Hey up Andy. That's a cracking route up Blencathra. Billy's such a clever lad picking his way up the ridge. Loved the bit near the end at 26.20 where he's surveying his kingdom below. Thanks for sharing yet another fabulous adventure. Much appreciated. Keep on smiling David
He's the ROCK STAR David... Lol awesome in't he 🐶 Thanks as always for watching Marra very much appreciated 😊 Tek care stay safe Have a great week. ATVB Andy Tracey and Billybob the ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Just wanted to say thank you to you, Billy and Tracey for your amazing videos. They’ve really cheered me up after a pretty sad week. Long may they continue!
Thanks as always Yvonne very much appreciated aye it's a la'al bit exposed in places but fantastic my favourite way up Blencathra. Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another corker Andy! Well done! Surprised you got the drone up in that wind! Like you, I've been up Blencathra dozens of times, but never fancied any of the front ridges. I usually play it safe going via Mousethwaite Comb or the Blencathra Centre. Billy did so well, as he always does! 🙂
Thanks Mandy once again I was lucky with the Drone in fact by a miracle I've not done so bad with the weather all year most videos featuring the Drone and most in good weather...lol i closely watch the forcast and try to pick the best of my three days off a week. Billybob is awesome realy lives up to his Mountain name ROCK STAR Thanks as always for watching very much appreciated 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The of course The ROCK STAR ⭐🙏🏻
Hi Andy and Billy. Halls Fell is definately my favourite route up Blencathra. I did crap myself first time of climbing it but since then its been an absolute favourite. Never took that descent but looks a good option. Super video and the drone shows it off in all its glory. Fantastic !! ATB
Thanks Tony Mate it's been my favourite for many years Blencathra my most Summited Mountain (over a hundred times) Thanks as always for watching have a great week bud 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Hahaha Geordie!!! 🫣🫣🫣 Me and the ROCK STAR are West Cumbria's git in'amang it! 😁 Have a great weekend thanks as always for watching 😊 ATVB Andy Tracey (form Essex) and the ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
I can see why you reckon this is the best route up on to Blencathra Andy 😊.there was no stopping ya ,going up there like a mountain goat 😂👌 you could see how much rain it's put down this summer going off the streams ,more akin to rivers 😮what a bloody summer eh Andy 😳 all downhill now towards the horrible winter. Can ta tell I'm not a winter person, 😂😂 great walk with you & The Rockstar 🐶🐕❤🎉🎉
Absolutely David what a Summer!! I've been lucky with the videos realy usaly finding at least one good day in my three days off a week 😊😁 It's gonna be a long winter mate 🙄 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR⭐🙏🏻
That’s a fair turn of speed you pulled heading up there! Super video of an impressive ridge, another one never to be taken for granted. As you mentioned, best avoid in damp conditions. Very helpful mention of the traverse path on the descent. I’ll remember that as I’ve yet to do that ridge up or down and that rocky but at the top looks a bit daunting.
Heading down or up that la'al traverse path to Gategill Fell Summit makes the ridge a whole lot easier. It's a steep pull from the bottom to Knott Halloo but after that a pleasure to walk 😊 Thanks as always for watching... Tek care stay safe Irene ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another great video Andy 👏🏻 I really enjoyed seeing the ridge route up & filmed from above, showing the mighty mountain in all its glory. Having fairly recently picked the same way up for my first time up on Blencathra, it was awesome seeing the route again & it brought some vivid memories flooding back, even raising my heart pumps once again as you scrambled up the crest. Keep up the good work mate as you inspire me & i’m sure many others to get out there & follow your steps. Take care
It's an awesome Ridge Adi it never fails to get that adrenaline pumping I tryed my hardest to get that adrenaline on film....its such a fantastic Mountain. Have a great weekend bud tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
This definitely the best Halls Fell ridge ascent video going. I am planning to tak emy 12 year old up and have watched many videos of the ridge. Most videos are drone heavy footage with very little or no description of the fell itself. This video is full of knowledge and the photography is amazing for actually getting a gauge of theroute up to Blencathra. I never considered this descent asI always had the Blease fell descent in mind. Thank you. Liked and subbed.
