if i want to sing this, how do i speak it out in chinese, can you read it down for me, please. Beautiful song realy, and i want to sing it in church in chinese, can you help me. and what does it mean. i got to explane in church. thank you, would be nice. that we learn each others langue's
聽了很感動 感謝主 阿們!
very beautiful, who sings it? A love the chinese version
if i want to sing this, how do i speak it out in chinese, can you read it down for me, please. Beautiful song realy, and i want to sing it in church in chinese, can you help me. and what does it mean. i got to explane in church. thank you, would be nice. that we learn each others langue's
您好,請問有歌譜或是簡譜可以給我嗎? 謝謝
請問有吉他譜嗎?? 好想練這首聖詩