Boycotting: Between Faris al-Hammadi and the Scholars

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 49

  • @ibmsulaymani
    @ibmsulaymani  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    0:00 - The claims of Fāris al-Ḥammādī
    2:36 - Shaykh Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn’s encouragement for boycotting bakeries that celebrate the festivals of the disbelievers
    6:16 - Shaykh Ibn al-ʿUthaymīn and the Muslims of Yugoslavia
    8:27 - Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥman al-Saʾdī on boycotting
    11:02 - The fatwā of Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Rājiḥī, Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥman al-Barrāk and Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Ibn Jibrīn
    • Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥman al-Saʾdī said:
    *❝One of the greatest and most beneficial forms of Jihād is facilitating the economic well-being of Muslims, expanding their essential and non-essential dietary options, and increasing their gains, trade, work, and labour force. Equally, one of the most beneficial and significant forms of jihad is boycotting the enemies in exports and imports, not allowing their imports and trades, not opening the markets of Muslims to them, and preventing them from bringing their goods into Muslim countries. Instead, Muslims should rely on what their own countries produce and import what they need from peaceful nations. Conversely, the products and commodities of Muslim lands should not be exported to the enemies, especially when these items might strengthen them, such as petroleum. Preventing its export to them is of great importance. How can we allow the export of resources that may aid them in their aggression? The consequences of exporting such resources to the aggressors are severe, while banning these exports is one of the most significant forms of Jihād with enormous benefits.*
    ومن أعظم الجهاد وأنفعه السعي في تسهيل اقتصاديات المسلمين والتوسعة عليهم في غذائياتهم الضرورية والكمالية، وتوسيع مكاسبهم وتجاراتهم وأعمالهم وعمالهم، كما أن من أنفع الجهاد وأعظمه مقاطعة الأعداء في الصادرات والواردات، فلا يسمح لوارداتهم وتجاراتهم، ولا تفتح لها أسواق المسلمين، ولا يمكنون من جلبها على بلاد المسلمين؛ بل يستغني المسلمون بما عندهم من منتوج بلادهم، ويوردون ما يحتاجونه من البلاد المسالمة. وكذلك لا تصدر لهم منتوجات بلاد المسلمين ولا بضائعهم، وخصوصاً ما فيه تقوية للأعداء كالبترول، فإنه يتعين منع تصديره إليهم.. وكيف يصدر لهم من بلاد المسلمين ما به يستعينون على قتالهم؟؟! فإن تصديره إلى المعتدين ضرر كبير، ومنعه من أكبر الجهاد ونفعه عظيم.
    *Therefore, complete boycott of the enemies is one of the greatest forms of jihād in these times. Muslim kings and leaders - praise be to Allāh - have an abundant share and complete portion in this. This boycott has greatly benefited Muslims and significantly harmed the enemies, severely impacting their economies. Consequently, the enemies have been constrained and compelled to grant Muslims many rights that they would have otherwise denied. Through this, Allāh has preserved much of the honour and dignity of Muslims.*
    فجهاد الأعداء بالمقاطعة التامة لهم من أعظم الجهاد في هذه الأوقات، ولملوك المسلمين ورؤسائهم - ولله الحمد - من هذا الحظ الأوفر والنصيب الأكمل، وقد نفع الله بهذه المقاطعة لهم نفعاً كبيراً، وأضرت الأعداء وأجحفت باقتصادياتهم، وصاروا من هذه الجهة محصورين مضطرين إلى إعطاء المسلمين كثيراً من الحقوق التي لولا هذه المقاطعة لمنعوها، وحفظ الله بذلك ما حفظ من عز المسلمين وكرامتهم.
    *One of the greatest acts of treason and most significant hostilities towards Muslims is when greedy and avaricious individuals, who care neither for religion nor for the honour of Muslims, smuggle the country's money, goods, or products to enemy territories. This is one of the gravest crimes and most heinous acts of betrayal. Those who engage in such actions have no share or portion with Allah.*
    ومن أعظم الخيانات وأبلغ المعاداة للمسلمين تهريب أولي الجشع والطمع الذين لا يهمهم الدين ولا عز المسلمين ولا تقوية الأعداء نقود البلاد أو بضائعها أو منتوجاتها إلى بلاد الأعداء! وهذا من أكبر الجنايات وأفظع الخيانات، وصاحب هذا العمل ليس له عند الله نصيب ولا خلاق.
    *It is the duty of the rulers to take action against these traitors, to deal firmly with them, and to punish them. They have openly assisted the enemies of Islam, sought to harm the Muslims, and benefited the non-believing enemies. These individuals are corrupt on the earth and deserve the severest of punishments.*
    فواجب الولاة الضرب على أيدي هؤلاء الخونة، والتنكيل بهم؛ فإنهم ساعدوا أعداء الإسلام مساعدة ظاهرة، وسعوا في ضرار المسلمين ونفع أعدائهم الكافرين، فهؤلاء مفسدون في الأرض يستحقون أن ينزل بهم أعظم العقوبات.
    *The point being made is that boycotting the enemies in terms of their economies, trades, and other matters is a significant aspect of Jihād, with the greatest benefit. This includes peaceful Jihād and combatant Jihād.*
    والمقصود أن مقاطعة الأعداء بالاقتصاديات والتجارات والأعمال وغيرها ركن عظيم من أركان الجهاد، وله النفع الأكبر وهو جهاد سلمي وجهاد حربي.
    *May Allāh guide the Muslims to all that is good, unite their voices, reconcile their hearts, make them loving and supportive brothers, aid them with His help and guidance, and support them with His support and direction. He is the Generous, the Kind, the Compassionate, and the Merciful.❞*
    وفق الله المسلمين لكل خير، وجمع كلمتهم، وألّف بين قلوبهم وجعلهم إخوانا متحابين ومتناصرين، وأيدهم بعونه وتوفيقه، وساعدهم بمدده وتسديده إنه جواد كريم رؤوف رحيم.
    📚 (Majmūʾ al-Mūʾallafāt al-Shaykh al-ʿAllāmah ʿAbd al-Raḥman Ibn Nāṣir al-Saʾdī 26/106-109)

