its all cute until you take in to account that often shoving that wave means one of our laners will throw out a tantrum cause you farmed that wave and will either leave game or even worse he will start trolling you 24/7 :D sometimes even if shoving wave is better choice we shouldnt do it because it might trigger menially weak laners to lose game
This really helped, I never realized that I wasn't utilising enemy death timers properly, the only time I'd really ever think about a death timer is the enemy junglers to see if I can steal their topside/botside camps. Really informative, great stuff so thanks man :)
The advise here is really good and teaches good habits. However, good macro habits in low elo don't mean sht most of the time. I was really happy to see the dragon example at 1:50 because this is something that I like to do and always encourage my soloq or clash teams to do. So, the problem here is that people in emerald and lower don't understand this. I summon herald (or even worse, ask to siege without it cuz I don't have it) and in a majority of cases people will just refuse because "there is a dragon, we need to take it". Even if one guy will go do the dragon it will already be 4v4 not 5v4, hence I'm forced to go and take dragon with him and slow the game down. Same with 5:00 example. :( I feel like learning how tf is Kanavi 12-4 at 15 minutes is way more important in low elo.
so if you play like a challenger in low elo (in regards to what's taught in the video) it won't work...ive had this comment a few times...yes, sometimes your teammates won't go to baron with you, and yes they might not go with the herald play, but as long as you still get something out of it (like a drake, waves, tower) it's fine
I've played league casually on and off since 2015, but only recently have I redownloaded it with the goal of improvement and fun. I'm playing Vi now after almost only playing Akali since I started playing the game, so it's a bit daunting as a new jungler. My friends are very good and they all say I'm improving at an alarming rate because of my history with competitive games, namely fighting games for over a decade. These videos are incredible and I can't thank you enough. It's hard playing Vi when I don't have the game experience yet, and the first example is probably the single most helpful thing I've ever seen in recent memory. I have great situational awareness for my skill level according to the people who I've been playing with, but I always feel like I lag behind when it comes to knowing when to jungle, gank, push, etc. It's the concept of "play the two player game" I tell fighting game beginners often; you can't just focus on your team. The fact that you explained why he picked the options he did and why they're better than the other options in that scenario has opened my brain to more ways of approaching counter offense. Thanks for the information!
After start watching your videos a couple of weeks ago, I am 16!!! back to back wins in my games as a jungle, 8 of them in ranked. I feel confident shotcalling in games, I always know what to do, and only once in these 16 games I was gapped by the other jungler.
@ been a Nunu 1 trick for 3 splits and this split since getting into keshaeuw. Mostly play it tank now though. Diamond 3 splits running, haven’t been able to play much lately so this split stuck in emerald, slow climb. Watched “accelerated jungling” and won like 9/10 games. I’m so much more dominant now! Think I can finally go for masters this split with how good it’s feeling!
really thank you for these tips.. they are really really helpful ..I main mid.. but secondary is jg and i always been pretty bad there when i got it.. But now I (thanks to u) can focus on the things that matter and grow more..
Thank you coach eagz for teaching me to win quick so that way I can end the game faster to avoid having my drunk step dad coming into my room and beating my ass with his belt.
right off the rip i can tell you this is hilarious and stupid. After a mid pick 3 of my 5 team mates would be recalling or wandering off somewhere random, or tdming mid after i leave and all dying. And the rift would take me so long to solo that the enemy corki would respawn and head to contest me, or the remaining 4 enemy players would rotate over uncontested. Never in a million years do i make any play that revolves around my team mates doing something smart Edit: next couple of concepts are good but that first rift herald play would never work in low elo
then you still get the dragon…as long as you get something the enemy team cares about that’s all that matters
WAIT WHAT? BRO I WAS WAITING FOR YOUR RETURN. Last video i saw of you is how to hypertrack. I legit was waitingg how did youtube not show me that you uploaded? omgggg im so mad now ANYWAYS THO, I FINALLY HIT DIAMOND LAST SPLIT. GOD BLESS U!! time to watch amazing content again, happy eagz is back
either I'm crazy or league stereotypes propagate themselves. Fairly new player TH-cam just back to back to back gave me 3 different role guides. The top lane one told the player it's okay to be selfish, but patience is key at the end of the day. The ADC one sung their praises, YOU are the main character, YOU are better than your teammates etc And this jungle guide is telling youbto focus on the bigger picture putting your team before yourself...
is that what you took from the video bro? to play for teammates…it’s to play for ending the game (by taking away from enemy team)…if your teammates don’t help then waves/towers
@Eagzv9 oh no I understood what and why you did what you're doing I just think it's funny that each underlying tone in the video corresponded to role stereotypes
hey Mr.Eagz. Love your videos they help me a lot. Genuine question for the plat example: all available minions are dead by the time hecarim finishes the blue and the wave is already crashed and bouncing back to teemo as he is walking back to lane right? iirc lane creeps give u much less gold and exp as a jungler before 20 minutes. from the teemos perspective if my jungler takes this full wave and turret as i am walking back, i'd be very tilted as i now have nothing to do besides overextend for the next wave. do you still take this risk as a jungler in solo queue? i understand the gold income from potentially taking the full wave and turret is good for me as the jungler but is it worth to risk my laner going afk or running it down mid in this specific scenario?
