Namastakam 2 || Japa Talk by HG MVP || Durgapuja Tour 2024

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2024
  • Namastakam 2 || Japa Talk by HG MVP || Durgapuja Tour 2024
    Enhance your Bhakti by sincerely doing chanting.
    Rupa Goswami has written this song “Nikhila Sruti Mauli Radha”. The official name of this song is Volume 6 Namastakam. This song is taken from the book Stavamala. In this song, Rupa Goswami has described the glories of the Holy Name, which is non-different than Lord Krishna himself
    ayi mukta-kulair upasyamanam
    paritas tvam hari-nama samsrayami
    jaya namadheya muni-vrnda-geya he
    jana-ranjanaya param aksarakrte
    tvam anadarad api manag udiritam
    nikhilogra-tapa-patalim vilumpasi
    yad-abhaso 'py udyan kavalita-bhava-dhvanta-vibhavo
    drsam tattvandhanam api disati bhakti-pranayinim
    janas tasyodattam jagati bhagavan-nama-tarane
    krti te nirvaktum ka iha mahimanam prabhavati
    vinasam ayati vina na bhogaih
    apaiti nama sphuranena tat te
    prarabdha-karmeti virauti vedah
    aghadamana-yasodanandanau nandasuno
    pranatakaruna-krsnav ity aneka-svarupe
    tvayi mama ratir uccair vardhatam namadheya
    vacyam vacakam ity udeti bhavato nama svarupa-dvayam
    purvasmat param eva hanta karunam tatrapi janimahe
    yas tasmin vihitaparadha-nivahah prani samantad bhaved
    asyenedam upasya so 'pi hi sadanandambudhau majjati
    nama gokula-mahotsavaya te
    krsna purna-vapuse namo namah
    tvam krsna-nama kamam
    sphura me rasane rasena sada

    (1) O Hari-nama! The tips of the toes of Your lotus feet are constantly being worshiped by the glowing radiance emanating from the string of gems known as the Upanisads, the crown jewels of all the Vedas. You are eternally adored by liberated souls, such as Narada and Sukadeva. O Hari-nama! I take complete shelter of You.
    (2) O Hari-nama, O name sung by the sages, O transcendental syllables that bring bliss to the people, even if You are spoken only once, and even if You are spoken disrespectfully, You at once remove the many harsh sufferings of everyone.
    (3) O sun of the Holy Name, even the dim light of Your early dawn 'namabhasa' devours the power of the darkness of the material world and gives those who are blind to the truth the insight to follow the path of pure devotion to Krishna. What learned person in this world can possibly fully describe Your transcendental glories?
    (4) O Holy Name, the Vedas declare that although meditation on impersonal Brahman cannot bring freedom from past karma, Your appearance [on the tongue of your chanter] at once makes all karma disappear.
    (5) O Holy Name, I pray that my love for You in Your many forms-such as Aghadamana (Crusher of Aghasura), Yasodanandana (Son of Yasoda), Nandasunu (Son of Nanda),Kamalanayana (Lotus-eyed), Gopicandra (Moon of the gopis), Vrndavanendra (King of Vrndavana), Pranatakaruna (Merciful to the surrendered souls), and Krishna-may greatly increase.
    (6) O Holy Name, You are manifested in two forms: 1. the Supreme Person described by the Holy Name, and 2. the sound vibration of the Holy Name. We know that the second form is even more merciful than the first, because although a person may commit many offenses to Your first form, he will still plunge into an ocean of bliss by serving Your second with His voice.
    (7) O perfect and complete Holy Name of Lord Krishna, You are the embodiment of delightful and intense spiritual bliss, You destroy the many sufferings of those who take shelter of You, and You are a festival of happiness for Gokula. I bow before You again and again.
    (8) O Krishna-nama! O inspiration of Narada's vina! You are full of sweetness, which is like an ocean full of waves of nectar. If You wish, please appear constantly on my tongue, along with transcendental affection for the Lord.

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