Hey Browney, you and Arjen (and probably Jorg also) should do David Goggins' 100 mile run Rest is allowed of course because i don't want to see any of you die from this challenge. But it must be done continuously, so you don't have rest by doing 1 mile this day and another mile the next day
Just sharing you this, as Romans 6:23 says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. God loves you so much that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the price of all our sins. After 3 days after he died,he rose up from the dead. He will accept you not matter what you been through or have done. Accept the lord Jesus Christ as you lord and savior and ask forgiveness of all your sins to be saved from sin and have eternal life and not go to hell Jesus is our only hope for salvation and the if you don’t accept him you will not heaven and you will go to hell if you don’t accept Jesus
I weight lift with the last guy, worked with him for years. He’s insanely strong in every lift. Not surprised when he showed me this video how easy it made it look.
That was a good one Browney! I'm a 280lbs fat man who used to be good at this too! My record single rep in the strict curl is officially 170lbs in a NASA regional meet 12 years ago. It's called the "power sports" meet. You curl first in the morning, then do squats, then bench, and Dead lift in the afternoon. I had a pretty respectable total that day for the RAW division. 170 curl + 600 squat + 365 bench + 585 DL = 1720. It placed 2nd. I had a dude get like 1800 ahead of me .. Big old guy curled like 205lbs against the wall! I got 4th in the curl behind him overall, but 2nd in my weight class. Seeing this video, I remember the good times of that power sport meet, and I thank you for it. I'm currently barbell curling against a wall with 155lbs for sets of 3-4 in my workouts. On a curlbar, I'm tripling the 165 range. A good way to improve your curl-bar lifts is to train forearms and wrists by doing the straight bar curl with an olympic bar loaded up.
She probably didn't want to disrespect her significant other. Some people are particular about that they don't want their partner hugging everybody left and right
Props to Sebastian for getting it there after failing once, but Giant Man and Dead Lift Guy were NUTS! Most of us will never get to that level of effortless strength.
If he would've put his legs a little forward and hinged at the hips, he could've directed more energy towards the biceps instead of worrying about keeping his butt against the wall. He had the strength to do it.
Matthew 7:13-14: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
The last man was a huge guy but still I thought he could barely do impossible curl but he did 3 curls continuously, damn man. Though I know that if a guy has a fat huge body structure than the guy must have immense strength which I underestimated❤
Take a look at olympic weight lifting. Guys doing clean and jerk, or deadlift etc. they are all very heavy with fat and muscle both. For some reason explosive muscle tends to have a great deal more fat then what we intuitively believe, and thus asthetic biases are misleading. Some of the guys throwing around the most weight have huge bellies, and almost look like couch potatoe bodies. But those guys can move incredible amount of weight that body builders could never come close to…
Lookup a guy called Lasha Talakhadze, he is a Georgian with a huge belly. The guy is shattering world records in the top weight class. He is not someone you would think would be the guy, but the guy can lift a small car over his head… and it is absolutely amazing his records now. Double the weight/records that the biggest body builders could do… He cleans over his head what huge guys barely deadlift… and yea he looks like his arms are not even big… His record last i check was lifting 588lbs off the ground and over his head in clean and jerk. Which is an absolutely insane feat of strength…
Just browsing and found these dudes. Enthusiastic young men into fitness going out and about encouraging others to participate in some fitness based fun .. sooo cool. Really enjoyed this 👌💪😊
Stan, just wanted to say real quick that your videos have been such an inspiration for me. I started making my own yt vids a while ago and sometimes feel like quitting but it are these vids that inspire me to continue, even tho most of my content is quite different from your. Again, thanks!💪🏼
That last guy......they should make a national holiday for him. That was super impressive. Of all the videos on this channel, that was the best easily.
The man who made us watch this clip has very great strength. He has muscles and a large chest. He is the strongest person who did not wear a shirt. I liked the way he lifted himself and was confident.
Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed) but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. It is all finished and now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!
They enforced different rules for different people. Two guys who did it had their elbows far away from the wall and the guys who you may have thought could… they had their elbows on the wall. They only showed requirements of head shoulder and butt against the wall but the elbow makes it a ton harder. The one exception was Sebastian who got it, just barely, with elbows against the wall
Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed) but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. It is all finished and now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!
I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times. 78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways. 81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times. 88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders. 92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified. 99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations." 102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." 2 Esdras 2:31 ,,,,,
I have been repping 20 (kgs) on each side with an EZ bar for like 12 reps like 3 years ago, since I wanted to lift stuff really heavy back then, Im really curious how much weight I could handle in this strict form with 68 kg. I think it would be a real battle at the least!
