Congratulations to Tyson&Christy💚🎉💍好慶幸可以作為fans咁見證到你同Christy嘅愛情🥹你哋真係好sweet!7/6個一日我放學開電話見到你終於同Christy求婚,感動死我,聽would you be mine聽度眼濕濕,心諗Tyson u keep ur promise!你之前喺訪問度話結咗婚會從事返幕後production,雖然我哋好唔捨得,但係我哋會尊重你嘅決定,我哋Tygers會繼續支持你,聽你produce嘅歌🫶🏻仲有就係希望Christy唔好因為網上啲人9up而冇自信🥹Christy you are the hottest girl I saw!你同Tyson真係好夾!唔好聽啲人talk shit,佢哋只不過係羨慕你哋,Last but not least 祝你同Christy百年好合,永結同心!!!
Yes, I think it's time. It's not another song I'm going to write. I'll try to make it different. I hope that it will be different between us. You've been on my mind and I've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you that I need you. More than you will need me in this life, and at times when times are getting rough, you're the only one who makes me feel in love. So this time, I hope that I'm in love. Would you be mine? Would you be mine? 'cause I'll be yours till the end of time. Dance in the kitchen every night, just you and me in the city lights. Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine? You'd be my only one for life. Would you be mine if I ask you tonight? Would you be mine? I love it how you make your coffee but you never drink it. I love it how you turn the TV on but never watch it. I love the way you treat our cats, but sometimes I get jealous. I love the little things you do for me when I don't notice. I will never say I love someone if I don't mean it and I will not make promises if I know I can’t keep it, but loving you so easy I can put my finger on it forever seems so far away, but now I see it coming. Seven years arrive in a blink of an eye I'm sorry for the times that I’ve made you cried. Taking care of you for the rest of your life. I promise you girl, I'm going to try. And at times when times are getting rough, you're the only one who makes me feel enough. So this time I hope that I'm in love. So would you be mine? Would you be mine? 'cause I'll be yours till the end of time Dance in the kitchen every night, just you and me in the city lights. Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine? You'd be my only one for life. Would you be mine if I ask you tonight? Would you be mine? 恭喜🎉❤ 歌詞甜到長螞蟻🐜
congratulations TY and Christy!!!!! and yes definitely if you're going down to Australia, might as well stop by Auckland (New Zealand) pleeeeeeeeease!!!
歌詞: Yes, I think it's time It's not another song I'm gonna write I'll try to make it different I hope that it will be different between us You've been on my mind and I've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you that I need you More than you will need me in this life and at times when times are getting rough you're the only one who makes me feel enough So this time I hope that I'm enough Would you be mine? Would you be mine? cause I'll be yours till the end of time Dance in the kitchen every night just you and me in the city lights Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine? You'd be my only one for life Would you be mine if I ask you tonight? Would you be mine? I love it how you make your coffee but you never drink it I love it how you turn the TV on but never watch it I love the way you treat our cats, but sometimes I get jealous I love the little things you do for me when I don't notice I will never say I love someone if I don't mean it and I will not make promises if I know I can’t keep it but loving you so easy I can't put my finger on it forever seems so far away, but now I see it coming Seven years went by in a blink of an eye I'm sorry for the times that I’ve made you cried Taking care of you for the rest of your life I promise you girl, I'm gonna try And at times when times are getting rough you're the only one who makes me feel enough So this time I hope that I'm enough So would you be mine? Would you be mine? cause I'll be yours till the end of time Dance in the kitchen every night just you and me in the city lights Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine? You'd be my only one for life Would you be mine? if I ask you tonight? Would you be mine?
Great MV and lyrics, Such a great love story from beginning of your career from queen, christy and would you be mine. Australia is nice since TY hasn t performed there. When can we fans get a TY & new era cap would love to be part of team TY. Keep pushing and releasing new songs before you retire at 30 . Love and peace !
