@@alaskannoon I mean acknowledging it is a big thing. Doesn't matter if it's right or not it's a thing that happens because of how humans are. Who you know, who your friends are, who your family is,...
She didn't have a foot in the door. She had her whole body in the mf. With her parents, there is no possible way she could fail at any venture she wanted to pursue.
@@alaskannoon Well, knowing our advantages makes us humble and responsible as we move through life. She's making the most of the opportunity she was given.
Maya can I just say that you’ve collected an absolutely lovely fan base. The chat on here at the beginning and at the concerts- everyone is always so so respectful ❤️
why are you always creeping on the same corner of the internet as me? this is really pushing the boundaries of our whole parasocial relationship thing we got going on.
Ever since i heard this song on one of her concerts, ive loved it since and all i wanted since was that to get this song on spotify, I LITERALLY CANT WAIT ANYMORE😭🫶🏻
A Great actress and a superbly visionary musician. I literally just had this pop up in the algorithm. I didn't know she made music but dang it I LOVE this song and video so much!
Extremely catchy and really tight arrangement. The drums even though is programmed but sounds organic. My favorite stand out part is the little synthesizer riff towards the end
The song is now stuck in my head, but in a good way. Great video that will require multiple viewings to absorb all the details. I love the vintage/retro "flashbacks". Looking forward to the complete album and hoping to catch one of your shows in a Canadian city later this year. Happy Valentine's Day!
Maya can I just say that you’ve collected an absolutely lovely fan base. The chat on here at the beginning and at the concerts- everyone is always so so respectful ❤
This song really made me break out, I can't believe it, I'm so proud of you, you're a great singer, your songs give me joy, I appreciate you so much Maya and I always will 💖💖
Comment for those who need the names of the films and original videos used: [0:03; 0:04; 1:03; 1:04; 1:18&1:19; 2:13&1:00(girl in bed)&(0:43 x0,25); 2:21; 2:22-2:23; 3:02&1:52&(0:43 x0,25); - ? (maybe I'll edit the comment later)] 0:09, 1:25 (1*), 1:41, 1:51, 2:15, 2:34, design for dreaming (1956) 0:15 th-cam.com/video/XpLZ2JLoZKU/w-d-xo.htmlsi=1oKElhBzb_hSH1uX 0:22, 1:07, 1:28, 1:46, 2:08, 2:18, 2:20, 2:24, 2:40 VD is for everybody th-cam.com/video/SN9_J3_9wPc/w-d-xo.htmlsi=6ra1j8CErtoaU2-K 0:28, 1:27, 1:35, 2:51 charade (1963) 1:05, 2:45 The Cobra (1967) 1:09, 2:03, 3:06 Too Late for Tears (1949) 1:16, 2:46 the man with the x ray eyes (1963) 1:20, 2:56 archive.org/details/098700_201805 1:22, 1:30, 2:01, 2:52, 2:54 Manos: The Hands Of Fate (1966) 1:25 (2*), 2:10, 2:48 I don’t know the name of the full version, but I found this video - th-cam.com/video/ylR7-ujF_Fc/w-d-xo.htmlsi=Qg5qjMVACh22q2rx 1:40, 2:47 Debbie Does Dallas (1978) 1:48 seduction of the innocent (1961) 1:54 The Phantom Of The Opera (1925) 2:00, 2:07 Del Monte Corn with Bill Cosby (1977) - th-cam.com/video/-0bjdXYcSng/w-d-xo.htmlsi=HckN03z3qsVGqCxq 2:26 the te**or (1963)
i’ve been sooooo excited for this since hearing it at the shows last year ❤ especially as someone who also didnt do college and struggled with a lot of these same feelings. thank you for another great work of art!
"I was born with my foot in the door, my mind in the gutter and my guts on the floor" is easily one of the best lines I've heard in a loooong time
Couldn’t agree more
Self Aware nepotism makes it all ok, ok
@@alaskannoon I mean acknowledging it is a big thing. Doesn't matter if it's right or not it's a thing that happens because of how humans are. Who you know, who your friends are, who your family is,...
She didn't have a foot in the door. She had her whole body in the mf. With her parents, there is no possible way she could fail at any venture she wanted to pursue.
@@alaskannoon Well, knowing our advantages makes us humble and responsible as we move through life. She's making the most of the opportunity she was given.
"ive been someone to talk about, i want to be someone to talk to" is amazing
That popped out at me, too. What a great line! Great song.
She has such a 90’s vibe to her sound. This literally sounds like a hit record track from the 90’s. I love it!
