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Love your show. -Please comment on the issue of family photos on display, photos/prints/art of animals/people from travel souvenirs, and bells/chimes at home. The ruling is unclear and contradictive, and I do not see the merit in striking doubt/fear in the worshippers of Allah when there is no intention of "shirk". This almost appears to be a preoccupation with superstition. -The logic of angels and dogs in the house is clear because of hygiene/Wuduh and "Najasa". In contrast, none of the items mentioned previously have any intention of straying from Tawheed. In our lives today, where can you go without a bell or chime or a photo or print around? I'm conscious that I do not worship the depicted in photos. Also, saying that bells/chimes are the instruments of satan is quite a giant statement. Thank you and Jazakum Allahu Kairan
Allah Warns in the Q..uran ➡️“This day, I have perfected your Religion for you, completed My Favour upon you , and have chosen for you Islam 😊 as your religion” Quran 5 : 3 ➡️ Please Note the Perfected & Complete Religion was without any Biddah ❌( Biddah is all newly invented deeds which the Prophet P. B.U.H Did not mention )
Can an omission be interpreted as something that is forbidden? Is it truly an omission or simply the fact that just like in old history books the word Men (with a capital M) when talking about human kind includes both men and women?
This is the Question to Dr Shabir We Christian we know why did Bible call Jesus the Messiah and we know what Messiah means And why ❓❓❓ did the Quran call Jesus the Messiah give the meaning of Messiah according to the Quran And why Messiah title can't be apply to mohammad Is Messiah can't be applied to mohammad then Mohammed was the false prophets and Allah was a false God because mohammad believe in Allah
Dr. Shabir Aly, we need more people like you. The Ummah needs you. Sisters in Islam need you. I am so tired of Saudi-style "scholars" and "mullahs" dictating how Muslims must live based on their narrow minded approach to interpreting Islam. Our religion is not complicated but they make it so. They legitimize human rights abuses and opression. Guess when Prophet Muhammad saws prophesied that leaders will not be knowledgeable, he was right. We need people like Dr. Ally who actually know what they are saying and can back it up with facts.
So the food is only halal for men then?😂 When God speaks in quran, the structure is masculin. this applies to women as well. Woman can marry ahlil kitab as well. God did not say its haram. He did not mention that because its open. Men choose to interpret it this way to control women. Thats it basicly. Women of today has more power for raising her kids than the father has, and God knew it. He left it open. God know best
Exactly sister! Women are not lesser in faith than men, infact the Quran says explicitly that men and women are equal in faith. So a believing man and a believing women can marry, this means muslims, jews and christians, all believers. If Allah says that men can marry women of the people of the book, does this not mean that Allah feels the faith of these women equal?! So then how can the faith of a christian or jewish man not be equal or good enough for a muslim woman?!
Christian here, just came across your content. Interesting to listen. As a Christian, the Bible mentions we shouldn’t hate or judge anyone. I try to be this way. I’m glad he speaks about Christianity and Judaism with such respect
@@brismuvela3631 well Muhammad judged Christian and jews!! May be instead of listening to what shabir says, you should do what a real prophet says like the apostle Paul say to go research for your self. You will find that Muhammad was a confuse human being who contradicted himself all the time!! He can’t be a real prophet!! After doing your own reading, come back and tell me about judging and not judging
@@giova913 people who lied about prophet Muhammad PBUH while they don’t know anything about prophet Muhammad PBUH are interesting. Our prophet Muhammad PBUH never cursed innocent people and was kind to many Jews and Christians except these who was enemies to Muslims and attacking him and Muslims. But do Christians teach others about peace while your bible says this: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.(Matthew 10:34) Quran says “We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the mankind(Quran: 21:107)
The treatment of each other is important according to the faith and it's principles. So " religion " is important. Unless you are an atheist who has zero beliefs then this doesnt apply to you. But it does apply to Muslims.
As a practicing Muslim man - The problem is, where will you find practicing Christian and Jewish women? So in today's time it is also advisable for Muslim men to stick with Muslim women, unless they are sure that they have come across a practicing Christian/Jewish woman.
Practicing Christians ask the same: Where are the good men and women formed in the fear of GOD, regardless of whether they are Christians, Jews or Muslims? I believe that religion does not make you Saint or a sinner, what counts is your sincere commitment to God, in all religions there are good and bad people; that is why it is important to put aside the myths and give us the opportunity to meet other people equally without matter if they sympathize with our faith or customs. Because at the end of the day even in our own community we can also find bad people who influence us badly in life.
No practicing Christian/Jewish women will marry a muslim because it's forbidden in their religion. Only ones muslim men can marry are the atheist liberal feminist type who bend their religion to suit their whims and desire.
Christian teaches good things too so yeah a practising christian is better than those who dont. Bible teaches women to wear modest clothes too. So yeah. I'm a muslim btw.
Marriage should not be a problem if a man and woman love each other from different religions God is good. Remember that all Christians, Muslims and Jews have the same ancestor Abraham. The important thing is that a Christian can be a Christian and a Muslim be a Muslim, you can still be married and love each other despite different religions
@@regernfaraja4344 he only did it to please God because you must always fear God, of course God was only testing him an Angel came to Abraham and said there is no need to kill his son for God sees he has fear
I am a Turkish Muslim married to an Indian Hindu. The amount of love and support we received from our family and friends is bar none. I hope people understand that two people getting married is their own business and just support and love them however they can and they get the support we did. Love from Turkey ❤❤
As a spiritualist woman believing in the One God who is with a Muslim man with the intention to marry, respect must be paid on either side of the relationship for it to work. I respect and encourage him within his faith, as does he with me. Respect and understanding are the bases of all relationships, religious or not.
For you as a woman they don't have problem because the Man is the head afterall. But where the hypocrisy is, is we as men cannot marry Muslim women and that's really hypocritical of the Islamic faith as it favors Men more than the women.
Islam is not religion is the way of life for every human on the planet weather they believed or not weather they practiced on not is more then a religion is the way of life giving by the creator of the world
Isn't God pure Love? Has not God bound people through pure Love? Are we not all equal in front of God's eyes? Then why not being able to marry the person of your choice? If it has been God Himself the one that has put that Love in them? Praise Him!!!
This love you're quoting is due to pass at some point and afterwards the responsibility to the family and society takes over. So the question is what kind of society are we building when selecting spouses. When the initial irrational lustful emotional explosions come to pass. How do you raise the children? Do you give them names from the mother or the father religion. Do you circumcise the boys, and later on what place of worship do they attend, and men throughout time and cultures have been the leaders of the families so you better believe it will go their way. What kind of families are we building??!!!
@@samikassab4444 real love is more than lust. Also there have been inter culture, Inter reacial and inter religion couples all over the world without an issue. Times are changing and men are not leaders of family all the time.
@@clauaome25 I said lust among other things. And yes we can think that but you're taking your chances. You can't control people or bend them towards applying what you believe is correct even if it's your spouse. And these family decisions are very important. What you say is politically correct, and feels good now. God's law is what is better for your life and society for the long run. And God knows best....
The problem is muslim believe the true God whilest christian believe in a fake God is that too hard to understand? The first greatest sin in islam is disbeliving in God and sharing a bed with someone that has disbelieved does not sound right don't you think? Think about it deeply, Its not all white and black it is not hard to see. I suggest you keep you distance away from us, don't try to change us and our religion with the guise of love. Keep that love to yourself. I do not want to love someone thats ungrateful to Allah(subhannahu waata'ala).
You dont sound like a true muslim. You sound like an apostate of islam or probably an atheist who hates islam. I dont know. Just guessing. Your comments dont represent the teachings of Islam. I think you are trying to make Muslim looks bad. Try again fella.
MALAY SUBTITLES Part 2 of 4 04:56 Jadi rasionalnya di sini jelas adalah 04:59 jika anda berkahwin dengan orang di luar kepercayaan, 05:02 orang itu boleh menghubungi anda 05:04 jauh dari iman, 05:06 dalam apa jua keadaan boleh mempengaruhi anda 05:07 walaupun mereka tidak menghubungi anda secara langsung 05:09 jauh dari iman anda dan itu boleh 05:12 dari sudut agama, 05:13 bermaksud anda berakhir di tempat yang salah 05:16 dalam kehidupan akhirat, 05:17 yang akan menjadi bencana. 05:18 Musibah terburuk untuk ini, 05:22 penganut Islam yang serius. 05:25 - Jadi apa yang dilakukan hamba atau hamba yang percaya 05:28 atau apa sahaja yang digunakan di sini dalam ayat ini 05:30 apa maksudnya, apa maksudnya? 05:31 - Di sini nampaknya ada perbezaan 05:34 antara masyarakat Islam 05:36 yang disebut sebagai masyarakat yang beriman dan, 05:39 dan semua yang lain. 05:40 - Baik. 05:42 - Jadi, itu tidak bermaksud bahawa tidak ada orang yang beriman 05:43 di luar masyarakat Islam. 05:44 Sudah tentu, ada orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan, 05:46 ada orang yang mempercayai dengan ikhlas kepercayaan mereka sendiri 05:49 dan sebagainya. 05:50 Dan kami akan, 05:51 kami akan memanggil mereka orang yang beriman. 05:52 Kami akan memanggil mereka orang yang setia, 05:53 orang beriman tetapi, 05:56 masyarakat berpecah belah 05:57 pada masa wahyu al-Quran 05:59 dan masyarakat dipanggil dengan pelbagai nama. 06:02 Oleh itu, apa yang disebut oleh masyarakat Islam? 06:05 Sudah tentu pada masa ini, 06:06 kita memanggil diri kita sebagai masyarakat Islam. 06:08 Tetapi pada masa-masa awal 06:10 mereka hanya dipanggil orang yang beriman. 06:13 (Bahasa asing) 06:14 Mereka yang beriman. 06:15 - Dan mereka dibezakan 06:16 dari orang-orang buku? 06:17 - Betul. 06:18 - Siapa bukan Kristian, bukan? 06:18 - Ya. 06:19 - Baik. 06:21 - Jadi pada dasarnya sebaliknya adalah, 06:22 berkahwin dengan seseorang dari dalam komuniti anda yang percaya 06:25 dan pastinya jangan berkahwin dengan orang yang paling polos. 06:27 Dan saya tidak mengatakannya, 06:30 anda tahu, ada yang tidak kena, 06:31 dengan paling bersih hari ini. 06:33 Saya hanya mengatakan, 06:34 ini adalah cara di mana- 06:35 - Ayat itu membingkainya. 06:37 - Tepat sekali. 06:38 Dan konteks sosial dan sejarah 06:39 di mana Al-Quran diturunkan. 06:41 - Baiklah, jadi ada ayat terakhir ini, 06:43 yang merujuk kepada, 06:45 mungkin merujuk kepada perkahwinan antara agama. 06:47 Dan dari Surah 60 bab 60 ayat 10. 06:51 Dan ini membincangkan mengenai wanita yang merupakan pelarian. 06:55 - Ya, untuk memahami ayat itu 06:56 izinkan saya terlebih dahulu melukis latar belakang. 06:58 Oleh itu, seperti yang kita lihat dalam konteks sejarah. 07:00 Nabi Muhammad dan selamat sejahtera 07:02 dilahirkan di Mekah. 07:04 Dan ketika dia mula berkhotbah, 07:05 dia diseksa dengan penganiayaan 07:06 dan beberapa pengikut yang berani mengambil pesanannya 07:10 dan ikut dia 07:11 juga dianiaya. 07:12 Oleh itu, tidak mungkin mereka tinggal di sana 07:16 dan mempunyai kepercayaan yang layak sebagai masyarakat. 07:18 Mereka harus merahsiakan iman mereka ketika mereka 07:22 memeluk kepercayaan itu untuk mengelakkan penganiayaan. 07:25 Jadi orang mula berhijrah atas arahan para nabi, 07:28 ada yang berhijrah ke Abyssinia 07:30 dan akhirnya seorang Raja Kristian di sana di Abyssinia 07:33 memberi mereka perlindungan dan perlindungan, 07:35 tetapi itu tidak mencukupi. 07:36 Nabi saw, 07:37 dirinya terpaksa berhijrah. 07:39 Dan dia berhijrah ke Madinah 07:41 sebuah bandar 400 kilometer ke Utara 07:45 tempat kelahirannya Mekah. 07:48 Dan ada di komuniti baru 07:50 ramai pengikutnya menyertainya 07:53 berhijrah jauh dari Mekah 07:55 dan banyak yang lain datang untuk memanggil panggilannya. 07:58 Tetapi pasukan musuh terus bergerak menuju kota barunya 08:03 menyerang dan menghancurkan umat Islam. 08:05 Oleh itu, terdapat banyak pertempuran 08:06 di mana nabi saw 08:07 dan pengikutnya berdiri dalam pembelaan 08:11 menentang penjajah. 08:14 Jadi dalam keadaan itu sekarang 08:16 kami mempunyai ayat ini yang anda rujuk 08:18 dari bab ke-60, 08:19 yang disebut sebagai 08:20 (Bahasa asing) 08:22 yang bermaksud wanita yang imannya harus diuji. 08:27 Dan, latar belakang ini menunjukkan bahawa 08:30 dan ayat itu sendiri sekarang menunjukkan 08:32 bahawa jika wanita berhijrah. 08:34 Oleh itu, kita sudah bercakap mengenai orang yang berhijrah dari Mekah 08:38 untuk melepaskan diri dari situasi penganiayaan 08:40 dan dalam apa jua keadaan 08:42 untuk bergabung dengan nabi Muhammad saw 08:43 dan komuniti barunya yang diasaskan. 08:46 Oleh itu, 08:47 ketika lelaki itu berhijrah, 08:48 nampaknya tidak ada, 08:49 ada masalah kerana lelaki pada masa itu 08:51 sangat berdikari dan, 08:53 anda tahu, mereka harus diperhitungkan 08:55 tetapi wanita lebih dilindungi dalam masyarakat tradisional itu. 08:59 Jadi jika seorang wanita akan berhijrah 09:01 anda boleh bayangkan orang-orang Mekah bersiap sedia dalam hal ini. 09:05 Seperti siapa yang mengambil, 09:06 anda tahu, wanita kita di sini, 09:08 anda tahu, dan mereka ingin mengawal, 09:11 di sana perempuan. 09:13 Oleh itu, ketika mereka berhijrah 09:16 melarikan diri dari keadaan berbahaya, 09:18 melarikan diri untuk hidup mereka
If you’re a Christian you cannot marry a non-Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14). The love for Jesus and the union of two believers is more important than romantic love. I became a Christian after marriage and my husband is Muslim. I cannot teach my daughter anything. It’s heartbreaking and difficult.
The verse about "light and dark can't be united" is misleading. As long as you believe in God and declare Jesus as your savior (Muslims also call Jesus as al-Masih, a savior), you are on the same page. I see no difference between Islam and Christianity, both have the same concept and belief. The only difference that can bother both sides is the story of crucifixition. Yet again, if Protestants can tolerate Catholics, why not with Muslims? P.s. the light represents the believers, the dark represents the atheists and the people who don't believe in our God.
You shouldn't teach your kids. it is very important for kids I guess to be brought up intellectual to be able to choose religion themselves if they want later in life maybe after 18. They can choose remain atheist agnostic or whatever. Whoever learns religion from parents are always shaky in their faith but whome who search for it not
@@eyoung8215 lmao Islam is the safety of humanity and the mercy of God Jesus was Muslim Ibrahim was Muslim and Moses was Muslim Jesus was the massiah of the Israelites he was send to them and only them but Islam is for everyone any color in any region to be honest only if u was Israelite u should follow Jesus
I’m a mixed race American Christian woman and my fiancé is an Arab Muslim man, I never get to see couples like me and my man maybe this will change as I was raised to not be prejudiced and discriminatory towards ethnicity or faith when accepting a partner. Love has no borders..