if wave is dead then he gets tower and a stupid amount of gold from that and next wave, why would teemo be mad when his jungler is getting fed and ending the game
I think this is called the “inside out” rule, which I actually follow more consistently than some other rules. My midgame tends to be better than my early game, and it gets kinda frustrating sometimes when the enemy jungler is 5/1 off my teammates and I can’t seem to path to a lane that isn’t pushing. I play scaling junglers so I can’t let the game snowball out of control
just 1 thing the baron play 4 vs 5 can win u the game or lose the game and this happens in competitive a lot where an western team starts baron being 5 vs 4 and either gets aced or baron stolen . I think u just have to consider the enemy comp and see who's fed and who's dead . The enemy jungle is alive ? it might be a flip . The enemy comp is high range poke and they can melt u over baron or engage comp and win 4 vs 5 because baron shreds ur res , CCes u and damages u ? be careful the baron bait might now work in practice . If the enemy jungler dies instead of the sup ur not playing a flip u just have to be careful about getting engaged and not properly turn around while doing baron
they have insane baron dps and enough hp, can always turn if need be with diana and yas - i could point those things out but it’s not the point of the video
This video would be worth something if people understood the principles behind the video, but if only 2 people on your team have seen this video or have a better understanding of taking advantage then that means you're gambling on 3 people, you try and take advantage of objectives but only 1 of your other 3 teammates decides to help and so you and your 2 cooperators have now wasted time moving to an objective you aren't going to get because the numbers advantage isn't there. I've heard this from so many people and I'm starting to think it's true 'fuck your teammates, be selfish,' I don't know if this is the right attitude but it works for me, 'you need to 1v9 because your teammates aren't going to do shit, they're just going to sit around farming or chasing kills for 40 minutes until someone pings baron'
My favorite part is when we get a 1-2 kill advantage, and I ping dragon/baron pit obj or a turret. My teammates do not respond, and of course I try to take it alone resulting in me having to leave early, or just not try at all. Then late game, my team spamming jungle diff 0 objs. :)
Nice advice, but do you have any advice for this? The problem I have is that whenever I try to implement these strats/tips (or any tips from other "challenger guides" out there) It never works out as claimed, and I think the reason is that all of these "tips/tricks/strategies/etc" REQUIRES your team to be on the same page as you or at the VERY LEAST be aware of the game state, and receptive to and respond properly to communication of events/targets/next objectives.....and as anyone who plays ranked league can attest, that never happens. I've gone for a herald after securing a kill giving us a numbers advantage dozens of times, but in literally 99% of games despite pings/short types my mid with 75% hp/mana is going to recall to buy one pot with his 75 assist gold he got and my top is busy dancing in the bushes watching an e-girl streamer while the enemy top, mid, and jungle are contesting me at herald as soon as whoever we killed respawns. and in the 1% of games? my mid or top actually notices/listens to pings and comes to help but arrives too late and we both die and lose herald anyway.
Holy shit, u dont know how u helped me, the last example, was exactly what happened to me in my last 3 games, i was like, why did i do this instaed of this, i got drake, when i could force to fight 5v4, and bc i decided that like a stupid, enemy team took baron, and extended the match 10min, i win the game, but in my mind, was that persistant thing who told me i was doing something wrong, like the victory doesnt feel very good. Thanks very so much for this guides
im here again, played another game before sleep aplying this concept, the match would be done in 20min if my adc wasnt pushing even when the whole team leave the zone, match ended in 25min, the others 3 match i was talking before tooks 32 32 and 35min to finish, i think 25 is a good number, i feel like i played better, thanks man, thanks for this tipe of vid, i like to use them as a podcast while playing, to practice english, learn to play better, and play confy
Although this is really true, but I'm not sure this aplies below diamond, cuz I can guarantee that in example with hecarim, if he took top wave in platinum for example, a lot of toplaners would've been tilted, cuz laners have a reflex that when jungle takes waves, no matter situaton, they immediately get tilted. Otherwise great video, and of course not all players are like this, but still something to consider
As a supp, when I want to get into jungling, I tend to get super lost. Chaos breaks out, I skip camps and die at objectives - while I think about all the things I „learned“ in videos. How do I get that repaired? How do I get back on track without being my own hindrance? That would be nice to cover
Unless you have my teammates where you killed 3 enemy champions without taking a death and instead of going to baron they chase a fizz through the jungle
In the hecarim example, would it not also be better to push mid? Jungle and top are dead, yassuo is fighting two bot and Velcoz is low with two waves pushing in. I guess top is guaranteed but teemo would get there before mundo respawns anyway
Okay so I ran into a little issue yesterday where I got easy picks and kills on the enemy midlaner and sometimes adc early. I was fed. Tho I kept on giving objectives because each time we wanted to go for it we got outnumberd. So my question is, if I am strong but out numbered on objectives, what do I do?