Congrats to Tyson and Christy!!!! Plz go to Toronto again in the future😭😭when I go to Toronto for study, you stay in HK. when i go back to hk for summer, wish to see you and you go to Toronto😭😭😭
(Lyrics 歌詞) yes i think it's time it's not another song i'm gonna write i'll try to make it different i hope that it will be different between us you've been on my mind and i've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you that i need you. more than you will need me in this life and at times when times are getting rough you're the only one who makes me feel enough so this time i hope that i'm enough would you be mine? would you be mine? cause i'll be yours till the end of time dance in the kitchen every night just you and me in the city lights would you be mine? say, would you be mine? you'd be my only one for life would you be mine if i ask you tonight? would you be mine? i love it how you make your coffee but you never drink it i love it how you turn the tv on but never watch it i love the way you treat our cats but sometimes i get jealous i love the little things you do for me when i don't notice i will never say i love someone if i dont't mean it and i will not make promises if i know i can't keep it but loving you so easy i can't put my finger on it forever seems so far away but now i see it coming seven years went by in a blink of an eye i'm sorry for the times that i've made you cried taking care of you for the rest of your life i promise you girl i'm gonna try and at times when times are getting rough you're the only one who makes me feel enough so this time i hope that i'm enough so would you be mine? would you be mine? cause i'll be yours till the end of time dance in the kitchen every night just you and me in the city lights would you be mine? say would you be mine? you'd be my only one for life would you be mine? if i ask you tonight? would you be mine? (would you be mine?) would you be mine? yes i do
BIG CONGRATS TO TYSON & CHRISTY 🎉🌟求婚嗰日一開Ig就見到Tyson post “she said yes” 已經超感動!!! 🥹而家睇埋MV真係Sweet爆 😭睇得出Christy係個好善良嘅女仔 想同佢講句You deserve everything!!! 💖Tyson都要繼續加油🍀好開心見到越嚟越好嘅你!
yes i think it's time its not another song I'm gonna write I'll tryna to make it different I hope that it'll be different between us You've been on my mind and i've been tryna find the perfect time To tell you that I need you More than you will need me In this life And at times, when times are getting rough You're the only one who makes me feel enough So this time, I hope that I'm enough would you be mine would you be mine Cuz I'll be yours Til the end of time Dance in the kitchen Every night Just you and me in the city lights would you be mine say would you be mine you'll be my only one for life Would you be mine If I ask you tonight Would you be mine I love it how you make your coffee but u never drink it I love it how you turn the TV on but never watch it I love the way you treat our cats but sometimes i get jealous I love the little things you do for me when I don't notice I would never say i love someone if i don't mean it And i would not makes promises If i know i can't keep it But loving you's so easy I can't put my finger on it Forever seemed so far away but now i see it coming Seven years went by in a blink of an eye I'm sorry for the times that I've made you cry Taking care of you for the rest of your life I promise you girl, I'm gonna try And at times, when times are getting rough You're the only one who makes me feel enough So this time, I hope that I'm enough would you be mine would you be mine Cuz I'll be yours Til the end of time Dance in the kitchen Every night Just you and me in the city lights would you be mine say would you be mine you'll be my only one for life Would you be mine If I asked you tonight Would you be mine
Hey Tyson and Christy! Hi there! Congratulations again:) I don't know whether you'll see my message or not, but yer, im gonna write it anyway. I dont usually write comments to musicians but you two's love story is just wayyy too sweet. Love the music that you produce which has the energy and power in it.
恭喜你地💚 好耐之前已經開始鍾意Tyson 一開始就係條訪問片了解咗你 覺得你性格好好 認識Ty嗰陣已經知道佢好撚愛christy識左10年 一齊咗七年 喺訪問講過想30歲前結婚 細細個唔鍾意讀書走堂 媽子即刻送你去外國讀書 家底已經好好 返到嚟香港做Underground 由低做起真係唔容易 做到大紅大紫 俾人話同以前唔同 俾好多人睇唔起underground 一路以嚟真係唔易 christy呢七年不斷陪住佢 可以話辛苦but enjoy 感情一直好好 Ty寫幾次歌比佢 成日公開放閃 以前係fuckboi 都因為christy收心養性 而家終於都喺距離30歲生日嘅40日前結婚 老實講2018年《To My Queen》當時仲未咁紅 係靠《Christy》彈起 而家佢終於做到顏色出嚟 真真正正收成正果 白頭到老啦😭🔥 睇返演唱會啲片 Ty求婚成功個樣開心到大顛 同christy對視嗰下甜到漏⋯(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) 淨係睇咗條片嘅開頭已經眼濕濕 因為一早已經計過 今年七月前嘅求婚機會好大 真係得咗了 雖然唔關我哋事 但都係好感動 超鍾意呢幾句 “you'll be my only one for life” 寫低晒平時同Christy相處舒服嘅時光 “Seven years went by in a blink of an eye I'm sorry for the times that I've made you cry Taking care of you for the rest of your life” 好期待二十年後見到你地仲sweet到爆嘅畫面 好真心恭喜你地🥹💖 新婚快樂 祝你地白頭到老 Tyson 恭喜你!!