Hello, i am in a situation where I am muslim and the women i want to marry is christian. I was interested in how his family took it as I am currently having issues getting my parents on our side? Any response would be much appreciated!
Well my fiancé’s family is a little more open minded so it was more easy for me. I think that once they see you and your lady together and happy and that she treats you well and has good morals/values in time hopefully they will accept it. My mom was actually the one who was the most skeptical, but how happy she sees I am, that made her okay with our union. Hope this helps!
There is an interesting point there. Muslims will say that the "people of the book" includes Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Therefore they can be married. However, the first argument that Muslims always make is that Christianity is polytheistic, because of their acceptance of the Trinity (three Gods), even though Christians will always tell them that even with the trinity God is still one (monotheistic). That tells me that the concept of the trinity is wholly misunderstood, particularly when raised in an argument/debate. Perhaps everyone should accept that "no one" understands it, but just accept that it was said and therefore exists in some sense that is likely incomprehensible to man. Perhaps not all has been given, not all has been revealed, and likely more is still yet to come. That should never be discounted.
It doesn't matter the way you see the trinity, we have a verse in the Quran that talks about the trinity (Quran 4:171) O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion1 or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs. - Saheeh International So putting the verse 5:5 and 4:171, its safe to conclude if the christian women believes in the trinity, or doesn't believe in the trinity, you can still get married to them. (As a man only of course)
IL Signore Dio nostro è l’unico Signore. Qui ci si potrebbe chiedere: perché il popolo del Libro, in particolare i cristiani, erano considerati monoteisti quando credevano nella trinità, che apparentemente è una dottrina politeistica? La risposta a questa domanda è che i cristiani sono fondamentalmente seguaci del monoteismo. La Bibbia è molto esplicita al riguardo: Allora si accostò uno degli scribi che lì aveva uditi discutere, e, visto come aveva come aveva loro ben risposto, gli domandò: “Qual è il primo di tutti i comandamenti?” Gesù rispose: “il primo è: Ascolta, il primo è: Ascolta Israele. IL Signore Dio nostro è l’unico Signore. (Marco 12:28-29-30) I cristiani ammettono mai il politeismo? I cristiani non ammettono mai il politeismo, sebbene siano coinvolti in alcune pratiche politeistiche. Una persona diventa politeista quando ammette apertamente di esserlo. Una persona che afferma di essere monoteista nonostante sia coinvolta in pratiche politeistiche, non può essere considerata politeista. Il motivo è che fa qualcosa di sbagliato senza rendersi conto di ciò che sta facendo; tutti i cristiani di oggi o del periodo di Gesù (sws) non ammettono mai il politeismo; la trinità per loro è conforme al monoteismo. Naturalmente i musulmani non sono d'accordo con loro, ma a meno che non affermino di essere politeisti, si può solo dire che, nonostante affermino di essere monoteisti, sono coinvolti nel politeismo. È come se un musulmano andasse nella tomba di un santo per chiedergli di esaudire un desiderio: un tale musulmano non potrà essere chiamato politeista, ma gli verrà detto che ciò che sta facendo è contro il monoteismo a cui egli stesso rivendica fortemente l'adesione. Allo stesso modo, i cristiani non possono essere chiamati politeisti, tuttavia verrà detto loro che ciò che stanno facendo non è conforme al monoteismo. È proprio per questo motivo che il Corano non ha mai considerato il popolo del Libro politeista sebbene si abbonasse a certe sfacciate forme di politeismo. Il Corano ha chiamato politeisti solo gli ismaeliti perché hanno dichiaratamente aderito e testimoniato il credo del politeismo. Sostenevano fortemente che il politeismo fosse la religione stessa rivelata dall'Onnipotente e rivendicavano di essere seguaci di questa religione. Proprio per questo motivo, furono chiamati dal Corano mushrikūn (seguaci del credo di shirk).
@@thetruth3082 You can not married them if they do not bealive their own kitab(religious book)quran5:72 say who bealive trinity they are kufur..its not clear
@@thetruth3082 you cannot marry them it says in the quran [2:221] "Do not marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed." These days christians have idols of jesus and mary, If they didnt, it wouldve been allowed to marry them but unfortunately they are falling under this category
We are free to choose in what we believe in, or what we take as a messurement of right and wrong. Everyone does. It is alright to believe for yourself what you want to believe, unless you are not forcing somebody else to believe in the same.
If God was only one there would not have been so many religions. Religion does not allow all people to love equally, does not allow to have kinship with all. If it had allowed it, it would not have prevented interfaith marriage. That is, religion has behaved like racists here. According to me, God is the cause of creation. The reason that created me did not separate people by religion. We have separated ourselves by religion. Believing in God and believing in traditional religion are completely different things.
[Quran 2:221] Do not marry non believers in allah unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an non believer, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to non believing men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an non believer, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed.
@@debabratasikder9448 Islam concept is choosing allah over worldly things,all these worldy things in this earth which will anyhow gonna one day gets destroyed...Hence If u choose wordly life on this earth u will get everything on this earth but nothing from allah..When u meet allah he will not check how much money u have in the bank,how much good u look or how much famous u are since u will be left with nothing when u die..He will only ask about prayers,good deed he did for rewarding him,bad deeds for punishing or forgiving him hence u need to select ur partner which will bring u and ur kids closer to allah not someone who brings u and ur kids away from allah...
That's why deistic concept of God is more sensible. These holy books with their translations done by different people hundreds of years apart when the message first appeared can't be trusted fully as humans have compiled 'em down and as said, "to err is to human."
@@squidman3426God won't accept prayers from other religious ppl??? every religion says same bro as Islam says ,but what the difference between Muslims and other religious ppl is other religious ppl welcome and r tolerant to other religious ppl but Muslims r only tolerant to Muslims.many other religions also says God is one ,do good be good and follow rituals ok not only Islam ,so stoping saying only Islam teaches good things,bro it's common sense bro when ur born as human u have to be good and respectful to each other communities ,if interfaith married ppl r following there both religions then what's the problem..maybe praying way is different but prayers r given heartfully right .I think God is broad minded then humans he accepts every individual of good deeds irrespective of religion and prayed him heartfully but just in a different way that's it...
MALAY SUBTITLES Part 4 of 4 13:53 yang mengatakan bahawa tidak lelaki dan wanita 13:56 dari masyarakat Islam yang beriman 13:57 boleh mengahwini orang politeistik. 14:01 Oleh itu, kita berada pada kesimpulan yang sama di sini. 14:05 Dan kemudian apa yang keluar dari perbincangan umum ini 14:10 tentang berkahwin dengan orang-orang musyrik 14:11 adalah ayat yang pertama kali kita bincangkan, 14:14 satu dari surah lima 14:16 dan yang menjadi ayat nombor lima juga, 14:19 yang mengatakan bahawa lelaki, 14:20 lelaki muslim yang beriman 14:22 boleh berkahwin dengan wanita dari kalangan orang-orang buku ini. 14:26 - Jadi ada perbezaan di sini 14:28 dalam peraturan mengenai lelaki dan wanita. 14:30 Oleh itu mari kita kembali kepada perkara itu 14:31 Saya rasa di segmen seterusnya, 14:33 di mana kita akan melakukan bahagian kedua. 14:35 - Baik. 14:37 - Kita akan bercakap sedikit lebih banyak mengenai konteksnya 14:37 ayat-ayat 14:38 dan juga bagaimana kita dapat menerapkannya 14:40 dan memahaminya hari ini. 14:42 Terima kasih atas pemikiran anda Dr. Shabir. 14:44 - Sama-sama.
My personal opinion is " interfaith marriage is a absolutely wrong idea" will work at the beginning but it will fail ....But those who can make it work I congrats them..
Hello, I am known as Kirk I am not a religious man and I'm not here to question out of disrespect, I legitimately am curious, Muslims seem to be the most organised and well presented people. Much respect for that and to have faith is no easy feat, to believe in the unseen takes courage, I understand that and I'm not questioning anyones faith i just would just like to know the creation or evolution process that the Muslim faith presents? If its not to much trouble? if not can some tag a video that helps? I'm not Muslim so I would not know where to start.
God is talking to us in the holy Quran. According to holy Quran God is closer to us than our jugular vein. That means god knows what we are thinking, that applies to every human. All we have to do is ask God for guidance again and again, and remain patient. Guidance will come from unexpected direction.
my suggestion is just to try learning Quran with your heart with good intention. Try to understand God through Quran. Be patience, then, you'll find your way some day.
PLEASE READ I TRIED TO FIND U SOMETHING. The Big Bang theory came so so late compared to Quran. Quran is about 1400 years old. In Surah Anbiya verse no. 30 , It says “HAVE THOSE WHO NOT BELIEVE CONSIDERED THAT THE HEAVENS AND EARTH WERE A COMBINED ENTITY, AND WE SEPERATED THEM” The Big Bang theory suggests that all the planets and every mass there is, was once a single mass and then a Big Bang happened and everything seperated from one single mass. Quran mentions about the existence of that single mass in this verse. Hope that gives some evidence
With the second verse, regarding the "free woman polytheist" vs "believing servants" i think it also speaks to the motivation for marriage. Men might be attracted to the wealth of a free woman, particularly if her religion doesn't provide the kind of protection that the quran enforces as regards women and their wealth. I think the motivations that might lead a man to seek such a marriage, above a marriage to a believing servant, are quite possibly impure and those intentions are what can lead him into hellfire, as he could enter this marriage with bad intentions and exploit the woman.
@@agustz7xa341 not all Christians believe in the Trinity or in the divinity of Jesus. It tells us right in the Quran that some among them are believers so what other authority do you need?
Or maybe he just falls in love with the woman, enjoys her company, loves watching Netflix and having coffee with her and wants to spend his life doing fun things together.
@BrumbyWonder Can you please specify a verse from Quran that specifically mentions muslim women should marry only muslim men. Much appreciated. Also there is a huge difference in saying marry believers and in saying marry muslim men. If something that is not explicitly made haram in the Quran, then it is considered Halal.
@@CuriousFaizi .. if you think that you know better then Our prophet Muhammad ﷺ and scholars then you have no Iman in your heart, if you are a really muslim then go and read Quran, surah baqarah Literally clear all these things, read Quran with Arabic Understanding, if you see in your local language then it's clearly Allah tell muslims "Do not marry polytheist (مشركت).
Jew here here who was simply curious and I enjoy hearing an informative talk that I can intrepret despite not having much understanding of Muslim communities admittedly, I appreciate it ^^;
I also told my non Muslim gf about Islam but my mistake was that I told her bluntly that whether you convert or we couldn't be together Instead of taking things slow. and I really want to make things normal for her. Because she has 0 support from her parents...and her parents are very rude to her and she's already had a very depressive past... She cried a lot when I told her all this Leaving her is a very big sin for me Allah have mercy on me... What should I do please help me
I faced the same problem and did the same thing. Which I should not have done in first place. I said bluntly as well. I can’t live without her but she left me. I should not have dealt this issue like the way I dealt. I still sometime regret.
@@waqaskhalid8715 May Allah grant u will with even better brother. I hope ur doing good in ur life... She wasn't privileged enough to be with u Only the deserving gets the love of deen the shining light nd the blessings of deen my brother✨ She ws not truthful to u Or else maybe she could at least give it a try... Fortunately we r bffs now nd she said that she'll definitely give it a try I'm ever grateful to Allah for such a blessing and I really hope she gets the gift of imaan. ❤ Ameen
Brother what is Gf no matter how many times i perused through the Islamic books of knowledge or hadiths. How come i don't see anything called Girlfriend? Are you perhaps paving your own version of Islam or are you following the footsteps of those that enraged Allah(swt) and whose on the Day of judgement will be brought out as blind?.
I think the problem is if you marry someone with a different religion which religion are the children be raised in my opinion as a Muslim if someone believes ones of god it wouldn’t be a problem because we believe the same god and they share the universal aspects of Islam
Are you going to go against the religion and the teachings paving your way for islam? You just mentioned the problem why do it sister? SubhanAllah. The ones of God is required but there is one true God and thats Allah(swt) what if someone believes in one God and its not Allah(swt) would you marry that person? And what about our beloved prophet (pbuh)
@@whatislifebuttheenjoymento3405 As long as you marry the People of the Book (al-Kitab) you're fine. Don't read Haditz, read what Prophet Muhammad said. We are one people, we were divided because of the politics back then. Salam from a Christian brother.
Doesn't the Quran says that every believer is responsible for their belief and belief in GOD is free? That means the children are free to choose whichever and don't "assume" through heritage or anything like that religion.
Dear Dr. Shabir, Love your method. But here I have an argument. If the general rule is, that the Muminat may not marry a Mushrik and the Muminin may not marry a Mushrika, then by definition the marriage of a woman of the book, means that they do not fall under the "Mushrikin" regulation. If this is true, then the women from the "Muminin" may marry a man from the people of the book, because they are not Muhrikin.
Assalamwalaikum brother, that would be a very fair argument of there wasn't an explicit verse saying that MEN can marry women of the book. But there does exist such a verse in the Qur'an. And all the greatest scholars of Islam classical and most modern do agree that women can't marry anyone outside of Islam.
@@hossamali9016 because In marriage, the husband has authority over the wife. He has the right to veto her. So to have a disbelieving person hold authority over you is a major risk to the faith.
@@symparanekromenoi rulers don't interfere with the religious actions of individuals. But spouses can and especially husbands influence their wives badly. So do can wives but women are privileged in Islam and considered foundation of the family and they are not obliged to work for the family. These situations can rule out if the husband is non Muslims and demands otherwise. That's how I understand it. I have noticed it that men have greater influence on their wives than women on men irrespective of religious background and cultures. God knows best.
I’m a monotheistic Christian I would love to marry a Muslim woman because I eat halal and eat vegan food and am a loyal man women outside the monotheistic view are very polytheistic 6:48 and I wish I was musilim sometimes because I don’t wanna marry someone that is polytheistic 7:27
In 2021 why is it still wrong for a muslim woman to marry a non muslim man, when said man is not a polytheist? Should it not count for something that he is also "people of the book?"
Because she will be unprotected and vulnerable. Their religions don’t have legislation that protects the rights of women the way Islam does. It’s for their own sake
mostly alcoholic and pork eaters and have less moral principles because is afraid of nothing than a muslim upbringing where he fears Gods repercussion !
Marry people you love. Not based on religion. I love my wife & she isn’t from my religion. Yet we are very happy together. Men like this are just divisive factor in society. Follow your heart ❤.
Why doesn’t Saudi Arabia have any churches or allow other faiths? I wish they could answer this question. The Quran does not tell its believers to prohibit this but instead says “there’s no compulsion in religion”.
@hœweèff See 90 percent of saudi arabia even with expats are muslim,most of the non muslim expats if they would have cared about their religion should not have gone to ultra orthodox saudi arabia at first and expect them to provide churches temples for them..All those expats are not native,and if those expats leave, saudi will easily fill it with muslims of india pakistan and bangladesh expats..U cannot expect a country to provide for u where u are not native,u should live like and accept how their laws....In italy there r no mosques,in slovakia islam is not recognised as religion,hijab is banned in many european countries..
Saudi Arabia does have people from other religions living there lots of Arab Christians and hindu Indians but building temples and churches is not easy in Saudi Arabia that's like saying the Vatican should have mosques although there are many churches in the middle east and in the Arabian peninsula like in UAE
God had allowed interfaith marriages now for both sexes . The issue is not answered clearly here . Why the scholars will take so much liberty to interpret two similar injunctions soo radically differently?