Only problem is, in lower ELO like plat and emerald. If you shove waves and take towers your team will flame you for taking gold and then just not play the game. This only works assuming your teammates aren't huge ego players.
problem is most of the time people don't rotate to these numerical advantages. so on paper it's good but usually you have to think about 2nd 3rd 4th or even 5th option, and always without assistance.
Ye understandable but try communicating to your iron/bronze/silver/gold/plat/emerald/diamond team that you can do Herald/Drake/take mid when enemy are down a member. Until Master people dont understand these concepts.
What do you do when you're Iron 2 and your teammates are so dog that they're 0/3 by 10 minutes, flaming you because you aren't babysitting their hardstuck asses and even if they land a kill, they ignore any and all pings from you?
Calm them down, use chat to talk to them. I usually ping all my rotations for example, so that everyone knows where I am and where Im going to be. I'm Iron 2 btw currently xdd. Don't ping them too much, instead, ping once, maybe twice, and type in chat. Hope it helps
legit just deafen and play the correct plays that are happening, not the correct plays in theory. Like if youre going for a gank and see ur laners backing off, instead going for the gank just dont go for it. Identify your teams strong players and throwers and play around that. sometimes they can change thruought the game. dont get toxic and mentalboom in any situation, comebacks are real you just gotta play patient and wait for their throws.
I know this one. No matter what they do it's always the best move. Because they are smart? No, because they win. Is the BeWinnin philosophy. Wining is best move always. If you play highelo wold you aim your skillshots to the target or to the predict. Imagine playing lowelo aiming for predict and never landing a single skillshoot. You arent smart enough to know that the oponent has poor dodge mechanics. Thats not BeWinning phylosophy. Does not matter how smart you are if you dont win. Remember always that Win is Smart BeWinning guys
It's nice, it's true, but largely unapplicable in low elo (where half of the players reside) since the other 4 gzys don't understand this concept either, so they often won't keep pushing, won't follow you to baron, herald etc. In such cases, you are better off at least taking enemy buffs or camps.
great video but i think you are wrong about agurin part. At 21 mins with no tank on team forcing a baron because you have a pick on enemy support could be disaster. It is a 4v5 but baron is hitting you and even if you try to turn there is giga fed ksante that can easily frontline and you wont be able to burst him. Maybe if they had someone to tank the nash at 21 mins yeah.
the yas and diana easily have enough HP - you're right about it being risky if they don't have HP, but they do...even think Agurin realised this when he looked at Yasuo when his recall is on like 4.5 seconds and noticed the HP
This doesn't make that big of an impact in low elo. You can ping baron till riot bans you if your team wants to back they will. This is useful for getting ahead as a jungler learning to path etc but it still doesn't make the game much easier most times
well cs is not your weakness, bad recall timing is. If you master your recall timing and waveclear, the cs score will automaticly increase. I got mostly a 7-9 cs and i dont even win lane most of the games but i only go in trades after pushing waves which leads to me never being behind.
Imo showing emerald examples is dumb because if you ping to do something (like baron) it's maybe 10% chance that others will think that's a good play, also emerald and below games tend to be very flippy because people don't know their limits very well so doing very big objectives because 1 player is down can be very very risky if you don't gap enemy hard.
at my cardboard elo none of this ever matters, i try but then my team dies to a random fight in the jungle... i think low elo i just have to push waves and make sure my team doesnt die
I managed to get all the questions right so I guess my problem is more fundamentals and champion knowledge 🙃 but damn will I be good once I have those down 😂
Works better with Korean teammates. I feel like eu/Na backing on an item and just rekilling the enemy or contesting again with good tempo is just as goos
6:40 is reaching, you probably wouldn't have got that tower and would've stole your toplaners wave. Stealing enemy camps also denies the enemy team gold and xp
@@Eagzv9hec going top there does nothing, him denying bot camps at least achieves something. Realistically taking that tower would only make sidelining even harder for his own team there since the enemy team could just freeze at T2.
another click bait. Can you go up from iron 4? this does not work in iron 4. You cant just overfarm if your teammates choose to die lots of times cuz they are newbies but your enemy is smarter
This video feels like bad information. I tried this because usually I would full clear on lillia and use dead time to make plays. I tried this method you suggest and it lead to me being massively behind and delaying my item spikes. It should come with the caveat that objectively sometimes it might not be right to make a play based on a midlaner being dead etc because it may make more sense to go back into a full clear so you can be more effective later on.
Contradictory to a video you previously did recently where you said with a kill, its better to invade and take enemy camps. Also your examples seem cherry picked and ignore when the person you're showing is massively ahead. This is a common problem among videos like this from people like you. You're not willing to share what the real secrets are, or actually help anyone. You'd rather make the same video (twice btw, I see you made another one with essentially the same name) to click bait mid to low elo players, and give them useless information from cherry-picked examples. There is some information that you're glossing over here that is actually useful. The main point should be, when the enemy is down players, and you're not, you can force objectives. Whether that be turret, or rift, or dragon. But of course, that information is only so applicable to people in lower Elo, who don't have the guarantee that just being 4v5 or 3v5 means that you win the fight. A guarantee they can't make because players in those ranks make tons of mistakes just mechanically. For anyone watching these hoping to climb. There is value in advice videos, but you have to be careful and understand what you're watching. If you're iron-plat, the best advice that anyone can give you is simply; optimize. Learn your character(s) and learn them well. Learn your timings and whats valuable on the map, and learn your item spikes. Don't watch this trash that's trying to give you a "magic silver bullet" that the top rank challengers secretly know. They don't. There is no magic silver bullet. They know their match ups, they know what the enemy win conditions are, they know what their win conditions are, and they read the map. They learn patterns of the enemy champions, and even specific other players. In SoloQ, you can really only control yourself. Don't watch these videos that claim to deliver a magic silver bullet that will propel you to the highest elos. They are deliberate misinformation and cherry picking to get you to watch.