When I did 75kg for a max single my best rep work was 60kg for 9 reps and 50kg for 17 reps , I think you might be able to do it if you train for it for a bit
What public challenge should we do next? 💪🔥
Subscribe for more epic stuff, and the launch of our app 👀
Hey, I have scoliosis and no thumb and I feel like a 90 day challenge would be perfect for me but I can’t afford it rn :(
Make a video: 100/200 squats for 30 days
Make a video: 100/200 squats for 30 days
Have people try the impossible squat
Hey Browney, you and Arjen (and probably Jorg also) should do David Goggins' 100 mile run
Rest is allowed of course because i don't want to see any of you die from this challenge. But it must be done continuously, so you don't have rest by doing 1 mile this day and another mile the next day
Bro, last dude deserved to get 300$, he owned it fo' real.
$450 for 3 reps
Bodybuilding is seriously the best sport, everyone is so positive and real
Just sharing you this, as Romans 6:23 says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. God loves you so much that he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the price of all our sins. After 3 days after he died,he rose up from the dead. He will accept you not matter what you been through or have done. Accept the lord Jesus Christ as you lord and savior and ask forgiveness of all your sins to be saved from sin and have eternal life and not go to hell Jesus is our only hope for salvation and the if you don’t accept him you will not heaven and you will go to hell if you don’t accept Jesus
There's always one mental patient in the comments section
3:56 - *barely makes level 2*
"you want to try level 3?"
"I think we might have to
" 😄
I found this quite perplexing, too.
Complete brainrot bro I thought aint no way someone would say that
@@Batmann_ you just gotta try
I’m gonna only train biceps now till I can do the impossible curl 😤
Wassup buddy......love your videos ❤
bro thinks he's him
The last dude is so humble its insane
Been training 40 years! Hit a brick wall discovered this channel got renewed vigour and the RAGE is back thanks man!!!
That's so true it makes me so motivated too, Good luck to you !
How did you suddenly lose motivation after 40 years especially motivation that was this easy to get back?
@@ryry6319 Touch grass bro
@@ryry6319You get burned out, take a long break and then get re-invigorated.
Rage is the best motivador
8:10 bro just wanted a hug 😭😭
Not possible tho 😂😂
Internal damage 😂
She just not into you bro
Where my hug lookin ahh
the last guy is insanely strong. good shit
The biker guy too
I don't get it. How is he so strong though? He doesn't even work out...
@@zqy265 he don't needs to work out, he got genetics. 😢
@@sumityadav2177 bro he was joking. The guy clearly has worked out for years 😂
It was him being humble
12:48 bro forgot to struggle 😅😂
I weight lift with the last guy, worked with him for years. He’s insanely strong in every lift. Not surprised when he showed me this video how easy it made it look.
Seein everyone struggle and then the last guy repping it 3 times is hilarious
I feel like that one big guy could’ve done like 5 reps 🤣
@@mzzsoldier25yearsago65 Yeah true haha
Big dude with the glasses could have easily done the same
Black genetics are way too advanced in terms of strength
@HellFactory what does he have to do with anything
The last dude is the same dude that was deadlifting 5 plates like it was nothing, I knew he had it in the bag lol
That was a good one Browney! I'm a 280lbs fat man who used to be good at this too! My record single rep in the strict curl is officially 170lbs in a NASA regional meet 12 years ago. It's called the "power sports" meet. You curl first in the morning, then do squats, then bench, and Dead lift in the afternoon. I had a pretty respectable total that day for the RAW division. 170 curl + 600 squat + 365 bench + 585 DL = 1720. It placed 2nd. I had a dude get like 1800 ahead of me .. Big old guy curled like 205lbs against the wall! I got 4th in the curl behind him overall, but 2nd in my weight class.
Seeing this video, I remember the good times of that power sport meet, and I thank you for it.
I'm currently barbell curling against a wall with 155lbs for sets of 3-4 in my workouts. On a curlbar, I'm tripling the 165 range. A good way to improve your curl-bar lifts is to train forearms and wrists by doing the straight bar curl with an olympic bar loaded up.
i ain’t reading allat
Browney.....im sure he said his name was John.....must be a YT....
Good job!
Bro expected a hug there 😂
She probably didn't want to disrespect her significant other. Some people are particular about that they don't want their partner hugging everybody left and right
I appreciate the humility of the last dude , keep up the great content 🔥
Deadlift guy is bae!
Props to Sebastian for getting it there after failing once, but Giant Man and Dead Lift Guy were NUTS! Most of us will never get to that level of effortless strength.
If he would've put his legs a little forward and hinged at the hips, he could've directed more energy towards the biceps instead of worrying about keeping his butt against the wall. He had the strength to do it.