Hi I have a question, what about nikah? I’ve heard that there are Imams that have a hard time allowing a nikah to happen if the women is Muslim marrying a Christian man. If there is any that do allow who would you recommend?
You don’t need an imam to verify to your nikkah. Anybody can. As long as it is done in public and not in secret. Imams don’t own the religion. It’s not their dads religion. Just follow the Quran and leave those idiots to themselves.
You teach your children of both religions and give them experience with both, and then when they are old enough to make their own decisions you let them choose which one they would like to follow more
Can an omission be interpreted as something that is forbidden? Is it truly an omission or simply the fact that just like in old history books the word Men (with a capital M) when talking about human kind includes both men and women?
Exactly! As a muslimah who searched the Quran for verses saying it is haram for Muslim women to marry outside their religion and I didn't find any. Obviously hundreds of years ago women were not treated equally to men it would be unadvisable because she would have less agency and perhaps be driven away from her religion and into her husband's but in the modern day an interfaith marriage is one of mutual respect and since there's no restriction it seems to just be a relic of sexism
@@sanjidaalam1897 are you ignorant “i searched all around the Quran and I couldn’t find a verse that prohibits a Muslim women marrying a non Muslim man” what joke is this you could atleast sound convincing when you lie it’s literally in the second chapter of the Quran. Al-Baqarah - Verse 221 وَلَا تَنكِحُوا۟ ٱلْمُشْرِكَـٰتِ حَتَّىٰ يُؤْمِنَّ ۚ وَلَأَمَةٌ مُّؤْمِنَةٌ خَيْرٌ مِّن مُّشْرِكَةٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَتْكُمْ ۗ وَلَا تُنكِحُوا۟ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ حَتَّىٰ يُؤْمِنُوا۟ ۚ وَلَعَبْدٌ مُّؤْمِنٌ خَيْرٌ مِّن مُّشْرِكٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكُمْ ۗ أُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى ٱلنَّارِ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ يَدْعُوٓا۟ إِلَى ٱلْجَنَّةِ وَٱلْمَغْفِرَةِ بِإِذْنِهِۦ ۖ وَيُبَيِّنُ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran: Do not marry polytheistic women until they believe; for a believing slave-woman is better than a free polytheist, even though she may look pleasant to you. And do not marry your women to polytheistic men until they believe, for a believing slave-man is better than a free polytheist, even though he may look pleasant to you. They invite ˹you˺ to the Fire while Allah invites ˹you˺ to Paradise and forgiveness by His grace. He makes His revelations clear to the people so perhaps they will be mindful. The word used in this verse is mushrick which is a term that refers to all non Muslims. The only exception was made in surah Al Maidah which allowed Muslim men to marry chaste women from the people of the book ie (the Jews and Christians).
First of all let me clear u that according to all abrahmic religion (chritian, Jews and Muslims) , human are send to earth for test and to see loyalty towards the God, that's y restrictions are there......
Seeing comments coming from Non-muslims that love has no boundaries,no religion no language.Yeah sure but it’s for you people who don’t even know their own religion.First learn your religion and then have the audacity to try to teach us.Because for us Muslims Quran is the Most Superior Book and it’s providing us the path for living Life.
I don't think the so called polytheistic religions are teaching to believe in different gods. I as a Hindu believe only in one God, yes there are many forms in which God is worshipped and it's because early Sanatana Dharma kept on accepting different cultures and methods into itself which is now known as Hinduism. But end of the day we are also taught that there is a single God i.e. Brahman. And look at the coincidence, abraham and brahman sounds similar. Religions need to evolve with time, better to focus on similarities and peace rather than differences and wars.
@@sanjidaalam1897 not true. also religion and god isnt the same thing one can believe in some form of higher consciousness and still recognise christianity islam or hinduism as false belief
Hard to believe that God would create us all and then put stipulations on who we marry. All of man is sinful. Man wrote all of these passages. God did not. Therefore, it's absurd to believe that 100% of the book is accurate. Man has interjected his beliefs in there as well. If two people are soulmates and they both have good hearts and are truly good people, God would not shame that marriage but encourage it. I'm Christian and have stumbled uponnthe love of my life. She is Muslim. The way that our paths met could only have happened by fate. I truly believe that God meant for us to find each other. We both overwhelming feel it in our hearts.
You can't trust your heart brother. The heart is your flesh and it is deceitful. Satan throws temptations at people all the time. Jeremiah 17:9-10 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”
@@U_y_g_h_u_r_L_i_v_e_s_Matter I literally just quoted the Holy Bible and you're telling me, "that's not true" 😭 Are you sure you know Jesus? You might have a counterfeit.
@shomshomni2314 I can quote the Bible too, my friend. Romans 5:5 "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" Ephesians 3:17 "Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love" God lives in me and tells me what is right and what is wrong in everything that I do every day. I hope that you find this too!
@@U_y_g_h_u_r_L_i_v_e_s_Matter You can only trust your heart if it is in alignment with his Word. God is not going to tell you to be unequally yoaked with an unbeliever. It is explicitly stated for you not to do that. Satan would be the one who would encourage you. He knows the flesh of man is weak and your heart is still flesh and wants wordly desires. This is why will receive new bodies in the new world.
Did he say the Q’uran allows a Muslim man marry a Jew or Christian woman but he then later mentions not to marry a polytheistic woman? Muslims see Christians as polytheists though and he says the only way the Q’uran allows them to marry is if the woman or man believes? So must they convert to Islam at some point?
This is what the Bible says about interfaith marriage. ”To the rest I say that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?“ 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 ESV
A believing woman is not allowed to marry a non believing man nor is a believing man allowed to marry a non believing woman. It goes both ways. However, it was allowed for Muslim Men to marry believing women of the Christian and Jewish faith given that in those days it was Men who were protectors and providers of women. Men throughout history in all cultures have been the providers and it was and even still till this day women who marry Men from other cultures and into their families. What most people I find are trying to do here is discredit Islam for not allowing women to marry outside the faith. That's why Dr Shabir mentioned clearly that women who married and became Muslims and then divorced after having had received their dowry was given back to the former husbands as a way of testing the faith of these newly Muslim women.
A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or a Jewish. Whereas a woman can only marry a Muslim. If one wants to marry an individual outside of the Abrahamic faiths. Then the individual must first convert to Islam.
Marrying a partner who has not converted and still does not believe in Islam will lead to lot of regrets. If you think after marriage she/he will follow Islam then this is a misconception. Try the reasoning before marriage and if she/he follows Islam for at least a year then marry. Otherwise your kids will not get Islamic teachings and you will regret very badly on dieing bed. May Allah SWT Allah guide us all!!
My professor a Muslim who passed away may his soul be in peace what's a very dedicated Muslim he was trying to teach me as much out of it as he can. He was married to a Christian woman and he said they had one of the greatest understanding she never interfere with his religious belief. Of course she passed away before he did but he was said that it was the best 25 a marriage that he ever had. And I understand where you coming from. But yet it is to believe that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him also had a wife from another faith.
@@Magic818100 Brother the examples at your end are very few. I know at least a dozen cases where kids are non Muslim or a namesake Muslim after marriages with Non Muslims. I had concluded on the basis of Numbers and in above 90% cases people regret their decision. May Allah SWT guide us all.
@@lionIndiagr8 with all respect brother but you want me to tell you something deal more separations and divorce within the own religion look how many Christians divorce with a partner who's a Christian look how many Muslims Divorced with the Muslims who are Muslims when you talk with a lot of brothers and sisters most of them have been divorced. So either you can see even if you marry someone of your faith it doesn't guarantee anything. Llévame people who are separating in their religion than those who are in Interfaith religion and yet nobody talks about that. This is the problem that I've always seen religion separate people
@@Magic818100 Brother you have shifted the discussion to divorce and the statistics is that Christians and other communities specifically in US and Europe have 4 times divorce ration than who follow Islam. So your argument itself is in wrong direction. One who knows Islam knows that divorce is allowed but it is highly disliked by Allah. Also if a person who follows Islam knows that caring and loving his wife/husband is regarded highly and has lot of rewards in this Life and hereafter. A person would not enter Janah until he is good and caring to his immediate family. Tragedy is that we Muslims don't follow Islam nowadays.
I have one question regarding "People of the book". Who are the people of the book? Are they only Jews or Christians? Allah had mentioned in the Quran that " Messengers have been sent to all people not just Jews and Christians". In your earlier videos you have said that Vedas(specially upanishad part) says that "God is One". So according to this people who follow this verse strictly are not polytheists. So can they be called the people of the book? And if not can a Muslim person marry these people who believe in one God but they are neither Jews nor Christians? Please elaborate. Thank you 😊
there are prophets and messengers. the difference between these two is that prophets were given revelation for the people they were sent to and messengers were given revelation (wahi) in a "scripture" form like the gospel of Jesus, shrines of Abraham, the wahi of David and the Torah (the stone tablets) for Moses. so these people who a "scripture" was sent to are called Ahlul Kitab (people of the book). I really hope I didn't say anything wrong that's only my opinion. please furthermore inform yourself if you want more clarity. but what I can definelety say is that Christians, Jews, Muslims, and I think Sabians or whatever they're called are people of the book and we as men can only marry those who are chaste of them (virgins and good in faith). Cheers.
People of the book means the people to whom messengers were sent with divine books from GOD, which are the Ten Comandments (Torah) sent to Moses and Bible to Jesus. So the Jews and Christians are people of the book.
I think you can marry anyone who believe in one God because they are monotheistic and this is the main core of Islam regardless of what book they are people of because who knows if Buddhist texts or hindu texts were from prophets many years ago? They both have common ideas with Islam and it is impossible to know in modern times. I think Allah judges us for our intentions. If someone believes in one God, this is a sign of their faith and I think you can marry them if the kids can be brought up muslim (just like it's done if someone is Christian or Jewish) Allah knows best. I hope you get the clarity you're looking for soon.
@@sanjidaalam1897 lust is the biggest traitor in human.. always remember Allah sent So many books and Allah wants to testify who is loyal to his bookand following his commandments madam apni taraf se kuch bhi naya add karne ki koshish na kare these are our scholars unhone sadiyo se bahut study/research kiya hai..please hamare scholars ke bare me kabhi aisa mat sochna ki vo ghalat preach kar rahe hai
Thanks so much I am in love with orthodox Christian women in extreme believe in her believe I will definitely married her as long as my religion except
I was talking to a woman of the Muslim faith. I was more than willing to respect the Muslim religion. I just wanted to get to know her better. I believe we are all in this together so, I really don't understand why her family is so against it... If both parties are willing to understand and support each other and are truly in love, why would certain religious supporters frown upon this? Seems to be unethical and a form of discrimination... This is 2024, we are all in this together and at the end of the day all share a common goal. To make this world a better place.
From my readings i understood A muslim Man cannot marry Christian or Jews who embraced their faith after the coming of Islam ( abrogation of particular religion)
All Muslims explain to me what is the meaning of Messiah and why did Quran call Jesus the Messiah, And why did the Quran didn't called mohammad the Messiah
R2026....Let me answer you.....The missionaries again will say to the Muslims is Jesus the messiah, Muslim will say yes, was Mohamed a messiah, Muslim will say no, so Muslims will think ok Jesus is a messiah and Mohamed not, so Jesus is better and more divine than Mohamed. Please asked the missionary what the meaning of the messiah is? Jesus was the messiah, but there were many other messiahs in the bible besides Jesus. Now you will find out if he knows his bible. David, Solomon was called messiahs even Sirius the Persians king was called the Messiah, trying to find this in the bible, is almost impossible, as the bible translators cover the word up. Messiah means the anointed, somebody appointed to do something. Even the king of ancient Israel was called the messiah. Suddenly the word does not look so special anymore. It’s a title, but it does not elevate someone to a divine status. Hope you get the message.....goodday
@diploma propo maybe u must go into the background as to why Jesus was raised alive on that fatal day when the Romans and Jews were gunning for his neck and blood...the only reason why his coming back very simple!!!! come and rectify the blasphemy the socalled Paulians are practising today...good day
@diploma propo ..Jesus was not the cause of the then blasphemy and the current blashemy which continues unabated..the reason why Muhammad came was to take the arabs out of the darkness they were in and to correct the distortion of God's words in the OT...btw Muhammed prophecy was to convey the final message, and his message corrected the distortion in the OT....good day
@diploma propo must remember prophets was send by God,to different peoples and tribes,they each came with a specific message.for their people at that time..but Muhammed message was to transformed the Arabs out of paganism,and because he was the FINAL MESSENGER and the MESSAGE or REVELATION he came with ...was the final revelation....his message is a universal message for all off mankind....the breaking of the cross and slaying of the pig..,that is left for Jesus on 2nd coming....good day
I note you stated, Shabir, that there is nothing in the Quran which says Muslim women can marry outside their faith. BUT, Shabir, is there anything in the Quran or hadith which says Muslim women cannot marry outside their faith? In other words, a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man? Be honest here please Shabir. I notice you worded that previous comment well.
I've been with a christian Catholic man for 3 years and a half , family is pulling us apart , im muslim .according to what he told me , in his religion god is love , amd hes allowed to marry me , I've always been told that i cant , so does god prevent us from loving if not religiously ? Im so desperate im head over heals for this man and so is he
hey doc. can you shed light on a statement by zakir naik caling rhose islamians that live, thrive and supoorting non islamic country a munafik calling this HARAM. can you address his statement. it borderline creating hatred.
What is a "believing Servant/slave" as opposed to Free man? My understanding is that Muslims are not to be taken as slaves and slaves who became Muslim were freed. How can someone be both a slave and a Muslim?
Muslim is a dictorship, they don't respect women. Men can marry multiple wife's but the lady can't. I've chatted to a few Musilm women when I was on a dating site, all of them said I would have to convert if I want to be with them. God has given everyone free will, we are all the same. My best friend is Muslim and my family treat him as a son and brother, his family hate me only for not being a Muslim. His family also fight so much, there is no genuine love within. I think it's sad because God has given us all a brain, it's down to us to distinguish what is right or wrong. Look at the facts and try to be a better person and love everyone, no matter who they are.
As a non-Muslim man, I married a Muslim woman. There are some challenges with this but I respect her faith and we are doing very well. Most Muslim women however are told they cannot do this. Thankfully, we live in a western and free society.
I am a Muslim woman and I want to marry a tribal guy because I want to give hope and improve those communities and also to oppose untouchability. I will be a Muslim even after marriage and teach kids about Islam. Can I marry an atheist?
Salam sister, the reality is yes, muslim women cannot marry anyone other then a muslim men. If u will do then u r out of Islam, the same rule is for muslim men.
@@zaynabdurrani5274 seems you are well educated about Islam otherwise there are lots of so called educated women who are denying the verses and blaming scholars for wrong interpretrations.
I'm so happy that Dr Shabir corrected his view about Muslim women marrying people of the Book..He now acknowledges that the permission is given to the male. Previously he said the Quraan is silent about it and therefore Muslim women may marry Jewish or Christian men. Thank you Dr Shabir.
No it isn’t present that means Muslims women can’t marry Jewish or Christian men. Also Muslim women or men certainly can’t marry polytheists or Hindus. I don’t understand how u can make such a bold claim it’s pretty clear that Muslim women are only allowed to marry other then Muslim men not anyone else. Many scholars agree on this and I believe there is even a Hadith about it.
@@SpongebobNewsFish what’s the rationale for it being okay for a Muslim man marrying Jewish or Christian woman as permissible and for Muslim woman to not be granted the same?
