이런 영상 만들기 조금 부끄럽지만 여러분 제 스토리 좋게 봐줬으면 좋겠어요! 확실한거는 2020년으로 돌아갈수있으면 몸 관리 조금 더 잘했을거에요 >_< I was kinda embarrassed talkin' about this, but hope you guys enjoy the video :)
I have been following you for many years, after this I like you even more ! There is nothing to be ashamed of actually you should be proud for explaining so well what happens in those situations (I understand you well. Stress is the origin of all bad…) we are humans not machines but we often forget that..
용기 내 주셔서 정말 감사해요 데이브님. 사실 아무리 마음속 질병에 대한 인식이 개선되었다 한들 요즘에도 정신건강의학과 진료 받으러 간다 하면 주변 사람들 시선이 안 좋은 것도 사실이고, 내 마음이 어떤 상태인지 말하는 것 자체가 부끄러운 일이라고 생각하는 사람들도 많아요. 그러나 그런 사람들에게 데이브님의 영상이 또다른 용기가 될 수 있겠다 싶어 저는 정말 너무 감사해요. 그 용기를 얻게 될 사람이 당장에는 제가 될 것이구요. 인간이란 원체 나약한 동물이라 마음속 병을 완벽히 이겨내지는 못하지만 그 병에 잠식당하지 않고 함께 공존하여 살아가는 방법도 있다고 어디서 들은 적이 있어요. 이 영상을 보니까는 그 말이 떠올랐어요. 데이브님이 그렇게 살아가고 계신 것 같아 부럽기도 하면서 저 또한 그렇게 살고 싶다 생각을 했어요. 이 영상 보고 용기 내서 제 오래된 친구 우울증에게 지지 않고 살아갈 수 있는 방법 열심히 찾아보겠습니다. 데이브님도, 저도, 그리고 영상 보신 모든 분들 우리 꼭 오래오래 행복합시다❤ 진심으루요
Panic attacks suck so much. I've had several (including some as a kid that I didn't recognize as that) and they never get easy to deal with. Good on you for speaking publicly about this, as it's a really under-covered and misunderstood thing. I haven't gotten the level of dissociation you described, but that chills and heaviness and dark feeling and such is really awful. Sounds like you were probably having some depression too, which can often go along with it. I notice that your methods of reducing them lines up pretty close to what I've been recommended by doctors and therapists in the past, so great job figuring those out on your own (or with help if you had a professional helping you). Still working on some of those things myself, like exercising regularly, but these things take time and effort and willpower. For some people they get symptoms that are somewhat similar to heart attacks (hyperventilating, tight feeling in the chest, racing thoughts, light-headedness, etc) too, so something for people to watch out for.
Hi Dave, I've been watching your videos for years now and recently, after fighting anxiety for years I've had my first big panic attack. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences & advices, I feel like I'm not alone and it's possible to overcome this anxious & stressful period of my life. Stay strong & take care! ❤
전 제 동생이 공황발작을 일으키는 걸 본적이 있어요. 약먹는다고 말만 듣다가 실제로 사람이 무너지고 소리치고 하는 걸 처음 봤을 때 솔직히 충격이 더 컸습니다.. 지금은 완전히 나아진 것은 아니지만 가족 입장에서는 있는 그대로 받아들이려고 노력합니다. 그래도 시간이 지나니까 완전히 없앨 수는 없어도 조금씩 나아지는 것 같긴 해요. 주변 분들은 이해해주실 겁니다. 응원해요 :)
아이고 데이브 맘이 아프네요. 명상이 큰 도움이되요. 그리고 공황장애있는 많은 사람들이 김주환 교수님 영상 너무 많이 도움 받았다고 하더라구요. 영상이 좀 많아서 딱 하나 찝을 수는 없지만 여유를 가지고 천천히 보면 되지 않을까 싶어요. 스스로를 더 많이 아끼고 사랑해주세요. 토닥토닥 ❤
That's a lot, it's nice that you found your way in the middle of this, but also try to consider going to a psychologist, therapy can also help you. I wish all the best for you ❤❤
타지에서 얼마나 두려웠을까 증상을 자세히 담담하게 말하는게 맘아프네요 그렇게 밝고 재밌는 영상들을 올리면서 한편으론 공황장애라는 만만치않은 병과 싸우고 있었다니 대단하고 놀랍네요 역시 데이브는 큰사람입니다 완치가 아니면 함께 잘 다스려가면서 쭉 가는거죠 데이브니까 할수있어요 꽤 오래 데이브를 봤는데 더 오래 잘 견디며 잘 지내는 데이브로 보고싶습니다 ❤👍👏👌🏻
저도 미국 타지에서 조현병이 두 차례나 발병해서 데이브님 심정을 조금이라도 이해할 수 있는 거 같아요. 그래도 이렇게 허심탄회하게 밝히시고 또 스스로 하나씩 극복해나가시려는 의지가 분명해 보이니 잘 회복되시리라 믿습니다. 아무쪼록 타지에서 좋은 분들과 행복한 추억 계속 유지해나가셨음 하네요. 힘내세요!
