【大成建設】「T-ZCB(ゼロカーボンビル)」紹介動画 T-ZCB (Zero Carbon Building) technology

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2025
  • 「T-ZCB(ゼロカーボンビル)」技術の紹介動画。大成建設は、建築物のライフサイクルにおけるCO2排出量を実質ゼロにするゼロカーボンビルの建設を推進するため、初期計画段階で建築物のライフサイクルCO2排出量及びCO2削減技術の効果を可視化し、建築物の脱炭素化を体系的に評価するシステムを構築。建築物のライフサイクルで発生するCO2排出量と削減効果を「調達、施工、運用、修繕、解体」のフェーズ毎に可視化して評価するとともに、その削減に寄与する主要な技術や当社が注力するZEB化技術と組み合わせ、連携させることで、段階的に建築物の建設計画を推進し、ゼロカーボンビルの実現を目指します。
    This movie introduces our T-ZCB (Zero Carbon Building) technology. TAISEI CORPORATION, in our effort to promote construction of Zero Carbon Buildings to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions in the building life cycle, has developed a methodological system which enables us to systematically evaluate the decarbonization measures applied to the building even in the initial planning stage of the project by visualizing the expected CO2 emissions throughout the building life cycle and the impact of the CO2 emission reducing technologies to be applied. We are dedicated to promoting suitable construction plans in terms of phase of the building life cycle, for example construction of new buildings or maintenance on existing buildings, and contributing to further decarbonization of buildings to achieve decarbonized society, while we visualize and evaluate expected CO2 emissions and volume to be reduced in each of phases throughout the building life cycle, i.e. procurement, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition, and have them combined and collaborated together with key technologies to contribute to further CO2 emission reduction as well as ZEB transformation technologies on which we especially focus our resources.

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