@@SpongebobNewsFishno it’s not halal if it’s halal we will see women in the time of prophet marrying them like man in the time of prophet they marry a non muslim women SO muslim WOMEN CAN’T
@franky2347 because in Islam, a man is the leader of the family, and a woman is supposed to obey her husband, and the children generally are raised in the religion of their fathers. Considering that Christians and Jews are "People of the Book" in the Qur'an, Muslim men can marry their women because he will be the leader of the family and the Jewish or Christian woman will be led by a Muslim man. On the other hand, if a Muslim woman marries a Christian or Jewish man, she will have to be led by a disbeliever, so it doesn't make sense for Islam to permit such a marriage.
But isn't there a verse that admonished Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews ? I mean that will effect any marriage between man and wife .
Allah made humans, all humans and so all humans, who live within the word and grace of Allah are worthy. Do not make yourself unworthy by ignoring the diversity he has blessed the world with for us to enjoy.
Because you do not know how their beliefs influences the way they treat a woman. For example, an orthodox Jewish man will not please their wife in bed. Only do it to make babies. Also the woman has to shave her head the night of her marriage because her husband is Orthodox Jewish. How unjust is that? Why would Islam allow situations like these for their treasured muslim women?
I am married to a non muslim woman.. I can assure you this law is to protect muslim women and their off spring... If I could go back in time I would marry a God fearing woman...
@@Getchomeme I get what you are saying, but how many jews of today live like that. I'm sure a minority of them, who practice orthodoxy may be like that but why would a sane Muslim woman marry such a person anyway.
@@symparanekromenoi love makes us blind. You need to realize there's plenty of people outside of your country, living in different ways. You don't see them much on social media but it doesn't mean they don't exist. A perfect religion has to apply to a world full of villages, cities, and tribes, not just the typical westernized citizen.
In a similar way, you can't ignore that many countries are in war right now, where mothers end up widowed and there's not enough men to bring food to the table. Hence why they can marry a second wife if they have enough money to give her her own house and they both agree. It sounds crazy to you, I know, but there's people being bombed right now somewhere else too. Many of these people don't usually have phones so you probably never hear about it.
These days it hard to find the people of the book submitting to one God especially Christians believe trinity and which is a sin in our religion to associate someone or something with God. So it is better that a believer should marry other believer who believe in one God and not associate anything with God Allah almighty.
this is not entirely true. Although christians do believe in the trinity, this does not necessarily mean that they believe in more than one god. If you asked a christian how many gods there are, they would say one. Christianity is not a polytheistic religion and the concept of trinity is often misunderstood by muslims, I should also add that I am a muslim so this is not coming from a bias perspective but a factual perspective.
@@hamzarashid4306 Ya and what does Islam teaches? Strict monotheism trinity is indeed polytheistic and you might get shocked after learning about this but hindus too belive in theology like trinity, so now, are they monotheist? Hindus belive there is one ultimate supreme reality and other 300 Million Gods are part of that one ultimate reality and the three main Gods of hinduism Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma are one God , does this makes any sense?
@@hamzarashid4306 Trinity is misunderstood by only those muslims who have gave the answer of 1+1+1=1 in there maths exams and they are now methamaticians I know out there, their are christian theologins and apologist try to convince muslims that trinity is indeed monotheist (lol, as hinduism is) but I have studied theology in a reasonable amount, I have read about trinity (they give analogist like infinity+infinity+infinity=infinity lool)
@@zaynabdurrani5274 jews are better monothiest than Christians.. btw Allah says in quran ki jews par lanat kar di gayi then why muslim man are allowed to marry jews? ya ye verse baad me ayi? fir yahudi gharqad k ped k peeche chupenge aur ped gawahi dega...i think in present time muslim males k liye bhi allow nhi hai jews/christians k sath untill they embrace Islam.
Does it matter what's written in a scripture? I believe the scripture is there to serve a human, not the other way around. Human's free will and rational interpretation of the world around him is more important than anything written in any scripture
A scripture is meant to serve human? Hahaha i still don't understand what you meant by that. A scripture is a map to navigate through this world. You have to follow that map to get to the end of the road. And if you have the wrong map you are lost.
We would be better off had there been marriage alliances between crusader kings and the ottomans etc...We would have seen SO MUCH LESS EXTREMISM!! less fights over holy lands..and instead of the religious organizations intentionally changing how they believe and operate, to intentionally increase the rifts between the two..Would have pushed the similarities. God the power would be immense
But condolence to your future kid. They will be confuse to follow which one of you as a parent. You will have a problem in the here after, suppose your spouse die as non-believer, she will blame you at the judgement day and drag you to the hellfire.
'Quran is not copied from Bible. But it is written based on Bible. Bible has two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. Bible is the history of Salvation, nothing more, nothing less. Old Testament is the preperation for Christ event. New Testament is the Covenant of Love and every person is supposed to obey the New Testament and the guidence of Jesus Christ. The Arabic world was dominated by a group of war lords. People were very crude and social security and justice was far away. The power was the justice. When written Quran it has taken laws from Old Testament and mixed with the covenant of love from the New Testament. The objective was to change the people into a group of cultured and peaceful ones. Quran itself is asking people to read Bible for further clarification.'
@Moonie Moon You are too low IQ to figure it out...This channel doesn't have any content. Moonie Moon Highlighted reply Moonie Moon 7 hours ago What do you mean please I don’t understand 😊
I have a question about ""This ahlul kitab"" Today ,Do we have the same ""Ahlul kitab"" that Quran mentioned ? Or Today,Do we have the same ""Ahlul kitab''' who lived the period of prophet Muhammad nabi sallalahu alahi vasallam ? I think not There are many differences between now a days Christian and jews and ''''Ahlul kitab"" that lived in prophet time and mentioned in Quran. For example : Varakat bin nawfal, who was relative of khadeeja (r.a)and master of injeal and tora oppose the idolatry system but today's some christian sects are doing idolatry Another thing is that Christian have trinity beliefs and consider jesus as God but the people mentioned by Quran as ""Ahlul kitab"" was the people who believe one God and not believe trinity and not believe jesus as God but as prophet because trinity is the beliefs of like Paganic and polytheistic which says God has son and many stuffs like roman Paganic beliefs . Then when we consider the Jews Who don't believe jesus nor believe the mother mary as Virgin then how can Jews of today be a ''ahlul kitab"" of Quran while they are opposing the Jesus and muhammad predicted by their book tora? I think those ''Ahlul kitab" which was mentioned in Quran like the true followers of pre Islamic books of injeal and tora accepted the Islam totally and became the Muslims For example: King Najjasi, Salman Al farsi(R.A),varakat bin nawfal and so on So today we have no Ahlul kitab according to the history of prophet, They existed before prophet but they all became Muslim After the arrival of Last prophecy of God which was predicted on injeal and tora. So now a days Christian and jews can't be considered as ''Ahlul kitab'' of Quran Could you please answer those questions and deliver a good explanation about my questions ⁉️❓❓
Good morning and God bless you, I really like your question and I hope to know soon what those first "Christians" or "Peope of the Books" were like. I would also like to know with all due respect if you could answer me these questions: 1. Have you also wondered if Muhammad and his followers in the 6th century thought the same as the first scribes of the Qur'an who embodied their oral tradition 200 years after the death of their prophet and even more if today's Muslims approach what were they from the sixth or eighth century? 2. Could you tell me exactly in which pre-Islamic books the coming of Muhammad is predicted? Many assure it but no one answers them with solid arguments.
@@lisetriskel Ahlul kitab - al yahud(people of Moses), nazareth(people of jesus) and sabians(now a days mandanean religion in Iraq, people of prophet yahya bin zakaria known as john in bible) Mandanean religion in Iraq(Quranic sabians) don't believe Trinity. Al yahud (people of Moses) modern day judahism don't believe trinity You can see them today as well , they don't believe trinity or don't believe son , father or holly sprit because they believe one God who didn't have the son or father But just see the nazareth people (people of jesus modern day catholic and christians derived from catholic church of rome) they believe trinity and believe God has son and father So every beliefs of Christians now a days contradicted with judahism beliefs and sabians beliefs who were mentioned in Quran as Ahlul kitab and Who were before jesus too So modern day Christianity is contradict with the another two Ahlul kitab that mentioned in Quran Just go and see the bible of barnabas which is not used by Christians now a days but contradict with modern bible of Paul. Barnabas bible is the only one physical evidence today that shows ancient Christianity had been different from modern day catholic and christian beliefs.
WTF???? "I'm not saying that something is wrong with polytheists today..." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He means something used to be wrong with polytheists 1400 yrs ago, but now the issues have been settled?! Since when has Dr. Shabir become so liberal?
I remember this guy having debate with fundamental Christian. Smar guy. He basically destroyed him with biblical arguments. I don't believe in gods and similar children stuff, but I belive in wisdom. To be fair, Shabir is a smart person and I would like to talk with him. No mattter what I belive. I just wanna talk with this guy with all due respect he's abandon silly story with god and stuff.
there was a story a man and a muslim woman were in love.. but the woman was hesitant because marrying a non-muslim man is prohibites in Islam.. but the man told the woman that he will visit their place to ask for her family's permission to marry her... they went and they were received.. the man explained about their love and the woman's family seemed amuse and warm to the young man but later he was murdered in their house. reason: he is not muslim. now you tell me about inter marriage is permissible in Quran!
The Holy Quran has addressed Men & Women in a mono- tone that 1st need to be recognised. There's no GENDER bias in revelations except for few verses due to context. So if the Prophets & holy books r from ALLAH SWT, then logically all Ahl- E- Qitab as long as BELIEVERS, should be valid. Because Quran is the most logical. Thus a man can only marry Ahl- E- Qitab & women can't, doesn't make logical reflections. May ALLAH SWT help us understand the contexts of Quran & holistically let us apply it rather than isolated focus on a verse.
Excellent coverage of the topic! Just to enhance the subject it would be interesting to learn how injunctions against polytheism might apply to modern societal views and opinions. For instance might a preoccupation with say, pursuing money, physical appearance and socioeconomic status be taken for polytheism? Is there some line that must be rossed? Thoughts?
@Asim Ayyubi *cough * "Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded? "45:23....
Men are more dominant and controlling towards their wives in general and make women to follow their way while women on the other hand are a weaker gender. If a Muslim woman marries a non-muslim man then often she has to submit herself to his ways. She has to work hard to maintain her marriage by always accepting and obeying her husband's demands and this thing will drive her away from her religion. If she truly loves her religion then she will not marry a non muslim man but if she gives preference to the non muslim man over her religion then she has to suffer by abandoning her religion.
Assalamualaikum, I am a recent revert to Islam. I was athiest, and so is my husband. Is this against Islam to be married to him even though we married before I reverted..?
interfaith marriages are not easy, two people pulling in their own direction. marriages are tough to begin with so to ask for any additional burden, is silly.
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@Hamza may Allah reward you for your generosity! Please donate what you can...every little bit counts!
Love your show.
-Please comment on the issue of family photos on display, photos/prints/art of animals/people from travel souvenirs, and bells/chimes at home. The ruling is unclear and contradictive, and I do not see the merit in striking doubt/fear in the worshippers of Allah when there is no intention of "shirk". This almost appears to be a preoccupation with superstition.
-The logic of angels and dogs in the house is clear because of hygiene/Wuduh and "Najasa". In contrast, none of the items mentioned previously have any intention of straying from Tawheed. In our lives today, where can you go without a bell or chime or a photo or print around? I'm conscious that I do not worship the depicted in photos. Also, saying that bells/chimes are the instruments of satan is quite a giant statement.
Thank you and Jazakum Allahu Kairan
Allah Warns in the Q..uran ➡️“This day, I have perfected your Religion for you, completed My Favour upon you , and have chosen for you Islam 😊 as your religion” Quran 5 : 3 ➡️ Please Note the Perfected & Complete Religion was without any Biddah ❌( Biddah is all newly invented deeds which the Prophet P. B.U.H Did not mention )
Can an omission be interpreted as something that is forbidden? Is it truly an omission or simply the fact that just like in old history books the word Men (with a capital M) when talking about human kind includes both men and women?
This is the Question to Dr Shabir We Christian we know why did Bible call Jesus the Messiah and we know what Messiah means
And why ❓❓❓ did the Quran call Jesus the Messiah give the meaning of Messiah according to the Quran
And why Messiah title can't be apply to mohammad
Is Messiah can't be applied to mohammad then Mohammed was the false prophets and Allah was a false God because mohammad believe in Allah
Dr. Shabir Aly, we need more people like you. The Ummah needs you. Sisters in Islam need you. I am so tired of Saudi-style "scholars" and "mullahs" dictating how Muslims must live based on their narrow minded approach to interpreting Islam. Our religion is not complicated but they make it so. They legitimize human rights abuses and opression. Guess when Prophet Muhammad saws prophesied that leaders will not be knowledgeable, he was right. We need people like Dr. Ally who actually know what they are saying and can back it up with facts.
@@kanizfatima1377 women can't marry anyone except a muslim. Men shouldn't do it too, even if they are allowed to do it.
Absolutely right.
you mean moderate islam. It really is beautiful
I married a Muslim woman and have no regrets.
how are you guys doing? what religion are you?
@@coolcat2956 - I am no religion.
@@AmmonRa-wm5kcvery rare to hear that but good God bless both of you
In this video, he said women can't marry someone outside of her religion.
@viralclips211 - Women can marry outside of her religion in the USA. Freedom is awesome!!
So the food is only halal for men then?😂 When God speaks in quran, the structure is masculin. this applies to women as well. Woman can marry ahlil kitab as well. God did not say its haram. He did not mention that because its open. Men choose to interpret it this way to control women. Thats it basicly. Women of today has more power for raising her kids than the father has, and God knew it. He left it open. God know best
Scholars chose to not promote that women can marry ahlil kitab in purpose. So sad
paul says women who dont cover their heads needs to be shaven bald i guess paul wanted to control women as well?
There's more to come. This is just part 1 of the series 😊
@@fidelcatsro6948 Yes ,I agree with you.
Exactly sister! Women are not lesser in faith than men, infact the Quran says explicitly that men and women are equal in faith. So a believing man and a believing women can marry, this means muslims, jews and christians, all believers. If Allah says that men can marry women of the people of the book, does this not mean that Allah feels the faith of these women equal?! So then how can the faith of a christian or jewish man not be equal or good enough for a muslim woman?!
Interesting. As a Christian , this has been very enlightening and interesting - thanks. He seems very learned and is extremely articulate
You're most welcome. Thank you for watching!
You know that mohammad have cursed all christians and jews? Thats interesting cause these people think that mohammad bring the word of god. 🤔🤔🤔
Christian here, just came across your content.
Interesting to listen.
As a Christian, the Bible mentions we shouldn’t hate or judge anyone. I try to be this way. I’m glad he speaks about Christianity and Judaism with such respect
@@brismuvela3631 well Muhammad judged Christian and jews!! May be instead of listening to what shabir says, you should do what a real prophet says like the apostle Paul say to go research for your self. You will find that Muhammad was a confuse human being who contradicted himself all the time!! He can’t be a real prophet!! After doing your own reading, come back and tell me about judging and not judging
@@giova913 people who lied about prophet Muhammad PBUH while they don’t know anything about prophet Muhammad PBUH are interesting. Our prophet Muhammad PBUH never cursed innocent people and was kind to many Jews and Christians except these who was enemies to Muslims and attacking him and Muslims. But do Christians teach others about peace while your bible says this: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.(Matthew 10:34)
Quran says “We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the mankind(Quran: 21:107)
In marriage the treatment of each other is important. Not religion or colour. And the belief in the creator in every religion is important.
For muslims everything is religion
Marriage is a bond between you God and your spouse. Marriage is to please the creator
@@5ThBoy yes god must come. But doesn't include religion.
