A.J. Ladore I don't care which brand a hotel uses for their elevators. Just the fact that they chose Montgomery for a high rise building really surprises me. They weren't the best company out there. But now since they've been bought out, KONE has been worse.
Not only that though but the buttons on this particular Montgomery elevator are s***! These elevators could really do better with a DD mod from ThyssenKrupp otherwise these will be s*** if these get a Kone upgrade or even worse, what if OTIS mods these with Series 7 blue or white?
What exactly are your concerns for the type of elevators or escalators this building uses?
A.J. Ladore I don't care which brand a hotel uses for their elevators. Just the fact that they chose Montgomery for a high rise building really surprises me. They weren't the best company out there. But now since they've been bought out, KONE has been worse.
Not only that though but the buttons on this particular Montgomery elevator are s***! These elevators could really do better with a DD mod from ThyssenKrupp otherwise these will be s*** if these get a Kone upgrade or even worse, what if OTIS mods these with Series 7 blue or white?
Normally I like Montgomery but these buttons are crap.