I too have been dealing with that paradigm-shifting stress since just before Covid, and another brand of stress for the last decade 🥴 Thank you Dave, this was another reminder of how important it is to take care of yourself during these times. Proper food and sleep are the most basal needs (not even counting exercise yet), but the easiest to fuck up and lose control of when we're not careful. I'm thankful to be in a place where even though the "clouds" persist, I am able to address those needs somewhat better than my past self did. Of course it was very scary to be alone, whether in the midst of people or literally alone. You disengage completely. Feeling powerless and out of control, like you couldn't do anything, not knowing how to help yourself and no one else could help you. I experienced that feeling again just recently, many years after it first happened. I was surprised to see it, and afterwards I found I was actually able to reflect on what was happening to my body and mind. Everyone, despite all that happens in this daily life, please remember to be kind to yourselves. ❣️
I have a somewhat similar that happens to me. It is a form of panic attack as its brought out by panic, but its not in a way where I think "this is it, im dying". You did briefly describe something thats called disassociating. This is the feeling where you feel detached from your body, almost like 3rd person viewing yourself. I get that when Im having panic attacks. I get extremely stressed, start panicking and hyperventilating, but then calm. Its like my brain kicks my soul out of my body and says "okay enough, I need to take over and focus on autonomous tasks, you need to take a break over there" I can have really severe versions of it where Im sitting at my desk for hours just looking at my desk, floating around, and only when I come back do I realize its been hours. Luckily I havent had it often and in a way its much better than the stress and panic I was feeling before. Its only been brought on by severe trauma or deep depressions. But its odd the things the body will do to protect itself. Im glad we talk more about mental health nowadays. Thank you for sharing Dave, you're one of my favorite youtubers! Love from Norway
오래전의 영상에서 왜 미국에 가지않는지에 대한 설명을 하면서 그때도 공황장애에 관한 이야기를 하신적이 있으신데, 사실 우리나라사람들의 인식이 마음속의 병이라고 생각이 되는 정신과라고 하면 인식이 그렇게 좋지를 않고, 그렇다보니, 자신의 마음상태에 대하여 이야기를 하는것을 부끄러워하다보니, 잘 이야기를 안하는 경우가 많습니다. 인간은 원래 나약한 동물이라고는 하지만, 데이브님은 결코 나약하지가 않습니다.이런 이야기를 할수가 있는 데이브님의 용기에 박수를 보내고 싶고 감사한 마음입니다. 아무리 공황장애라고 하더라도 이 병을 이겨나가면서 살아가는 방법도 분명히 있을것입니다. 용기를 내어서 그러한것을 이겨나가시면서 혹시나 우울증등으로 더 확대되지않고 오랫동안 데이브님을 볼수가 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 늘 화이팅 하세요.....^^
저도 5년전 군대 훈련소 2주차 때 첫 공황발작이 와 정말 모든걸 포기하고 내던지고 싶었던 그 순간이 기억이 나네요… 최대한 씩씩하게 티 안내며 훈련하다가도 한번씩 발작이 오던 밤이면 ‘내일이라도 포기할까…’ 하고 몇번이나 고민했었는데 하루하루 버티다 보니 어느새 군생활도 끝까지 잘 마치고 어찌저찌 지금에 이르렀네요ㅎㅎ 요즘도 가끔 스트레스가 너무 심할때면 온몸이 차가워지면서 식은땀이 나고 극도로 불안해지면서 막 심장이 뛰는 그때 그 느낌이 또 조금씩 되살아날때도 있지만 그럴땐 최대한 긍정적인 생각을 하면서 ‘그럴 수 있다…괜찮다…‘ 이러고 마인드 컨트롤을 하며 극복하는 요령이 생겨서 이젠 거의 일상생활에 지장을 주지 않을 정도가 됐어요ㅎㅎ 데이브님도 발작을 본인의 의지로 잘 이겨내고 계신거 같아 참 다행이고 그 동안 얼마나 심적으로 힘드셨을지 생각하면 저도 경험자라 참 마음이 아프기도 합니다ㅠ 그래도 마음의 병을 솔직히 다 털어내셨으니 앞으로는 훨씬 더 좋아지실거에요 같이 화이팅해요!
