The bagel maker was able to make a whole without making a center to worship. He knew how to use what's outside the temple to build a perspective of life that doesn't need sheltering. Just because you (b)read doesn't mean you rise above others to make the dough. Scripture can become the yeast the feeds off the sugar that is you. Unleavened and you feel like you fell flat of what is expected to rise. I know it seem kneedy, but we'll see what pans out.
The bagel maker was able to make a whole without making a center to worship. He knew how to use what's outside the temple to build a perspective of life that doesn't need sheltering. Just because you (b)read doesn't mean you rise above others to make the dough. Scripture can become the yeast the feeds off the sugar that is you. Unleavened and you feel like you fell flat of what is expected to rise. I know it seem kneedy, but we'll see what pans out.