當北一宅男幫遇上8+9 | 扛轎教學 | Former Gangster vs Otaku Gang |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
  • What will happen when Otaku Gang encounters an 8+9? Leave your answer in the comments.
    1. 和平相處:宅男可能會選擇避免冲突,試圖和小混混友好相處,避免麻煩。
    1.Peace and Love: Otaku may choose to avoid conflict, attempting to maintain a friendly rapport with 8+9 to steer clear of trouble.
    2. 搞笑互動:有些宅男可能會以輕松和幽默的方式與小混混互動,嘗試以幽默的方式解决潛在的緊張。
    2.Comedic Interactions: Otaku might engage with 8+9 in a lighthearted and humorous manner, trying to defuse potential tension with humor.
    3. 意外友情:在某些情況下,宅男和小混混之間可能會發展出一種意外的友情,他們可能會發現彼此有共同的興趣或價值觀。
    3. Unexpected Friendship: In certain situations, an unexpected friendship could develop between Otaku and 8+9 as they discover shared interests or values.
    4. 衝突爆發:但也有可能發生爭執或衝突,取決於雙方的態度和情感狀態。
    4. Conflict : However, conflicts or disputes could also occur, depending on the attitudes and emotional states of both parties
    #北一女中 #北一女 #宅男 #扛轎 #北一宅男幫 #otaku #otakulife #gangster #gang

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @liao9271
    @liao9271 ปีที่แล้ว

    5 嘗試將8+9吸收入宅男幫

  • @周育群-n6v
    @周育群-n6v ปีที่แล้ว


    • @yannnn_921
      @yannnn_921  ปีที่แล้ว
