All of those books are on my TBR, so at least I know I'm on the right track lol. One book that I listened to on audiobook recently was The Art of Asking, by Amanda Palmer. It's less about being creative (although there's plenty of that; she's a fascinating person!) and more about being open to asking for help as an artist. It was quite a useful read for someone like me who struggles with opening up about my creative works.
I love Bird by Bird, too, it is a fantastic book! I have it close to my desk and re-read parts of it whenever I am stuck. And I recently read Big Magic and found it quite refreshing and helpful, the hippie-dippie parts (e.g. ideas are living entities) didn't bother me. Gilbert isn't 'preachy' about it & its only a small part of the book. Two books that I can recommend: Mario Vargas Llosa, Letters to a Young Writer, and Ayn Rand, The Art of Fiction. Worth checking out if you haven't read them.
Gonna look into "Big Magic." Thanks for sharing the recommendation.
really enjoyed this. thanks for making this! Now I have to check out Elizabeth Gilbert's ted talk
All of those books are on my TBR, so at least I know I'm on the right track lol.
One book that I listened to on audiobook recently was The Art of Asking, by Amanda Palmer. It's less about being creative (although there's plenty of that; she's a fascinating person!) and more about being open to asking for help as an artist. It was quite a useful read for someone like me who struggles with opening up about my creative works.
I love Bird by Bird, too, it is a fantastic book! I have it close to my desk and re-read parts of it whenever I am stuck. And I recently read Big Magic and found it quite refreshing and helpful, the hippie-dippie parts (e.g. ideas are living entities) didn't bother me. Gilbert isn't 'preachy' about it & its only a small part of the book. Two books that I can recommend: Mario Vargas Llosa, Letters to a Young Writer, and Ayn Rand, The Art of Fiction. Worth checking out if you haven't read them.
Elizabeth Gilbert also wrote THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS and it is a very interesting novel with a powerful female character
tyvm Kindly speak clear words
Uhmm. I remember I got very creative while trying superhumanly hard to read Remembrance of Things Past.
are you from india😊