Hello! The tutorial of ours, statisticsglobe.com/r-read-excel-file-xlsx-xls can guide you on how to import Excel files to your R environment. If you have a CSV file, then you can consult this page:sparkbyexamples.com/r-programming/r-read-csv-file-with-examples/. Best, Cansu
Thanks You! You help me a lot, I was strugling with a proyect with dates formats issues..
Thank you very much for your kind comment. Glad it helped! 🙂
you create a data fram, and i have an existing data frame.. how do i do hat?
The tutorial of ours, statisticsglobe.com/r-read-excel-file-xlsx-xls can guide you on how to import Excel files to your R environment. If you have a CSV file, then you can consult this page:sparkbyexamples.com/r-programming/r-read-csv-file-with-examples/.