YOUR Aftermath as Your Narcissist’s Fantasy, Delusion, Matrix

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • At the commencement of the relationship, the Narcissist is a dream-come-true. He is often intelligent, witty, charming, good looking, an achiever, empathetic, in need of love, loving, caring, attentive and much more. He is, in other words, ideal. At first, the narcissist is too good to be true. Then, he is too true to be good.
    It is difficult to let go of this idealized figure. Relationships with narcissists inevitably and invariably end with the dawn of a double realisation. The first is that one has been (ab)used by the narcissist and the second is that one was regarded by the narcissist as a disposable, dispensable and interchangeable instrument (object).
    The assimilation of this new gained knowledge is an excruciating process, often unsuccessfully completed. People get fixated at different stages. They fail to come to terms with their rejection as human beings - the most total form of rejection there is.
    We all react to loss. Loss makes us feel helpless and objectified. When our loved ones die - we feel that Nature or God or Life treated us as playthings. When we divorce (especially if we did not initiate the break-up), we often feel that we have been exploited and abused in the relationship, that we are being "dumped", that our needs and emotions are ignored. In short, we again feel objectified.
    Losing the narcissist is no different to any other major loss in life. It provokes a cycle of bereavement and grief (as well as some kind of mild post traumatic stress syndrome in cases of severe abuse). This cycle has four phases: denial, rage, sadness and acceptance.
    Denial can assume many forms. Some go on pretending that the narcissist is still a part of their life, even going to the extreme of "interacting" with the narcissist by pretending to "communicate" with him or to "meet" him (through others, for instance).
    Others develop persecutory delusions, thus incorporating the imaginary narcissist into their lives as an ominous and dark presence. This ensures "his" continued "interest" in them - however malevolent and threatening that "interest" is perceived to be. These are radical denial mechanisms, which border on the psychotic and often dissolve into brief psychotic micro-episodes.
    More benign and transient forms of denial include the development of ideas of reference. The narcissist's every move or utterance is interpreted to be directed at the suffering person, his ex, and to carry a hidden message which can be "decoded" only by the recipient.
    Others deny the very narcissistic nature of the narcissist. They attribute his abusive conduct to ignorance, mischief, lack of self-control (due to childhood abuse or trauma), or benign intentions. This denial mechanism leads them to believe that the narcissist is really not a narcissist but someone who is not aware of his "true" being, or someone who merely and innocently enjoys mind games and toying with people's lives, or an unwitting part of a dark conspiracy to defraud and abuse gullible victims.
    Often the narcissist is depicted as obsessed or possessed - imprisoned by his "invented" condition and, really, deep inside, a nice and gentle and lovable person. At the healthier end of the spectrum of denial reactions we find the classical denial of loss - the disbelief, the hope that the narcissist may return, the suspension and repression of all information to the contrary.
    Denial in mentally healthy people quickly evolves into rage. There are a few types of rage. Rage can be focussed and directed at the narcissist, at other facilitators of the loss, such as the narcissist's lover, or at specific circumstances. It can be directed at oneself - which often leads to depression, suicidal ideation, self-mutilation and, in some cases, suicide.
    Rage gives place to sadness. It is the sadness of the trapped animal, an existential angst mixed with acute depression. It involves dysphoria (inability to rejoice, to be optimistic, or expectant) and anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure or to find meaning in life). It is a paralysing sensation, which slows one down and enshrouds everything in the grey veil of randomness. It all looks meaningless and empty.
    This, in turn, gives place to gradual acceptance, renewed energy, and bouts of activity. The narcissist is gone both physically and mentally. The void left in his wake still hurts and pangs of regret and hope still exist. But, on the whole, the narcissist is transformed into a narrative, a symbol, another life experience, or a (tedious) cliché. He is no longer omni-present and his former victim entertains no delusions as to the one-sided and abusive nature of the relationship or as to the possibility and desirability of its renewal.
    Buy most of my books in Amazon

ความคิดเห็น • 163

  • @avahsieh4645
    @avahsieh4645 4 ปีที่แล้ว +369

    "At first, the narcissist is too good to be true. Then, he is too true to be good." spot on

    • @annaluisaschmitz2923
      @annaluisaschmitz2923 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @seabreeze9743
      @seabreeze9743 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ”Omg, it’s the same phrase again but backwards!” Sam Vaknin is a genius but literally the only reason you chimpanzees like this line is cause it’s the same thing again but backwards.

  • @jenniehettrick4204
    @jenniehettrick4204 4 ปีที่แล้ว +216

    I couldn’t decide if my, now ex, was just paranoid, pathological liar, delusional, scared or just raging anger with logical shut downs. Then I thought ‘what if it’s all of these things?’ Any confrontation brought out anger, lies and paranoia. To the point he would change his personality in public but the second he was alone with me... he was there. Staring at me with anger like I caused all bad things in his world. Never been around someone so hostile, blaming and always the victim.

