حدوتة الابراج الصينية
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- ملك قديم قال للحيوانات يعدوا النهر
وهيرتب الشهور بترتيب الحيوانات اللي دخلوا السباق
وبقت الأبراج الصينية
#cosmic microwave background
#cosmological parameters
#dark matter
#diffuse radiation
#distance scale
#early universe
#large-scale structure
#galaxies abundances
#galaxies: active
#galaxies: binary
#BL Lacertae objects: general
#galaxies: clusters: individual
#galaxies: compact
#galaxies: evolution
#galaxies: formation
#galaxies: general
#Local Group
#galaxies: photometry
#galaxies: spiral
#galaxies: star clusters
#galaxies: stellar content
#galaxies: structure
#comets: general
#interplanetary medium
#Kuiper Belt
#meteors, meteoroids
#minor planets, asteroids
#Oort Cloud
#planets: rings
#planets and satellites: formation
#planets and satellites: general
#planets and satellites: individual (alphabetic order)
#solar system: formation
#solar system: general
#Sun: atmosphere
#Sun: chromosphere
#Sun: corona
#Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
#Sun: evolution
#Sun: faculae, plages
#Sun: filaments
#Sun: flares
#Sun: fundamental parameters
#Sun: general
#Sun: granulation
#Sun: helioseismology
#Sun: infrared
#Sun: interior
#Sun: magnetic fields
#Sun: oscillations
#Sun: particle emission
#Sun: photosphere
#Sun: prominences
#Sun: radio radiation
#Sun: rotation
#solar-terrestrial relations
#solar wind
#celestial mechanics, stellar dynamics
#reference systems
#black hole physics
#elementary particles
#equation of state
#gravitational collaps
#gravitational lensing
#gravitational waves
#line: formation
#line: identification
#line: profiles
#magnetic fields
#radiation mechanism: general
#stellar dynamics
عظمة على عظمة يا دكتور