I'm happy to see you back! Glad to see your feeling better, and have your energy back by the sound of it!! Not going to sugar coat it but you had me worried for a while there 🥺 Best early Xmas present!!
Good to see you back Elric. I frankly don't care what videos you put out. It's just good to have you back. You're like an old friend to a lot of us, especially those of us who don't actively seek out new "trendy" channels with loud music and fast editing.
Great to see you back, a new video and to hear that your health is much better! My Blood sugar was crazy about 18 months ago and I couldn't get meds as we were switching insurance. In my panic I went full keto and gave up all sugar, totally. Over the past 18 months I have added a little from time to time but once past the initial shock it hasn't been difficult. Glad to hear that your's is under control as well. Definitely looking forward to future videos!
i think it was your channel i discovered first when i was at the starting point to be my family's tech/pc "technician" now over the years i've build more than 20pc's for my friends and family. so im absolutely thrilled to have you back. i wish all the best for you! ❤
That’s an early Christmas surprise I never thought I’d see. You were among the first to get me into pc. You and Linus specifically were the ones that kept me up to date on pc hardware. Hope you can grow and stay around.
Yes you back! Great to hear you up and kicking again. Unfortunately the gaming and hardware industry is so messed up, that im afraid, it could make you sick again. All these anoying young tech-streamer, GPU/CPU - scalper whores and commercial influencer get on our nerves like hell. Just like you are saying and the level of corperate greed is off the charts.
F*ck Yeah Elric!, great to see you back. I'm Glad you are feeling better, had miss you over here. Didnt know you had Pain Cylinder songs out/coming out and i always liked your music style. Will definitely gonna check it out 🤘🤘
I'm really glad I was able to help out when you need it. I was so worried cause it's been a year since I heard from you. Glad you are back to YT!!!🙏🏼 (You look really handsome)
I'm pretty sure my feelings are the same as most of your audience. We've so missed seeing you on TH-cam. Been watching the channel since the beginning.
Great to see you are back. You were one of the first tech channels that I watched a long time ago. Glad to see you return to the channel and in better health.
Hello! Never watched the channel much but saw your last video when you weren't doing so well. Nice to see you back! Shows the resilience of the human spirit! Merry Christmas!
Man I know all about these medical bills, I shattered my heel and had 2 surgeries now, Im broke as hell financially, I had to sell my car and a bunch of other stuff, I barely have anything, but on another note, WELCOME BACK E!!!!!
Welcome back! I've been waiting for your come back and hoping you'll be fine. Great Christmas present, thank you. I remember subscribing when I was looking at ATI 6870 reviews and here we are. Glad to see you're fine once more!
Your comments are so warm and welcoming..Thank you all so very very much!
Welcome back, glad to see you here again, here a big hug from your Brazilian fan
Happy to know you're still alive, love your content
just thought of you the other day... was wondering what ever happened to that guy... and here he is...
I'm happy to see you back! Glad to see your feeling better, and have your energy back by the sound of it!!
Not going to sugar coat it but you had me worried for a while there 🥺
Best early Xmas present!!
Good to see ya mate.
Welcome back Elric! Happy to see you're alive and well.
Good to see you again, man. You were one of the first tech channels I started following.
Regardless of what you do on this platform your presence is appreciated and your perseverance inspiring. I know I'll watch whatever you produce.
man its been forever, long time watcher of your content more than 10 years+ glad to see you back man
I am glad to see you again. Welcome back 🙂
@@nikosthe15 + AMD fanboy song 😎
Welcome back my man, *benchmark music*
Welcome back Elric, i wich you all the luck for your future videos
Great to back you here my men !!!!!! We miss your videos
Damn! Good to see you back, looking good man
Just beyond pleased you’re back. Good for you man. Looking forward to more of your videos.
So happy to see you back Elric, and very well to.😊❤️
YESSSSS!!! Our buddy is back! Greetings from Greece my friend, welcome back, we missed you!!!!!
I'm glad you're back Elric!
Good to see you back Elric. I frankly don't care what videos you put out. It's just good to have you back. You're like an old friend to a lot of us, especially those of us who don't actively seek out new "trendy" channels with loud music and fast editing.
Welcome back !!🎉
Happy to know that you are doing better!
Godspeed !!
So glad to see you back Elric!
Great to see you back, a new video and to hear that your health is much better! My Blood sugar was crazy about 18 months ago and I couldn't get meds as we were switching insurance. In my panic I went full keto and gave up all sugar, totally. Over the past 18 months I have added a little from time to time but once past the initial shock it hasn't been difficult. Glad to hear that your's is under control as well. Definitely looking forward to future videos!
Welcome back man. Glad to see you alive and healed!
WOW! I didn't have Elrick releasing a video on my bingo card today! what a nice surprise, So glad you're doing well Elrick and you're back!!!
I'm happy to see you feeling better, I've been wondering when will we see you back again. We love you too man, please take care of yourself.
Welcome back, my man! So happy to see you recovering your sanity and health
So glad you are back, good to see you man :)
i think it was your channel i discovered first when i was at the starting point to be my family's tech/pc "technician" now over the years i've build more than 20pc's for my friends and family. so im absolutely thrilled to have you back. i wish all the best for you! ❤
Glad to see you back big dog! You're still ahead of me lol. So keep it pushing!
