I'm at the sun city mission, and a couple missions back I tried hiding and overriding a sawtooth, but I didn't know how to unlock it, and I didn't know it wasn't unlocked, so I ended up killing it, thanks for the help!
In XI I go into sneak after performing the override and find a nice little corner to tuck away in while the machines and cultists fight it out, then I finish off whoever survives, the same at the exit, I don't exit, I drop down to the side of the ramp in sneak, and let them fight it out.
Here's A tip to Kill the Thunder Jaw Easily:Detach the Disk Launcher and use it against him its Strong just like the DeathBringer but less Ammo and more Stronger
in the moment i can t over rite any machine i do the overdrive the machine become friendly after that nothing happen I try to press the triangle button to jump up no respond what I missed here;;;;
1st cauldron, "the fire bellow back was very easy"-----> Not for me, but I was @ like level 9 or so.. Wich level were you in when you beat that cauldron?
Zirpz87 you can see in the video I was lvl 33 when I beat that cauldron. Level 9 may be low. I was very high at that point from doing so many other missions and things like that.
why do I never see people use slow motion aim ? and running slide slow mo shots I always run slide shoot under them dive away aim slow mo then shoot them run slide slow mo
DaladendDarrowmere the slow motion abilities make it incredibly easy, and some people like more of a challenge is what I am saying. So their play style doesn't include it, whereas most players will use it.
Shoot one bolt near the machine then shoot the other one right in front or underneath it. This will pretty much cause it to instantly register and go off. Trip caster is OP as hell
@@RnHLyrics so you know how you put trip wires on enemies tracks and they go off when they step into it? Usually you'd only use it for a strategic advantage at the beginning of a fight, but the weapon can be repurposed from that into a close combat weapon. The way you do this is by either immediately placing down the trap in front of a machine while they're walking in front of you, or (my personal choice) is to after they attack or something of the like is to place the trap between their legs so they're guaranteed to set it off. (Of course against rock breakers and Ariel machines it's more difficult, but it works well with behemoths, ravagers, and thunderjaws)
You need to go to meridian, zoom in on the map , there are a few traders close together and they sell different things. Buy some maps and you will find em
Playback speed 1.25
He talks so slow lol
That speed make him look like he talk normal
Dude you are rt
Omg that actually does make it better wtf
I tryed it because why not
Sawtooth and Ravager they kinda look the same
Blaze Number 119 I agree
You right
The difference is that the Ravager has a cannon while the Sawtooth dosen't
Zyru it does
Thank you so much! I didn’t know there was a mission to unlocked them
I'm at the sun city mission, and a couple missions back I tried hiding and overriding a sawtooth, but I didn't know how to unlock it, and I didn't know it wasn't unlocked, so I ended up killing it, thanks for the help!
I’m not at this stage in the game yet, but still loved the video. Thanks
I hope there is a new cauldron called Cauldron OMEGA.
You'll be able to override all corrupted, daemonic machines, corruptors and deathbringers.
Game looks sharp and nice video man! Enjoyed it, keep up the good work King T!
DeWaldo89 I agree, the game looks amazing, and plays amazing as well! Thanks for the kind words!
Thanks for the tutorial!
Thanks Man U really helped me out alot
I am for sure looking forward to the rockbreaker
This video was super helpful thanks!!
thanks this rellay help me
I usually use the purple sharp shot bow and the really strong arrows to take down the thunder jaw with eez
Thanks dude, you are really helpful,
Great video thanks for the help bro
Thanks so much i that u had to override the tall necks for some reason
What helped me with the Thunder jaw was freezing it and then using it's disc launchers against it.
thx alot this was great
In XI I go into sneak after performing the override and find a nice little corner to tuck away in while the machines and cultists fight it out, then I finish off whoever survives, the same at the exit, I don't exit, I drop down to the side of the ramp in sneak, and let them fight it out.
Really help full brother
Where do you get out on cal x
Here's A tip to Kill the Thunder Jaw Easily:Detach the Disk Launcher and use it against him its Strong just like the DeathBringer but less Ammo and more Stronger
I'm guessing you're playing on easy or normal lmao😂
Ur insane thank u so much 👍🏼
It’s 2021 and I would love to override the thunder jaw
Tbh I found out about cauldrons by accident, and my very first cauldron was zeta.
Great video. Thanks.
Thanks man
Thank you so much
Thank you soopooooooooo much
I was thinking the same thing about the couldron reminding me of Star Wars
I have the best armor so that fight was pretty straight forward
Haha the shieldweaver , pretty bad ass and can take a pounding
I’m mostly excited about overriding the sawtooth, ravagers and the thunderjaw
next video can u make how to get all the power cell
TONY SEQUEIRA IGN made a vid on that
I no to get all of them look up topnotch games
any tips on collecting shards other than farming?
Whoops I did zeta first at lvl 15 w fire arrows and the starter bow lol
this is so helpfulll
make sure to take fire resist potions to sigma
in the moment i can
t over rite any machine i do the overdrive the machine become friendly after that nothing happen I try to press the triangle button to jump up no respond what I missed here;;;;
So far I've done the first one and the last one with the thunderjaw boss and I'm only level 20.