    • @christinecasper7212
      @christinecasper7212 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      EXACTLY my experience

    • @SW-nd1fi
      @SW-nd1fi 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      me too

    • @MrKkramer09
      @MrKkramer09 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Me too

    • @dianevanderlinden3480
      @dianevanderlinden3480 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      any confrontation or questioning and mine would disappear for months

    • @katiescarbrough3252
      @katiescarbrough3252 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Yes mine turn sadistic, some mornings he would FaceTime me from work cause he was in his head meaning thinking I was cheating. I would be laying in bed with the baby still and while I was talking trying to calm him he would just stare through me black eyes and his were green looking in my soul to the point the evil chilled me I would start studdering and back down n he knew it he would do it anytime I had a good morning

  • @jennifermclean7639
    @jennifermclean7639 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I can’t begin to explain how much you’ve helped me to understand both my parents and to “un-brainwash” myself from their warped perspective. I’m 46 years old and finally individuating. You’ve given me my life back Sam. Thank you.

  • @triciayoung8687
    @triciayoung8687 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Your sarcasm is really the only thing that makes me laugh these days…and allows a little hope to trickle in

    • @jarijansma2207
      @jarijansma2207 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Damn.. maybe check out Richard Grannon's fortress program?

  • @amandabulmer2158
    @amandabulmer2158 4 ปีที่แล้ว +92

    We are all in La La Land at the moment..

  • @simoneenomis3357
    @simoneenomis3357 4 ปีที่แล้ว +98

    Nobody can explain this the way you can.. Its so interesting, so educational.. And its SO important to understand some of this dynamic behind this crazy circus!! THANK You!!❤️

  • @stephaniemiller1886
    @stephaniemiller1886 3 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I was able to get away from my narcissist 3 weeks and 1 day ago,
    I was lied to way more than I could have ever imagined.
    I found out his real name, age and birth date. I also found out he was a cult leader.
    I'm familiar with grandiose narcissist as I was born to one and have seemed to have picked them in my adult life except for this one, he was a covert which I wasn't familiar with until he enlightened and educated me in the harshest of ways.

  • @ellderberryjam5635
    @ellderberryjam5635 4 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Thank you Sam Vaknin for your meticulous, heartbreaking, and incredibly powerful body of work and your honest and terrifying view of this organism "narcissism". You are the Hubble telescope if psychology. Helping to make sense of all the vapor clouds, solar storms and black holes of the narcissist's reality.

  • @carolinospelt2932
    @carolinospelt2932 4 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    In some cases they‘re controlling their spouses even years after they passed away. I knew someone visiting her husbands grave each day crying tears because he abandonned her and to honor him. She couldn‘t skip a day because she felt so guilty and felt he would accuse her. The worst i‘ve seen so far. He made her life miserable and she still lived in a fantasy.

  • @PS-tl2cc
    @PS-tl2cc 4 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    This video is spot on. The sensation or experience of my past 7 months (since I left my X) has been like "slowly waking up" from a dream (I think I started waking up about 2 years ago but I didn't leave until 7 months ago) . I'm probably back to some sort of anger phase and I am looking forward to (and hope I get to) a point when my X:s existence is a memory and that's it.

  • @jewlej
    @jewlej 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Thank you for saving my future. I’ve been trapped in this nightmare web since 1997. Filling out the paperwork for a continued restraining order now. Thank you so much for making sense of this as my family (parents and sister) are narcissists too. Cutting them all out -my dad passed but how my mom and sister acted after still horrify me to this day.

  • @katrox0
    @katrox0 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I’m so glad the world has someone like you in it!! ❤

    @OSAMA_BAHY 4 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    You're the best Sam. I watch all your videos. Love from Egypt

    • @tina12395
      @tina12395 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Yes, Sam is the best!

  • @erockfreedom1727
    @erockfreedom1727 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    The whole shared psychopathy explains my parents perfectly. They never fit neatly into the "1 narcissistic parent / 1 codependent parent." People make it sound that way. It's a lot more messy and toxic than that. I mean you can't live for decades as a husband to a malignant narcissistic borderline woman, enabling all her behavior, hurting and separating their kids from one another over and over again, and be some unscathed victim as my father has always and continues desperately tries to portray himself to be. Thanks for introducing me to this concept. He is full of rage and they share the same delusion. They are one unit.

    • @2140pallavi
      @2140pallavi 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I had this realisation at age 35 years now have gone no contact - and received no reaction from them when I did till date it's been 3 months as if they always knew I'll leave one day and disposable. I always knew something was wrong with them- thought they were just stupid to realise how the world worked never knowing it was affecting me so badly ,tried ignoring them and making my way in life. Now I know you cannot make your way in the world if you have parents who are routing for you to lose and backbitching about you to relatives to make them look like victims that need saving ! I destroyed my life in these 10 years trying to save them more than myself this is one of things I regret now time lost -resurrecting myself one brick at a time. I will be okay now I know now. Everything will work out even if it doesn't it's ok, life works mysteriously I don't have to be perfect always.

