Alphabeat - DJ (X-Factor 2010)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
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Alphabeat blev ramt at tekniske problemer under lørdagens X Factor finale, da de skulle optræde med kæmpehittet, DJ.
En defekt mikrofon resulterede i at det var meget svært at høre forsanger, Anders SG, under nummeret. Lyden gik dog fint igennem til kontrolrummet, og herfra har det efterfølgende heldigvis være muligt at justere på lydniveauet, så man nu kan høre begge Alphabeatere feste sammen med de 40.000 publikummer i Parken.
such an underrated pop band, super sick!
Stine is SO GORGEOUS! Oh my! and I love her voice!
Dude is enjoying singing and playing this song. That makes me enjoy it more than anything else.
I like how Anders SG just keeps the show going, even though the sound does not work for him! :D
... and Stine's voice is just awesome!
I LOVE this band, long life to ALPHABEAT
Fantastisk nummer, efter min mening klart det fedeste Alphabeat nogensinde har lavet!
har netop været til grøn koncert.. og hvor er anders sg dog bare den skønneste, lækreste dansker der nogensinde har vandret på denne lille jord!
Tambourine Hero: Level Expert
damn that energy!!! xD
+deltasworder1x so I'm not the only brony here
She has an amazing voice
Amazing - best live performers I have ever seen!
I saw them live yesterday, they are just simply amazing.
Wahh, they're incedible! Really I can't see any difference from the original to this version: they must be really really wow!!! I love Alphabeat, they make good music
Anders SG is soooo handsome
I love it! Welcome back alphabeat!!
Alphabeat is so good life! Hope to go to a concert of them soon. But I don't know when they play in Holland,
The male lead singer is soooo hot!
i really love them!!
Alphabeat are awesome live!
They back ❤️
Totalt yndlingsmusik ! :-)
Er vi her stadig 2023 🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
i LOVE them !
Whoa she sings really good live!
jeg var der inde i parken og se dem!!! der larmede mega meget!!
her voice is incredible theres no difference between oryginal song n this live show + his dance! i love it hahaha it's funneh but hey!!!!! rythm is in his WHOLE BODY !!
21 cent. and hes holdin a tamburin WOAH !!!
from my wife: LOVE U BOTH ;))
Anders is the definition of "adorkable." :-D
That scream in the end 😂 Btw. love Alphabeat!
I love his crazy dance 8D
Just love the way he's going crazy :b
They are sooooo cool! And i think Stine really looks very very very beautiful! And I dont understand anything of what you guys say in your comments. Is that danish? It's quite cool.
they really did a good jobbbbbbbbbbb
awesome sounds happy music
Anders is soooooooooooo handsome!
Hvem af dem?
"Just let the music play"
@Lavampeace There wasn't any sound from anders mic under the hole song on television.
Best ❤️
@DanielPheash i don't know, i mean i am a fan, and i'm dutch. ;d
@SpychoSpyman kan stemme på den der vinder finalen og så var afstemningen slut!
Can you explain to me what lip sync is ?
-This was a live performance, proof - the 2nd lead singer Anders' microphone had i malfunction in the first part of this performance, this videoclip has been remastered by DR1 with the monitor-recorded vocal from the concert, to get Anders' vocal in the same volume-area as Stine..
2:33 fedt shot! så ærgeligt med mikrofonen, så var det jo godt at man havde mig til at synge med haha :D
I put it into Google Translate. It means "voting has ended." It is X Factor after all. Kinda disappointing...
my favorite part is that huge scream of "ALPHABEAT" right before the video ends.
Can u hear me now dj
DJ : yes maam, I do
ved godt at stine og anders er venner og band medlemmer men de er sq så søde sammen kan sagents se dem som et par
@sexyback89 With an amazing voice like that, I don't think he needs to worry.
mega flot kjole hun har :D
this is the kind of music the united states needs to have!! :D
Wow he really goes for it on that tambourine!
These Danes are so hot...I wish the whole world could be Danish!
Jeg overvejer lidt hvorfor nogle vælger at kommentere på deres eget sprog på denne video som er dansk... Vi bruger jo alligevel Google Translate til at forstå det... Hmm.. Ellers mega fed optræden!
Selv om der var noget galt med mikrofonen lød det stadig fedt :")
@Lindelamare It's the final show :-)
inf*ckingcredible! myG, i love them so friggin'much! they've cured my blues!
I er verdensmester
@jackfleix8 In the info it says it on danish but translated its because it wasnt working properly
Tænk hvis den danske musik scene kunne finde ud af at stille op med sådan noget, i MGP sammenhæng.... i stedet for blød mellemvare.
he's so cute :)
I was there it was very fun
@mentloid err...yeah I'd like to know too!
love it! (L)
Is the X-factor a festival in Denmark?!
@Theyttesen -.-' det er jo ikk pointen, vel??
Let this be a lesson to everyone. If you want to play the tambourine in a pop ground without being hidden in background, you'd better do a damn good job at it. Like Anders here.
HAHAHA 3:15 er der en meget ivrig fan der skriger Alphabeat!!!
1:22 that mic-swap 😅
@aarandir Yes ;D
anders is the tambourineking!
jeg kan ikke se eller høre nogle tekniske problemer hvad er de da?
Large X factor final i the world
Er helt vild med den måde han går amok med den tamborin på!!! :D
rigtig god rytme,,, man hopper sku helt med på gulvet
Są po prostu ZAJEBIŚCI! Fajne nuty i ładniutka Stine xD
Something's wrong with his mic i think. He sounds a bit whoppy and that makes him nervous. He's trying to adjust it with his hands, but no effect.
That's why they swop the mic's.
To bad for him it's to late :D
@Ripsen94 haha was wondering what that menat !
@as1p23 At vordingborg festuge right? ^^
Lol, why change the microphone after he finish singing?
@wwwino Many of the comments are Danish :p
wow!!! Goddag kuldegysninger!
@ SuperMimi1204 Haha it sure doesn't sound like Dutch,
I'm from the Netherlands and I think Danish is way cooler :P But I actually can't understand it very well, I only know 'jeg elsker' means I love haha
Oh and Alphabeat is awesome! They're almost better live!
sueño con el.
Til jer der siger at tamburinen ingen forskel gør:
Jo den gør den. Selvom den er lille, er det en kæmpe forskel!
Man kan MEGET tydeligt høre det lille "Shik" noget. ^^
Kan du ikke prøve at holde din staveplade stille ?
i like more the remix
@LucDavids Aren't they Danish?
is good
Stine du er er bare dejlig. fuck en nice stemme.
Lol if i was that tamborine i would totally be needed a wheelchair after that..
nice :-)
@Spitfireanke ze komen naar hoofddorp ofzooietss
Anders og hans tamburin!! xD Haha jeg får grineflip over ham hver gang jeg ser dem xD
ahhhh hes sooooo hot!
man, Danes are great singers. MLTR, AQUA, now Alphabeat!!
@pillefyr Hahahaha, härligt att det inte är enbart jag som tycker det :P
She's got a legitimately great voice. Him, not so much.
han er da blevet højere
anders, marry me.
@Bishlabang lol he does