Aww Thanks buddy very much appreciated 😊 It's a fantastic Ridge and the route down Gategill Fell makes for a nice short half day wander 👍🏻 Have a great weekend Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Great video! I appreciate y'all filming these mental ridges like this. I know my limitations and clumsiness and doubt I'll ever do any of the Edges or this ridge but it sure is great to watch when walking on the treadmill. The scrambling wouldn't be bad, its the extreme exposure that would do me in. I'll stick to the safe zig zag path up by Scales Tarn
Thanks Mike these Ridges are epic but very exposed in parts over the years I've taken a couple of friends up Hall's Fell Ridge...umm some not liking it very much at all 😬🙄 Tek care stay safe Mate ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
@@RockStar67 We have a more traditional Blencathra circular that pulls in Souther, Bannderdale Crags, and Bowscale and Blencathra. Trying to decide do we want to ascend via Bowscale or Souther. I've heard the descent on Bowscale is a bit rough. Which descent would you prefer: Souther or Bowscale?
Ey up Marra. Absolutely brilliant. Billy certainly showed you the way up Halls Fell ridge! He must be the best mountain guide there is. I was out yesterday on Glaramara and Great End. Lovely to be out in the sunshine for a change! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, all the best. 😀🥾⛰👍
Cheers Dave hope you had a good weekend another mixed bag of weather eh...we got out Saturday morning and what a day it was absolutely beautiful 🌞🌞🌞🌞 Tek care Marra ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
@@RockStar67 Ey up Marra. I got out last Friday, it was very windy but nice and warm and the skies clear. I did Glaramara, Allen Crags, Great End and Seathwaite Fell from Seathwaite. Even manage a Broken Spectre! I might try and get back up there this Friday as it looks a good forecast. 🤞
Want to try scrambling but not sure? Pick a nice day and go up Hall's Fell. It's a great route, lots of options, never too tough, drops are mostly just far enough away not to scare (but close enough that you'll not forget about them). And in the worst case, you can turn back and still have a nice walk. I love it.
Absolutely bud 😊 It's a great route and as you say the option to turn back is always my mindset. Thanks for watching very much appreciated tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Ah halls fell, my nemesis 😅 tried this on our very first trip to the lakes when we were green. Got so far but the exposure got to me, especially as the clag came in and the wind got up. We turned around and went back down. Always worth remembering that that is an option. We've done lots more since over the years but I'm still not sure about this one. I'm not sure i could keep it together for that length of time 😁🙈 luckily the fells have various options so been up since via blease and scales 💚⛰️
It's a tough Ridge Claire lots of exposure often slippy and it's much steeper than Striding Edge and Sharp Edge...always one to be careful on... I've probably been up Halls Fell Ridge 30 or so times Blencathra itself (multiple routes) over a hundred (my favourite Mountain) Thanks as always for watching... Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐🙏🏻
Another great video Andrew I went up Halls Fell Ridge 2 years ago the sun was rising as I was heading up all my mates think am nuts doing stuff like this but you just can’t explain to them the feeling of doing a walk like that, keep making your brilliant videos 😊🥾
Another great video Andy and Billy. We've been meaning to do Hall's Fell ridge for a while now so it's great that you've put out this video. Blencathra is right in front of us when we look out our caravan window so it's our go- to fell on our first day - currently on the M6 on the way up 😂😂 ATB Brian and Jill😊
That's one fantastic view Brian & Jill and a fabulous Mountain my most Summited (over a hundred times) 😁 Thanks as always for watching have a great week 👍🏻 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
I got the full heebie geebies on Halls Fell and have done Striding Edge a few times. Halls is definitely testier in my opinion. Great video again though Andrew❤️
Absolutely agree with you there ive always thought Striding Edge easier it's a lot more flat...Hall's Fell Ridge is a climb up steeper ground. Sharp Edge...ummm that's another story safe in good dry conditions...in the wet for a walker it's one of the most dangerous places in't Lake District. Thanks for watching very much appreciated 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
You've got sheila terrified Incase anything happens to poor Billy Bob. Poor lad she keeps saying. Any way another great vlog Andy. Yeah Keswick show was cancelled at the last minute on Bank holiday Monday coz of the weather. Flooded out field. Its not for the faint harted that route. Till next time marra tek care. Malcolm and Sheila from Workington.
