Why do i see Edd from Eddsworld dancing to this, and Tom coming in and straight up ending him. Also RIP Edd Gould. I honestly forgot how long u lived, but u made beautiful animations.
The Newest Squidbeak Splatoon LilyRoseSunflower Yes I have my condolences for Edd, but please say this somewhere else, thank you, it can make people uncomfortable, just saying.
The song is amazing although at first the moves are hard you have to do it a lot like the 2016 one for albatrouz it took me a long time to get it perfect
Me: you got that coca bottle SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE (sings more) SAY LATINA BABY SAY LATINA BABY SAY OLE OLEEE! Mom: *^* wat Me: o.o GET OUT MY ROOOM. MOM: ok??? Me: (pulls out trumpet) Mom: o_^ Me: SAY LATINA BABY!!! SAY LATINA BABY LETS PARTY OK! Mom: instantly slams door OLEEE BOIS
My damn Switch Controller wont react at the Refrain anyone Else has the Same Problem? ITS the one Part after oleee Controller doesnr Sense any movement
Roberto Lobo Rosas That's why I don't like about Just Dance now. There used to be songs for everyone and now it's just for girls or feminine boys (no offence). I enjoyed older games where there was something for everyone
The dancer in the song "Albatros" by Aron Chupa is a guy, and "Drop the mambo" too. They are dressed like a woman but that not matter because they are dancing and having fun. Just dance bro!
Seriously, is no one going to talk about her hair flipping skills?
Whats wrong With You? 😂👌
@@soraya7257 ?
@@idrilasquill uff its a joke😬
This song was stuck in my head for days and I finally found it, this used to be my favorite just dance song
Me too
"Used to"?
This song never gets old and the cola never gets uncold
How about, "The cola never gets uncold"
@Davina Valadez why yes it is
@@thatbiachecalledLoue ooooh good line
Soy latina! El olé es de España ;-;
@@thatbiachecalledLoue aaa
This give me so much summer vibes!
3:15 she is so tired
She's 100 percent is tired, I see it, who ever says, no, you are dumb as hell.
@@treya677 she is actully tired
J Balvin: *says his name*
Just dance: *shake out babe*
JAJAJAJAJA (laugh in latina)
bruh why did you stop trying after 3 stars
because he didn't got that coca cola bottle shape
actual reason: he missed the gold move and got pissed so he threw the controller and stopped dancing
booksketball he wasn’t even trying to begin with lol jk
booksketball and yet he/she calls the Channel dance like an all-star😂
@@tenleesmaindancer1819 lol
I remember the pure excitement of getting 5 stars on this
Same lol
*Haven't seen this one since 2017 I missed this one thank you very much 💖 who hasn't seen this in awhile?*
Vi se. É. Meio. iStranho
Her and mr. saxobeat girl should become friends
I'm over here trying to learn a dance but I'm watching the flamingos and saxophone dance in the back ground
Que haces aquí Fred?!!.jpg
@@Unknown_JPG01 no entendi :v
WTF xdx
Cuando eres pobre y no te alcanza pal just dance XD
Al menos te puedes sacar los prohibidos
@@sh0uj403 por lo menos 😩✋
Siiiii, al menos existen amables q lo suben a yutu :/
How many ppl knew that "Inna" is romanian . That actually makes me proud if my country =)
We al lough when we dance this in school
Nicole Lee z
We did
I dance to this song at school before
I don't laugh `~`
Well about damn time this video hit 1 million
Why do i see Edd from Eddsworld dancing to this, and Tom coming in and straight up ending him.
Also RIP Edd Gould. I honestly forgot how long u lived, but u made beautiful animations.
The Newest Squidbeak Splatoon LilyRoseSunflower Yes I have my condolences for Edd, but please say this somewhere else, thank you, it can make people uncomfortable, just saying.
Cola or Pepsi
I like both
They taste the same
@@Domoxxx Are you sure?
Wat do we do for neither cuz I'm kind of a root beer fellow
I remember this song being my favorite one when I was a kid, it brings so much memories! *cries in nostalgia*
The song is amazing although at first the moves are hard you have to do it a lot like the 2016 one for albatrouz it took me a long time to get it perfect
This one is so underrated, the choreo is so much fun and the song actually pretty good. Justice for Cola Song
2:36 J balvin*
Me: you got that coca bottle SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE (sings more) SAY LATINA BABY SAY LATINA BABY SAY OLE OLEEE!
Mom: *^* wat
MOM: ok???
Me: (pulls out trumpet)
Mom: o_^
Mom: instantly slams door
Soy Latina*
not even slightly funny
*coca cola
The look of judgement my dogs gave as they watched me do this
Her ponytail the whole time: ⬆️↖️⤴️🔄⬇️↕️⤵️🔃↗️↘️➡️⬇️↪️↙️⬅️↪️
Bring back to Just Dance Now. Its soo good!!