  • @dakotaridgek9
    @dakotaridgek9 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    On Deficit Island he built his House of Delusion on its Fantasy foundation held up with Bias beams.
    Thank you.

    • @Sharronmodu
      @Sharronmodu หลายเดือนก่อน

      Love this, perfect!

  • @caralong3267
    @caralong3267 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Some Narcs cause these delusions in their spouses by insidiously creating these chaotic situations

  • @lindacooper1750
    @lindacooper1750 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    You know, i refuse to let this person make me give up my inner self. I AM A GIVER. I WILL NOT STOP.
    Lord, make me a channel of thy peace,
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    Where there is injury, pardon;
    Where there is doubt, faith;
    Where there is despair, hope;
    Where there is darkness, light;
    Where there is sadness, joy;
    O Divine Master, grant that I may so much to seek to be consoled as to console;
    To be understood as to understand;
    To be loved as to love.
    For it is giving that we receive;
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    And it is in dying that we are born into eternal life.

    • @Silverlining1248
      @Silverlining1248 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That’s beautiful & noble ❤!
      I tried for 30 years, prayed, went to every sort of Christian service to see the Lord work in my narcs life. A few years ago feeling exhausted confused, heart broken, broken in my spirit, mentally & emotionally disturbed, I asked my Pastor it’s gotten worse, not better, what is going on?!
      His answer cleared everything! He said people can only change if firstly if they want to. Secondly it takes a lot of hard work with a competent therapist & a heart that willingly & actively co-operates with the Lord.
      Dr Vaknin is telling us the truth you, we can’t fix them! It’s rare that narcs ever want help in their lives. I type this as a woman who tried with every thing I believed & was often told just keep praying & loving him! 😢I could write a book on how he has deceived me had a double life. Then accused me maligned me, it’s been a living nightmare. I am now clear in my own reality! Please consider this testimony. ❤
      Our first responsibility is to look after ourselves & hear & obey the Lord regarding our own life & welfare. I know this now, but for 30 years I did not know this!
      Save yourself!
      Build a good life for yourself, your children! The cost is too high to continue on an inevitable trajectory of self destruction!

  • @cindyneely50
    @cindyneely50 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I like your sense of humor and I so appreciate you sharing it. Thanks for making me laugh😂moldy yogurt!🤣

  • @cristalfarthing3742
    @cristalfarthing3742 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I do so enjoy your lectures, They make my day! Maybe I am one of those who are a little sick lol ( aren’t we all in some way ) but I find your perspective absolutely fascinating! Thank you for sharing your insights & knowledge with us. Helps to hear the truth.
    In my very humble opinion we are all a plethora of information we have collected in our lives. Living becomes some kind of rerun, like a movie colab between our imagination and our interpretation of the world around us. One part involving how others see us and more importantly how we perceive ourselves. A conglomeration of memories, our interpretations of those events , coupled with our own unique recipe to help digest the unpleasant information as it relates or conflicts to our ideal and imagined version reality. A mixture of defense mechanisms set in motion to help us survive. Once firmly in place there becomes a healthy adaptation or unfortunately a maladaptive one that creates a toxic pathological result. Not everyone was given a better option as a child. Some didn’t have a healthy way available to adjust. It’s actually quite sad when you examine the root cause of it all. You just have no way of knowing what about what another human being went through…….
    It could have happened to anyone., it could have happened to YOU. Life is simply trying to survive, sometimes in a hostile environment. We all do the best with what we are given but life isn’t fair and for an infant they did the only thing they could do, Try to survive. Have compassion even if they don’t seem to deserve it. We all want and need to be loved.

  • @EstrategiaTranquila-ment-xx7tj
    @EstrategiaTranquila-ment-xx7tj 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    hahah the thing of the coffee and Minnie , I love his crazy ideas.

  • @alexandrusava642
    @alexandrusava642 4 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    I feel like the thing you did with “Minnie” at the beginning had a deeper meaning. Was it intended to demonstrate the concept that narcissists “internalize the external and externalize the internal”? For example: personifying objects and objectifying people.

  • @agingchill9012
    @agingchill9012 4 ปีที่แล้ว +85

    Malignant optimism: a self-abusive modus operandi.

  • @daniellecavallucci5737
    @daniellecavallucci5737 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Wresting the chords of my last narcissistic experience has taken a long painful season. Discard had me paralyzed for a couple of years. Tenuously beginning to step forward again on wobbly, atrophied legs!! Thank you for your keen humor and insights, Doctor!! Steer clear of expired dairy 😉☺️🙏🏼

    • @paulagratefulnoend9683
      @paulagratefulnoend9683 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It is a long and winding road back.

    • @viola7658
      @viola7658 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @Danielle Cavallucci ur not alone! I have had difficulty literally standing. Metaphorically and and physically. Keep healing.

