Abortion is not a right proclaim by the constitution by the fact of respect of the pursuit of life liberty and happiness .but furthermore the woman had the right biologic to sustain it not her pregnancy under conditions of threats to her life such as poverty to raise a child ,case if unwanted pregnancy or medical threats to the new born baby .a supreme constitutional law is not bias manipulate by evils doers who prone the full legacy of the free will to decide it's content if the life of a childbirth .these matters overpass yo danger humanity cause under certains countries where the body if the woman is not respected the human traffickers will abuse these liberties to dispose at will the foundation of a human being cause they want to légalisé the abortion to use the child or the baby as organs donors or slaves child procreation vendors .the women had to understand that the freedom of free will fir a woman to decide her sex and pregnancy is already written in the constitution if the usa and these laws may be coerce or destitute by the non respect if the natal side legitimate basis of a law .a law without it's moral side to preserve and protect a human being us assured statute legacy of the constitution .cause the human traffickers want an open liberal dude of non debate cause they did hide the sides immoral effects dangers if free organs unwanted donors and the legacies to disrupt life fir s market gain if traffickers .cause if one woman.can be forced to sexual intercourses do the traffickers can used the legal statutes of non abortion ,before the birth if the baby the baby has become an object if merchandising and traffic's organs donors by powerful evils organisation like in Africa as traffickers .fir not to say the big business of sustained immorals unvertuals of force birth fir gain if nationality usa thuswill cause anarchy and disrupted legacy if the fondation if the existence of the constitution of usa .internal rage of contestation of fromentation of civil strife ..the legacy of respect if the woman decision if her legal birthright us already note in the constitution fir the moral side if respect of the sacred entity if a baby .if the supreme court by bias if demagogue want to please the current trend if humans underline of child traffickings it is the utmost duty if the supreme court to plea fir the respect if the protection if the mother against all odds but the side offset of special life threatening of the the heath of the mother had also to be protected .furthermore in certains middle east countries the force labors women are prone to give birth fir child humans political or religious beliefs of human traffickings for money wise .the illegitimate recognition to these legal countries if légalisé traffickers open an era where human beings are sorted as merchandising or hamsters to the traffickers and the departed offset of illégitime if the father to bear in full the leaks right protection if a child against it's demote parents .that's why a law is a law and it's had to have a moral side if duty if juridiction if not it will become a zoo of anarchy upon which the first liners if list faith and child and mother protection are overrated to an evil.interpretstion if the law ..sman can father by despite religions a handful of mothers and child and declared them as not legitimate recognition if child and sold them to the best hiders or agencies if nazies parental to be exploited and market as slaves offspring using his sex machine as a cash bank .theses matters are great concern to the usa cause the illegitimacy if the real danger if crooked terms if faithful father is there.of concern fir the well being if s child and the supposed legal wife .you want the usa,to be a gorilla zoo or a land of traffickers exploited children .
Finally, someone used this song with them! This is so perfect
Oh gosh the undervidded voiceovers! So amazing and unique. I love the way you used this song
The thumbnail is so pretty!
Abortion is not a right proclaim by the constitution by the fact of respect of the pursuit of life liberty and happiness .but furthermore the woman had the right biologic to sustain it not her pregnancy under conditions of threats to her life such as poverty to raise a child ,case if unwanted pregnancy or medical threats to the new born baby .a supreme constitutional law is not bias manipulate by evils doers who prone the full legacy of the free will to decide it's content if the life of a childbirth .these matters overpass yo danger humanity cause under certains countries where the body if the woman is not respected the human traffickers will abuse these liberties to dispose at will the foundation of a human being cause they want to légalisé the abortion to use the child or the baby as organs donors or slaves child procreation vendors .the women had to understand that the freedom of free will fir a woman to decide her sex and pregnancy is already written in the constitution if the usa and these laws may be coerce or destitute by the non respect if the natal side legitimate basis of a law .a law without it's moral side to preserve and protect a human being us assured statute legacy of the constitution .cause the human traffickers want an open liberal dude of non debate cause they did hide the sides immoral effects dangers if free organs unwanted donors and the legacies to disrupt life fir s market gain if traffickers .cause if one woman.can be forced to sexual intercourses do the traffickers can used the legal statutes of non abortion ,before the birth if the baby the baby has become an object if merchandising and traffic's organs donors by powerful evils organisation like in Africa as traffickers .fir not to say the big business of sustained immorals unvertuals of force birth fir gain if nationality usa thuswill cause anarchy and disrupted legacy if the fondation if the existence of the constitution of usa .internal rage of contestation of fromentation of civil strife ..the legacy of respect if the woman decision if her legal birthright us already note in the constitution fir the moral side if respect of the sacred entity if a baby .if the supreme court by bias if demagogue want to please the current trend if humans underline of child traffickings it is the utmost duty if the supreme court to plea fir the respect if the protection if the mother against all odds but the side offset of special life threatening of the the heath of the mother had also to be protected .furthermore in certains middle east countries the force labors women are prone to give birth fir child humans political or religious beliefs of human traffickings for money wise .the illegitimate recognition to these legal countries if légalisé traffickers open an era where human beings are sorted as merchandising or hamsters to the traffickers and the departed offset of illégitime if the father to bear in full the leaks right protection if a child against it's demote parents .that's why a law is a law and it's had to have a moral side if duty if juridiction if not it will become a zoo of anarchy upon which the first liners if list faith and child and mother protection are overrated to an evil.interpretstion if the law ..sman can father by despite religions a handful of mothers and child and declared them as not legitimate recognition if child and sold them to the best hiders or agencies if nazies parental to be exploited and market as slaves offspring using his sex machine as a cash bank .theses matters are great concern to the usa cause the illegitimacy if the real danger if crooked terms if faithful father is there.of concern fir the well being if s child and the supposed legal wife .you want the usa,to be a gorilla zoo or a land of traffickers exploited children .