  • @cOnfidentialcOrp
    @cOnfidentialcOrp 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +58

    I highly disagree when brother faris said "boycotting is haram" , he didnt backed it up with evidence , but i also dont think he is a sell out or a Zionist . People have slandered him heavily and passed takfir on him , thats VERY unjust . You brother ibrahim were just and didnt do what others did , so May Allah Bless You Alot.
    May Allah forgive him and protect us from slandering .

  • @phoenixknight8837
    @phoenixknight8837 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    JazakumAllahu khayran.

  • @AbuHumaira_
    @AbuHumaira_ 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    May ALLAH ﷻ mercy on beloved scholars who left their knowledge with us and preserve those who are benifiting us in present

  • @abdulsonday9370
    @abdulsonday9370 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    In Malaysia the Boycot of Starbuck sent a very strong message. It boosted the sales of local business. So I repectfully dissagree. Boycotts do damage the very sources that fund the oppressors. If you are concerned that it effect you, then you have placed your trust in something other than Allah. And Allah is the best of providers.

  • @AbuHumaira_
    @AbuHumaira_ 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jazakumullahu khairun brother May ALLAH ﷻ bless you and preserve you

  • @TrevorPikes
    @TrevorPikes 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    May Allaah bless you. Much needed.

  • @Jibbz187
    @Jibbz187 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Aslamu Alaikum brother Ibrahim it’s great to have you back we’ve missed your content

  • @taimurahmad
    @taimurahmad 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    jazakallaahu khairan akhi. These kind of people unfortunately do not possess hikmah and ruin reputation of salafis

    • @Ermat3
      @Ermat3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You just backbited him you fool 👍

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Ermat3 What about hamas he backbited???? or they do njot count because they are ahlul bidah???? and apparently eveeryone is a kh"rji whose backbiting and name calling is halaal(othman al khamis etc). no backbiting for them???

    • @Yalla12347
      @Yalla12347 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Ermat3 jahil

  • @Abdullaholari
    @Abdullaholari 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    10:00 That's so true! I've heard a video that even Muslim smugglers of drugs have stopped selling to their Israeli buyers because of the war. Subhan Allah

  • @AbdurRafiJoy_buet
    @AbdurRafiJoy_buet 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jazakallahu khayr, brother. Very informative video.

  • @thinkgood7412
    @thinkgood7412 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Our contract is with Allah, who is hamidi making haram that is halal. He's no scholar

  • @FufuZ
    @FufuZ 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Pls send this video to the ustadh too. If im not wrong you can boycott on a personal level? Kinda forgot whether it was from the same ustadh or Ustadh Wajdi Akkari. Correct me if im wrong

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      akhi unfortunately some of these people(i do not mention names) hide fatawaas of scholars and only post what agrees with their "manhaj". For examole, sheukh abulkarim al khudayr(ustadh of ustadh abdurrahaman hassan and major scholar in saudi posted a vid in arabic of j7aad in falsteen being obligatory and he said it is not allowed to leave them alone, same with faisal alk jaasim(head of madinah college uk which has ustadhs like abdul wahid stephenson, ustadh yasin) and he, sheikh faisalm, was very firm and severe in this issue and caled upon the muslim rulers generally to stop this ophjhression and he rerernced fatwa of ibn taymiyyah from majmoo al fatawaa. So, we should do our levl best to help our opressed brothers.

    • @FufuZ
      @FufuZ 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@taimurahmad baarakAllaahu feek, is it possible to do jih@d in Palestine as of now? I heard that jihad has conditions. I dont know if they have enough things to be able to do jih@d. P.s. was sheikh aware of the condition of the weaponry quality in Palestine?
      And what do Sheikh Abdurrazzaaq al badr, as suhaymi etc say about this issue rn?