Matthew 7:13-14:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Amen. May God bless you.
Go preach somewhere else, bible guy
I want to see Anatoly do all these challenges so badly 😂
he would fail miserably.
@@keagenmccartha7412You must be new kid
@@MatteoFitnessyou must be the new kid Anatoly specifies in deadlifting
@@आर्यनisdaGOAT he "specifies" in deadlifting? lol mate don't use words just to sound smart if you can't even use them in correct context
He is just a simple janitor
Started calisthenics because of you. I'm on my way for the first pull-up 😂
Facts bro in 2016 I first saw browneys 16 year old transformation and I started calisthenics ever since pretty much cause of him and david laid
Did u do it, ralu?
Can I clean here ?!
Terrible Sorry
Why you use fake weights? Hehe
The last man was a huge guy but still I thought he could barely do impossible curl but he did 3 curls continuously, damn man. Though I know that if a guy has a fat huge body structure than the guy must have immense strength which I underestimated❤
I think it's a weight distribution thing.
Light weight baby!!
Take a look at olympic weight lifting. Guys doing clean and jerk, or deadlift etc. they are all very heavy with fat and muscle both. For some reason explosive muscle tends to have a great deal more fat then what we intuitively believe, and thus asthetic biases are misleading. Some of the guys throwing around the most weight have huge bellies, and almost look like couch potatoe bodies. But those guys can move incredible amount of weight that body builders could never come close to…
Lookup a guy called Lasha Talakhadze, he is a Georgian with a huge belly. The guy is shattering world records in the top weight class. He is not someone you would think would be the guy, but the guy can lift a small car over his head… and it is absolutely amazing his records now. Double the weight/records that the biggest body builders could do…
He cleans over his head what huge guys barely deadlift… and yea he looks like his arms are not even big…
His record last i check was lifting 588lbs off the ground and over his head in clean and jerk. Which is an absolutely insane feat of strength…
Strict curl world record is +110KG soo imposible curl should be around there :D
i just loved the energy throughout the whole video...the crowd the participants the hosts
Give those $300 to the last guy 😊 strong and humble. Good person. ⬆️
OMG! That last guy is clearly an alien who has come to earth disguised as a peaceful beach pedestrian.
That big guy at first who just rep'd the curl like it was level 1 was HELLA STRONG
finna get dat strength on
Just browsing and found these dudes. Enthusiastic young men into fitness going out and about encouraging others to participate in some fitness based fun .. sooo cool. Really enjoyed this 👌💪😊
Been some time since you and igor (next workout) used to go out at each other with those challenges!
Would love to see those come back into action!
Kudos to that last guy. That was AWESOME!!!!
Shaden and John probably could've beat the original 165lbs easily as well
Last guy was very humble, and humbled everyone gathered over there 😂😂😂😂
Browney - “Do you workout?”
Last guy - “a little bit”
*was shown deadlifting 495 earlier in the video* 😂
3 reps at the end like it was ez was absolutely a nuts way to end it.
Sebastian Anderson really killed that one 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
I wasn’t expecting to see him here 😂
He did so good and he‘s very good looking actually
12:59 solid level 13 gyatt right there
Not funny
Stan, just wanted to say real quick that your videos have been such an inspiration for me. I started making my own yt vids a while ago and sometimes feel like quitting but it are these vids that inspire me to continue, even tho most of my content is quite different from your. Again, thanks!💪🏼
John was daaaaam strong and also humble, cool dude, cool guys, cool challenge
The last guy is the real Superman.
The last guy did it like a boss!!!
John deserved $300!
That last guy......they should make a national holiday for him. That was super impressive. Of all the videos on this channel, that was the best easily.
Bro imagine the power of the people who managed to pass level 3
I could probably get close, I can do 135 strict curl but that 15lb difference is honestly sooo much when you’re curling fr
It is amazing to see the efforts the guys were putting 💪🏻🔥 great video.
4:48 a guy from a place that doesn't exist 😂
11:11 bro he was so humble
Because of that last guy.. im giving you subscribe 😂
It seems like proper form is incredibly overlooked for most people when it comes to curls.
Why anyone is not talking about David??? He is such a nice guy. He came 2 times to appreciate the guys who succeeded in lifting the barbell❤❤❤
I did this exact weight, but with closer grip, if it counts, 5 reps. But standing still, not against the wall. Against the wall is way harder...
So awesome! That last guy went full beast mode.
Everybody failing the curl
Last guy: Lightweight baby
The last one is a monster! Is there a level 4?
