢💪
港股day trade會唔會難好多XD 好似話美股捉到路 港股捉唔到
好有同感day trade 係一個個人心理挑戰嘅遊戲, 而基本因素投資者,個人認為並沒有這種心理挑戰嘅壓力,因為他們都係中長線投資,不需理會短時間的股價升跌波幅,更不需要為極短時間內再做賣出決定。
要做一個day trader 係需要有相當高嘅技術含量及 心理質素,在短時間內面對及應付急速變化和上上落落的價格,即時按照技術指標信號作出相應的買入賣出嘅行為。買入或賣出價一定是你“當刻“的最好決定,day trader 每日交易不止一兩次,每每壓力最大的來自買入後的走勢與你的預計方向背道而馳,便會開始質疑自己嘅決定,若不儘快處理問題就影響心理質素,久而久之就會失去信心,更甚摧毀你做交易(賺錢)的信念。
我想问下你觉得warrior trading个channel点阿?他都系卖课程的
想請問你一下,你有使用webull的day trade嗎?我看humble trader有推薦,but the platform only got resident choices for America or China, and force Taiwanese to choice " Taiwan, China" that I really against that. Why do I give up my nationality just for using the simulator on this platform. Perhaps that's my stupid stubbornness. I wonder if you ever used webull. If yes, do you recommend it for a novice?
沒有接觸過,所以都沒有什麼可以評價😂😂只是知道他們常常在TH-cam channel送人股票~ 如不怕煩,TD那一個也是不錯的~
@@alvinyu_pw 你提供的資料都很正確而且really up-to-date. Not like many old datas from internet which is annoying. I just called IB today and being confirmed that there is no PDT if it was opened in HK. 可是我們台灣人是在美國管轄區的,所以還是會有PDT啊...殘念~~~ 想請教你,用Thinkorswim不是real-time data, 對day trader來說並不好用,你怎麼會選擇TOS呢?雖然我知道他是免費... 今天我試了IB的TWS, 不過FB上的網友說 TW charge fees per trade? That is scary,對初學者很傷啊!我也試用了DAS, 是目前真的最好用的工具。但是Mac不能用,所以成本會很高,因為還要設置一台window電腦或是買parella , 而且DAS本身也是高單價... 老實說,day-trader要投入的成本不算低,平台也有點複雜,不知是否我太笨的關係 :-( 很謝謝分享經驗喔!
@@mingchieh123 剛才看到你的回覆,因為我的TOS進了錢給了我real-time data,所以我能夠用。但真的嗎,原來台灣也有PDT,真的第一次知道!!我也用IB的,一買一賣大約$2,但我沒有一個更好的選擇,或者用firsttrade,但匯錢會很煩。但是如果用DAS最好的話,而DAS在MAC用不了,我會直接去買一台電腦 (我通常都會用二手的~),所以價錢不會太高~的確成本不低,我只是一個看資訊的軟件都花了$32000台幣了(一年)👍👍
你有無炒期指?有無外國youtuber 介紹下,或者書本介紹下
Gen-Z Investor 資識 我股同期指都有玩,想進步多d
請問有無好嘅paper trade apps 推薦呀?
有咩paper trade軟件提介?
paper trade既操作比較麻煩,可以留意一下我說關於證券商day trade那一段影片😙😙
仲以為hall one 添😹想喺學校搵ching學野
分析圖表真的有用嗎? 請賜教..
@@alvinyu_pw 那就請你多多指教.
想問下用IB既話 T+0 T+2果D點計? 係咪可以無限買賣?
Yes, hk 既IB冇pdt rule限制😄我依家都用緊
想問下,TD Ameritrade既real time data要響邊度SET,同埋PAPER TRADE有無real time data
開real time data,可以參考一下,下面我與 "新仔的私房" 的對話,
還要在Thinkorswim系統中 -> application setup -> general -> system -> Quote speed -> Real-time(no delay)
HK的TD Ameritrade 唔比Paper trade有real time data,一定要有真實account
(可參考一下 我舊的那一段片,關於paper trade和交易練習 )
其實我想問day trade 係咪有啲似玩緊pocker, 即係都係差唔多嘅嗰個道理
😂😂😂 可以睇下依一條片,入面都有提到poker
其實如果不做Day trade,以中長線投資,TD是否好過IB,IB申請香港戶口第一次要存一萬港幣啊
感覺也是IB較好,在香港較多會接觸到人用IB,因為TD真的有點貴,對換成港幣,一買一賣差不多120元。不太記得,IB去門市開戶好像也可以不用放$10000? TD也是去門市開戶才不用存$10000呢~😆
我系9:30开市 9:28 擒起身睇盘 哈哈哈
Gd sharing.
TD ameritrade的交易系統:)