@@maxtyson9035 Religion is the way God wants us to behave so what do you mean is God wrong what he wants from his creation we have a choice
The treatment of each other is important according to the faith and it's principles. So " religion " is important. Unless you are an atheist who has zero beliefs then this doesnt apply to you. But it does apply to Muslims.
As a practicing Muslim man - The problem is, where will you find practicing Christian and Jewish women? So in today's time it is also advisable for Muslim men to stick with Muslim women, unless they are sure that they have come across a practicing Christian/Jewish woman.
Practicing Christians ask the same: Where are the good men and women formed in the fear of GOD, regardless of whether they are Christians, Jews or Muslims? I believe that religion does not make you Saint or a sinner, what counts is your sincere commitment to God, in all religions there are good and bad people; that is why it is important to put aside the myths and give us the opportunity to meet other people equally without matter if they sympathize with our faith or customs. Because at the end of the day even in our own community we can also find bad people who influence us badly in life.
Exactly. It is better to marry the chaste believing muslim women.
No practicing Christian/Jewish women will marry a muslim because it's forbidden in their religion.
Only ones muslim men can marry are the atheist liberal feminist type who bend their religion to suit their whims and desire.
Is a practicing christian better than a non practicing christian?
Christian teaches good things too so yeah a practising christian is better than those who dont. Bible teaches women to wear modest clothes too. So yeah. I'm a muslim btw.
Marriage should not be a problem if a man and woman love each other from different religions God is good. Remember that all Christians, Muslims and Jews have the same ancestor Abraham. The important thing is that a Christian can be a Christian and a Muslim be a Muslim, you can still be married and love each other despite different religions
But remember both of then have corrupted there scripture
Exactly marriage and religion are different things
might we be talking about abraham who attempted to murder his son? because if it were today he would be imprisoned
@@regernfaraja4344 he only did it to please God because you must always fear God, of course God was only testing him an Angel came to Abraham and said there is no need to kill his son for God sees he has fear
Christians and Jews don't believe it. So end of discussion.
I am a Turkish Muslim married to an Indian Hindu. The amount of love and support we received from our family and friends is bar none. I hope people understand that two people getting married is their own business and just support and love them however they can and they get the support we did. Love from Turkey ❤❤
How is it going for you guys?☺️
@@hareembukhari1358 you want to marry non muslim? If you also believe love has no religion then rememeber lust has no religion.
Who cares.. you have free choice you can do what ever you want
Brother that marriage is haram May Allah guide you
@@amindada9947 it’s none of your business mate
As a spiritualist woman believing in the One God who is with a Muslim man with the intention to marry, respect must be paid on either side of the relationship for it to work. I respect and encourage him within his faith, as does he with me. Respect and understanding are the bases of all relationships, religious or not.
>encouraging in his faith
100% wife material statement, it's sad how uncommon this is in Western society
For you as a woman they don't have problem because the Man is the head afterall. But where the hypocrisy is, is we as men cannot marry Muslim women and that's really hypocritical of the Islamic faith as it favors Men more than the women.
Islam is not religion is the way of life for every human on the planet weather they believed or not weather they practiced on not is more then a religion is the way of life giving by the creator of the world
You will convert or he will merely have fun with you. And even if you convert doesn’t mean you’ll be married
@@VeneerDept That's a weird and disrespectful thing to say. If you're a Muslim, you have no right to judge the intentions of other Muslims.
Isn't God pure Love? Has not God bound people through pure Love? Are we not all equal in front of God's eyes? Then why not being able to marry the person of your choice? If it has been God Himself the one that has put that Love in them? Praise Him!!!
This love you're quoting is due to pass at some point and afterwards the responsibility to the family and society takes over. So the question is what kind of society are we building when selecting spouses. When the initial irrational lustful emotional explosions come to pass. How do you raise the children? Do you give them names from the mother or the father religion. Do you circumcise the boys, and later on what place of worship do they attend, and men throughout time and cultures have been the leaders of the families so you better believe it will go their way. What kind of families are we building??!!!
@@samikassab4444 real love is more than lust. Also there have been inter culture, Inter reacial and inter religion couples all over the world without an issue. Times are changing and men are not leaders of family all the time.
@@clauaome25 I said lust among other things.
And yes we can think that but you're taking your chances. You can't control people or bend them towards applying what you believe is correct even if it's your spouse. And these family decisions are very important.
What you say is politically correct, and feels good now. God's law is what is better for your life and society for the long run.
And God knows best....
The problem is muslim believe the true God whilest christian believe in a fake God is that too hard to understand? The first greatest sin in islam is disbeliving in God and sharing a bed with someone that has disbelieved does not sound right don't you think? Think about it deeply,
Its not all white and black it is not hard to see. I suggest you keep you distance away from us, don't try to change us and our religion with the guise of love. Keep that love to yourself. I do not want to love someone thats ungrateful to Allah(subhannahu waata'ala).
You dont sound like a true muslim. You sound like an apostate of islam or probably an atheist who hates islam. I dont know. Just guessing. Your comments dont represent the teachings of Islam. I think you are trying to make Muslim looks bad. Try again fella.
Jadi rasionalnya di sini jelas adalah
jika anda berkahwin dengan orang di luar kepercayaan,
orang itu boleh menghubungi anda
jauh dari iman,
dalam apa jua keadaan boleh mempengaruhi anda
walaupun mereka tidak menghubungi anda secara langsung
jauh dari iman anda dan itu boleh
dari sudut agama,
bermaksud anda berakhir di tempat yang salah
dalam kehidupan akhirat,
yang akan menjadi bencana.
Musibah terburuk untuk ini,
penganut Islam yang serius.
- Jadi apa yang dilakukan hamba atau hamba yang percaya
atau apa sahaja yang digunakan di sini dalam ayat ini
apa maksudnya, apa maksudnya?
- Di sini nampaknya ada perbezaan
antara masyarakat Islam
yang disebut sebagai masyarakat yang beriman dan,
dan semua yang lain.
- Baik.
- Jadi, itu tidak bermaksud bahawa tidak ada orang yang beriman
di luar masyarakat Islam.
Sudah tentu, ada orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan,
ada orang yang mempercayai dengan ikhlas kepercayaan mereka sendiri
dan sebagainya.
Dan kami akan,
kami akan memanggil mereka orang yang beriman.
Kami akan memanggil mereka orang yang setia,
orang beriman tetapi,
masyarakat berpecah belah
pada masa wahyu al-Quran
dan masyarakat dipanggil dengan pelbagai nama.
Oleh itu, apa yang disebut oleh masyarakat Islam?
Sudah tentu pada masa ini,
kita memanggil diri kita sebagai masyarakat Islam.
Tetapi pada masa-masa awal
mereka hanya dipanggil orang yang beriman.
(Bahasa asing)
Mereka yang beriman.
- Dan mereka dibezakan
dari orang-orang buku?
- Betul.
- Siapa bukan Kristian, bukan?
- Ya.
- Baik.
- Jadi pada dasarnya sebaliknya adalah,
berkahwin dengan seseorang dari dalam komuniti anda yang percaya
dan pastinya jangan berkahwin dengan orang yang paling polos.
Dan saya tidak mengatakannya,
anda tahu, ada yang tidak kena,
dengan paling bersih hari ini.
Saya hanya mengatakan,
ini adalah cara di mana-
- Ayat itu membingkainya.
- Tepat sekali.
Dan konteks sosial dan sejarah
di mana Al-Quran diturunkan.
- Baiklah, jadi ada ayat terakhir ini,
yang merujuk kepada,
mungkin merujuk kepada perkahwinan antara agama.
Dan dari Surah 60 bab 60 ayat 10.
Dan ini membincangkan mengenai wanita yang merupakan pelarian.
- Ya, untuk memahami ayat itu
izinkan saya terlebih dahulu melukis latar belakang.
Oleh itu, seperti yang kita lihat dalam konteks sejarah.
Nabi Muhammad dan selamat sejahtera
dilahirkan di Mekah.
Dan ketika dia mula berkhotbah,
dia diseksa dengan penganiayaan
dan beberapa pengikut yang berani mengambil pesanannya
dan ikut dia
juga dianiaya.
Oleh itu, tidak mungkin mereka tinggal di sana
dan mempunyai kepercayaan yang layak sebagai masyarakat.
Mereka harus merahsiakan iman mereka ketika mereka
memeluk kepercayaan itu untuk mengelakkan penganiayaan.
Jadi orang mula berhijrah atas arahan para nabi,
ada yang berhijrah ke Abyssinia
dan akhirnya seorang Raja Kristian di sana di Abyssinia
memberi mereka perlindungan dan perlindungan,
tetapi itu tidak mencukupi.
Nabi saw,
dirinya terpaksa berhijrah.
Dan dia berhijrah ke Madinah
sebuah bandar 400 kilometer ke Utara
tempat kelahirannya Mekah.
Dan ada di komuniti baru
ramai pengikutnya menyertainya
berhijrah jauh dari Mekah
dan banyak yang lain datang untuk memanggil panggilannya.
Tetapi pasukan musuh terus bergerak menuju kota barunya
menyerang dan menghancurkan umat Islam.
Oleh itu, terdapat banyak pertempuran
di mana nabi saw
dan pengikutnya berdiri dalam pembelaan
menentang penjajah.
Jadi dalam keadaan itu sekarang
kami mempunyai ayat ini yang anda rujuk
dari bab ke-60,
yang disebut sebagai
(Bahasa asing)
yang bermaksud wanita yang imannya harus diuji.
Dan, latar belakang ini menunjukkan bahawa
dan ayat itu sendiri sekarang menunjukkan
bahawa jika wanita berhijrah.
Oleh itu, kita sudah bercakap mengenai orang yang berhijrah dari Mekah
untuk melepaskan diri dari situasi penganiayaan
dan dalam apa jua keadaan
untuk bergabung dengan nabi Muhammad saw
dan komuniti barunya yang diasaskan.
Oleh itu,
ketika lelaki itu berhijrah,
nampaknya tidak ada,
ada masalah kerana lelaki pada masa itu
sangat berdikari dan,
anda tahu, mereka harus diperhitungkan
tetapi wanita lebih dilindungi dalam masyarakat tradisional itu.
Jadi jika seorang wanita akan berhijrah
anda boleh bayangkan orang-orang Mekah bersiap sedia dalam hal ini.
Seperti siapa yang mengambil,
anda tahu, wanita kita di sini,
anda tahu, dan mereka ingin mengawal,
di sana perempuan.
Oleh itu, ketika mereka berhijrah
melarikan diri dari keadaan berbahaya,
melarikan diri untuk hidup mereka
If you’re a Christian you cannot marry a non-Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14). The love for Jesus and the union of two believers is more important than romantic love. I became a Christian after marriage and my husband is Muslim. I cannot teach my daughter anything. It’s heartbreaking and difficult.
The verse about "light and dark can't be united" is misleading. As long as you believe in God and declare Jesus as your savior (Muslims also call Jesus as al-Masih, a savior), you are on the same page. I see no difference between Islam and Christianity, both have the same concept and belief. The only difference that can bother both sides is the story of crucifixition. Yet again, if Protestants can tolerate Catholics, why not with Muslims?
P.s. the light represents the believers, the dark represents the atheists and the people who don't believe in our God.
You shouldn't teach your kids. it is very important for kids I guess to be brought up intellectual to be able to choose religion themselves if they want later in life maybe after 18. They can choose remain atheist agnostic or whatever. Whoever learns religion from parents are always shaky in their faith but whome who search for it not
They want to spread darkness and that’s why it’s why to marry Muslims in ‘their book’
Become a Catholic and find a Latin Mass and teach your child in secret. There is no salvation in Islam.
@@eyoung8215 lmao Islam is the safety of humanity and the mercy of God Jesus was Muslim Ibrahim was Muslim and Moses was Muslim Jesus was the massiah of the Israelites he was send to them and only them but Islam is for everyone any color in any region to be honest only if u was Israelite u should follow Jesus
I’m a mixed race American Christian woman and my fiancé is an Arab Muslim man, I never get to see couples like me and my man maybe this will change as I was raised to not be prejudiced and discriminatory towards ethnicity or faith when accepting a partner. Love has no borders..
Hello, i am in a situation where I am muslim and the women i want to marry is christian. I was interested in how his family took it as I am currently having issues getting my parents on our side? Any response would be much appreciated!
Well my fiancé’s family is a little more open minded so it was more easy for me. I think that once they see you and your lady together and happy and that she treats you well and has good morals/values in time hopefully they will accept it. My mom was actually the one who was the most skeptical, but how happy she sees I am, that made her okay with our union. Hope this helps!
I envy u Tiffany. It was easy for u cos of your society and your families. In my society it is very hard to have interfaith marriage .
@@maserati925 hi I’m in a similar situation what age where you when you got married to him? Because iam pretty young
I can Imagine this very difficult when you wil have Kids.
Always well researched.... May Allah help us all to understand
There is an interesting point there. Muslims will say that the "people of the book" includes Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Therefore they can be married. However, the first argument that Muslims always make is that Christianity is polytheistic, because of their acceptance of the Trinity (three Gods), even though Christians will always tell them that even with the trinity God is still one (monotheistic). That tells me that the concept of the trinity is wholly misunderstood, particularly when raised in an argument/debate. Perhaps everyone should accept that "no one" understands it, but just accept that it was said and therefore exists in some sense that is likely incomprehensible to man. Perhaps not all has been given, not all has been revealed, and likely more is still yet to come. That should never be discounted.
It doesn't matter the way you see the trinity, we have a verse in the Quran that talks about the trinity (Quran 4:171) O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion1 or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.
- Saheeh International
So putting the verse 5:5 and 4:171, its safe to conclude if the christian women believes in the trinity, or doesn't believe in the trinity, you can still get married to them. (As a man only of course)
IL Signore Dio nostro è l’unico Signore. Qui ci si potrebbe chiedere: perché il popolo del Libro, in particolare i cristiani, erano considerati monoteisti quando credevano nella trinità, che apparentemente è una dottrina politeistica?
La risposta a questa domanda è che i cristiani sono fondamentalmente seguaci del monoteismo. La Bibbia è molto esplicita al riguardo:
Allora si accostò uno degli scribi che lì aveva uditi discutere, e, visto come aveva come aveva loro ben risposto, gli domandò: “Qual è il primo di tutti i comandamenti?” Gesù rispose: “il primo è: Ascolta, il primo è: Ascolta Israele. IL Signore Dio nostro è l’unico Signore. (Marco 12:28-29-30)
I cristiani ammettono mai il politeismo?
I cristiani non ammettono mai il politeismo, sebbene siano coinvolti in alcune pratiche politeistiche. Una persona diventa politeista quando ammette apertamente di esserlo. Una persona che afferma di essere monoteista nonostante sia coinvolta in pratiche politeistiche, non può essere considerata politeista. Il motivo è che fa qualcosa di sbagliato senza rendersi conto di ciò che sta facendo; tutti i cristiani di oggi o del periodo di Gesù (sws) non ammettono mai il politeismo; la trinità per loro è conforme al monoteismo. Naturalmente i musulmani non sono d'accordo con loro, ma a meno che non affermino di essere politeisti, si può solo dire che, nonostante affermino di essere monoteisti, sono coinvolti nel politeismo. È come se un musulmano andasse nella tomba di un santo per chiedergli di esaudire un desiderio: un tale musulmano non potrà essere chiamato politeista, ma gli verrà detto che ciò che sta facendo è contro il monoteismo a cui egli stesso rivendica fortemente l'adesione. Allo stesso modo, i cristiani non possono essere chiamati politeisti, tuttavia verrà detto loro che ciò che stanno facendo non è conforme al monoteismo.