It's like Miracle Goodnight in this millenium
gotta stay in that vibe for st
Maya seems an absolutely solid person to hang out with
i NEED to meet her, i think if i hug her i would cry happy tears ngl
Well Djo and Maya Hawke should collab at this point❤
Oh believe me, what they’ve just done is one epic collaboration 😭. You don’t know the half of it yet.
Maya can I just say that you’ve collected an absolutely lovely fan base. The chat on here at the beginning and at the concerts- everyone is always so so respectful ❤️
apart from that one nina person in chat x_x
@@ggoose11224what did they say 😢
Well this is extremely extremely good.
why are you always creeping on the same corner of the internet as me? this is really pushing the boundaries of our whole parasocial relationship thing we got going on.
plsplspls get maya on a ghost hunting vid with u n andrew i would pay 2 see that
I feel like I see you in every single commentsection of my favourite artists lol
this song is so beautiful wtf her voice is so amazing and the lyrics holy shit
Ever since i heard this song on one of her concerts, ive loved it since and all i wanted since was that to get this song on spotify, I LITERALLY CANT WAIT ANYMORE😭🫶🏻
The song is kinda relatable, because I keep feeling like I miss out on all the stuff that people my age do
love the self aware line "born with my foot in the door"
"Nepo truce. A foot in the door and so much more" th-cam.com/video/XX_Rxvg8vdo/w-d-xo.html
What does it mean
@@crazypato3752 nepo baby reference
@@crazypato3752 Her Dad is the actor Ethan Hawke
@@crazypato3752her mom is uma Thurman
A Great actress and a superbly visionary musician. I literally just had this pop up in the algorithm. I didn't know she made music but dang it I LOVE this song and video so much!
I love Maya. You can always count on her to bring something different to the table.
The anticipation for the entire year since the sneak at the concert omg.
Me too, been a full year of waiting and Im so excited
yes! I kept rewatching the video I took at the concert.
“Before I ran from Safety, Hoping someone would chase me” Yes.
Maya's music was my best discovery last year! Can't wait for this one to officially be out!
such a pretty-vintage vibe here and the song itself is just so amazing
She has the best physical qualities of both her parents and a lovely voice.
Maya heee
Maya hooo
Maya Ha Hawwwke
that felt like 90s installation art, but then added more to it, loved it
Maya is back! Only this time, a song for Valentine’s Day. ❤😊
All the homages to classic movies is really top notch. Most actor/musicians keep the two separate
Extremely catchy and really tight arrangement. The drums even though is programmed but sounds organic. My favorite stand out part is the little synthesizer riff towards the end
So excited for this!! Maya Hawke is such a talented singer and actress
This makes me want to ride my bike with this song blasting out of my radio in the basket.
Happiness would be to hold the stick and whack the cymbal as the song crescendos at “💥now I know it’s me…”
waited a yearrrrrrrrr for this so hyped
At least 2 clips used are from famous MST3K movies, "Manos: The Hands of Fate" & "Design For Dreaming".
Heard this song on the radio and it's incredibly good
I didn't even know that Maya sang 😂. What a lovely surprise to wake up to. She is wildly talented as an actress and apparently as a singer. ❤
"this whole song gave me chills. u are amazing maya hawke" - my 17 year old daughter
I love this 90's early 2000's vibe .
This song is already stuck in my head. It's so good!
Anxiety 🧡
just sat here watching her take over the world
Thanks! ❤
The song is now stuck in my head, but in a good way. Great video that will require multiple viewings to absorb all the details. I love the vintage/retro "flashbacks". Looking forward to the complete album and hoping to catch one of your shows in a Canadian city later this year. Happy Valentine's Day!
I remember as if it were yesterday when you sang it for the first time live in Milan! What a great emotion! thanks for everything Maya!❤️🪽❤️🩹✨💓
a stunning song. i’m so proud of you maya ❤
Could not be more excited and proud of Maya!!!!
this song fits really well on her character in inside out 2
Missing out+end of beginning 🫶🥹🥹
I love that the video cites and reiterates so many great films of the past. Another thing I love - Maya
I absolutely adore everything Maya puts out
I think ‘Moss’ will always be my favorite Maya album but I am so excited for this new record and era!
Added to playlist obviously
I have already read the lyrics in the bio/description omg I can't waittt
Maya can I just say that you’ve collected an absolutely lovely fan base. The chat on here at the beginning and at the concerts- everyone is always so so respectful ❤
Loved hearing this live last year
gonna spent the next few days listening to this song, over-analyzing it, making up my own interpretations and then cry about it🙌🏼
Yo this song, clip, well everything is great!!!
I heard this a year ago and fell in love with this song
What a voice. Amazing
this song is so good i cant stop listening to it ive been listening to it nonstop for weeks
This song really made me break out, I can't believe it, I'm so proud of you, you're a great singer, your songs give me joy, I appreciate you so much Maya and I always will 💖💖
It crazy how Maya Hawke is talented in acting and music.