Comment down below if there’s anything you wanna say to me and Christy haha or where should I go next? UK? Australia?
Let me know!
Congrats Tyson Christy❤🎉(btw上次lose to you個抽獎係咪好似未抽)希望下次演唱會係係香港🥲🥲學生真係去唔得遠
恭喜阿B & Christy!!!
一早睇好你同Christy,當你作為歌手身份而公開另一半既時候就知你真係好愛佢,恭喜Ty Christy 可以一齊白頭到老,祝你地早生貴子,三年抱倆,期待見到tyson 湊仔畫面🤭🤭
Congratulations Tyson and Christy🎉 WE NEED A SHOW IN MACAU 🇲🇴 PLZ COME TO MACAU 🇲🇴!!!!!!!
Congrats to Tyson and Christy💚🥳雖然我唔係做咗你嘅fans好耐 喺你求婚之前純粹覺得你d歌好好聽同埋好靚仔 但我7/6見到你she said yes嗰個post之後我就覺得你對Christy好好 開始留意你 發現你唔單只係一個好歌手 更加係一個好男人 你哋真係好撚sweet 拍咗拖7年終於求婚 Christy又靚女Tyson又靚仔 真係郎才女貌 仲特登作咗首歌《would you be mine?》真係好撚好聽 我loop咗起碼幾百次 之後就開始真正成為你嘅忠實fans 仲去咗一個你出席嘅活動 同你合照咗 嗰陣真係勁開心 見到你真人真係好靚仔 我會繼續支持你㗎 希望你會繼續帶多啲好嘅作品俾我哋 最後祝程生程太白頭到老 百年好合 永結同心 永遠幸福快樂🤩
由To my queen入坑你的音樂世界。真係好欣賞錫女朋友嘅男朋友,同埋無論外界聲音如何,都會繼續自我增值嘅Christy。
恭喜你哋終於修成正果 💜
So touched😢🤍由中學2019年開始睇你 睇到你地宜家結婚 好似爸爸媽媽陪住我長大咁 多謝你帶比我無限嘅快樂 一開始聽letgo 入坑 時間過得好快 希望你地一直都咁幸福平安 love u two so much🫶🏻
Congratulations to Tyson&Christy💚🎉💍好慶幸可以作為fans咁見證到你同Christy嘅愛情🥹你哋真係好sweet!7/6個一日我放學開電話見到你終於同Christy求婚,感動死我,聽would you be mine聽度眼濕濕,心諗Tyson u keep ur promise!你之前喺訪問度話結咗婚會從事返幕後production,雖然我哋好唔捨得,但係我哋會尊重你嘅決定,我哋Tygers會繼續支持你,聽你produce嘅歌🫶🏻仲有就係希望Christy唔好因為網上啲人9up而冇自信🥹Christy you are the hottest girl I saw!你同Tyson真係好夾!唔好聽啲人talk shit,佢哋只不過係羨慕你哋,Last but not least 祝你同Christy百年好合,永結同心!!!
2020呢年係開始追TY , 《Better》係令我開始留意Ty既一隻歌呢首歌令我更加留意你,亦都發現你既暢所欲言,追你既時候完全無明星同粉絲個種遙遠不及嘅隔閡、反而你會比我一種好親切好close既感覺,even你係一個藝人。每次tag你既story或者dm都會睇同秒回😭呢種雙向帶來既喜悅係無價❤️而 Christy一直都係我既model role , 你既價值觀同感染力都啟發左我好多好多,就算隔住個mon都成日心靈治療每一個fans。一開始追你地既時候就好想你地快啲結婚,成日都會幻想你地有左小朋友既生活、一定好幸福開心,到依家你地已經踏入人生既next chapter 🥹,個兩行眼淚不自覺地流下,希望你地係末來既日子永遠都幸幸幸福,好期待之後見到你地小朋友既來臨❤️Btw Australia please!!!!!!!