Welcome back.😊
That’s an early Christmas surprise I never thought I’d see. You were among the first to get me into pc. You and Linus specifically were the ones that kept me up to date on pc hardware. Hope you can grow and stay around.
I was only thinking about you the other day. Great to see you back. 🎉
It's so great that You are ok man. Really happy for You.
So good to see you Elric, glad your health issues are under control. Know whatever you bring will be great.
Welcome back! Looking forward for more videos!
nice to see you brother 💪
Elric! Yes! More benchmark music! You were one of my early TH-cam subscriptions and I'm sticking around.
Im so glad your back. I always loved your vids. Can't wait to see what you make.
I'm glad your back and doing the thing. Keep rocking!
I’m glad to see you again. Welcome back brotha.
Good to see You Sir! 😊
Welcome back brother!! Glad everything is good with you!!
Yes you back! Great to hear you up and kicking again. Unfortunately the gaming and hardware industry is so messed up, that im afraid, it could make you sick again. All these anoying young tech-streamer, GPU/CPU - scalper whores and commercial influencer get on our nerves like hell. Just like you are saying and the level of corperate greed is off the charts.
welcome back it's good to see you again
Welcome to back.
Elric!!!! Thank God you're ok, welcome back and let's have fun
Awesome nice see you back 😊
Omg omg omg your back ❤
Welcome back man. I've came to the channel for the info....but stayed for the person. Looking forward to seeing your videos.
Welcome back old friend we missed you
good to have you back, man! Been watching your stuff for years! Stay healty!
Good to see ya!! How are you? JIT for he new CES!! Ready to rock?
Good to see you!
Welcome back man. Good to see you!
Great to see you back I was wondering where you where been a while since I last saw a video.
Let's go Elric!
You look much better, man. I hope things work out for you.
Glad to hear from you man👋
Welcome back Elric! From a long lasting fan of yours since 2009 I'm so happy to see you're healthy again. Always here to support you! Cheers 🤘
welcome back,i was checking 3 days ago for any news or update,happy to see you back brother ..
YES!!! ELRIC IS BACK!!! Great to see you back, Doc!!!
Really really good to see you on here again!!!
F*ck Yeah Elric!, great to see you back. I'm Glad you are feeling better, had miss you over here. Didnt know you had Pain Cylinder songs out/coming out and i always liked your music style. Will definitely gonna check it out 🤘🤘
I'm really glad I was able to help out when you need it. I was so worried cause it's been a year since I heard from you. Glad you are back to YT!!!🙏🏼 (You look really handsome)
Great to see you again, instantly clicked on the thumbnail to wish you well
Good to have you back brother. You where the first tech channel i subscribed to back in the day. 😊
Welcome back! We missed you! Best of luck ✊🇸🇪🖖
WELCOME BACK!!!!!! Please don’t leave us again!!!!!
I do not want to
Hey man glad to see your back and healthy again, can't wait for new videos.
hi welcome back
Welcome Back 👏🙂
Welcome Back!!
I'm pretty sure my feelings are the same as most of your audience. We've so missed seeing you on TH-cam. Been watching the channel since the beginning.
Do what you do brotha...just do it with the lights on.😜
Welcome back ❤
Welcome back Eric! May God bless you. Good to see you on TH-cam again. Missed you for a long time, now knowledge and fun is back to folks
Howdy! It's great to have you back. Take care & Merry Christmas to you & everyone out there!!!
Great to see you healthy and in good spirits.
Happy to see you back Eric!
Great to see you are back. You were one of the first tech channels that I watched a long time ago. Glad to see you return to the channel and in better health.
Yoohoo he's back! :)
It was a pain to visit your channel and not seeing new videos and hoping for the best. Anyway, thanks God you are back!
Hello! Never watched the channel much but saw your last video when you weren't doing so well. Nice to see you back! Shows the resilience of the human spirit! Merry Christmas!
Super excited to see you back! Glad you're felling better. I was worried about you.... Looking forward to the mini PC video!!
Welcome back Elric! Just watched one of your videos from years back within this past week. Great to see you looking healthy and wishing you the best!
Welcome back
I missed you man!
Man I know all about these medical bills, I shattered my heel and had 2 surgeries now, Im broke as hell financially, I had to sell my car and a bunch of other stuff, I barely have anything, but on another note, WELCOME BACK E!!!!!
El Jefe of technology is Back! Hell Yeah!
Prease use the Benchmark song on the future men!, hell of a banger song! and keep on Rocking Elric!!
Welcome back Elric!
It's so good to see you again man, I'm glad you're back
Happy you're back! God Bless
So happy to see you back🙂
Nice to see you back !
Welcome back Elric!❤
It's really good to see you back!
Welcome back! I've been waiting for your come back and hoping you'll be fine. Great Christmas present, thank you. I remember subscribing when I was looking at ATI 6870 reviews and here we are. Glad to see you're fine once more!
💖 nice that u back, Elrik
Great to see you back Elric! Looking forward to seeing the videos that you want to do. And most of all, great to hear your are doing much better!
Mannnn we were all worried!
Glad to see you back my guy!
NICE - I remember you very well - special about your reviews and so :) Nice.
Welcome back! Good to see you back!
Welcome back, so glad to see you here again. God bless you always and lets rock!!
glad to see you back on youtube, welcome back