  • @bie4038
    @bie4038 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Hi Sam, you just blew my mind that the vulnerable child we see is an illusion. It bought into that trap more than i can count. Could you explain this? There is no vulnerable child? Many thanks for everything. And no you haven't lost your touch 😉

  • @gopiritsma4262
    @gopiritsma4262 4 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Thanks so much for your insight, it's very enlightening. And I love it when you scould us for being gullable nitwits. X

    • @j.m1928
      @j.m1928 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sometimes being called out is what we need 💜

  • @Scaldora
    @Scaldora 4 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    Professor, please look at the yoghurt before you taste it

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  4 ปีที่แล้ว +162

      I am terrified that the yogurt may look back at me!

    • @sarahlee66644
      @sarahlee66644 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@samvaknin 😂🤣🤣

    • @Scaldora
      @Scaldora 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Don’t worry, yoghurt have no eyes 🙌

    • @amibrooksbank7388
      @amibrooksbank7388 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@samvaknin wittiest comment I have seen in a long time 😂😂😂 made me laugh

    • @friedose4099
      @friedose4099 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@samvaknin 😂🤣

  • @hetalpatel6306
    @hetalpatel6306 4 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Can you make a video about how to recognize when someone is empathetic? All my exes have been narcissist and I can’t seem to tell the difference when someone is faking empathy and just pretending to be nice to get what they want and genuinely an empathetic person. I grew up in an home with a narcissist mom and it’s been difficult to separate love and narcissist qualities. Thank you Doc for making these amazing videos!

    • @missellenmartin4152
      @missellenmartin4152 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Hetal Patel it’s about them lacking a lot of affective empathy. Try to show them a video of a sick or disabled person without giving your own opinion about it (special books by special kids TH-cam channel), see how they react. If they react kindly and warm, then they possess affective empathy. If they dismissive or not interested or even cold or if you eventually say you feel very grateful for these videos and they make you happy. When they don’t understand that but say they admire you for it, they lack affective empathy and understand and say with their cognitive empathy that they admire you for liking it

    • @ericking4072
      @ericking4072 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9


    • @missellenmartin4152
      @missellenmartin4152 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Eric King yeah exactly. I’m so sorry you went through that man :/ that’s awful, I don’t know how that must have been, glad you are taking care of yourself now, you deserve it 💜 They don’t have affective empathy like that, only cognitive. People with autism have the opposite, so they feel a lot for people (affective empathy), but have a deficiency in cognitive empathy so they often are socially a bit weird and can say things that come across differently than neurotypicals.

    • @Sunny-se1pg
      @Sunny-se1pg 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@GrinannBarrett Thank you for sharing! Can you expand on how your intuition guides you to those types of feelings? How do you know when your gut is signaling those feelings?

    • @um_from_umbridge7285
      @um_from_umbridge7285 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@missellenmartin4152 this is too obvious of a test to an infj and we would contain our true emotion knowing this and feel skeptical towards the person doing this

  • @shiningstar7476
    @shiningstar7476 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It's so addictive the love bombing the bubble... all the sweet words it's all a act but I feel like I crave it??? Why am I attracting it?

    • @FroggyFrog9000
      @FroggyFrog9000 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      For many codependents the love bombing is the first time theyve seen their self in a positive way and its intoxicating, one falls in love with themself reflected back to them by this mirroring, mimicry from narcissist. Not saying youre a codependent, but yeh thats one angle to consider.

  • @MH-en9qc
    @MH-en9qc ปีที่แล้ว +4

    OMG I know this is a 2-year old video, obviously I just found it. You made me laugh, sitting here all by myself, laughing at your moldy yogurt story. Thanks.

  • @solveigrose5537
    @solveigrose5537 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Thank you so very much for your insights 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    I must say, you've become my favourite person (and at times the only one I can bear listening to) on YT..and I'd like to add I admire your use of the English language!! Even more I can learn by listening!
    By the way, love your sidekick Minnie the mug 😍👍

  • @meagenjaeger5003
    @meagenjaeger5003 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Awesome, I always learn so much from your videos.

  • @Ladyday8508
    @Ladyday8508 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I left my narc several years ago no contact. He started coming back around first by giving money to me thru my mom. I have two kids by him I've been raising on my own. I have seen him a few times. Let him give money and take me shopping but I know he is just trying to suck me back in. I just use him and won't have sex with him. Even though I know he's just idolizing me right now I dont care cause it's just familiar and I kind of feed off it. I know pretending so much wears him out and soon as I see the fangs coming out I just go back to avoiding him and I know he has to disappear to get supply elsewhere. I dont love him and I'm not attached so I dont care when I dont see him. I can't help feeling that he owes me after causing so much damage. I'm not even angry anymore cause I know it wasn't personal, he does what he has to. But I know I will never be with him again. I'm not after love. I just enjoy the brief bit of nostalgia and comfort I get when he acts like the guy I used to love. And because he's not even real I dont feel bad using him. Even though I know he wasn't who I once thought it fascinates me. I'm still bonded in a way but not enough to let him back in my life in any meaningful way. I just play along while its convenient.