È proprio per questo motivo che il Corano non ha mai considerato il popolo del Libro politeista sebbene si abbonasse a certe sfacciate forme di politeismo. Il Corano ha chiamato politeisti solo gli ismaeliti perché hanno dichiaratamente aderito e testimoniato il credo del politeismo. Sostenevano fortemente che il politeismo fosse la religione stessa rivelata dall'Onnipotente e rivendicavano di essere seguaci di questa religione. Proprio per questo motivo, furono chiamati dal Corano mushrikūn (seguaci del credo di shirk).
you can translate by google or deepl
@@thetruth3082 You can not married them if they do not bealive their own kitab(religious book)quran5:72 say who bealive trinity they are kufur..its not clear
@@thetruth3082 you cannot marry them it says in the quran [2:221] "Do not marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed."
These days christians have idols of jesus and mary, If they didnt, it wouldve been allowed to marry them but unfortunately they are falling under this category
I'm an atheist and i feel people should be free to marry anyone regardless of religion.❤️
We are free to choose in what we believe in, or what we take as a messurement of right and wrong. Everyone does. It is alright to believe for yourself what you want to believe, unless you are not forcing somebody else to believe in the same.
@@samsunkandroit8797 Yes thats right ❤❤
@@samsunkandroit8797 they force indirectly.
We r not we have to do wht our religion said to us.....good by dude
If God was only one there would not have been so many religions. Religion does not allow all people to love equally, does not allow to have kinship with all. If it had allowed it, it would not have prevented interfaith marriage. That is, religion has behaved like racists here. According to me, God is the cause of creation. The reason that created me did not separate people by religion. We have separated ourselves by religion. Believing in God and believing in traditional religion are completely different things.
[Quran 2:221] Do not marry non believers in allah unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an non believer, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to non believing men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an non believer, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed.
@@squidman3426 There is no reason to differentiate people
@@debabratasikder9448 Islam concept is choosing allah over worldly things,all these worldy things in this earth which will anyhow gonna one day gets destroyed...Hence If u choose wordly life on this earth u will get everything on this earth but nothing from allah..When u meet allah he will not check how much money u have in the bank,how much good u look or how much famous u are since u will be left with nothing when u die..He will only ask about prayers,good deed he did for rewarding him,bad deeds for punishing or forgiving him hence u need to select ur partner which will bring u and ur kids closer to allah not someone who brings u and ur kids away from allah...
That's why deistic concept of God is more sensible. These holy books with their translations done by different people hundreds of years apart when the message first appeared can't be trusted fully as humans have compiled 'em down and as said, "to err is to human."
@@squidman3426God won't accept prayers from other religious ppl??? every religion says same bro as Islam says ,but what the difference between Muslims and other religious ppl is other religious ppl welcome and r tolerant to other religious ppl but Muslims r only tolerant to Muslims.many other religions also says God is one ,do good be good and follow rituals ok not only Islam ,so stoping saying only Islam teaches good things,bro it's common sense bro when ur born as human u have to be good and respectful to each other communities ,if interfaith married ppl r following there both religions then what's the problem..maybe praying way is different but prayers r given heartfully right .I think God is broad minded then humans he accepts every individual of good deeds irrespective of religion and prayed him heartfully but just in a different way that's it...
yang mengatakan bahawa tidak lelaki dan wanita
dari masyarakat Islam yang beriman
boleh mengahwini orang politeistik.
Oleh itu, kita berada pada kesimpulan yang sama di sini.
Dan kemudian apa yang keluar dari perbincangan umum ini
tentang berkahwin dengan orang-orang musyrik
adalah ayat yang pertama kali kita bincangkan,
satu dari surah lima
dan yang menjadi ayat nombor lima juga,
yang mengatakan bahawa lelaki,
lelaki muslim yang beriman
boleh berkahwin dengan wanita dari kalangan orang-orang buku ini.
- Jadi ada perbezaan di sini
dalam peraturan mengenai lelaki dan wanita.
Oleh itu mari kita kembali kepada perkara itu
Saya rasa di segmen seterusnya,
di mana kita akan melakukan bahagian kedua.
- Baik.
- Kita akan bercakap sedikit lebih banyak mengenai konteksnya
dan juga bagaimana kita dapat menerapkannya
dan memahaminya hari ini.
Terima kasih atas pemikiran anda Dr. Shabir.
- Sama-sama.
My personal opinion is " interfaith marriage is a absolutely wrong idea" will work at the beginning but it will fail ....But those who can make it work I congrats them..
It wont work poor children they are watering down our faith as Muslims think about it is it worth it? Are u not scared of akhirat over dunia
What a hypocrisy that a muslim man can marry non muslim women but a muslim women can't marry non muslim man 😂😂😂😂😂😂
muslim man were allowed not now
@@Journo5810 still hypocritical, but it’s to he expected for s religion that came out of the very patriarchal Middle Ages Arabia.
@@Journo5810 why not now
@@whydontyoustfu because parth still exists
@@Journo5810but still many are doing that .... marrying non Muslim women in larger numbers
I am known as Kirk
I am not a religious man and I'm not here to question out of disrespect, I legitimately am curious, Muslims seem to be the most organised and well presented people. Much respect for that and to have faith is no easy feat, to believe in the unseen takes courage, I understand that and I'm not questioning anyones faith i just would just like to know the creation or evolution process that the Muslim faith presents? If its not to much trouble? if not can some tag a video that helps? I'm not Muslim so I would not know where to start.
God is talking to us in the holy Quran. According to holy Quran God is closer to us than our jugular vein. That means god knows what we are thinking, that applies to every human. All we have to do is ask God for guidance again and again, and remain patient. Guidance will come from unexpected direction.
my suggestion is just to try learning Quran with your heart with good intention. Try to understand God through Quran. Be patience, then, you'll find your way some day.
Check videos of Subboor Ahmed. I think the channel name is Darwinian delusions.
The Big Bang theory came so so late compared to Quran. Quran is about 1400 years old.
In Surah Anbiya verse no. 30 ,
The Big Bang theory suggests that all the planets and every mass there is, was once a single mass and then a Big Bang happened and everything seperated from one single mass.
Quran mentions about the existence of that single mass in this verse. Hope that gives some evidence
TH-cam channel - towards eternity.
With the second verse, regarding the "free woman polytheist" vs "believing servants" i think it also speaks to the motivation for marriage. Men might be attracted to the wealth of a free woman, particularly if her religion doesn't provide the kind of protection that the quran enforces as regards women and their wealth. I think the motivations that might lead a man to seek such a marriage, above a marriage to a believing servant, are quite possibly impure and those intentions are what can lead him into hellfire, as he could enter this marriage with bad intentions and exploit the woman.
@@agustz7xa341 not all Christians believe in the Trinity or in the divinity of Jesus. It tells us right in the Quran that some among them are believers so what other authority do you need?
Or maybe he just falls in love with the woman, enjoys her company, loves watching Netflix and having coffee with her and wants to spend his life doing fun things together.
@@silverstarlight9395 I'm confused. What does this have to do with the video or my comment?
It's not explicitly said in Quran that muslim women should marry Muslim men .
Its clearly stated to not marry mushriks like christians even the Jews r not innocent of shirk so...
🤔 Are you Muslim really? 😁 This is basic muslim men and women should marry believers it's in the Quran
@BrumbyWonder Can you please specify a verse from Quran that specifically mentions muslim women should marry only muslim men. Much appreciated.
Also there is a huge difference in saying marry believers and in saying marry muslim men. If something that is not explicitly made haram in the Quran, then it is considered Halal.
@@CuriousFaizi ... Do you know Believers mean what according to the Quran? 🤔 A Muslim knows simple basic things like this one
@@CuriousFaizi .. if you think that you know better then Our prophet Muhammad ﷺ and scholars then you have no Iman in your heart, if you are a really muslim then go and read Quran, surah baqarah Literally clear all these things, read Quran with Arabic Understanding, if you see in your local language then it's clearly Allah tell muslims "Do not marry polytheist (مشركت).
I just like this man ....❤️
Yes I too. He is very simple and humble in nature. He shows how true islam is (kindness in Islam)
@@saniatamanna7763 does he have youtube channel?
Jew here here who was simply curious and I enjoy hearing an informative talk that I can intrepret despite not having much understanding of Muslim communities admittedly, I appreciate it ^^;
I also told my non Muslim gf about Islam but my mistake was that I told her bluntly that whether you convert or we couldn't be together
Instead of taking things slow.
and I really want to make things normal for her.
Because she has 0 support from her parents...and her parents are very rude to her and she's already had a very depressive past...
She cried a lot when I told her all this
Leaving her is a very big sin for me
Allah have mercy on me...
What should I do please help me
I'm having this problem with my Muslim bf :(
Hope u guys will overcome
I faced the same problem and did the same thing. Which I should not have done in first place. I said bluntly as well. I can’t live without her but she left me. I should not have dealt this issue like the way I dealt. I still sometime regret.
@@waqaskhalid8715 May Allah grant u will with even better brother.
I hope ur doing good in ur life...
She wasn't privileged enough to be with u
Only the deserving gets the love of deen the shining light nd the blessings of deen my brother✨
She ws not truthful to u Or else maybe she could at least give it a try...
Fortunately we r bffs now nd she said that she'll definitely give it a try
I'm ever grateful to Allah for such a blessing and I really hope she gets the gift of imaan. ❤
Brother what is Gf no matter how many times i perused through the Islamic books of knowledge or hadiths. How come i don't see anything called Girlfriend? Are you perhaps paving your own version of Islam or are you following the footsteps of those that enraged Allah(swt) and whose on the Day of judgement will be brought out as blind?.
@@waqaskhalid8715 so this is not live just a conversion
I think the problem is if you marry someone with a different religion which religion are the children be raised in my opinion as a Muslim if someone believes ones of god it wouldn’t be a problem because we believe the same god and they share the universal aspects of Islam
Are you going to go against the religion and the teachings paving your way for islam? You just mentioned the problem why do it sister? SubhanAllah. The ones of God is required but there is one true God and thats Allah(swt) what if someone believes in one God and its not Allah(swt) would you marry that person? And what about our beloved prophet (pbuh)
@@whatislifebuttheenjoymento3405 As long as you marry the People of the Book (al-Kitab) you're fine. Don't read Haditz, read what Prophet Muhammad said. We are one people, we were divided because of the politics back then.
Salam from a Christian brother.
The children will decide their own religion, because they are people who have brains of their own.
Doesn't the Quran says that every believer is responsible for their belief and belief in GOD is free? That means the children are free to choose whichever and don't "assume" through heritage or anything like that religion.
Dear Dr. Shabir,
Love your method. But here I have an argument. If the general rule is, that the Muminat may not marry a Mushrik and the Muminin may not marry a Mushrika, then by definition the marriage of a woman of the book, means that they do not fall under the "Mushrikin" regulation. If this is true, then the women from the "Muminin" may marry a man from the people of the book, because they are not Muhrikin.
Assalamwalaikum brother, that would be a very fair argument of there wasn't an explicit verse saying that MEN can marry women of the book. But there does exist such a verse in the Qur'an. And all the greatest scholars of Islam classical and most modern do agree that women can't marry anyone outside of Islam.
@@professorshrimp5187 but why ? the default state in Islam is that things are halal unless Allah tells us clearly in the Quran.
@@hossamali9016 because In marriage, the husband has authority over the wife. He has the right to veto her. So to have a disbelieving person hold authority over you is a major risk to the faith.
@@professorshrimp5187 yeah but we have non muslim rulers as well who have authority over us, that doesn't pose a threat to our faith does it?
@@symparanekromenoi rulers don't interfere with the religious actions of individuals. But spouses can and especially husbands influence their wives badly. So do can wives but women are privileged in Islam and considered foundation of the family and they are not obliged to work for the family. These situations can rule out if the husband is non Muslims and demands otherwise. That's how I understand it. I have noticed it that men have greater influence on their wives than women on men irrespective of religious background and cultures. God knows best.
I’m a monotheistic Christian I would love to marry a Muslim woman because I eat halal and eat vegan food and am a loyal man women outside the monotheistic view are very polytheistic 6:48 and I wish I was musilim sometimes because I don’t wanna marry someone that is polytheistic 7:27
In 2021 why is it still wrong for a muslim woman to marry a non muslim man, when said man is not a polytheist? Should it not count for something that he is also "people of the book?"
Because if the head of the family (the man) isn't a muslim, it makes it harder to brainwash your kids
Because she will be unprotected and vulnerable. Their religions don’t have legislation that protects the rights of women the way Islam does. It’s for their own sake
mostly alcoholic and pork eaters and have less moral principles because is afraid of nothing than a muslim upbringing where he fears Gods repercussion !
@@amindada9947 they’re not protected even with some Muslim men, I think that’s a fallible statement.
Marry people you love. Not based on religion. I love my wife & she isn’t from my religion. Yet we are very happy together. Men like this are just divisive factor in society. Follow your heart ❤.
Why doesn’t Saudi Arabia have any churches or allow other faiths? I wish they could answer this question. The Quran does not tell its believers to prohibit this but instead says “there’s no compulsion in religion”.
Why vatican dont have mosque?
@hœweèff see u urself proved muslim saudi is better than christian vatican..
@hœweèff See 90 percent of saudi arabia even with expats are muslim,most of the non muslim expats if they would have cared about their religion should not have gone to ultra orthodox saudi arabia at first and expect them to provide churches temples for them..All those expats are not native,and if those expats leave, saudi will easily fill it with muslims of india pakistan and bangladesh expats..U cannot expect a country to provide for u where u are not native,u should live like and accept how their laws....In italy there r no mosques,in slovakia islam is not recognised as religion,hijab is banned in many european countries..
@Hœweèff🔱🌺 So why blame only saudi where other han side Vatican doesnt give citiczenship to muslims !! You are promoting hypocrisy !!
Saudi Arabia does have people from other religions living there lots of Arab Christians and hindu Indians but building temples and churches is not easy in Saudi Arabia that's like saying the Vatican should have mosques although there are many churches in the middle east and in the Arabian peninsula like in UAE
God had allowed interfaith marriages now for both sexes . The issue is not answered clearly here . Why the scholars will take so much liberty to interpret two similar injunctions soo radically differently?
Hi I have a question, what about nikah? I’ve heard that there are Imams that have a hard time allowing a nikah to happen if the women is Muslim marrying a Christian man. If there is any that do allow who would you recommend?
I am also in this position have you found anyone
Hey am here 🤲🏾
@@mavishshabir3475 am here 🤲🏾
You don’t need an imam to verify to your nikkah. Anybody can. As long as it is done in public and not in secret.
Imams don’t own the religion. It’s not their dads religion. Just follow the Quran and leave those idiots to themselves.
Imad the London nikah. Contact him online on his website. He does that.❤️
Think about the kids, how would they turn out? In the middle of both religions?
When you marry someone, you also marry their family.
You teach your children of both religions and give them experience with both, and then when they are old enough to make their own decisions you let them choose which one they would like to follow more
You do realise that some couples are childfree right?
This is what they want to water down the muslims
Is it OK, for a Muslim man to marry Christian woman, and their children practice Islam?
Their children can practice whichever religion they believe in. No one else should influence their religious beliefs.
@@silverstarlight9395Splish splash your opinion is trash
Very interesting and knowledgeable discussion. Thank You Dr Ally.
Can an omission be interpreted as something that is forbidden? Is it truly an omission or simply the fact that just like in old history books the word Men (with a capital M) when talking about human kind includes both men and women?