I genuinely laughed out loud when the big guy curled the weight
The man who made us watch this clip has very great strength. He has muscles and a large chest. He is the strongest person who did not wear a shirt. I liked the way he lifted himself and was confident.
The last guy should've gotten $300 for his performance 😂
The guy in the red hat could have at least looked like he was 'trying'....LOL...then he goes and pumps it three times!
'can i clean here '
Nothing but positive, epic humanity at work. You guys rock!
That was amazing. It's awesome to see these guys attempt this.
Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed) but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. It is all finished and now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!
For a good time in my life I thought Browney and Brandon were the same guy.
Thanks for the amazing video!
9:42 bro forgot to struggle
lol fr
Bro that last guy is an absolute freak of nature holey...
Holy shit that last guy was incredible
I know field strength when I see it! Good stuff guys
most people are used to swinging there whole body vs arms.
The last guy initially refused to enter out of fairness. He didn't want to steal their money 😂
13:00 bro did it 3 times and he looks like the smallest guy☠we love u dark skin superman
You definitely should have given that last dude $300!
I honestly thought he was going to take the $50 and walk away LOL
Good for him!!
The last guy did it like it was 25kgs
😆 deadlift guy did not disappoint
Last guy made third level look like the first level 😂😂
Both of my favorite youtubersss in samee videeooo Yeeeyyy 🎉🎉🎉🎉
The dude at 8:25 was on the stuff.
Last dude is the final boss
8:30 deadlift guy
The last dude is so humble its insane))
damn that deatlift man was too strong for this video
This method is how every curl should be done. It prevents any assistance from muscles other than the bicep.
6:57 Azerbaijan is King ❤
Good luck racing! Cant wait to watch it!
They enforced different rules for different people. Two guys who did it had their elbows far away from the wall and the guys who you may have thought could… they had their elbows on the wall. They only showed requirements of head shoulder and butt against the wall but the elbow makes it a ton harder. The one exception was Sebastian who got it, just barely, with elbows against the wall
Noticed that straight away as well. Makes it a little easier.
In strict curl completions your elbows can go off the wall so I don’t know why they would have that as a rule
I liked John at the end, nice and calm and with a bit of showing off at the end 😂
Love your videos Browney! Keep up the work.
Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with you through the Holy Spirit, not religion and blind faith. You see, we all have sinned, and have broken God’s law (The Ten Commandments). Wrong doing deserves justice and must be punished (just like how a criminal has to pay for the crime they have committed) but God saved us from the eternal punishment of our sins by sending His Son Jesus Christ, fullness of God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross and resurrecting, so that we may have everlasting life. It is all finished and now for you to accept the free gift of grace, you must repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ and Bible says that His Blood will cover all of your sins, you will be forgiven, saved from eternal punishment, and be given everlasting life. By faith you will receive the Holy Spirit, become born again, know Jesus personally and He will transform your heart and clean you from the inside out. Turn away from sin, read the Bible, pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and change you, obey the Word. Much love and God bless you!
9:10 that guy was so serious
I am just 8kg off from doing the "impossible" curl. Guess I have to up my game 😅
yep, u are weak, go to the gym bro.
I once read that if you get to a 165 lb. strict curl, you are entering serious strength territory. That last dude was STRONG! Cheers.
To put this in perspective, Cyplenkovs strict curl (wide grip) record is 251 lbs
Denis warms up with more weight than their "level 3" lol
Excellent video Staniel
Another awesome video once again @Browney, but I think a crazy pushup challenge would be cool
I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times. 78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways. 81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times. 88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders. 92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified. 99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations." 102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." 2 Esdras 2:31
It's about weight distribution and balance. Being heavy here is a huge advantage.
I lift pretty strict, so I'm fairly certain I could lift 100 lbs. without cheating, but no way I could lift 150 even with a cheat swing.
I have been repping 20 (kgs) on each side with an EZ bar for like 12 reps like 3 years ago, since I wanted to lift stuff really heavy back then, Im really curious how much weight I could handle in this strict form with 68 kg. I think it would be a real battle at the least!
You are far from curling 70kg strict. I can curl 70kgx3 but not strict.
When I did 75kg for a max single my best rep work was 60kg for 9 reps and 50kg for 17 reps , I think you might be able to do it if you train for it for a bit
@@BeliAndjeoSrbhe can do 50kg x 12 so 70kg X 1 is possible.😊
This guy really said "let me hit three."
Armwrestlers joining😂
Try giving something who are trying such as juice or something to drink.
Bro, John said he works out a little bit, that's a lie! 😱 🗿🔥
The last man must be the hulk😮😊😅
6:09 XDDD
The last guy when he lost the purse he gained power