very useful video but agurin has been the best non pro jungler in the world for god knows how many years so i trust him to see the bigger picture and have a good reason to pick the safer play over the more oppressive one.
Climb tiers:
1000+ coaching sessions:
KMSpico. Google it, can't add more info or youtube may auto delete this comment.
its all cute until you take in to account that often shoving that wave means one of our laners will throw out a tantrum cause you farmed that wave and will either leave game or even worse he will start trolling you 24/7 :D sometimes even if shoving wave is better choice we shouldnt do it because it might trigger menially weak laners to lose game
@@alibabapirce9782 ur not really jgling if ur not perma mute all bro
@@alibabapirce9782 are you a jungler or not bro, take that shi
I really love these short videos discussing different jungle macros. It's easy enough to digest and long enough not to be easily forgettable
thanks for the input bro and comment
Worst feeling when you ace the enemy team and your team backs to buy with camps and drakes up.
are you included in that smeargut? 😊
i actually die so many times that way because they tell me to just solo every objective after helping lanes -.-
You can solo drake though
What a great lesson man, many times people teach and they just give you some nebulous concepts, this one was crystal clear.
well yeh it’s me…thanks though haha
i feel like these videos make me think about concepts id never think of as simple as they are, appreciated
np bro
Easily the best league educational channel on TH-cam, much appreciated
means a lot ty
This really helped, I never realized that I wasn't utilising enemy death timers properly, the only time I'd really ever think about a death timer is the enemy junglers to see if I can steal their topside/botside camps. Really informative, great stuff so thanks man :)
thanks so much for the comment bro, glad you found it useful
@@Eagzv9 Lost 5 games in a row after trying this ⚰
The advise here is really good and teaches good habits. However, good macro habits in low elo don't mean sht most of the time. I was really happy to see the dragon example at 1:50 because this is something that I like to do and always encourage my soloq or clash teams to do. So, the problem here is that people in emerald and lower don't understand this. I summon herald (or even worse, ask to siege without it cuz I don't have it) and in a majority of cases people will just refuse because "there is a dragon, we need to take it". Even if one guy will go do the dragon it will already be 4v4 not 5v4, hence I'm forced to go and take dragon with him and slow the game down. Same with 5:00 example. :( I feel like learning how tf is Kanavi 12-4 at 15 minutes is way more important in low elo.
so if you play like a challenger in low elo (in regards to what's taught in the video) it won't work...ive had this comment a few times...yes, sometimes your teammates won't go to baron with you, and yes they might not go with the herald play, but as long as you still get something out of it (like a drake, waves, tower) it's fine
Love this video, showing the bigger picture.
thanks bro
I LOVE that you give multiple examples with explanations. Makes it so easy to understand. Thanks Eagz, am on my way to not being shit
np man
Great content! I really like the subversion, it helps exercise the mental and provoke real understanding!
thanks man
Thanks man. I’ll focus on your major points. Taking advantage of the dead time of enemies.
Big fan of this type of content. Wp Eagz 👍
ty bro
I've played league casually on and off since 2015, but only recently have I redownloaded it with the goal of improvement and fun. I'm playing Vi now after almost only playing Akali since I started playing the game, so it's a bit daunting as a new jungler. My friends are very good and they all say I'm improving at an alarming rate because of my history with competitive games, namely fighting games for over a decade. These videos are incredible and I can't thank you enough. It's hard playing Vi when I don't have the game experience yet, and the first example is probably the single most helpful thing I've ever seen in recent memory. I have great situational awareness for my skill level according to the people who I've been playing with, but I always feel like I lag behind when it comes to knowing when to jungle, gank, push, etc. It's the concept of "play the two player game" I tell fighting game beginners often; you can't just focus on your team. The fact that you explained why he picked the options he did and why they're better than the other options in that scenario has opened my brain to more ways of approaching counter offense. Thanks for the information!
no problem man glad it helped, good luck with your climb
Great video sir. This is great short form content that is easily digestible and immediately actionable. Keep it up!
thank you man
Super informative tips in such a short and simple video. Great job
thank you bro
This is what differentiates good jgl from bad ones, Thanks bro
After start watching your videos a couple of weeks ago, I am 16!!! back to back wins in my games as a jungle, 8 of them in ranked. I feel confident shotcalling in games, I always know what to do, and only once in these 16 games I was gapped by the other jungler.
ayy keep it up bro 👊
Great video! Amazing pointer that gives another thing to think about
thanks bro
loving the new content!
thanks bro
Great video explaining what many people don't get. So often I ping a free baron as jungler and nobody comes
ty man
Seeing your vids again lately has had me absolutely dominating.
i got you seany, i saw too many vids full of bad info, time to take over again
@ been a Nunu 1 trick for 3 splits and this split since getting into keshaeuw. Mostly play it tank now though. Diamond 3 splits running, haven’t been able to play much lately so this split stuck in emerald, slow climb. Watched “accelerated jungling” and won like 9/10 games. I’m so much more dominant now! Think I can finally go for masters this split with how good it’s feeling!