En mi cabeza suena con la cancion de Djo, hermosos
I had never even heard maya sing before but knew how this song would sound like before even listening to it...
I deeply approve of any video with “Manos hands of fate” footage in it. Well done!
beautiful song omg
I was suggested here while listening to the song “Dupe - Balling” 😅😅😅
Excited to see this!!! You make great music, would love to work together
It’s giving David Lynch ❤️🔥 love it!
or Bowie
absolutely love seeing how Maya progresses in her music! this song is beautiful, one of my new favorites
Comment for those who need the names of the films and original videos used:
[0:03; 0:04; 1:03; 1:04; 1:18&1:19; 2:13&1:00(girl in bed)&(0:43 x0,25); 2:21; 2:22-2:23; 3:02&1:52&(0:43 x0,25); - ?
(maybe I'll edit the comment later)]
0:09, 1:25 (1*), 1:41, 1:51, 2:15, 2:34, design for dreaming (1956)
0:15 th-cam.com/video/XpLZ2JLoZKU/w-d-xo.htmlsi=1oKElhBzb_hSH1uX
0:22, 1:07, 1:28, 1:46, 2:08, 2:18, 2:20, 2:24, 2:40 VD is for everybody th-cam.com/video/SN9_J3_9wPc/w-d-xo.htmlsi=6ra1j8CErtoaU2-K
0:28, 1:27, 1:35, 2:51 charade (1963)
1:05, 2:45 The Cobra (1967)
1:09, 2:03, 3:06 Too Late for Tears (1949)
1:16, 2:46 the man with the x ray eyes (1963)
1:20, 2:56 archive.org/details/098700_201805
1:22, 1:30, 2:01, 2:52, 2:54 Manos: The Hands Of Fate (1966)
1:25 (2*), 2:10, 2:48 I don’t know the name of the full version, but I found this video - th-cam.com/video/ylR7-ujF_Fc/w-d-xo.htmlsi=Qg5qjMVACh22q2rx
1:40, 2:47 Debbie Does Dallas (1978)
1:48 seduction of the innocent (1961)
1:54 The Phantom Of The Opera (1925)
2:00, 2:07 Del Monte Corn with Bill Cosby (1977) - th-cam.com/video/-0bjdXYcSng/w-d-xo.htmlsi=HckN03z3qsVGqCxq
2:26 the te**or (1963)
Shoutout to radio station 91.3, Pittsburgh PA, whom introduced me to this incredible song. 👍😃✌️
I still remember last year in Milan
I like it. Pirate radio played it, so here I am, glad I found it. Good stuff!
litreally so excited for chaos angel
music and poetry are everything to her,
and of course to us, too😉
i love Maya Hawe💗💗💗💗💗
i’ve been sooooo excited for this since hearing it at the shows last year ❤ especially as someone who also didnt do college and struggled with a lot of these same feelings. thank you for another great work of art!
I've been wanting to hear the studio version of this song since she played it on the tactless tour. this album will be absolutely great I'm so excited
Unexpected favorite artist. I discovered she could sing in 2022 🔥
What a beautiful song Maya Hawke, the song is as wonderful as you. I already have it on my Spotify.❤❤
This song is so addictive. Listen to it a few times a day in hopes that I’m not missing out. 😍
I can't even wait
I ❤ Maya Hawke.
и коль волшебна, то во всём..))
нет повести прекраснее на свете,
чем солнце, май и мая в этом свете..))
the song is everything… i am so happy to hear it again after the tactless tourrr! it marked my mind ❤thank you maya 📝 a lot of love from France
Of course she's an artist. Of course she's going to be good at what makes her heart sing. ♥ GREAT JOB!!! AHHHHH!!!!!
Meee!!! Love it! Cranked & dancing to it now. Message is extraordinary, but gives happy feels. Something to celebrate!!! Yahoooo!
i’ve never been so excited for something to happen
How have you summed up everything I think about in this amazing work of art?? 10/10 gonna re-watch 20times
this is going to be my fav new song
i litterally can't this is such a beautiful song this song so good I literally can'tt oml
The visuals during the guitar riff were crazy!
I LOVE your music!!!!! Keepmaking more music PLEASE!!!!! YOUR MUSIC GIVES ME LIFE!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
love this song
first heard this song live in milan last year and it was just the coolest thing ever! so happy that it's finally out
i remember her singing this in paris and it knew this was gonna be my next favourite song! i love it so much omg
this has been on my liked playlist for like 2 weeks, and i just realized it's THAT maya hawke XD too funny, great tune.
I cant wait
i remember this song from her concert 😭🫶❤️