    • @FidanHasanzadeStudent
      @FidanHasanzadeStudent 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@taimurahmad assalamu alaykum was he calling the masses to j?jad or the rulers?

    • @taimurahmad
      @taimurahmad 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The rulers ofcourse as j7aad is under a leader

    • @FufuZ
      @FufuZ 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@taimurahmad ps by calling upon the rulers to stop the oppression, he didn't mean to criticise rulers publicly right? Like as in suggesting good for the leaders etc

  • @Salafite
    @Salafite 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    بارك الله فيكم اخي

  • @LearnTawhid
    @LearnTawhid หลายเดือนก่อน

    Follow and obey the muslim ruler. And learn your deen from the scholars.

  • @quicksilver9169
    @quicksilver9169 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can anyone pls answer that is arabic the mother tongue of ustadh abdurrahman hassan or did he learnt it

  • @frizie474
    @frizie474 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What happens when a gym owner thinks he's a scholar...dude will always find a way to defend uae, it's so pathetic.

    • @AbuInayaAl-Athari-po3yj
      @AbuInayaAl-Athari-po3yj หลายเดือนก่อน

      Fear Allah, he never claimed to be a scholar nor defends UAE. Only the the khawarij attack Muslim countries. And he clarrifies the truth and exposed the lies made against the Muslims countries spread by the Shia/ikhwani media.I dare you to give me a single place where he defends any of their mistakes. Give me a single place where he gave a single fatwa. Rather many major scholars warned against boycotting inside Muslim countries. This is what happens when you watch a few second videos and leave the whole context. The owner of this channel is known for lying and promoting false doubts. This is also what happens when you are too lazy to study and come to conclusions based upon watching a video knowing that there might be some. Also Ibn Uthaymeens fatwah doesn't contradict Faaris Al Hamaadi. Go look up Shaykh Saaleh al Suheymi who clarified this doubts that is spread by every single deviant sect to attack ahlul Sunnah and the Muslim countries

    • @محمد-س3ك9ج
      @محمد-س3ك9ج 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Let’s try restrain our tongues from making such statements بارك للله فيكم حبيبي
      Ofcourse we may disagree with the brother on some things but we shouldn’t insult him in sha Allah

  • @muflihoon10
    @muflihoon10 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    welcome back

  • @kingkai3862
    @kingkai3862 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Random_Boy353
    @Random_Boy353 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is boycotting fardh?

  • @AB-xx7hy
    @AB-xx7hy 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    ‎جزاك الله خيرا
    May Allah guide this man and his friends. He gives salafiyyah a terrible name with constant bootlicking.

    • @Fulaan7
      @Fulaan7 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You know that he is not mistaken in his Aqeedah of obeying the rulers, correct ? The salaf had the same Aqeedah about it. What do you mean by boot licking ?

    • @AB-xx7hy
      @AB-xx7hy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Fulaan7 the thing is the salaf didn't spend their time defending tyrannical rulers and calling everyone khawarij that opposes said tyrants or even remotely disagrees with them. Please note we're not talking about khurooj here.
      This is a perversion of the manhaj of the salaf who strongly warned against scholars who were close to rulers and on gov payrolls

    • @Fulaan7
      @Fulaan7 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@AB-xx7hy Faris has no ties to the rulers, he’s a normal working man in the UAE. Neither does he spend his time defending tyrants. He opposes the Khawarij and fights against their propaganda. Their main targets in recent years have been Arab rulers, so naturally the one that opposes them too has to indulge in this topic. Please show me where he called someone a Khariji for remotely disagreeing with the ruler ? You know very well that he didn’t. This is an attempt of yours to blow things out of proportion and make it seem absurd.

    • @AB-xx7hy
      @AB-xx7hy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Fulaan7 He literally works for the UAE government check Dawah man's interview with him. So in order to fight against so called khawarij, you have to defend normalisation with israel? Really? Is that why he went on sneako podcast where he's praising and defending his amazing ruler? The same ruler that pushes for secularism, calls to the unity of religions and builds Hindu temples. The same ruler who is killing Muslims in Sudan, Libya and Yemen as well as assisting genocidal regimes in Syria and India. Do you really think it's permissable to defend such a ruler with this much kufr? May Allah raise the defenders of the UAE with the UAE president on the day of qiyama.
      Yes for example he has called daee muhammad bin shamsuddin a khariji for nothing as well as the people of Jordan for protesting (since when has this been sufficient to make someone a khariji who's blood is halal?) I have not blown anything out of proportion but if you insist on defending this scholar of the sultan, then prepare yourself for judgement day where many Muslims will take their from you and your Ilk. May Allah guide you and us all.

    • @coffe2270
      @coffe2270 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AB-xx7hyMuhammad shamsudin takfirs as suyuti lol he’s a suroori kharijee who called Abu hanifa a murji as well