我兩個小朋友都十幾歲了,睇住呢個MV好感動,睇咗好多次,歌詞填得好好,覺得你好愛 Christy, 但當然你都唔會差 Christy才一直待在你身邊,成日食雞胸冇乜一齊出去食好西,女朋友都要好包容。睇見你歌詞鍾意Christy 沖咖啡又唔飲,開電視又唔睇,到你小朋友都十幾歲既時候,睇吓仲小唔小個老婆😂 希望你地既甜蜜長長久久,我有一晚唔小個老公已經好難,當愛情昇華到變感情既時候,好火的😂 恭喜你地呀,會繼續留意你既歌&婚禮新聞,一個無聊媽媽上
Congrats to Tyson and Christy 🎉🎉❤❤
Hong Kong plssssss 🤣🤣💚~~~
恭喜🎉🎉 期待新歌❤
Yes, I think it's time.
It's not another song I'm going to write.
I'll try to make it different.
I hope that it will be different between us.
You've been on my mind and I've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you that I need you.
More than you will need me in this life,
and at times when times are getting rough,
you're the only one who makes me feel in love.
So this time,
I hope that I'm in love.
Would you be mine? Would you be mine?
'cause I'll be yours till the end of time.
Dance in the kitchen every night,
just you and me in the city lights.
Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine?
You'd be my only one for life.
Would you be mine if I ask you tonight?
Would you be mine?
I love it how you make your coffee but you never drink it.
I love it how you turn the TV on but never watch it.
I love the way you treat our cats, but sometimes I get jealous.
I love the little things you do for me when I don't notice.
I will never say I love someone if I don't mean it
and I will not make promises if I know I can’t keep it,
but loving you so easy I can put my finger on it
forever seems so far away, but now I see it coming.
Seven years arrive in a blink of an eye
I'm sorry for the times that I’ve made you cried.
Taking care of you for the rest of your life.
I promise you girl, I'm going to try.
And at times when times are getting rough,
you're the only one who makes me feel enough.
So this time I hope that I'm in love.
So would you be mine? Would you be mine?
'cause I'll be yours till the end of time
Dance in the kitchen every night,
just you and me in the city lights.
Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine?
You'd be my only one for life.
Would you be mine if I ask you tonight?
Would you be mine?
恭喜🎉❤ 歌詞甜到長螞蟻🐜
Sydney!!! Plzzzzzzzzz
但係有冇人覺得佢係Sydney 唱的好hea 😫
呢首歌冧到爆,尤其歌詞有好多感動位,咁柔情嘅大隻男,去邊度搵?? Tyson & Christy 永遠幸福啊~~ 去一趟澳洲歌劇院也不錯
Congratulationssss❤ probably Australia! (could I wish for more Hong Kong shows please😬
Congratulations! Thank you for coming to Toronto! I enjoyed the show so much on Jun 11 night! 🥰
congratulations TY and Christy!!!!!
and yes definitely
if you're going down to Australia, might as well stop by Auckland (New Zealand)
祝福你❤️ 從早期就在聽你的歌了 有種溫暖的力量,我時常低估的時候就會聽聽你的歌,希望你能一直幸福製造出更多讓人幸福的作品
Congrats to Tyson and Christy. 百年好合 永結同心。
Yes, I think it's time
It's not another song I'm gonna write
I'll try to make it different
I hope that it will be different between us
You've been on my mind
and I've been trying to find the perfect time to tell you that I need you
More than you will need me in this life
and at times when times are getting rough
you're the only one who makes me feel enough
So this time
I hope that I'm enough
Would you be mine? Would you be mine?
cause I'll be yours till the end of time
Dance in the kitchen every night
just you and me in the city lights
Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine?
You'd be my only one for life
Would you be mine if I ask you tonight?
Would you be mine?