  • @sempermutabilibus8300
    @sempermutabilibus8300 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Please talk more about how narcissists think women around them give them signs that they're sexually interested in them. I've been sexually assaulted by a friend who gave me the "but you were constantly giving me signs that you want that" excuse when I confronted him about assaulting me.
    I've also noticed that he used to tell me about women seeking him, initiating contact and chasing him (whether romantically or sexually) and his stories didn't seem believable.
    It'd help a lot if you talk more about erotomania and oversexualizing any contact with women because when I saw testimonies of survivors of rape, assault, harassment, it seemed lije these delusions play a role (or at least that's how men excuse their terrible behavior).

    • @jordanferguson2254
      @jordanferguson2254 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Men aren't stupid. They know exactly what they're doing. They will just say anything to relieve themselves of any responsibility or accountability. They're good at playing dumb.

  • @hetalpatel6306
    @hetalpatel6306 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Thank you for breaking down such a painful dance. Can you make a video about how codependents can stop feeling a strong sense of emptiness which causes them to invite toxic people into their lives in an attempt to fill that empty feeling? Which steps can one take to end that empty feeling, feelings of anxiety and allow their self to show? Can you also talk about the shame a codependent feels and how to deal with it?

    • @GS-xg4nz
      @GS-xg4nz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      Sit in a room in silence for an hour every day. Do the things you are good at and enjoy every day. Focus on other people (not narcs) and help them. What do you lose yourself in? Do it every day and learn how to enjoy your own company. Make your life so full you barely have room to let anyone else in. Do not allow self-pity in any way, shape or form - it's the cancer of the soul. Best Wishes.

  • @anmariep3782
    @anmariep3782 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    25:30 yes, how it "f__with your mind". It sometimes feels that we non-Ns are psychologically altered when interacting with an N as a by-product of their life of self-preservation and way of existence. Those who are not Ns have every right to live and exist unharmed by these people. They are harmful in so many ways. And yes they are aware of what they are doing. 31:40 'their content is in flux' 'salesman in tune to the needs of their suppliers'. I just wish they met the person or situation that could knock the N-factor out of them.

  • @empatheticemperesse5857
    @empatheticemperesse5857 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Watched a movie called Dogtooth (not for the faint of heart) a perfect example of shared fantasy 😱

  • @janniebranch1857
    @janniebranch1857 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    30 yrs ago, I was married to a man just like that for 13 yrs. I was in a one 2 member cult. He and I. Smh. No wonder why he hated me later, he never broke me, I left with a positive attitude. I finally came to the conclusion that he was just a damaged crazy person beyond help. I had no idea of narcissism until 20 yrs out of the marriage- I read on this and a light bulb went off on all the Narcs I had accustomed and normalized in my life.

  • @franklinplayz6323
    @franklinplayz6323 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Wow. This is what my ex husband did to me....I was a grey shell of a human.

  • @jennie5103
    @jennie5103 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Looking good, Sam!! Great video as always!! Hope you are well!! :-)

  • @jeannew4957
    @jeannew4957 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Ah, narcs suck after about 3 or 4 months. They start acting up then a person has to end it.

    • @alicewonderland8027
      @alicewonderland8027 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Also thought that there is kind of a narcissistic time cycle. 3 months, that's correct. Depending on how much time you two spend together and on how much other supply he is having.
      In a later stage of my own personal relationship with one presumed narcissist, this cycle have shortened to only 3 days! What do I mean by this? Once the mask falls down (normally after 3 months), he used to act out every third day and would start a drama (most of the time out of nowhere).
      When I verbalized this obvious cycle of being "nice for only 3 days", he stated the following: "Well because I only acted it!" Yes ladies and gents, they are ACTING normality. Because they are NOT normal, and they know it!
      Learning for us: Narcissist tend to tell you (sometimes) the truth. Listen well to them, even if it sounds totally ridicioulous, unlogic and insane. They suffer from constant glitches, especially with time passing by. And if you don't believe it, please trust your gut feeling (Sam has a video here) and/ or your dreams. Your subconscious knows exactly, what is going on!

    • @cybercatsworld
      @cybercatsworld 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yup the mask came off at 3 months

    • @alicewonderland8027
      @alicewonderland8027 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cybercatsworld Interesting! Let's see if others experienced the same.

    • @natashafordyce925
      @natashafordyce925 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The villain monologue

    • @oshinchris777
      @oshinchris777 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sitting here with my 🍿 ready to see how it goes with his new supplies 😂

  • @Canaday291
    @Canaday291 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The combination of my Malignant NPD alcoholic ex husband delusions and paranoia has led to his never ending abusive rages hatred and bitterness
    Just like the destructive abusive path of his dad and uncles

  • @atreja324
    @atreja324 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for your work

  • @stacyr6310
    @stacyr6310 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I can only listen to your videos and a few others. The word narcissist gets thrown around a lot on the internet. I joined some support groups but it didn't seem right because the things they were saying weren't how a narcissist really behaves. Like people waiting for a call, missing them.. a true victim knows they will always Hoover and invite you back into the harem garage if you've willing to be tortured.