@@seany3127 that's amazing man glad that video helped
really thank you for these tips.. they are really really helpful ..I main mid.. but secondary is jg and i always been pretty bad there when i got it.. But now I (thanks to u) can focus on the things that matter and grow more..
np bro thanks for the comment
Thank you coach eagz for teaching me to win quick so that way I can end the game faster to avoid having my drunk step dad coming into my room and beating my ass with his belt.
Right to point and good reminders.
thanks bro
very good and clear video 🤠
thanks man
I wanted to ignore this video but it was actually helpful from start to finish and made me realize how many mistakes I’ve made for hundreds of games
appreciate that bro glad it helped
the style of taking excerpt of different level games and walking through alternative moves is very pedagogical
thanks bro
These are the best jungle video by far
thank you bro means a lot
Because challenger jungles have challenger teammates that also know how to end a game fast.
so they wouldn't be able to elevate their teammates in low by pinging plays?
70% of the times they don't give a sht about your ping because they think they know better. How to manage this@@Eagzv9
Did you ever played iron/bronze?
@@SkyaTura then do the next best thing (waves, towers)
@@Eagzv9 imagine thinking low Elo players listen to pings
right off the rip i can tell you this is hilarious and stupid. After a mid pick 3 of my 5 team mates would be recalling or wandering off somewhere random, or tdming mid after i leave and all dying. And the rift would take me so long to solo that the enemy corki would respawn and head to contest me, or the remaining 4 enemy players would rotate over uncontested. Never in a million years do i make any play that revolves around my team mates doing something smart
Edit: next couple of concepts are good but that first rift herald play would never work in low elo
then you still get the dragon…as long as you get something the enemy team cares about that’s all that matters
WAIT WHAT? BRO I WAS WAITING FOR YOUR RETURN. Last video i saw of you is how to hypertrack. I legit was waitingg how did youtube not show me that you uploaded? omgggg im so mad now
ANYWAYS THO, I FINALLY HIT DIAMOND LAST SPLIT. GOD BLESS U!! time to watch amazing content again, happy eagz is back
thank you bro haha
either I'm crazy or league stereotypes propagate themselves.
Fairly new player TH-cam just back to back to back gave me 3 different role guides.
The top lane one told the player it's okay to be selfish, but patience is key at the end of the day.
The ADC one sung their praises, YOU are the main character, YOU are better than your teammates etc
And this jungle guide is telling youbto focus on the bigger picture putting your team before yourself...
is that what you took from the video bro? to play for teammates…it’s to play for ending the game (by taking away from enemy team)…if your teammates don’t help then waves/towers
@Eagzv9 oh no I understood what and why you did what you're doing I just think it's funny that each underlying tone in the video corresponded to role stereotypes
Most important lesson - not everyone is safe :DD
Definitely will think about towers a bit more as objectives when jungling
Thank you, now I finish games by the 20th minute always. Would you do a tutorial on how to win games now?
This was absoulutely eye opening
appreciate that man
I love you Eagz
love you too
hey Mr.Eagz. Love your videos they help me a lot. Genuine question for the plat example: all available minions are dead by the time hecarim finishes the blue and the wave is already crashed and bouncing back to teemo as he is walking back to lane right? iirc lane creeps give u much less gold and exp as a jungler before 20 minutes. from the teemos perspective if my jungler takes this full wave and turret as i am walking back, i'd be very tilted as i now have nothing to do besides overextend for the next wave. do you still take this risk as a jungler in solo queue? i understand the gold income from potentially taking the full wave and turret is good for me as the jungler but is it worth to risk my laner going afk or running it down mid in this specific scenario?
if wave is dead then he gets tower and a stupid amount of gold from that and next wave, why would teemo be mad when his jungler is getting fed and ending the game
you sure it's 20min? i read somewhere that it was 14min, and rn chatGPT is telling me it's 7min but i dont trust it
This is a good idea if your team groups for the objective.