I love it how you make your coffee but you never drink it
I love it how you turn the TV on but never watch it
I love the way you treat our cats, but sometimes I get jealous
I love the little things you do for me when I don't notice
I will never say I love someone if I don't mean it
and I will not make promises if I know I can’t keep it
but loving you so easy I can't put my finger on it
forever seems so far away, but now I see it coming
Seven years went by in a blink of an eye
I'm sorry for the times that I’ve made you cried
Taking care of you for the rest of your life
I promise you girl, I'm gonna try
And at times when times are getting rough
you're the only one who makes me feel enough
So this time I hope that I'm enough
So would you be mine? Would you be mine?
cause I'll be yours till the end of time
Dance in the kitchen every night
just you and me in the city lights
Would you be mine? Say, would you be mine?
You'd be my only one for life
Would you be mine? if I ask you tonight?
Would you be mine?
Australia!!!! Melbourne
Please come to Perth, Western Australia.
I love this song and it really hit me. Your song filled with ur love and sweet memories.
Wishing u both lots of love and happiness to the end.
come to sydney please!!!🇦🇺
Great MV and lyrics, Such a great love story from beginning of your career from queen, christy and would you be mine. Australia is nice since TY hasn t performed there. When can we fans get a TY & new era cap would love to be part of team TY. Keep pushing and releasing new songs before you retire at 30 . Love and peace !
好鐘意vlog形式嘅mv!!!! sweet sweet💖💖💖
Congrats 🎉🎉 Come to Australia 🐨🦘🦘🐨
Congratz tyson & Christy
幸幸福福🖤🖤come to australia pleaseee!!!
Congrats to Tyson and Christy💕
Hope you’re coming to Melbourne🥹😻
So sweet and touching ! Congrats to TY and Christie❤
Congrats Tyson🎉首先覺得你唱得好,再細心聽埋歌詞就真係不得了❤返返香港開啦😂
Very soothing! Added to my playlist!
come to australia !!! perth will be waiting ❤🎉
Plz come to Sydney😭😭😭😭
Congrats to Tyson and Christy!!!! Plz go to Toronto again in the future😭😭when I go to Toronto for study, you stay in HK. when i go back to hk for summer, wish to see you and you go to Toronto😭😭😭
Congrats to Tyson and Christy💖💖
UK Please!!!! Can't wait to see you in London!
Congrats to Tyson and Christy !!! And UK plzzzz !
(Lyrics 歌詞)
yes i think it's time
it's not another song
i'm gonna write
i'll try to make it different
i hope that it will be different
between us
you've been on my mind
and i've been trying to find
the perfect time
to tell you that i need you.
more than you will need me
in this life
and at times
when times are getting rough
you're the only one
who makes me feel enough
so this time
i hope that i'm enough
would you be mine?
would you be mine?
cause i'll be yours
till the end of time
dance in the kitchen
every night
just you and me
in the city lights
would you be mine?
say, would you be mine?
you'd be my only one for life
would you be mine
if i ask you tonight?
would you be mine?
i love it how you make your coffee
but you never drink it
i love it how you turn the tv on
but never watch it
i love the way you treat our cats
but sometimes i get jealous
i love the little things you do for me
when i don't notice
i will never say i love someone
if i dont't mean it
and i will not make promises
if i know i can't keep it
but loving you
so easy i can't put my finger on it
forever seems so far away
but now i see it coming
seven years went by
in a blink of an eye
i'm sorry for the times
that i've made you cried
taking care of you
for the rest of your life
i promise you girl
i'm gonna try
and at times
when times are getting rough
you're the only one
who makes me feel enough
so this time
i hope that i'm enough
so would you be mine?
would you be mine?
cause i'll be yours
till the end of time
dance in the kitchen
every night
just you and me
in the city lights
would you be mine?
say would you be mine?
you'd be my only one for life
would you be mine?
if i ask you tonight?
would you be mine? (would you be mine?)
would you be mine?
yes i do
Keep going !!!!!! Congrats to Tyson and Christy
Congrats to Tyson and Christy!!!! Happy to see you two together!!
Sydneyyyyy please !!!!! And congratulations again 🎉
congrats!! could you come Taiwan again?
