It is a pity that the family who have lived in Castle Berleberg will die out because Prince Gustav has not been able to marry his sweetheart , and have children> All because of a clause in his grand-father's Will.
It's a dry and empty looking place, almost like The Grinch lives in there. Benedicte finger foods seem all sticks. Berleburg seems lacking in real meat or substance.
Kak kpacuво ...⚘⚘⚘
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Oчень хочеmcя nonacmь myда...💛💛
It is a pity that the family who have lived in Castle Berleberg will die out because Prince Gustav has not been able to marry his sweetheart , and have children> All because of a clause in his grand-father's Will.
Prince Gustav can surrogate his way to a von Trapp sized family if he wants. He did marry after all.
They have a son now
It's a dry and empty looking place, almost like The Grinch lives in there. Benedicte finger foods seem all sticks. Berleburg seems lacking in real meat or substance.
Berleburg ist meine Stadt und die Jagd 👍👍👍
Hallo ich hape gelebte Une gearbeitet baje oje 1mrke Chop malo
Cshune gruse