  • @empatheticemperesse5857
    @empatheticemperesse5857 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Moldy yogurt 😂 that was funny. Maybe we can get some more understanding in regards to narcissism and humor.

    • @StegaBahloo
      @StegaBahloo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Definitely interested in this too!
      That’s how they have hooked me in every time.

  • @koreenalaw8644
    @koreenalaw8644 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Love your video's!! You are brilliant!!

    • @koreenalaw8644
      @koreenalaw8644 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jeffsutherland141 Yes I am.. but he's also helped me tremendously!!!!

  • @vickikritzinger6020
    @vickikritzinger6020 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Sam how on earth is it possible for a human being to be so incredibly spot on with this kind of madness! Seeing that you never live with one yourself😱😂

    • @alicewonderland8027
      @alicewonderland8027 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Because he himself is a narcissist! He knows exactly what he is talking about.

  • @mikiavidan508
    @mikiavidan508 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Please can you make a video about how to get rid of narcissistic. 2 years after zero contact (with me) with all current communication with him (re children) through emails with my current partner. He just won’t stop. Through his kids, through my older daughter, he is relentless. He has a contact order to see his children. It’s the kids that are suffering because I abandoned him. There is no peace.

  • @Howtostaypretty
    @Howtostaypretty ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Could you make a video on what the opposite of narcissistic is? I barely know anyone that doesn’t fit into the description of narcissistic

  • @angelakieler6447
    @angelakieler6447 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you so much for this video. I feel like you were talking throughout, especially the end to me. My ex was an attorney and he was a narcissist but I had no idea how classic he was until the end. To put the icing in the cake he also had bipolar disorder and made lots of reckless decision and lost everything. What really broke my heart as his affair with a borderline. It took me years to process my marriage and I am finally at the stage of acceptance. Your video has helped me feel okay again and have some closure. So thank you again!

  • @ru.m.6119
    @ru.m.6119 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Yes, why cant I let go? He leaves on a whim and I stay sad and feel like my soul has left my body. He is that packet of joy until I make a mistake then i feel his anger upon me. Right now he is giving me silent treatment, i feel lost without him, but not worried or its like a mini vacation from his demands.

  • @1hiyasweetie
    @1hiyasweetie 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Finally! I get the answer to my question within the last 10 minutes of your video, I.e. What's the matter with me that I have this need to see what he is up to? I left our home 7 months ago. But, I feel .....what?.....incomplete? How is that possible? I was ignored and emotionally abused for years and I finally made up mind and gathered the strength to get out. Started new in a new city.
    So, now, how to cure myself of this delusion...any ideas?

    • @HairgoddessNYC
      @HairgoddessNYC 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Work on self care, self love, meditate, exercise and make new friends. You can find your own passions and interests. I’m leaving in 2 days and that’s what got me to the point where I stopped deluding myself and planned my escape. I have a great therapist and found support from 2 friends who have narc moms. Once we learn to love ourselves more, the allure of the narc will fade I believe.

    • @anjaknatz7157
      @anjaknatz7157 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Maybe to grief about someone you once loved and who ment a lot to you and then is lost is quiet normal...Grieving is not a pathologic state only because the person you loved showed up as a pathological narcissist. You did not fall in love already knowing he is a psychopath - you just saw him as a person you could love. That person is lost and, as a matter of fakt, is still missed. He could not be loved. But you could love and you can love again. It just needs a little time to manage your loss.

    • @alicewonderland8027
      @alicewonderland8027 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      It's normal, it takes so long. It was, I mean it is an addiction! Only problem: it is not a physical, but for most part a psychological addiction. Listen to your favorite music, do sports. Everything sane that gives you a dopamine kick.
      Go to therapy and work on your bounderies, co-dependecies and self-esteem. In essence: Learn to be more narcissistic in a healthy way. Understand how 'he was possible' by analysing YOU, YOUR thoughts/ decisions/ actions. Have a look at your own positive projections onto him (especially in the beginning of the relationship). Try to laugh about him instead of grieving, so you attach different emotions to what was happening.
      Remember he gave you a 2nd chance to start a "real", "awaken" and "self conducted" life. It feels like you've lost something, but the truth is, you have everything to gain. He cannot change, but you yourself can! I hope you keep advancing since your comment is one year old.

  • @Kendall42971
    @Kendall42971 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you Sam.

  • @hope46sf
    @hope46sf 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oh, my you have described my ex h n who created a cult out of a believing church. When it all fell apart, we kept thinking of the "frog in the boiling water".