Exactly! As a muslimah who searched the Quran for verses saying it is haram for Muslim women to marry outside their religion and I didn't find any. Obviously hundreds of years ago women were not treated equally to men it would be unadvisable because she would have less agency and perhaps be driven away from her religion and into her husband's but in the modern day an interfaith marriage is one of mutual respect and since there's no restriction it seems to just be a relic of sexism
@@sanjidaalam1897 are you ignorant “i searched all around the Quran and I couldn’t find a verse that prohibits a Muslim women marrying a non Muslim man” what joke is this you could atleast sound convincing when you lie it’s literally in the second chapter of the Quran.
Al-Baqarah - Verse 221
وَلَا تَنكِحُوا۟ ٱلْمُشْرِكَـٰتِ حَتَّىٰ يُؤْمِنَّ ۚ وَلَأَمَةٌ مُّؤْمِنَةٌ خَيْرٌ مِّن مُّشْرِكَةٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَتْكُمْ ۗ وَلَا تُنكِحُوا۟ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ حَتَّىٰ يُؤْمِنُوا۟ ۚ وَلَعَبْدٌ مُّؤْمِنٌ خَيْرٌ مِّن مُّشْرِكٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكُمْ ۗ أُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى ٱلنَّارِ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ يَدْعُوٓا۟ إِلَى ٱلْجَنَّةِ وَٱلْمَغْفِرَةِ بِإِذْنِهِۦ ۖ وَيُبَيِّنُ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ
Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran:
Do not marry polytheistic women until they believe; for a believing slave-woman is better than a free polytheist, even though she may look pleasant to you. And do not marry your women to polytheistic men until they believe, for a believing slave-man is better than a free polytheist, even though he may look pleasant to you. They invite ˹you˺ to the Fire while Allah invites ˹you˺ to Paradise and forgiveness by His grace. He makes His revelations clear to the people so perhaps they will be mindful.
The word used in this verse is mushrick which is a term that refers to all non Muslims. The only exception was made in surah Al Maidah which allowed Muslim men to marry chaste women from the people of the book ie (the Jews and Christians).
I have a question , What is the meaning of this verse , Allah says whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him.
Only Islam is accepted by Allah. No exceptions.
a book is just meant to guide you not restrict you. if something is not explicitly said, doesnt mean that one cannot use their commonsense
Bhai islam sachi me virus hai 🤢
First of all let me clear u that according to all abrahmic religion (chritian, Jews and Muslims) , human are send to earth for test and to see loyalty towards the God, that's y restrictions are there......
Polythism is totally Fack and folse not religion Allah bless whole world
@@fauzi4586 Sab se bada virus Gau mata ka pishaab peenay wala Hinduism hai
It is a MAJOR SIN in all Abrahamic Religions
Seeing comments coming from Non-muslims that love has no boundaries,no religion no language.Yeah sure but it’s for you people who don’t even know their own religion.First learn your religion and then have the audacity to try to teach us.Because for us Muslims Quran is the Most Superior Book and it’s providing us the path for living Life.
Persecution? What persecution?? I can't believe a scholar distorting the facts to put across his point!
I don't think the so called polytheistic religions are teaching to believe in different gods. I as a Hindu believe only in one God, yes there are many forms in which God is worshipped and it's because early Sanatana Dharma kept on accepting different cultures and methods into itself which is now known as Hinduism. But end of the day we are also taught that there is a single God i.e. Brahman. And look at the coincidence, abraham and brahman sounds similar. Religions need to evolve with time, better to focus on similarities and peace rather than differences and wars.
Heyy!! As a Hindu I also agree and believe on the exact same thing you believe. It's nice to know there are other Hindus who sees faith the same way❤️
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.
This is actually a myth. I don't have the study but most scientists and intellectuals believe in God.
Quotations can be fake
Also it is the people who make the quotations,and people make mistakes
Not every quotation is right or good
@@uniqueviewsnews What I'm trying to say most wars over history was caused by religion. We should treat others as we would like to be treated.
@@sanjidaalam1897 not true. also religion and god isnt the same thing one can believe in some form of higher consciousness and still recognise christianity islam or hinduism as false belief
Hard to believe that God would create us all and then put stipulations on who we marry. All of man is sinful. Man wrote all of these passages. God did not. Therefore, it's absurd to believe that 100% of the book is accurate. Man has interjected his beliefs in there as well.
If two people are soulmates and they both have good hearts and are truly good people, God would not shame that marriage but encourage it.
I'm Christian and have stumbled uponnthe love of my life. She is Muslim. The way that our paths met could only have happened by fate. I truly believe that God meant for us to find each other. We both overwhelming feel it in our hearts.
You can't trust your heart brother. The heart is your flesh and it is deceitful. Satan throws temptations at people all the time.
Jeremiah 17:9-10 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”
@@shomshomni2314 That's not true when God is in your heart, brother. I hope you truly find him one day! 🙏😊
@@U_y_g_h_u_r_L_i_v_e_s_Matter I literally just quoted the Holy Bible and you're telling me, "that's not true" 😭 Are you sure you know Jesus? You might have a counterfeit.
@shomshomni2314 I can quote the Bible too, my friend.
Romans 5:5
"God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us"
Ephesians 3:17
"Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love"
God lives in me and tells me what is right and what is wrong in everything that I do every day. I hope that you find this too!
@@U_y_g_h_u_r_L_i_v_e_s_Matter You can only trust your heart if it is in alignment with his Word. God is not going to tell you to be unequally yoaked with an unbeliever. It is explicitly stated for you not to do that. Satan would be the one who would encourage you. He knows the flesh of man is weak and your heart is still flesh and wants wordly desires. This is why will receive new bodies in the new world.
Did he say the Q’uran allows a Muslim man marry a Jew or Christian woman but he then later mentions not to marry a polytheistic woman? Muslims see Christians as polytheists though and he says the only way the Q’uran allows them to marry is if the woman or man believes? So must they convert to Islam at some point?
Christians and jews are a special kind of polytheists.
This is what the Bible says about interfaith marriage.
”To the rest I say that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?“
1 Corinthians 7:12-16 ESV
So there isn’t anything in the Koran to allow OR to disallow Muslim women from marrying whoever they want
A believing woman is not allowed to marry a non believing man nor is a believing man allowed to marry a non believing woman. It goes both ways. However, it was allowed for Muslim Men to marry believing women of the Christian and Jewish faith given that in those days it was Men who were protectors and providers of women. Men throughout history in all cultures have been the providers and it was and even still till this day women who marry Men from other cultures and into their families.
What most people I find are trying to do here is discredit Islam for not allowing women to marry outside the faith. That's why Dr Shabir mentioned clearly that women who married and became Muslims and then divorced after having had received their dowry was given back to the former husbands as a way of testing the faith of these newly Muslim women.
A Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or a Jewish. Whereas a woman can only marry a Muslim. If one wants to marry an individual outside of the Abrahamic faiths. Then the individual must first convert to Islam.
Marrying a partner who has not converted and still does not believe in Islam will lead to lot of regrets.
If you think after marriage she/he will follow Islam then this is a misconception. Try the reasoning before marriage and if she/he follows Islam for at least a year then marry.
Otherwise your kids will not get Islamic teachings and you will regret very badly on dieing bed.
May Allah SWT Allah guide us all!!
My professor a Muslim who passed away may his soul be in peace what's a very dedicated Muslim he was trying to teach me as much out of it as he can. He was married to a Christian woman and he said they had one of the greatest understanding she never interfere with his religious belief. Of course she passed away before he did but he was said that it was the best 25 a marriage that he ever had. And I understand where you coming from. But yet it is to believe that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him also had a wife from another faith.
@@Magic818100 Brother the examples at your end are very few. I know at least a dozen cases where kids are non Muslim or a namesake Muslim after marriages with Non Muslims.
I had concluded on the basis of Numbers and in above 90% cases people regret their decision.
May Allah SWT guide us all.
@@lionIndiagr8 with all respect brother but you want me to tell you something deal more separations and divorce within the own religion look how many Christians divorce with a partner who's a Christian look how many Muslims Divorced with the Muslims who are Muslims when you talk with a lot of brothers and sisters most of them have been divorced. So either you can see even if you marry someone of your faith it doesn't guarantee anything. Llévame people who are separating in their religion than those who are in Interfaith religion and yet nobody talks about that. This is the problem that I've always seen religion separate people
@@Magic818100 Brother you have shifted the discussion to divorce and the statistics is that Christians and other communities specifically in US and Europe have 4 times divorce ration than who follow Islam.
So your argument itself is in wrong direction.
One who knows Islam knows that divorce is allowed but it is highly disliked by Allah.
Also if a person who follows Islam knows that caring and loving his wife/husband is regarded highly and has lot of rewards in this Life and hereafter.
A person would not enter Janah until he is good and caring to his immediate family.
Tragedy is that we Muslims don't follow Islam nowadays.
@@lionIndiagr8 issa fact
I have one question regarding "People of the book".
Who are the people of the book?
Are they only Jews or Christians?
Allah had mentioned in the Quran that " Messengers have been sent to all people not just Jews and Christians".
In your earlier videos you have said that Vedas(specially upanishad part) says that "God is One". So according to this people who follow this verse strictly are not polytheists. So can they be called the people of the book?
And if not can a Muslim person marry these people who believe in one God but they are neither Jews nor Christians?
Please elaborate. Thank you 😊
there are prophets and messengers.
the difference between these two is that prophets were given revelation for the people they were sent to and messengers were given revelation (wahi) in a "scripture" form like the gospel of Jesus, shrines of Abraham, the wahi of David and the Torah (the stone tablets) for Moses.
so these people who a "scripture" was sent to are called Ahlul Kitab (people of the book).
I really hope I didn't say anything wrong that's only my opinion.
please furthermore inform yourself if you want more clarity.
but what I can definelety say is that Christians, Jews, Muslims, and I think Sabians or whatever they're called are people of the book and we as men can only marry those who are chaste of them (virgins and good in faith).
People of the book means the people to whom messengers were sent with divine books from GOD, which are the Ten Comandments (Torah) sent to Moses and Bible to Jesus. So the Jews and Christians are people of the book.
I think you can marry anyone who believe in one God because they are monotheistic and this is the main core of Islam regardless of what book they are people of because who knows if Buddhist texts or hindu texts were from prophets many years ago? They both have common ideas with Islam and it is impossible to know in modern times. I think Allah judges us for our intentions. If someone believes in one God, this is a sign of their faith and I think you can marry them if the kids can be brought up muslim (just like it's done if someone is Christian or Jewish) Allah knows best. I hope you get the clarity you're looking for soon.
@@sanjidaalam1897 lust is the biggest traitor in human.. always remember Allah sent So many books and Allah wants to testify who is loyal to his bookand following his commandments madam apni taraf se kuch bhi naya add karne ki koshish na kare these are our scholars unhone sadiyo se bahut study/research kiya hai..please hamare scholars ke bare me kabhi aisa mat sochna ki vo ghalat preach kar rahe hai
Thanks so much I am in love with orthodox Christian women in extreme believe in her believe I will definitely married her as long as my religion except
Can i ask can you marry a sihk
@@Mo-hc9lc as far as I know no. Muslim men can only marry Muslims and people of the book (Jews and Christians)
I was talking to a woman of the Muslim faith.
I was more than willing to respect the Muslim religion. I just wanted to get to know her better.
I believe we are all in this together so, I really don't understand why her family is so against it...
If both parties are willing to understand and support each other and are truly in love, why would certain religious supporters frown upon this?
Seems to be unethical and a form of discrimination...
This is 2024, we are all in this together and at the end of the day all share a common goal. To make this world a better place.
From my readings i understood A muslim Man cannot marry Christian or Jews who embraced their faith after the coming of Islam ( abrogation of particular religion)
All Muslims explain to me what is the meaning of Messiah and why did Quran call Jesus the Messiah,
And why did the Quran didn't called mohammad the Messiah
He is the messiah in the end times
R2026....Let me answer you.....The missionaries again will say to the Muslims is Jesus the messiah, Muslim will say yes, was Mohamed a messiah, Muslim will say no, so Muslims will think ok Jesus is a messiah and Mohamed not, so Jesus is better and more divine than Mohamed.
Please asked the missionary what the meaning of the messiah is? Jesus was the messiah, but there were many other messiahs in the bible besides Jesus. Now you will find out if he knows his bible. David, Solomon was called messiahs even Sirius the Persians king was called the Messiah, trying to find this in the bible, is almost impossible, as the bible translators cover the word up. Messiah means the anointed, somebody appointed to do something. Even the king of ancient Israel was called the messiah. Suddenly the word does not look so special anymore. It’s a title, but it does not elevate someone to a divine status.
Hope you get the message.....goodday
@diploma propo maybe u must go into the background as to why Jesus was raised alive on that fatal day when the Romans and Jews were gunning for his neck and blood...the only reason why his coming back very simple!!!! come and rectify the blasphemy the socalled Paulians are practising today...good day
@diploma propo ..Jesus was not the cause of the then blasphemy and the current blashemy which continues unabated..the reason why Muhammad came was to take the arabs out of the darkness they were in and to correct the distortion of God's words in the OT...btw Muhammed prophecy was to convey the final message, and his message corrected the distortion in the OT....good day
@diploma propo must remember prophets was send by God,to different peoples and tribes,they each came with a specific message.for their people at that time..but Muhammed message was to transformed the Arabs out of paganism,and because he was the FINAL MESSENGER and the MESSAGE or REVELATION he came with ...was the final revelation....his message is a universal message for all off mankind....the breaking of the cross and slaying of the pig..,that is left for Jesus on 2nd coming....good day
I note you stated, Shabir, that there is nothing in the Quran which says Muslim women can marry outside their faith. BUT, Shabir, is there anything in the Quran or hadith which says Muslim women cannot marry outside their faith? In other words, a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man? Be honest here please Shabir. I notice you worded that previous comment well.
I've been with a christian Catholic man for 3 years and a half , family is pulling us apart , im muslim .according to what he told me , in his religion god is love , amd hes allowed to marry me , I've always been told that i cant , so does god prevent us from loving if not religiously ? Im so desperate im head over heals for this man and so is he
What happened? Did you get married
In his religion, he's not allowed to marry you either. He probably isn't practicing his faith.
Basic question here is that can a woman from the Ahle-kitaab (Jew,christian) hold her religion after marriage.?
I'm confused, why does Dr. Shabir refer to the opposite or other of servant as "free"?
Servant of Allah. Like “Abdullah”
Servant means slave here, anyone who’s not a slave is by definition free
You should follow Mufti Abu Layth on TH-cam. He has a lot of educational videos.
@@zebakhawaja3464, Definitely no, he is on bid3aa.
@@rayandaas1695 ?
hey doc. can you shed light on a statement by zakir naik caling rhose islamians that live, thrive and supoorting non islamic country a munafik calling this HARAM. can you address his statement. it borderline creating hatred.
Salam. I like this video. Awesome! Thanks to both of you and God bless you!
What is a "believing Servant/slave" as opposed to Free man? My understanding is that Muslims are not to be taken as slaves and slaves who became Muslim were freed. How can someone be both a slave and a Muslim?
Muslim is a dictorship, they don't respect women. Men can marry multiple wife's but the lady can't. I've chatted to a few Musilm women when I was on a dating site, all of them said I would have to convert if I want to be with them. God has given everyone free will, we are all the same. My best friend is Muslim and my family treat him as a son and brother, his family hate me only for not being a Muslim. His family also fight so much, there is no genuine love within. I think it's sad because God has given us all a brain, it's down to us to distinguish what is right or wrong. Look at the facts and try to be a better person and love everyone, no matter who they are.