if they dont respond to your pings then look for something else (waves, towers etc)
Watching this as a top so I can flame my junglers better and with more knowledge, thank you! 💪
happy to help
Great video I always try to do things like that, but usually my team doesnt listen haha
if team doesnt respond then waves, towers etc
I think this is called the “inside out” rule, which I actually follow more consistently than some other rules. My midgame tends to be better than my early game, and it gets kinda frustrating sometimes when the enemy jungler is 5/1 off my teammates and I can’t seem to path to a lane that isn’t pushing. I play scaling junglers so I can’t let the game snowball out of control
yeh kinda, i say ‘out to in’, so you reach out first then come back in
just 1 thing the baron play 4 vs 5 can win u the game or lose the game and this happens in competitive a lot where an western team starts baron being 5 vs 4 and either gets aced or baron stolen . I think u just have to consider the enemy comp and see who's fed and who's dead . The enemy jungle is alive ? it might be a flip . The enemy comp is high range poke and they can melt u over baron or engage comp and win 4 vs 5 because baron shreds ur res , CCes u and damages u ? be careful the baron bait might now work in practice . If the enemy jungler dies instead of the sup ur not playing a flip u just have to be careful about getting engaged and not properly turn around while doing baron
they have insane baron dps and enough hp, can always turn if need be with diana and yas - i could point those things out but it’s not the point of the video
That beard make you look wisder eagzy
wiser and wider combined?
@@Eagzv9 🤭
This video would be worth something if people understood the principles behind the video, but if only 2 people on your team have seen this video or have a better understanding of taking advantage then that means you're gambling on 3 people, you try and take advantage of objectives but only 1 of your other 3 teammates decides to help and so you and your 2 cooperators have now wasted time moving to an objective you aren't going to get because the numbers advantage isn't there. I've heard this from so many people and I'm starting to think it's true 'fuck your teammates, be selfish,' I don't know if this is the right attitude but it works for me, 'you need to 1v9 because your teammates aren't going to do shit, they're just going to sit around farming or chasing kills for 40 minutes until someone pings baron'
if you cant objective then just waves and towers
My favorite part is when we get a 1-2 kill advantage, and I ping dragon/baron pit obj or a turret. My teammates do not respond, and of course I try to take it alone resulting in me having to leave early, or just not try at all. Then late game, my team spamming jungle diff 0 objs. :)
if team doesnt respond then waves, towers etc
Nice advice, but do you have any advice for this? The problem I have is that whenever I try to implement these strats/tips (or any tips from other "challenger guides" out there) It never works out as claimed, and I think the reason is that all of these "tips/tricks/strategies/etc" REQUIRES your team to be on the same page as you or at the VERY LEAST be aware of the game state, and receptive to and respond properly to communication of events/targets/next objectives.....and as anyone who plays ranked league can attest, that never happens. I've gone for a herald after securing a kill giving us a numbers advantage dozens of times, but in literally 99% of games despite pings/short types my mid with 75% hp/mana is going to recall to buy one pot with his 75 assist gold he got and my top is busy dancing in the bushes watching an e-girl streamer while the enemy top, mid, and jungle are contesting me at herald as soon as whoever we killed respawns. and in the 1% of games? my mid or top actually notices/listens to pings and comes to help but arrives too late and we both die and lose herald anyway.
if you cant drake/rift or whatever, then think about waves/towers...if you cant even do that then just accept the kill and move on haha
Holy shit, u dont know how u helped me, the last example, was exactly what happened to me in my last 3 games, i was like, why did i do this instaed of this, i got drake, when i could force to fight 5v4, and bc i decided that like a stupid, enemy team took baron, and extended the match 10min, i win the game, but in my mind, was that persistant thing who told me i was doing something wrong, like the victory doesnt feel very good. Thanks very so much for this guides
no problem bro thanks for the comment
im here again, played another game before sleep aplying this concept, the match would be done in 20min if my adc wasnt pushing even when the whole team leave the zone, match ended in 25min, the others 3 match i was talking before tooks 32 32 and 35min to finish, i think 25 is a good number, i feel like i played better, thanks man, thanks for this tipe of vid, i like to use them as a podcast while playing, to practice english, learn to play better, and play confy
Although this is really true, but I'm not sure this aplies below diamond, cuz I can guarantee that in example with hecarim, if he took top wave in platinum for example, a lot of toplaners would've been tilted, cuz laners have a reflex that when jungle takes waves, no matter situaton, they immediately get tilted.
Otherwise great video, and of course not all players are like this, but still something to consider
if they tilt bro for you getting closer to the enemy nexus then no problem, they would tilt off something anyway, strong mental
As a supp, when I want to get into jungling, I tend to get super lost. Chaos breaks out, I skip camps and die at objectives - while I think about all the things I „learned“ in videos.
How do I get that repaired? How do I get back on track without being my own hindrance?
That would be nice to cover
you dont have to always contest a dragon bro, if you cant then go do something else
@ I know brother, that pain was already a lesson, I’m more about the pathing getting broken, if that’s even a thing to people in higher elo ^^
7:00 agurin is actually red team here. Blue team is enemy.
yes, blue team is friendly team
Unless you have my teammates where you killed 3 enemy champions without taking a death and instead of going to baron they chase a fizz through the jungle
then waves, towers
In the hecarim example, would it not also be better to push mid? Jungle and top are dead, yassuo is fighting two bot and Velcoz is low with two waves pushing in. I guess top is guaranteed but teemo would get there before mundo respawns anyway
top tower is closer and guaranteed, mid tower is pushing it
Okay so I ran into a little issue yesterday where I got easy picks and kills on the enemy midlaner and sometimes adc early. I was fed. Tho I kept on giving objectives because each time we wanted to go for it we got outnumberd. So my question is, if I am strong but out numbered on objectives, what do I do?
