Interesting timing running across this. I have gone overboard and failed for sure. And now have really been trying to be more critical on what I do buy and add. Jut last weekend, I hit the "low hanging fruit" - and pulled out a box of 100 records that were simply stuff I had acquired. I took them to my local 2nd hand resale store, and they gave me $260 of store credit for them. So, a cleared a little out. Next would be to actually sell some of the other stuff that I can do without. I do not ever see myself getting to 200, but I am pretty sure I could almost chop my collection in half. I am somewhat of a completest, so have 50 of one artist is a thing. Intriguing thoughts for sure.
Channel 33 RPM video here I think originally made me think about the how much vinyl is too much
Interesting timing running across this. I have gone overboard and failed for sure. And now have really been trying to be more critical on what I do buy and add. Jut last weekend, I hit the "low hanging fruit" - and pulled out a box of 100 records that were simply stuff I had acquired. I took them to my local 2nd hand resale store, and they gave me $260 of store credit for them. So, a cleared a little out. Next would be to actually sell some of the other stuff that I can do without. I do not ever see myself getting to 200, but I am pretty sure I could almost chop my collection in half. I am somewhat of a completest, so have 50 of one artist is a thing. Intriguing thoughts for sure.
Many thks for yr reply Jeff. Have subscribed to yr channel also. Best wishes
Channel 33 RPM video here I think originally made me think about the how much vinyl is too much
If anyone would like to view my thoughts on top 10 most listened LP s and eclectic taste:
This post after my thoughts on the subject reinforces the point: : vinyl bargains