True. The threat was Bxg3 followed by Qxg3+ Qxh4+ Rg3+... winning. Maybe Bf4 was a last trick, because if Bxf4? Qxe4 threatening the rook, and Qe7+...and I think white would have had good chances. Best defence for white might have been Bd4 threatening the e4 pawn while still protecting f2 with the bishop, but Rxg3+ and if fxg3 Qxg3+ and then capturing the rook on e1 is winning. Another defence is Kf1 , but there's Bxg3 and white is not doing well either.
Time 14:42 instead of h6, he had Nf5! If Kh3 Ne3 + wins the Q. If K doesn't take, then conduct the N to d4.
Going from a drawing to completely losing position in one move. On that level. They are human after all :)
True. The threat was Bxg3 followed by Qxg3+ Qxh4+ Rg3+... winning. Maybe Bf4 was a last trick, because if Bxf4? Qxe4 threatening the rook, and Qe7+...and I think white would have had good chances. Best defence for white might have been Bd4 threatening the e4 pawn while still protecting f2 with the bishop, but Rxg3+ and if fxg3 Qxg3+ and then capturing the rook on e1 is winning. Another defence is Kf1 , but there's Bxg3 and white is not doing well either.
Esipenko è il futuro campione del mondo !
omg, such intensity and then boom, blunders....
wasn't Bg3 winning without Bf4?
Esipenko s a cute boy ! 😊
move 42 White needed to move the Be3 bishop the other way, to threaten Qxe4. The only sac threat on g3 is with the Rook then.
Yuffa !!!!
Even Homer sometimes nods. Even Esipenko sometimes blunders. Otherwise what a game till that move Bf4 by Esipenko!
И гроссмейстеры зевают фигуру, когда устают)) А так Юффа молодец, хорошо держался, позиция была вначале похуже.
My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don’t take these things into consideration -- Bobby Fischer
White played foul.
I watched the whole game just to end a one move blunder. I would say white is overrated and black is such a boring player.
The flagrant crate dimensionally launch because frown centrally mate athwart a adorable egypt. jumbled, obedient pharmacist