恭喜Tyson&Christy😭💓看到哭是正常的嗎 雖然我沒有很早就喜歡上Tyson 也沒有看過現場但你的歌總是讓我覺得我失戀過哈哈哈哈哈 謝謝你做出這麼好的音樂 陪伴我那麼多的時刻 恭喜你們 希望你們可以繼續up up up 希望可以來台灣開演唱會!
BIG CONGRATS TO TYSON & CHRISTY 🎉🌟求婚嗰日一開Ig就見到Tyson post “she said yes” 已經超感動!!! 🥹而家睇埋MV真係Sweet爆 😭睇得出Christy係個好善良嘅女仔 想同佢講句You deserve everything!!! 💖Tyson都要繼續加油🍀好開心見到越嚟越好嘅你!
so would u be mine~幾感動
Congrats tyson & Christy,我由2020年睇你 睇到宜家你地姞婚,多謝你帶比我嘅快樂, 一開始聽 I don’t smoke and I don’t drink.
🎉恭喜Tyson and Christy🎎🎊希望你哋之後都係咁幸福快樂,可以睇到你哋修成正果真係好開心❤好似自己嘅朋友親戚要嫁咁😊如果有機會喺現場見證咁就好啦,唔使有壓力㗎,你哋開心就得㗎啦💞
Congrats 熱門音樂影片 No.1&2🎉🎉❤❤
先講congratulations Tyson Yoshi&Christy求婚成功🎉🎉🎉
音樂真係一世嘅嘢 永遠唔會忘記(TY真係好醒用歌去記錄
完全拉高求婚既curve ❤️❤️congratulations to Tyson & Christy😎!!!! 愛你地❤
congrats ❤ obsessed with this song, had it on repeat ever since
Congrats💚wish you two love birds the best💕 definitely come to the uk please. Manchester
Congrats to you both!!! 🎉please come to LA!!❤
Congrats Tyson and Christy! next station HK please!
首先恭喜Tyson同Christy修成正果🎉 作為你fans好開心可以一齊分享呢份喜悅,希望程生程太日後生活愉快!繼續做自己中意的事!亦都多謝Tyson令我地又多一首Sweet sweet作品可以聽😊
我係來自澳門fans之前冇乜機會睇到你的演出,對上一次剩係香港Punch Live睇過你演出,希望你可以來澳門開Concert!我一定會來演場支持架!❤加油Tyson!
恭喜你抽到Would you be mine?簽名照✨
請在7月26號前截圖你的TH-cam Account
Australia!!! Brisbane can’t wait to see you ❤
Omggggggg終於出MV好鍾意嘅一首歌期待咗好耐!😭😭你哋兩個要繼續幸福行落去 期待繼續出嘅新歌😭😭🩶
Congrats🎉 日子仲好長慢慢享受 繼續做自己做好音樂養Christy🥰 睇曬成個MV 得一句so sweet ! 黎澳門Macau🇲🇴
好感動 😍 恭喜TY Christy!永遠幸福快樂!
恭喜😭😭😭Tyson 和Christy要一直幸福下去!!什麼時候能再開一場演唱會呀 校唱真的太遠了💔
Congrats toTyson and Christy!!! 🥳🎉🎉
stay sweet! 要一直幸福哦~😆
Very sweet
Congratulations Tyson&Christy
I will be your fans forever!!!
Wish you happiness forever!!
你們的粉絲from Taiwan!!
