【TSSテレビ新広島】ウクライナから福山市に避難した家族 Ukrainian refugee family in Fukuyama City

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2022
  • Hiroshima Peace Program TSS ARCHIVE PROJECT
    Ukrainian refugee family in Fukuyama City: "There's no sound of gunfire here, it's so peaceful."
    Aired on April 4, 2022
    A family of three escaping the Russian invasion of Ukraine have come to Fukuyama City in Hiroshima.
    They have begun a new life in a country far from home. What's happening in Ukraine isn't something happening somewhere far away from Japan: it's real and it affects us all. One of the Ukrainian refugees, Viktoriia, takes out her phone and says she wants to show us something. It's very beautiful. I really like (this photo).
    It's a photo taken in Fukuyama City, where her family has come to escape the Russian invasion.
    There was a cherry blossom tree at her home in Ukraine, too. This year, her family will be enjoying the blossoms not in their yard, but in a land far from home. Viktoriia Katrych (23)、Viktoriia's daughter, Sofia (7 months)、Viktoriia's mother, Tetiana Katrych (50)
    The family travelled to Fukuyama City last month from Mykolaiv, a city next to Odessa in southern Ukraine.
    This is Tomohiro Nishitani, who works at a real estate company in Fukuyama City. He was instrumental in helping Viktoriia and her family. When visiting Ukraine three years ago, Mr. Nishitani fell sick with a high fever.
    The doctor who helped him was Viktoriia's father. They have been corresponding back and forth ever since.
    When bombing began near Viktoriia's home and their lives were in danger, Mr. Nishitani was the one who suggested that her family seek safety and shelter in Fukuyama City, and even arranged for their airline tickets.
    Kaori Saitō, an acquaintance of Mr. Nishitani, has been helping the refugee family adjust to life in Japan.
    She has invited them to her home, taken walks with them in a nearby parks, and made Ukrainian comfort food with them. As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, news reports of the atrocities committed by the Russian military against innocent Ukrainian civilians have come to light. Beginning this month, Viktoriia and her family have moved into an apartment in Fukuyama City in the hopes that it will give the family of three the time and space they need. For dinner, Ms. Saitō and Viktoriia's mother, Tetiana, make tempura.
    Since Tetiana can only speak Russian, communication takes place via automatic translation.
    Before dinner, Viktoriia shows us photos and videos of Ukraine.
    【Viktoriia Katrych】
    This is a sweet cake for (the) New Year. This is for my father's birthday -- he loves to fish.
    Making cakes is her hobby and she loves nothing more than seeing her family and friends light up at the sight of something she made.
    She also shows us video footage sent to her by a friend in Ukraine. This video was taken on March 29 in her hometown of Mykolaiv. You can see billows of smoke rising up from the bottom righthand of the screen.
    According to Viktoriia, places like City Hall and residential areas have come under Russian fire.
    【Viktoriia Katrych】
    (My friend) worked at City Hall.32 people died (including her friend who worked at City Hall).
    Each day, information about the situation in Ukraine pours in on her phone. Her father is a doctor and has stayed behind in Ukraine to help people in need. At 7 pm, the family sits down to dinner: their very first tempura.
    Their smiling faces say it all.
    【Kaori Saitō】
    There isn't much that I can do, but I want to help in any way that I can,like today -- making dinner with them or going out with them.
    【Viktoriia Katrych】
    Of course, I want the war to stop.We have so many people on our side and we will continue to resist.
    "We will continue to resist" -- these are the strong words she speaks. In Hiroshima, Viktoriia and her family continue to hope for peace in the days to come .
    (Help support Viktoriia's family)Citizens Affairs Division, Fukuyama City Hall: 084- 928-1050
    放送日 2022/4/4 ウクライナから福山市に避難した家族「すごく静かで、銃撃の音が聞こえない」
    ビクトリア・カトリッチさん(23歳)、娘のソフィアちゃん(7か月)、そして母・タチアナさん(50歳)。ビクトリアさんは父を残し、先月、ウクライナ南部オデーサの隣のミコライフ市から福山市に避難してきました。避難の支援をしたのは福山市の不動産会社に務める西谷友宏さん。3年前 ウクライナを訪れた際に高熱を出し、医師だったビクトリアさんの父親と知り合いになり、そこから交流を続けてきました。食事など日々の生活をサポートしているのは、西谷さんの友人・齊藤かおりさん。来日間もない3人を自宅に招き近くの公園に散歩へ出かけたり、ウクライナの家庭料理を一緒に作ったりと、心のケアに努めています。いまだ続くロシアによるウクライナへの軍事侵攻。ビクトリアさんの父・アナトリーさんは医師で、ウクライナの人々を助けるため、今も現地に残っています。ビクトリアさんがカメラの前で語った言葉。それは”私たちは屈しない”。一刻も早い平和を この広島から願う日々が続いています。
    <ビクトリアさん家族への支援>福山市市民生活課 084−928−1050

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