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Narcissism and Religion
      The Cult of the Narcissist

  • @inpursuitofhappiness9441
    @inpursuitofhappiness9441 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Spot on, Mr. @samvaknin 👍

  • @d.w.96318
    @d.w.96318 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    There are times I fantasize I'm a non-selfaware Narc that enjoy eating moldy stuffs, that'd be so easy.

  • @natgreen5903
    @natgreen5903 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you so much

  • @laurynrose1111
    @laurynrose1111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’ve been brainwashed before but. Not like this decepticon
    From by the Commander Major Decepticon .
    Tough comeback

    • @jenemba_838.
      @jenemba_838. ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you comeback and undo it plus how do you undo it

  • @MathumaTao
    @MathumaTao ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lots of very keen insights that appear to have come from hard-won experience. Healthy individuals should fly away from cluster B disorders as fast as their wings will carry them. The only way these things might be worth retaining is for those who are self aware of their own personality disorder or have adapted by soothing themselves with alcohol or drugs. The speaker seems to admit to his own narcissism and so is either not aware or is minimizing for reasons of justification how his own social illness dovetails with his preference for borderline drama, to put it lightly. I would go so far as to say even in cases where people are experimenting with open relationships or part of the cuckold population that seems to be on the rise, theze men still have to accept lying, deceit, and intentional harm. Which is to say perpetual invalidation One important point that I have not seen covered is the difference between motivation and intent as applies to these troubled women. BPD motivation is not to lie cheat and steal, but in every case that is their intention. These are acts of volition.( and if they end up murdering you they will not show regret but use the same excuses. Lie about it, or say it wasn't that big of a deal, or tell everyone that you deserved it) I suppose living in The Madness of the modern world does result in existential despair, which may cause people to have no expectations for decency and who come to believe that the most they can do with their life is to be a sponge for a woman's manipulation and rage. I respect the speakers will to find meaning in these relationships, however many of the videos I have look at seem more designed for a BPD partner support group.
    That is fine, but then along with all the scientific content I'd also like to see a. disclaimer.
    People find a way to love their own misery, and when crucifixion is your only option you may as well construe your life as a sacrifice. Make a song of your suffering. But be ready for it to be a lonely song because the cluster B will never confirm that for you

  • @franklinplayz6323
    @franklinplayz6323 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Why have I attracted 3 partners who are like this?

    • @sarahbright5231
      @sarahbright5231 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I just met my third, luckily it only lasted 2 months. I don’t want to meet another. Lessons learned.

    • @alicewonderland8027
      @alicewonderland8027 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Positive projections from your side! You are craving for a relationship? You constantly watch out for potential partners, you want to finally meet your soul mate, you most probably want to have children, living the "family house dream"? Well this explains why.
      Get rid of those thoughts and have a look at the real world. Don't get dependent on anyone and then maybe there is a tiny chance to meet someone who wants to walk beside you.

    • @shiningstar7476
      @shiningstar7476 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Honestly I wish I could just jump itto it for a few hrs then go back to life because it feels so good. I'm aware of it now but before it felt like a confused addiction. But why do they have a script telling you all these wonderful things even future?

  • @TroyMira
    @TroyMira 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You are quite brilliant but it is your humour that really renders all of this as palatable as can be expected from such a foul carcass of a topic, although, it is a relief to learn that spoiled yoghurt is worse than narcissistic abuse. It offers one hope. Thank you for the excellent content. As an aside, are you familiar with W. John Livesley's Integrated Modular Therapy model for BPD and, if so, what are your thoughts on the modular approach and his diagnostic approach? Cheers.

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's an eclectic "therapy" (a collection of techniques from several treatment modalities) based on a system approach. System-based schools confuse labelling with insight: naming something and categorizing it neatly contributes very little to its understanding (see my most recent video on sensa and emotions).

    • @TroyMira
      @TroyMira 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sam Vaknin Will do. Thank you for the prompt reply. I asked as I was several chapters into his book and, while it touches on a few insights I have found the approach of understanding the mind of my childhood NAs, by way of your book and videos primarily, the most influential to my attempted recovery as it allows me to resolve that narrative.

  • @sallybooth9630
    @sallybooth9630 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Sam, my narcissistic ex had a schizophrenic younger brother and a very disturbed older sister. NPD seems inches away from schizophrenia at times and I’m wondering if it the 2 disorders are closely aligned?

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Watch my videos on psychosis.

  • @ashleyporter5856
    @ashleyporter5856 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I wonder which type of therapy would be best for one stuck in the delusion phase?

  • @rebeccafay5338
    @rebeccafay5338 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Eating mouldy yoghurt in the dark haha . Whatever floats your boat! Haha hilarious. 😆♥️🤢

  • @pairikaneversleeps3807
    @pairikaneversleeps3807 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    His videos are becoming a ten year everyday class of narcissism, although being an important and confusing subject, when are we exactly leaving narcissism behind as victims? When can we finally accept the world as not only victims and evils but just caught up normal people who hurt each other naturally and also not naturally but in a context of materialized world and financialized relationships?
    When can we really begin to talk about the real root which is our degenerated minds in an attack of everyday struggles on people to be better by changing their reality?