Was witnessing this whole thing in Vancouver, best concert ever😍
Congrats bro!!!🙌
yes i think it's time
its not another song I'm gonna write
I'll tryna to make it different
I hope that it'll be different
between us
You've been on my mind
and i've been tryna find the perfect time
To tell you that I need you
More than you will need me
In this life
And at times, when times are getting rough
You're the only one who makes me feel enough
So this time, I hope that I'm enough
would you be mine would you be mine
Cuz I'll be yours Til the end of time
Dance in the kitchen
Every night
Just you and me in the city lights
would you be mine say
would you be mine
you'll be my only one for life
Would you be mine
If I ask you tonight
Would you be mine
I love it how you make your coffee but u never drink it
I love it how you turn the TV on but never watch it
I love the way you treat our cats but sometimes i get jealous
I love the little things you do for me when I don't notice
I would never say i love someone if i don't mean it
And i would not makes promises If i know i can't keep it
But loving you's so easy I can't put my finger on it
Forever seemed so far away but now i see it coming
Seven years went by in a blink of an eye
I'm sorry for the times that I've made you cry
Taking care of you for the rest of your life
I promise you girl, I'm gonna try
And at times, when times are getting rough
You're the only one who makes me feel enough
So this time, I hope that I'm enough
would you be mine would you be mine
Cuz I'll be yours Til the end of time
Dance in the kitchen
Every night
Just you and me in the city lights
would you be mine say
would you be mine
you'll be my only one for life
Would you be mine
If I asked you tonight
Would you be mine
Please come to LA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
恭喜😭😭看到求婚成功的貼文出來在火鍋店直接尖叫 太興奮了 好喜歡你們兩個❤️希望可以來台灣再開😔
Congratulations Tyson and Christy!!! 😍🥰 London is waiting for you!!😎
Congrats to Tyson and Christy😍🎉
This video so romantic, it captures all your moments, bless both of you will be happy forever!
Defo UK!!!
Congrats!!! Come MK Public show please
Congratulations to you and Christy🎉 go to Australia ❤
真係好Sweet😭💚 congratulations again!!!!
Hey Tyson and Christy! Hi there! Congratulations again:) I don't know whether you'll see my message or not, but yer, im gonna write it anyway. I dont usually write comments to musicians but you two's love story is just wayyy too sweet. Love the music that you produce which has the energy and power in it.
uk after august pleaseeee!!!
Congrats😭💖 You are a perfect match. I wish you a long life together.❤️來高雄開演唱會!!明年2月後再開😅要學測了😢
So Sweet !!💖
Congratulation Tyson and Christy 🎉
Congrats to Tyson and Christy!!!!! 😍💞💞
So sweet❤
Congrats!!!! Love you guys soooo much!!
soooooooooooooooooooo moved by the lyric!!!!!!Congrats omg
Congrats 🤍🎉
Come to Australia pleaseeeee 😭😭😭 Melbourne is a good placeeee
Congrats!!!! It’s so touching 🥹 would love to see you in HK!!! ❤
Congratulations Tyson and Christy 🎉🎉
UK again please 💚
Melbourne please!!! 💚
Well Done, Brother!
Congratulations to you both! R n S.
恭喜你地💚 好耐之前已經開始鍾意Tyson 一開始就係條訪問片了解咗你 覺得你性格好好 認識Ty嗰陣已經知道佢好撚愛christy識左10年 一齊咗七年 喺訪問講過想30歲前結婚 細細個唔鍾意讀書走堂 媽子即刻送你去外國讀書 家底已經好好 返到嚟香港做Underground
由低做起真係唔容易 做到大紅大紫 俾人話同以前唔同 俾好多人睇唔起underground 一路以嚟真係唔易
christy呢七年不斷陪住佢 可以話辛苦but enjoy 感情一直好好 Ty寫幾次歌比佢 成日公開放閃 以前係fuckboi 都因為christy收心養性 而家終於都喺距離30歲生日嘅40日前結婚 老實講2018年《To My Queen》當時仲未咁紅 係靠《Christy》彈起 而家佢終於做到顏色出嚟 真真正正收成正果 白頭到老啦😭🔥 睇返演唱會啲片 Ty求婚成功個樣開心到大顛 同christy對視嗰下甜到漏⋯(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) 淨係睇咗條片嘅開頭已經眼濕濕 因為一早已經計過 今年七月前嘅求婚機會好大 真係得咗了 雖然唔關我哋事 但都係好感動 超鍾意呢幾句 “you'll be my only one for life” 寫低晒平時同Christy相處舒服嘅時光
“Seven years went by in a blink of an eye
I'm sorry for the times that I've made you cry
Taking care of you for the rest of your life”
好期待二十年後見到你地仲sweet到爆嘅畫面 好真心恭喜你地🥹💖 新婚快樂 祝你地白頭到老 Tyson 恭喜你!!
I do love this song.
Congratulations!! Happiness
Please come to Taiwan
thanks for the last 6 years💚 go anywhere and we'll watch