Lol he's a superhero is the ROCK STAR Billy Bob...lol 🤣 Thanks as always for watching guys hope your having a great weekend 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy Tracey and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
never knew about that ridge, all people talk about is sharp edge.. only done blencathra twice, still another 7 different ways up it to try i think haha.. tek care lad :)
Cheers Marra this Ridge is yan if not the best in't Lakes...its a must for ya...we'll do it together some time if ya fancy and you can make a video. Tek care stay safe bud ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Hiya mate thanks for watching very much appreciated 😊 The carpark has a honisty box so just what ya feel ya want to put in 👍🏻 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another topper andy loving the route here pal that ridge is awesome from the drones view but yeah can imagine that will get very slippy from time to time I've got a question for you as I'm nosey 😂 I always see you with ya back pack on and I am wondering what you take with you on your adventures reason being it looks a canny size bag to the usual ones and the smaller bag I use when I'm out and about yess there's always one nebby sod 😂
Lol aye mate it's a big bag in't it (Osprey Volt 45lt) lol I carry everything bud (too much 😂🤣) ... Drone plus 4 battery's take a bit of room gopro stuff...battery charger and of course all my food (haha I eat loads) 🍲...jumper Jacket first aid insect repellent...kitchen sink...ive a few bags mate but hate changing stuff about so yeah Summer time there's often a bit spare room but winter it comes into its own. Thanks for watching buddy very much appreciated keep up you own great work 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy Tracey and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Cracking Video Andy. Hiking boots don't seem to be designed for our wet slate. (Had a close one yesterday coming down off Gavel fell on Wednesday). How do your scarpas fare?
Hiya Jeff... aye mate Gavel Fells a bugger to come down I came down there with a smashed ancle a couple of years back...seen me off the Fells for a couple of months and a year to fully mend...the boots a great (Scarpa Boreas) fantastic summer boots unlike a lot of softer fabric boots there also very waterproof. I also love my Scarpa Rangers for winter months. Thanks for watching buddy very much appreciated 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Hey up Andy. That's a cracking route up Blencathra. Billy's such a clever lad picking his way up the ridge. Loved the bit near the end at 26.20 where he's surveying his kingdom below. Thanks for sharing yet another fabulous adventure. Much appreciated. Keep on smiling David
He's the ROCK STAR David... Lol awesome in't he 🐶
Thanks as always for watching Marra very much appreciated 😊
Tek care stay safe Have a great week.
ATVB Andy Tracey and Billybob the ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Just wanted to say thank you to you, Billy and Tracey for your amazing videos. They’ve really cheered me up after a pretty sad week. Long may they continue!
Aww thanks Vic ya very welcome...hope this week's a better one 😊
Thanks for watching 😊 Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy Tracey and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Halls Fell Ridge is my favourite route up Blencathra too Andy. Awesome!
Absolutely buddy hope all is well Tek care stay safe Marra 😊🙏🏻
This looks brilliant even in the low cloud. Thank you
Thanks for watching Heather very much appreciated 😊
Have a great weekend Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Great video Andy and Billy. A bit scary in some places on the graggy ascent.
Thank you.
ATB. Take care and stay safe.😊🌞
Thanks as always Yvonne very much appreciated aye it's a la'al bit exposed in places but fantastic my favourite way up Blencathra.
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another corker Andy! Well done! Surprised you got the drone up in that wind! Like you, I've been up Blencathra dozens of times, but never fancied any of the front ridges. I usually play it safe going via Mousethwaite Comb or the Blencathra Centre. Billy did so well, as he always does! 🙂
Thanks Mandy once again I was lucky with the Drone in fact by a miracle I've not done so bad with the weather all year most videos featuring the Drone and most in good weather...lol i closely watch the forcast and try to pick the best of my three days off a week.
Billybob is awesome realy lives up to his Mountain name ROCK STAR
Thanks as always for watching very much appreciated 😊
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The of course The ROCK STAR ⭐🙏🏻
Hi Andy and Billy. Halls Fell is definately my favourite route up Blencathra. I did crap myself first time of climbing it but since then its been an absolute favourite. Never took that descent but looks a good option. Super video and the drone shows it off in all its glory. Fantastic !! ATB
Thanks Tony Mate it's been my favourite for many years Blencathra my most Summited Mountain (over a hundred times)
Thanks as always for watching have a great week bud 😊
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Some borderline Geordie in there at the end... Claarty mud and that's where am gaan. Love it haha
Hahaha Geordie!!! 🫣🫣🫣
Me and the ROCK STAR are West Cumbria's git in'amang it! 😁
Have a great weekend thanks as always for watching 😊
ATVB Andy Tracey (form Essex) and the ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
I can see why you reckon this is the best route up on to Blencathra Andy 😊.there was no stopping ya ,going up there like a mountain goat 😂👌 you could see how much rain it's put down this summer going off the streams ,more akin to rivers 😮what a bloody summer eh Andy 😳 all downhill now towards the horrible winter. Can ta tell I'm not a winter person, 😂😂 great walk with you & The Rockstar 🐶🐕❤🎉🎉
Absolutely David what a Summer!! I've been lucky with the videos realy usaly finding at least one good day in my three days off a week 😊😁
It's gonna be a long winter mate 🙄
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR⭐🙏🏻
That’s a fair turn of speed you pulled heading up there! Super video of an impressive ridge, another one never to be taken for granted. As you mentioned, best avoid in damp conditions. Very helpful mention of the traverse path on the descent. I’ll remember that as I’ve yet to do that ridge up or down and that rocky but at the top looks a bit daunting.