look for something else - will make a video on this bro
Only problem is, in lower ELO like plat and emerald. If you shove waves and take towers your team will flame you for taking gold and then just not play the game. This only works assuming your teammates aren't huge ego players.
but you win the game? (i get what youre saying tho but yeh who cares)
@@Eagzv9 How do you win a 4v5 at 20 minutes. Teach me your secret. (assuming it's not the usual suspected aka bot lane)
I love such contents
good to hear bro ty
problem is most of the time people don't rotate to these numerical advantages. so on paper it's good but usually you have to think about 2nd 3rd 4th or even 5th option, and always without assistance.
yeh you might have to just play waves/towers
I play farming jg like diana or hec should i lv3 gank top after finish 3 camps bot side if its killable
why not?
how did you do the modskin for talon?
Ye understandable but try communicating to your iron/bronze/silver/gold/plat/emerald/diamond team that you can do Herald/Drake/take mid when enemy are down a member. Until Master people dont understand these concepts.
then take waves/towers
So in essence capitalize each opportunity you get to steal resources from the enemies
What do you do when you're Iron 2 and your teammates are so dog that they're 0/3 by 10 minutes, flaming you because you aren't babysitting their hardstuck asses and even if they land a kill, they ignore any and all pings from you?
Calm them down, use chat to talk to them. I usually ping all my rotations for example, so that everyone knows where I am and where Im going to be. I'm Iron 2 btw currently xdd. Don't ping them too much, instead, ping once, maybe twice, and type in chat. Hope it helps
Also, shift the blame away from them, don't tell them they suck of course
Bro said use chat to talk to them lmao
legit just deafen and play the correct plays that are happening, not the correct plays in theory. Like if youre going for a gank and see ur laners backing off, instead going for the gank just dont go for it. Identify your teams strong players and throwers and play around that. sometimes they can change thruought the game. dont get toxic and mentalboom in any situation, comebacks are real you just gotta play patient and wait for their throws.
why you mentioning teammates bro, does them flaming stop you from gapping enemy jg?
I know this one. No matter what they do it's always the best move. Because they are smart? No, because they win. Is the BeWinnin philosophy. Wining is best move always.
If you play highelo wold you aim your skillshots to the target or to the predict.
Imagine playing lowelo aiming for predict and never landing a single skillshoot. You arent smart enough to know that the oponent has poor dodge mechanics. Thats not BeWinning phylosophy.
Does not matter how smart you are if you dont win. Remember always that Win is Smart BeWinning guys
It's nice, it's true, but largely unapplicable in low elo (where half of the players reside) since the other 4 gzys don't understand this concept either, so they often won't keep pushing, won't follow you to baron, herald etc. In such cases, you are better off at least taking enemy buffs or camps.
then just waves and towers
great video but i think you are wrong about agurin part. At 21 mins with no tank on team forcing a baron because you have a pick on enemy support could be disaster. It is a 4v5 but baron is hitting you and even if you try to turn there is giga fed ksante that can easily frontline and you wont be able to burst him. Maybe if they had someone to tank the nash at 21 mins yeah.
the yas and diana easily have enough HP - you're right about it being risky if they don't have HP, but they do...even think Agurin realised this when he looked at Yasuo when his recall is on like 4.5 seconds and noticed the HP
How do you get your team to listen to you? In bronze, people will not do objectives no matter what
ping, and if they dont respond do the next best thing (think of waves, towers)
I do this every time with Hearld and Dragons and I lose games. Low elo, irons, bronze IV. Towers > 2 dragons if you can get them down.
This doesn't make that big of an impact in low elo. You can ping baron till riot bans you if your team wants to back they will. This is useful for getting ahead as a jungler learning to path etc but it still doesn't make the game much easier most times
get waves and towers bro
My biggest weakness is CS and it is rarely a 6. I mainly play mid lane Akali, Syndra, Aurora, LeBlanc, and Naafiri.
well cs is not your weakness, bad recall timing is. If you master your recall timing and waveclear, the cs score will automaticly increase. I got mostly a 7-9 cs and i dont even win lane most of the games but i only go in trades after pushing waves which leads to me never being behind.
pick one of those champs
5:04 40 *seconds*
imagine i gank a lane, push thier lane, just for them to do a random dive and die. Instead they could go with me to the objective...
dive with them, objective is likely always free
@@Eagzv9 not when im 1 hp after the dive. also if he could get prio himself i would just do the objective.