Bernard Kamel Elmargi Awesome!
I don't believe it. 😐
I was level 29 on cauldron zeta don't believe me here is a link th-cam.com/video/7R3tTxSvlII/w-d-xo.html
Bernard Kamel Elmargi i was at level 19 mad destroyed Hades
Bloody supper deathbringers
I still can't override marauder that I need to do for a hunting ground
I already got all the overrides including the dlc one.
cauldrons are a work of art. Beautiful AF.
i have only done the rho and the sigma the others seem hard
Ravager. Its sawtooth but more armored and a bot bigger
Why I cant find a cauldron in my map? Did I miss something..
If you go to Meridian and buy maps from traders it opens loads of locations up
They should be there they look like tents with symbols in the middle
My first cauldrin was rho and it was ease
I killed the Thunderjaw before the other one.. XD WRONG ORDER OOP. It took an hour till I took it down. ;-;
Same lmao
I’m looking to override the ravaged the most
1st cauldron, "the fire bellow back was very easy"-----> Not for me, but I was @ like level 9 or so.. Wich level were you in when you beat that cauldron?
Zirpz87 you can see in the video I was lvl 33 when I beat that cauldron. Level 9 may be low. I was very high at that point from doing so many other missions and things like that.
Zirpz87 I was at level 10 that time.. I defeated the firebellowback with tripcasters and fire arrrows
On ravanger and snapmaw you did it wrong you use the cannon to light them both up
I'm looking forward to overriding a thunderjaw.
I think you should tame the fireclaw
Where Did You Get The Machine? (Where In The Map)
why do I never see people use slow motion aim ? and running slide slow mo shots I always run slide shoot under them dive away aim slow mo then shoot them run slide slow mo
Lewis Housley it's probably just player preference and playstyle differences. There really isn't just one way to play this game.
King T Gaming It's an ability in the game not a playstyle though, if it's an advantage why not use it.
DaladendDarrowmere the slow motion abilities make it incredibly easy, and some people like more of a challenge is what I am saying. So their play style doesn't include it, whereas most players will use it.
I was on Zeta and I one shotted the Thunderjaw with a Carja Tripcaster.
Shoot one bolt near the machine then shoot the other one right in front or underneath it. This will pretty much cause it to instantly register and go off. Trip caster is OP as hell
@@phishtaco2222 Thanks! Could you be more specific?
@@RnHLyrics so you know how you put trip wires on enemies tracks and they go off when they step into it? Usually you'd only use it for a strategic advantage at the beginning of a fight, but the weapon can be repurposed from that into a close combat weapon. The way you do this is by either immediately placing down the trap in front of a machine while they're walking in front of you, or (my personal choice) is to after they attack or something of the like is to place the trap between their legs so they're guaranteed to set it off. (Of course against rock breakers and Ariel machines it's more difficult, but it works well with behemoths, ravagers, and thunderjaws)
Me too!
How do you get a big guy to stay on your team for a long time
The ability tree and yes I know I'm late on telling you this
This channel was so good, sucks that this guy went to prison for domestic terrorism 😔 can't believe they gave him 200 years
So the guy on the channel to get some for 200 years
No he isn’t
I know it’s a joke lol
I only started on the 1st day of 2018 so I’m going with watcher
the stormhawk because i assume i can ride it so I can ride to places
I did the rho one first abahahjaja
I cant wait to override a stalker
I like cauldron
Win I went to fight the shell walker I died like 6 times
I fought the thunder jaw with ez with out roping it. edit: it was my first time fighting it
Thurder jaw cause it's so 😎 and rock breaker because it's about to get radical
can you finish the game without overwrite any machine ;;
I dint see in second location
Sure it week to ice but if you shoot a hardpoint arrow on it's back it will blow up
Ps just light it up with it's drone canon
Great video just talk a bit faster homie
LOL lol I did zeta 3 now I need xi lol
I want a thunderjaw ovirrides
Ravaged for blazing sun
I can't find it even tho i completed the wound of the Mountain pls awnser tnx
You can just go to mother’s crown and a woman will tell you, or
You need to go to meridian, zoom in on the map , there are a few traders close together and they sell different things. Buy some maps and you will find em
Ha I did all the cauldrons in this order by accident!
Omg that lvl no wonder the first was easy xD try lvl 11
Saw tooth
I have overrated all the cores so I can Override every machine in the game
Thunder jaw
Pthx bro
Nothing you handle I have been doing dis hours
Bruh help! There is a huge cloud covering virtually everywhere you stated on my map
I would either climb some more tallnecks to unlock more of the map or pull up one online to help guide you to the cauldron locations.
You have to explore the cloudy places first
Sniper X the clouds are untraveled places
A thunderJaw
There are 5 cauldrons, not 4. Also, you are mispronouncing tear. It is a synonym to rip.
The corruptor
Bellow back
Thanks for everything, but I’ll be honest you kinda made it seem hard, but I really could care less.
why does he talk so slow?? 😂😂
Ty D 😂
Thunder jaw