Heading down or up that la'al traverse path to Gategill Fell Summit makes the ridge a whole lot easier.
It's a steep pull from the bottom to Knott Halloo but after that a pleasure to walk 😊
Thanks as always for watching... Tek care stay safe Irene ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another great video Andy 👏🏻
I really enjoyed seeing the ridge route up & filmed from above, showing the mighty mountain in all its glory.
Having fairly recently picked the same way up for my first time up on Blencathra, it was awesome seeing the route again & it brought some vivid memories flooding back, even raising my heart pumps once again as you scrambled up the crest.
Keep up the good work mate as you inspire me & i’m sure many others to get out there & follow your steps.
Take care
It's an awesome Ridge Adi it never fails to get that adrenaline pumping I tryed my hardest to get that adrenaline on film....its such a fantastic Mountain.
Have a great weekend bud tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
This definitely the best Halls Fell ridge ascent video going. I am planning to tak emy 12 year old up and have watched many videos of the ridge. Most videos are drone heavy footage with very little or no description of the fell itself. This video is full of knowledge and the photography is amazing for actually getting a gauge of theroute up to Blencathra. I never considered this descent asI always had the Blease fell descent in mind. Thank you. Liked and subbed.
Aww Thanks buddy very much appreciated 😊
It's a fantastic Ridge and the route down Gategill Fell makes for a nice short half day wander 👍🏻
Have a great weekend Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Fantastic efforts dude 😊❤❤👍🇬🇧
Cheers brother very much appreciated 😊 🙏🏻
Great video! I appreciate y'all filming these mental ridges like this. I know my limitations and clumsiness and doubt I'll ever do any of the Edges or this ridge but it sure is great to watch when walking on the treadmill. The scrambling wouldn't be bad, its the extreme exposure that would do me in. I'll stick to the safe zig zag path up by Scales Tarn
Thanks Mike these Ridges are epic but very exposed in parts over the years I've taken a couple of friends up Hall's Fell Ridge...umm some not liking it very much at all 😬🙄
Tek care stay safe Mate ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
@@RockStar67 We have a more traditional Blencathra circular that pulls in Souther, Bannderdale Crags, and Bowscale and Blencathra. Trying to decide do we want to ascend via Bowscale or Souther. I've heard the descent on Bowscale is a bit rough. Which descent would you prefer: Souther or Bowscale?
Ey up Marra. Absolutely brilliant. Billy certainly showed you the way up Halls Fell ridge! He must be the best mountain guide there is.
I was out yesterday on Glaramara and Great End. Lovely to be out in the sunshine for a change!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, all the best. 😀🥾⛰👍
Cheers Dave hope you had a good weekend another mixed bag of weather eh...we got out Saturday morning and what a day it was absolutely beautiful 🌞🌞🌞🌞
Tek care Marra ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
@@RockStar67 Ey up Marra. I got out last Friday, it was very windy but nice and warm and the skies clear. I did Glaramara, Allen Crags, Great End and Seathwaite Fell from Seathwaite. Even manage a Broken Spectre!
I might try and get back up there this Friday as it looks a good forecast.
Awesome pal spot on walk 😊👍🏻 @@DAoutdoors
Want to try scrambling but not sure? Pick a nice day and go up Hall's Fell. It's a great route, lots of options, never too tough, drops are mostly just far enough away not to scare (but close enough that you'll not forget about them). And in the worst case, you can turn back and still have a nice walk. I love it.
Just what I needed to read pal. I haven't done a scramble yet and can't decide what one to begin with
Cheers 👍🏻
Absolutely bud 😊
It's a great route and as you say the option to turn back is always my mindset.