I just watched a video of a lad who doesnt have windows activated
heca main
Imo showing emerald examples is dumb because if you ping to do something (like baron) it's maybe 10% chance that others will think that's a good play, also emerald and below games tend to be very flippy because people don't know their limits very well so doing very big objectives because 1 player is down can be very very risky if you don't gap enemy hard.
then take waves/towers, as long as you get something
at my cardboard elo none of this ever matters, i try but then my team dies to a random fight in the jungle... i think low elo i just have to push waves and make sure my team doesnt die
yeh, waves and towers >>>
I'm a hardstuck plat midlaner but the First call was obvious herald
1:15 Let me stop you right there. Thats simply not true below challenger.
can still win if you are low and used R's yes, should not have said 'never'
Youre trying to gain blue team gold while taking red team gold is a beautiful way of putting damn. Btw why do you say eagz as if it aint you lmao
gotta make sure the people know bro haha thanks for the comment
me doing herold, team watching, talon and alistar coming to kill me 2on1 on herold. enemy does drake. gg :D
From these clips I had only one mistake. My teammates are the problem in my pisslow silver elo rn... EUW
but you’re in their elo?
@Eagzv9 yeah , mb
I managed to get all the questions right so I guess my problem is more fundamentals and champion knowledge 🙃 but damn will I be good once I have those down 😂
micro bro, perfect your clear and combos, and play ARAMs just counting enemy cooldowns
Works better with Korean teammates. I feel like eu/Na backing on an item and just rekilling the enemy or contesting again with good tempo is just as goos
wont you rekill the enemy even more with more gold spent?
been saying this for years and people jsut dont wanna lol
when your teamates are npcs u cant do none about death timers and objectives
ping, and add waves and towers
6:04 Activate your damn Windows
hecarim player
6:40 is reaching, you probably wouldn't have got that tower and would've stole your toplaners wave. Stealing enemy camps also denies the enemy team gold and xp
which is why i say blue is a great start - who is defending top tower? two are dead, two are bot, and vel koz is low…
@@Eagzv9hec going top there does nothing, him denying bot camps at least achieves something. Realistically taking that tower would only make sidelining even harder for his own team there since the enemy team could just freeze at T2.
going top to get tower which is a stupid amount of gold, next wave into a reset is bad because they can freeze at T2…genius
@@Eagzv9 so cocky for nothing lmao
@@lorenzosacerdote7612 i have to recalibrate your brains from all the aids youve been watching
Isn't this the clown who said don't take drakes even if you have no camps up?
if no camps/kills and you cant grubs then drake is good, a lot of the times it isnt though
listening comprehension of a spoon ahh mf
another click bait. Can you go up from iron 4? this does not work in iron 4. You cant just overfarm if your teammates choose to die lots of times cuz they are newbies but your enemy is smarter
so you cant farm waves, get towers, take enemy camps? do they not spawn in iron games? you can do this bro cmon
Did the last words was in Hebrew ? I bet not, otherwise....😐
‘dont be shit, bye’ - but quicker, ‘donbeshitbye’
@Eagzv9 lol ty :)
This video feels like bad information. I tried this because usually I would full clear on lillia and use dead time to make plays. I tried this method you suggest and it lead to me being massively behind and delaying my item spikes. It should come with the caveat that objectively sometimes it might not be right to make a play based on a midlaner being dead etc because it may make more sense to go back into a full clear so you can be more effective later on.
‘dead time’, oh no…
Contradictory to a video you previously did recently where you said with a kill, its better to invade and take enemy camps. Also your examples seem cherry picked and ignore when the person you're showing is massively ahead. This is a common problem among videos like this from people like you. You're not willing to share what the real secrets are, or actually help anyone. You'd rather make the same video (twice btw, I see you made another one with essentially the same name) to click bait mid to low elo players, and give them useless information from cherry-picked examples. There is some information that you're glossing over here that is actually useful. The main point should be, when the enemy is down players, and you're not, you can force objectives. Whether that be turret, or rift, or dragon. But of course, that information is only so applicable to people in lower Elo, who don't have the guarantee that just being 4v5 or 3v5 means that you win the fight. A guarantee they can't make because players in those ranks make tons of mistakes just mechanically.
For anyone watching these hoping to climb. There is value in advice videos, but you have to be careful and understand what you're watching. If you're iron-plat, the best advice that anyone can give you is simply; optimize. Learn your character(s) and learn them well. Learn your timings and whats valuable on the map, and learn your item spikes. Don't watch this trash that's trying to give you a "magic silver bullet" that the top rank challengers secretly know. They don't. There is no magic silver bullet. They know their match ups, they know what the enemy win conditions are, they know what their win conditions are, and they read the map. They learn patterns of the enemy champions, and even specific other players. In SoloQ, you can really only control yourself. Don't watch these videos that claim to deliver a magic silver bullet that will propel you to the highest elos. They are deliberate misinformation and cherry picking to get you to watch.
please make educational content, i will pay you to
some of ur takes are great but some of them really suck
they all suck this is for shaco only?
@ ooh that makes sense then
i was joking, this is jungling bro, what sucked?
hurry up philip
no one clears their jungle when all of the enemy team has wiped. Its and stupid video and bunch of non sense arguments
so angry bro, you good?
very useful video but agurin has been the best non pro jungler in the world for god knows how many years so i trust him to see the bigger picture and have a good reason to pick the safer play over the more oppressive one.
did you not hear him say...we coulda nash? (glad the video was useful tho)
he legit says "we should have baron" in the clip
"oppressive" uh
bro come on activate windows, it costs 10 bucks
typical heca player