Soy la unica que al escuchar "Soy latina" le recordó a Lele Pons
Bueno, esta canción lo único que tiene latino es j balvin porque el "olé " es bastante español
Si úa ru “soy latina”?
@@laesposaderay1166 JAJAJAJA
Si dice asi
I remember dancing to this on the Wii. It was fun
Why am I getting Vegas vibes?
I thought i was the only one-
When I was 7 I use to listen to this song so much I loved it
Same :)
literally this song is a bop-
Most Just Dance songs are
Olé !
What if the Coca-Cola bottle stops shaking?
@@fideliglesias5443 ??
It. Explodes and the world ends
I dance This in my school. Baby i'm fire 💥
absolutely nobody:
lele pons: 0:45
Lmao accurate, like every to seconds😂
3:51 Swing.
This is my favorite song i ever heard
Who randomly put this on as nostalgia in 2020? Only me? Okay
GREAT now where's the songs about PEPSI?!
We got that Pepsi max bottle shape shape shape
Finally i found this i would always do the candy version of it. I did this and pipipopo.
I never noticed the lyrics
I remembered my friend dancing this with her classmates in the talent show and the audience yells OLE at the ole part.
They got 8th place.
Well they should have 2nd place
The coach: haves glasses on thumbnail
Also coach: doesn't have glasses while dancing
Me encanta esa canción 😀😀😉😉
Does anyone listen to this
even though your favourite
Soda isn't Cola?
Yeah I'm more of a 7up girl
Myself, sweet song btw, love it!
me encanta la cancion
oh yes i love this song so much :3
Cooooooool 😎
Mejor que el juego real 😈🤝✋
How can people dance in heels 😰
Just trying to stand using one is already enough to make me fall lmfao
practicando bro
Why si this so true?
I think there are special heels for dancing
I salute this dancer. Imagine dancing in that huge shoe lace??! lol. And the huge ponytail??!
Los argentinos entrando al chat wacho🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
Me encanta la musica toda la hora escucho 😍😍
Me encanta ése just dance
My damn Switch Controller wont react at the Refrain anyone Else has the Same Problem? ITS the one Part after oleee Controller doesnr Sense any movement
I love how the person dancing just gave up halfway through
No hay nadie que hable español namás hay puros que hablan inglés y yo no entiendo el inglés:"( like si hablás español
No querid@ ;)
i never realized but how do her glasses stay on
Muy bien tú siempre ganas todos los bailes de just dance
Solo ha sacado 3 estrellas!
I like this song and I dance moves
This song makes me happy cola song
What happened on 2:35 ??? Wasn't it J Balvin???
You see me and my dance group we copy dances from just dance for competition’s and we never lose we be in first place
do you sing too because there is a score on the lyrics
Look at the shoes..😂
I love the cola
I like the song
Yes I have had dance at school and all my friends love it you are the best that I have ever seen in my life that is so beautiful
Can't imagine a guy dancing this xd
Roberto Lobo Rosas That's why I don't like about Just Dance now. There used to be songs for everyone and now it's just for girls or feminine boys (no offence). I enjoyed older games where there was something for everyone
@@Moon-ge8mc i do agree i miss the old games than the games now
The dancer in the song "Albatros" by Aron Chupa is a guy, and "Drop the mambo" too. They are dressed like a woman but that not matter because they are dancing and having fun. Just dance bro!
me gusta mucho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍😍😍
Does anyone remember the animation memes with ehis song
I love dis
I was drinking Coca Cola when i was watching this video
Dance hire you ^^
I remember this dance it was my fav 😆
This songs lit
This give me mr saxobeat vibes
Psicologo para que te anime de no poder salir de latinoameria :V :200 soles
Cancion que te anima de ser latinoamerica:Gratis
1:08 her skirt flies up
No shit
stop being an perv
Please grab holy water
Wild 😜 I just wan say good to me haha 😂 day
Jesus this song is wrong but the dance is amazing
Inna is from Romania 😂
Who is here in 2020
i have just dance ❤
Me too
I was driking cola lol
me encanto
INNA Queen
This is the best song ever I dance to it before on just dance 2017
Ok Let’s Party Say Ole
Wow that's a very cool dance
Everyone: * Talking about the dance, and how cola never gets uncold *
Me: *Where did she got those flamingos?*
Heres the song 0:13
2:28 Aquí ven como la bailarina se confunde por un segundo
2:28 Here you see how the dancer gets confused standing for a second
🌞🌞🌞🤑❤️❤️🐰🐭🐷Super song!!!
**Teka Todoroki Noises**
Cola Song
Watch my cheoraphy video to this song 📸
That’s the worst dancing I’ve ever seen