  • @Misskitty550
    @Misskitty550 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I forgot about that part!

  • @decoffinated
    @decoffinated 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    55:12 and forward? I was just bitch slapped awake by this!
    It reminds me of the old movie Lost Boys. Remember when Michael was told that he was eating maggots? I feel like I've been eating maggots and just now found out! My narc exwife was the vampire.

  • @klareellis
    @klareellis 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Your video describes Jim Jones to a T.

  • @arkytkt2382
    @arkytkt2382 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    if i really believe i can achieve something and i really try to study and create something in certain area but i dont really get there yet... is that a delusion? i sometimes feel kinda special but only when i do something creative and it suprises me that i managed to do that...

  • @hope46sf
    @hope46sf 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @JM-fm9tz
    @JM-fm9tz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    44:27 Amen. That will preach

  • @andynelms288
    @andynelms288 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Is narcissism a growth of evolutionary biology? I’m beginning to view the behavior as a propagation mechanism. The targets are often highly empathetic thus having good parenting skills. The behavior works for both sexes.

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      The "targets" provide supply. All humans have empathy, even narcissists (albeit in a truncated form). Pathological narcissism is a reaction to prolonged abuse and trauma in early childhood or early adolescence. The source of the abuse or trauma is immaterial - the perpetrators could be parents, teachers, other adults, or peers. Pampering, smothering, spoiling, and "engulfing" the child are also forms of abuse - see these:
      Narcissistic and psychopathic parents and their children - click on the links:!topic/NARCISSISTIC-PERSONALITY-DISORDER/kA1vtsqWAiI
      The Genetic Underpinnings of Narcissism

    • @andynelms288
      @andynelms288 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m overreaching, K.I.S.S.! (“Keep it simple”,Sam!).

  • @sandracochrane1721
    @sandracochrane1721 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Know why ive been always interested in the high stangness of madness,my father was schizophrenic,but, I could never get explanation. Knowing it was genetic

  • @xochitl7489
    @xochitl7489 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    😂 Moldy yoghurt is worst than narcissism

  • @Kyle-ju8gb
    @Kyle-ju8gb ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So moldy yogurt as in......moldy? You are referring to the kind of yogurt with mold correct?

  • @spokeraq
    @spokeraq 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    He said to me, you are the greatest disappointment in my life.

    • @chrysichrysi7889
      @chrysichrysi7889 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Tell him "Good. Glad to be the confirmation of all your bad decisions😊".

    • @alicewonderland8027
      @alicewonderland8027 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He is projecting! He is telling this actually to himself, don't forget that!

  • @victoriabenton8378
    @victoriabenton8378 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You,re great! Moldy yogurt, lolll

  • @miniwheats38
    @miniwheats38 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Can a person have Narcassistic disorder and Schizophrenia at the same time? Or are Nacassists sometimes misdiagnosed with a psychotic disorder? Can you elaborate?

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Can you search my channel before you waste my time?

    • @miniwheats38
      @miniwheats38 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@samvaknin Na...It would be a waste of my time. Thanks anyway.

  • @joshmagnall5087
    @joshmagnall5087 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    More excellent advice “ don’t eat Moldy yogurt” 😂 x Fact

  • @marilynrosario228
    @marilynrosario228 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Where can I find the second video you were talking about?

  • @4helio214
    @4helio214 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't quite ex-husband's mother used to keep and display all the relics of the past as proofs of love. Every Lego block or teddy bear, every dusty book, every child's drawing or note written by his son, etc. was highlighted as if she wanted to say "I love you as long as you remain my baby boy" he seemed very attached to objects from the past, even if it was like a love-hate relationship. his mother was a bit like his external memory, very rigid and selective.

  • @Mystifrost
    @Mystifrost 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ha ha ha! Moldy yogurt...Ha ha ha...That does sound like the worst.

  • @alexandrusava642
    @alexandrusava642 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have a delusion that I phase in and out of: that I smell like feces. Would that be somatic?

    • @samvaknin
      @samvaknin  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yes. The exact diagnosis is: Delusional DISORDER, somatic type.

    • @alexandrusava642
      @alexandrusava642 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sam Vaknin Thanks for your reply, sir.

  • @melissahorton1737
    @melissahorton1737 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yuk! Mouldy yoghurt 🤢

  • @Patri75t
    @Patri75t 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @user-fc4zx2pp3e
    @user-fc4zx2pp3e 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When you mentioned Hitler and his followers, it reminded me so much of Trump and his followers 😳

  • @michelleoneal120
    @michelleoneal120 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 moldy yogurt? Eew

  • @empathicwarriorlissy3716
    @empathicwarriorlissy3716 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Lol 😆 😆