As a non-Muslim man, I married a Muslim woman. There are some challenges with this but I respect her faith and we are doing very well. Most Muslim women however are told they cannot do this. Thankfully, we live in a western and free society.
yes but how should we raise our children ?
What happens if a married Christian woman converts to Islam? What's if her husband is not religious, will she be accepted in Islam?
I am a Muslim woman and I want to marry a tribal guy because I want to give hope and improve those communities and also to oppose untouchability. I will be a Muslim even after marriage and teach kids about Islam. Can I marry an atheist?
Salam sister, the reality is yes, muslim women cannot marry anyone other then a muslim men. If u will do then u r out of Islam, the same rule is for muslim men.
If u want I can tell u reasons why there is such a rule
@@zaynabdurrani5274 seems you are well educated about Islam otherwise there are lots of so called educated women who are denying the verses and blaming scholars for wrong interpretrations.
where you from Azeera?
@@Journo5810 I just like reading tafseers of Quran
I'm so happy that Dr Shabir corrected his view about Muslim women marrying people of the Book..He now acknowledges that the permission is given to the male. Previously he said the Quraan is silent about it and therefore Muslim women may marry Jewish or Christian men. Thank you Dr Shabir.
No it isn’t present that means Muslims women can’t marry Jewish or Christian men. Also Muslim women or men certainly can’t marry polytheists or Hindus. I don’t understand how u can make such a bold claim it’s pretty clear that Muslim women are only allowed to marry other then Muslim men not anyone else. Many scholars agree on this and I believe there is even a Hadith about it.
@@SpongebobNewsFish what’s the rationale for it being okay for a Muslim man marrying Jewish or Christian woman as permissible and for Muslim woman to not be granted the same?
@@SpongebobNewsFishno it’s not halal if it’s halal we will see women in the time of prophet marrying them like man in the time of prophet they marry a non muslim women SO muslim WOMEN CAN’T
@franky2347 because in Islam, a man is the leader of the family, and a woman is supposed to obey her husband, and the children generally are raised in the religion of their fathers. Considering that Christians and Jews are "People of the Book" in the Qur'an, Muslim men can marry their women because he will be the leader of the family and the Jewish or Christian woman will be led by a Muslim man. On the other hand, if a Muslim woman marries a Christian or Jewish man, she will have to be led by a disbeliever, so it doesn't make sense for Islam to permit such a marriage.
SEXIST!!! Muslim women SHOULD be able to marry non-Muslim men!!!!
But isn't there a verse that admonished Muslims from being friends with Christians and Jews ? I mean that will effect any marriage between man and wife .
How can there be a word ' haram' if God created everything?
Allah made humans, all humans and so all humans, who live within the word and grace of Allah are worthy. Do not make yourself unworthy by ignoring the diversity he has blessed the world with for us to enjoy.
It does seem absurd that men would be allowed interfaith marriages but not women in the contemporary world.
Because you do not know how their beliefs influences the way they treat a woman. For example, an orthodox Jewish man will not please their wife in bed. Only do it to make babies. Also the woman has to shave her head the night of her marriage because her husband is Orthodox Jewish. How unjust is that? Why would Islam allow situations like these for their treasured muslim women?
I am married to a non muslim woman.. I can assure you this law is to protect muslim women and their off spring...
If I could go back in time I would marry a God fearing woman...
@@Getchomeme I get what you are saying, but how many jews of today live like that. I'm sure a minority of them, who practice orthodoxy may be like that but why would a sane Muslim woman marry such a person anyway.
@@symparanekromenoi love makes us blind. You need to realize there's plenty of people outside of your country, living in different ways. You don't see them much on social media but it doesn't mean they don't exist. A perfect religion has to apply to a world full of villages, cities, and tribes, not just the typical westernized citizen.
In a similar way, you can't ignore that many countries are in war right now, where mothers end up widowed and there's not enough men to bring food to the table. Hence why they can marry a second wife if they have enough money to give her her own house and they both agree. It sounds crazy to you, I know, but there's people being bombed right now somewhere else too. Many of these people don't usually have phones so you probably never hear about it.
These days it hard to find the people of the book submitting to one God especially Christians believe trinity and which is a sin in our religion to associate someone or something with God. So it is better that a believer should marry other believer who believe in one God and not associate anything with God Allah almighty.
this is not entirely true. Although christians do believe in the trinity, this does not necessarily mean that they believe in more than one god. If you asked a christian how many gods there are, they would say one. Christianity is not a polytheistic religion and the concept of trinity is often misunderstood by muslims, I should also add that I am a muslim so this is not coming from a bias perspective but a factual perspective.
@@hamzarashid4306 Ya and what does Islam teaches? Strict monotheism trinity is indeed polytheistic and you might get shocked after learning about this but hindus too belive in theology like trinity, so now, are they monotheist?
Hindus belive there is one ultimate supreme reality and other 300 Million Gods are part of that one ultimate reality and the three main Gods of hinduism Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma are one God , does this makes any sense?
@@hamzarashid4306 Trinity is misunderstood by only those muslims who have gave the answer of 1+1+1=1 in there maths exams and they are now methamaticians I know out there, their are christian theologins and apologist try to convince muslims that trinity is indeed monotheist (lol, as hinduism is) but I have studied theology in a reasonable amount, I have read about trinity (they give analogist like infinity+infinity+infinity=infinity lool)
@@zaynabdurrani5274 jews are better monothiest than Christians.. btw Allah says in quran ki jews par lanat kar di gayi then why muslim man are allowed to marry jews? ya ye verse baad me ayi? fir yahudi gharqad k ped k peeche chupenge aur ped gawahi dega...i think in present time muslim males k liye bhi allow nhi hai jews/christians k sath untill they embrace Islam.
@@Journo5810 What? I don't understand that.
Does it matter what's written in a scripture? I believe the scripture is there to serve a human, not the other way around. Human's free will and rational interpretation of the world around him is more important than anything written in any scripture
Yes, for us muslims it matters
so a Godly scripture is there to serve us? So a creature like God must serve us? Do you even understand what you just wrote? That makes no sense.
A scripture is meant to serve human? Hahaha i still don't understand what you meant by that. A scripture is a map to navigate through this world. You have to follow that map to get to the end of the road. And if you have the wrong map you are lost.
Is there any email address where we can send our questions and get answers
Assalamu Alaikum.
You can go in the 'Quora' and search 'How to ask a Islamic Scholar.'.There are many links to submit questions.
Thanks you.
You need to visit let the quran speak website
It is fear of decrease in no of Muslims for what chapter 5 verse introduced by Muhammad
We would be better off had there been marriage alliances between crusader kings and the ottomans etc...We would have seen SO MUCH LESS EXTREMISM!! less fights over holy lands..and instead of the religious organizations intentionally changing how they believe and operate, to intentionally increase the rifts between the two..Would have pushed the similarities.
God the power would be immense
You non-muslim man and woman marry a jew, christian, Buddhist, jain, hindu, sikh, atheist, agnostic but not Muslim.
I am a Muslim and will be marrying a Hindu woman, both of us are not converting.
Good for both of you!
But condolence to your future kid. They will be confuse to follow which one of you as a parent. You will have a problem in the here after, suppose your spouse die as non-believer, she will blame you at the judgement day and drag you to the hellfire.
U don't call yourself as Muslim coz .. Muslims are those who follow islamic rules
@@deenszxking6818 Hindus don't believe in hell.
@@josephwodarczyk977 Muslim believing in Judgement day (The Court of God), hell and Paradise.
But if christians now believe in trinity..i.e u cant marry them tday cos they r no longer ppl of the book?
'Quran is not copied from Bible. But it is written based on Bible.
Bible has two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. Bible is the history of Salvation, nothing more, nothing less. Old Testament is the preperation for Christ event. New Testament is the Covenant of Love and every person is supposed to obey the New Testament and the guidence of Jesus Christ.
The Arabic world was dominated by a group of war lords. People were very crude and social security and justice was far away. The power was the justice. When written Quran it has taken laws from Old Testament and mixed with the covenant of love from the New Testament. The objective was to change the people into a group of cultured and peaceful ones.
Quran itself is asking people to read Bible for further clarification.'
@Moonie Moon You are too low IQ to figure it out...This channel doesn't have any content.
Moonie Moon
Highlighted reply
Moonie Moon
7 hours ago
What do you mean please I don’t understand 😊
I have a question about ""This ahlul kitab""
Today ,Do we have the same ""Ahlul kitab"" that Quran mentioned ?
Today,Do we have the same ""Ahlul kitab''' who lived the period of prophet Muhammad nabi sallalahu alahi vasallam ?
I think not
There are many differences between now a days Christian and jews and ''''Ahlul kitab"" that lived in prophet time and mentioned in Quran.
For example :
Varakat bin nawfal, who was relative of khadeeja (r.a)and master of injeal and tora oppose the idolatry system but today's some christian sects are doing idolatry
Another thing is that Christian have trinity beliefs and consider jesus as God but the people mentioned by Quran as ""Ahlul kitab"" was the people who believe one God and not believe trinity and not believe jesus as God but as prophet because trinity is the beliefs of like Paganic and polytheistic which says God has son and many stuffs like roman Paganic beliefs .
Then when we consider the Jews Who don't believe jesus nor believe the mother mary as Virgin then how can Jews of today be a ''ahlul kitab"" of Quran while they are opposing the Jesus and muhammad predicted by their book tora?
I think those ''Ahlul kitab" which was mentioned in Quran like the true followers of pre Islamic books of injeal and tora accepted the Islam totally and became the Muslims
For example:
King Najjasi, Salman Al farsi(R.A),varakat bin nawfal and so on
So today we have no Ahlul kitab according to the history of prophet, They existed before prophet but they all became Muslim After the arrival of Last prophecy of God which was predicted on injeal and tora.
So now a days Christian and jews can't be considered as ''Ahlul kitab'' of Quran
Could you please answer those questions and deliver a good explanation about my questions ⁉️❓❓
Thanks for asking this question bro. I was thinking about this too. Hope he answer it!
Good morning and God bless you, I really like your question and I hope to know soon what those first "Christians" or "Peope of the Books" were like. I would also like to know with all due respect if you could answer me these questions:
1. Have you also wondered if Muhammad and his followers in the 6th century thought the same as the first scribes of the Qur'an who embodied their oral tradition 200 years after the death of their prophet and even more if today's Muslims approach what were they from the sixth or eighth century?
2. Could you tell me exactly in which pre-Islamic books the coming of Muhammad is predicted? Many assure it but no one answers them with solid arguments.
Ahlul kitab - al yahud(people of Moses), nazareth(people of jesus) and sabians(now a days mandanean religion in Iraq, people of prophet yahya bin zakaria known as john in bible)
Mandanean religion in Iraq(Quranic sabians) don't believe Trinity.
Al yahud (people of Moses) modern day judahism don't believe trinity
You can see them today as well , they don't believe trinity or don't believe son , father or holly sprit because they believe one God who didn't have the son or father
But just see the nazareth people (people of jesus modern day catholic and christians derived from catholic church of rome) they believe trinity and believe God has son and father
So every beliefs of Christians now a days contradicted with judahism beliefs and sabians beliefs who were mentioned in Quran as Ahlul kitab and Who were before jesus too
So modern day Christianity is contradict with the another two Ahlul kitab that mentioned in Quran
Just go and see the bible of barnabas which is not used by Christians now a days but contradict with modern bible of Paul.
Barnabas bible is the only one physical evidence today that shows ancient Christianity had been different from modern day catholic and christian beliefs.
As a christian Baptist man I think interfaith marriages should be allowed for Muslim men and Muslim women times are changing minds are changing
Rules of Islam is are not man made
This is not christisnity tat u will update like a android version..this is quran a word of allah no need to change just needed to be followed
@@squidman3426 exactly. We can't
@@Underworld121 Every holy book is man-made. Accept it or not !
@@Underworld121 all are man made...😂bro think logically...
WTF???? "I'm not saying that something is wrong with polytheists today..." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He means something used to be wrong with polytheists 1400 yrs ago, but now the issues have been settled?! Since when has Dr. Shabir become so liberal?
There is no outright open warfare these days, that's what he meant. He did not say their practises were something that is ok to be followed
I remember this guy having debate with fundamental Christian. Smar guy. He basically destroyed him with biblical arguments.
I don't believe in gods and similar children stuff, but I belive in wisdom. To be fair, Shabir is a smart person and I would like to talk with him. No mattter what I belive. I just wanna talk with this guy with all due respect he's abandon silly story with god and stuff.
First time, I see an articulated Muslim speaking like he’s a non Muslim speaker
Yeah as a Muslim in the west, this Dr makes it easier for us to explain out great religion and its nuances to the world!
@@monzerfaisal3673 what do you mean by nauncens?
@@zaynabdurrani5274 meaning the depth of a subject and everything behind it
@@monzerfaisal3673 k
@@zaynabdurrani5274 hello Zainab☺
there was a story
a man and a muslim woman were in love..
but the woman was hesitant because marrying a non-muslim man is prohibites in Islam..
but the man told the woman that he will visit their place to ask for her family's permission to marry her...
they went and they were received..
the man explained about their love and the woman's family seemed amuse and warm to the young man but later he was murdered in their house.
reason: he is not muslim.
now you tell me about inter marriage is permissible in Quran!
What a horrible story. This is in the Quran?
The Holy Quran has addressed Men & Women in a mono- tone that 1st need to be recognised. There's no GENDER bias in revelations except for few verses due to context. So if the Prophets & holy books r from ALLAH SWT, then logically all Ahl- E- Qitab as long as BELIEVERS, should be valid. Because Quran is the most logical. Thus a man can only marry Ahl- E- Qitab & women can't, doesn't make logical reflections.
May ALLAH SWT help us understand the contexts of Quran & holistically let us apply it rather than isolated focus on a verse.
Are there really Pple of the Book today?
They are. Not. So Muslims doing this will know dunia is temporary akhirat is forever
Can you please give a reference , where Muslim community is called believers in those days, historical references
Excellent coverage of the topic! Just to enhance the subject it would be interesting to learn how injunctions against polytheism might apply to modern societal views and opinions. For instance might a preoccupation with say, pursuing money, physical appearance and socioeconomic status be taken for polytheism? Is there some line that must be rossed? Thoughts?
Interesting take on the notion of polytheism! Thank you for sharing!
@Asim Ayyubi *cough * "Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah ? Then will you not be reminded? "45:23....
I was born a Muslim and I married outside my faith to a Christian Woman.
Why would a book allow it for men but not for women, can you people check the authenticity of your book
Men are more dominant and controlling towards their wives in general and make women to follow their way while women on the other hand are a weaker gender. If a Muslim woman marries a non-muslim man then often she has to submit herself to his ways. She has to work hard to maintain her marriage by always accepting and obeying her husband's demands and this thing will drive her away from her religion. If she truly loves her religion then she will not marry a non muslim man but if she gives preference to the non muslim man over her religion then she has to suffer by abandoning her religion.
Best explained sir 😊
but what if a muslim married a non muslim, but couple of years after their marriage the non muslim convert to islam?
What about before mairrage?
Specifically relevant in era where TATA Tanishq add had become controversial
Assalamualaikum, I am a recent revert to Islam. I was athiest, and so is my husband. Is this against Islam to be married to him even though we married before I reverted..?
If your husband is still an atheist then your marriage is void. He has to be a Muslim for your marriage to be halal.
yep.. what happened,
And jewish and christian are isolaters?
It really amazes me how people memorize the Quran. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday
interfaith marriages are not easy, two people pulling in their own direction. marriages are tough to begin with so to ask for any additional burden, is silly.
Just one simple question can a Muslim man marry to a Christian lady without changing to their respected religion?
they can , but it's not ideal - especially for a practicing muslim