Thanks for watching very much appreciated tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Ah halls fell, my nemesis 😅 tried this on our very first trip to the lakes when we were green. Got so far but the exposure got to me, especially as the clag came in and the wind got up. We turned around and went back down. Always worth remembering that that is an option. We've done lots more since over the years but I'm still not sure about this one. I'm not sure i could keep it together for that length of time 😁🙈 luckily the fells have various options so been up since via blease and scales 💚⛰️
It's a tough Ridge Claire lots of exposure often slippy and it's much steeper than Striding Edge and Sharp Edge...always one to be careful on... I've probably been up Halls Fell Ridge 30 or so times Blencathra itself (multiple routes) over a hundred (my favourite Mountain)
Thanks as always for watching...
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐🙏🏻
Another great video Andrew I went up Halls Fell Ridge 2 years ago the sun was rising as I was heading up all my mates think am nuts doing stuff like this but you just can’t explain to them the feeling of doing a walk like that, keep making your brilliant videos 😊🥾
Thanks Kevin Mate very much appreciated tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another great video Andy and Billy. We've been meaning to do Hall's Fell ridge for a while now so it's great that you've put out this video. Blencathra is right in front of us when we look out our caravan window so it's our go- to fell on our first day - currently on the M6 on the way up 😂😂 ATB Brian and Jill😊
That's one fantastic view Brian & Jill and a fabulous Mountain my most Summited (over a hundred times) 😁
Thanks as always for watching have a great week 👍🏻
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
@@RockStar67Literally just going up Blencathra now 😂 Lovely morning.
I got the full heebie geebies on Halls Fell and have done Striding Edge a few times. Halls is definitely testier in my opinion. Great video again though Andrew❤️
Absolutely agree with you there ive always thought Striding Edge easier it's a lot more flat...Hall's Fell Ridge is a climb up steeper ground.
Sharp Edge...ummm that's another story safe in good dry conditions...in the wet for a walker it's one of the most dangerous places in't Lake District.
Thanks for watching very much appreciated 😊
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
You've got sheila terrified Incase anything happens to poor Billy Bob. Poor lad she keeps saying. Any way another great vlog Andy. Yeah Keswick show was cancelled at the last minute on Bank holiday Monday coz of the weather. Flooded out field. Its not for the faint harted that route. Till next time marra tek care.
Malcolm and Sheila from Workington.
Lol he's a superhero is the ROCK STAR Billy Bob...lol 🤣
Thanks as always for watching guys hope your having a great weekend 😊
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy Tracey and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
never knew about that ridge, all people talk about is sharp edge.. only done blencathra twice, still another 7 different ways up it to try i think haha.. tek care lad :)
Cheers Marra this Ridge is yan if not the best in't Lakes...its a must for ya...we'll do it together some time if ya fancy and you can make a video.
Tek care stay safe bud ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
That looks a tasty ridge 🥾🥾 is the Threlkeld car park P&D or free Andy
Hiya mate thanks for watching very much appreciated 😊
The carpark has a honisty box so just what ya feel ya want to put in 👍🏻
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
Another topper andy loving the route here pal that ridge is awesome from the drones view but yeah can imagine that will get very slippy from time to time I've got a question for you as I'm nosey 😂 I always see you with ya back pack on and I am wondering what you take with you on your adventures reason being it looks a canny size bag to the usual ones and the smaller bag I use when I'm out and about yess there's always one nebby sod 😂
Lol aye mate it's a big bag in't it (Osprey Volt 45lt) lol I carry everything bud (too much 😂🤣)
... Drone plus 4 battery's take a bit of room gopro stuff...battery charger and of course all my food (haha I eat loads) 🍲...jumper Jacket first aid insect repellent...kitchen sink...ive a few bags mate but hate changing stuff about so yeah Summer time there's often a bit spare room but winter it comes into its own.
Thanks for watching buddy very much appreciated keep up you own great work 😊
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy Tracey and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻
@@RockStar67 hahaha cheers for that marra just thought as i no you don't camp and I though I was missing out on something hahaha lol class
Cracking Video Andy. Hiking boots don't seem to be designed for our wet slate. (Had a close one yesterday coming down off Gavel fell on Wednesday). How do your scarpas fare?
Hiya Jeff... aye mate Gavel Fells a bugger to come down I came down there with a smashed ancle a couple of years back...seen me off the Fells for a couple of months and a year to fully mend...the boots a great (Scarpa Boreas) fantastic summer boots unlike a lot of softer fabric boots there also very waterproof.
I also love my Scarpa Rangers for winter months.
Thanks for watching buddy very much appreciated 😊
Tek care stay safe ATVB Andy and The ROCK STAR ⭐ 🙏🏻