이런 귀한 영상을 만들어 주셔서 정말로 감사해요!^^ 저도 가벼운 공황장애가 생겨났기에 진지하게 영상을 시청했습니다. 저는 언제나 잠이 부족하고 예민한데다 커피를 많이 마시거든요.( 특히, 전날의 수면시간과 직접 관련이 있는 듯해요.) '공황이 갑자기 생기더라도 놀라지 마라' 는 말씀이 도움 되었어요.^^ 운동 많이 하고 잘 자고 잘 지내도록 해요~^^
I too have this disorder, before this i calm myself down using ice pack on my chest and cold icy water on my head and face..but recently i started drinking a glass of lime diluted in water during the attack.. I cut coffee completely and replace them with tea..i read somewhere that this disorder has something to do with our gut health, so now I'm watching what i eat and eating a lot of food that good for the gut plus handle our stress smart
Hey, Dave, how's it going ? I wish you'd feel much better nowadays. I'm a Korean immigrant in Canada. I've been living in Canada for more than 30 years. I'd had somewhat similar thing happened to me when I was a teenager back in Korea. I wouldn't say it was a panic attack, but I remember feeling extremely jittery , neurotic and apprehensive randomly at times throughout my middle schooldays. It had a really terrible effect on my study and school exams . Some people might deride me for saying this, but whenever that awful feeling came over me , singing as many Christian hymns as possible and reading some bible verses,and listening to some of great classical music helped me feel much more peaceful and soothing. Why don't you go to any biblically sound church in Seoul and try to build genuine relationship with God. I'm sure it'll definitely help you get over your panic attack symptoms ! And also, take a good care of your body and try to have a positive mindset.
저는 15년 전에 공황장애 진단받고 응급실만 몇번 가고 심하게 와서 1년2개월 약 먹고 지금은 안먹고있어요 힘들겠지만 마음가짐이 중요한거같아요 지금도 스트레스 받으면 어쩌다 한번씩 올라오긴하지만 아는 병이라 진정도 금방되는 편이고 긍정적인 마인드로 이겨내고 있습니다! 예기불안 오지않게 항상 스트레스관리 잘하면서 같이 힘내봐요!
This is so good for raising awareness! We need more YTers to make videos like this. The feeling like you’re watching yourself from 3rd person is called disassociation, and happens when there’s a lot of stress/during panic attacks. I didn’t know panic attacks didn’t always involve hyperventilating, TIL. I remember watching plenty of progressive muscle relaxation videos and guided imagery/meditation (the non/religious one) - they describe a forest or something and it helps calm me down. It might be worth exploring :) thanks for sharing and inspiring me and others. Dave fighting!!
아이고 데이브 맘이 아프네요. 명상이 큰 도움이되요. 그리고 공황장애있는 많은 사람들이 김주환 교수님 영상 너무 도움 받았다고 하더라구요. 영상이 좀 많아서 딱 하나 찝을 수는 없지만 여유를 가지고 천천히 보면 되지 않을까 싶어요. 스스로를 더 많이 아끼고 사랑해주세요. 토닥토닥 ❤
@@TheWorldofDave There are preventative medication you can take for chronic panic attacks, but also ones you can take for episodic ones. I think since you only have it once or twice a month you could take some of the acute/episodic ones. Yes they are addictive, but only when taken over 14 days in a row, which is not how you would take it. Its kinda like nose spray, if taken for more than 7 days in a row then they can become addictive. Pain medication also shouldnt be taken more than 15 days in a month either. I really think you should talk to a doctor and air your concerns about it. I dont know all the different medications, but I know the group benzodiazepines can be taken acutely. For many medications its not that taking them period can become addictive, but the *amount* you take and the *frequency.* Good luck
Thank you for sharing, Dave. I'm happy you have friends around you that can help you in situations like that and understand that you're going through tough times when you have an attack.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I've never really educated myself on panic attacks and I thought they would be way different from what you experienced. So it was a very educating and helpful insight that could be helpful in the future either for myself or in understanding others who might experience this so I can emphasize and understand way more what they're going through.
Very good video, thank you for sharing the story. You did well to realize the problem, look it up, find alternative solutions and most importantly, improve your habits and certain lifestyle aspects to improve your health, both physically and mentally. Hope to see more of your videos, whenever you can make some. Take care of yourself!
아아 처음 알았어요 저도 그런 걸 경험했었는데 그걸 공황장애라고 하는군요. 연예인들이 인간관계의 갑작스러운 변화에서 스트레스를 받을 때 그런 걸 겪는 건 많이 봤는데요. 제가 경험했을 땐 그게 그건지 몰랐어요. 코로나 때 다들 당황스러운 일을 하나씩 겪은 것 같은데 님도 그러셨나 봅니다. 아무튼 좀 나아지신 것 같아 다행이네요.
Hi Dave I’ve been watching your video since 2018 when I started college and your video filled my day. I just want you to know that we love and support you❤ I also experienced mental issue since COVID. I got some mental attack when my whole body feel numb, lost my breath and my mind only think about “what the reason human live” and I get sick because my mind works. My friends told me to get to therapist and it helped me a lot. Maybe therapist will help you. I saw people get mental issue because of COVID and I just wanna say to everyone who read it to stay strong and we aren’t alone❤❤
저 요즘 문화시리즈 정주행하고 있어요!! 데이브님 페이스북 리즈시절부터 쭉 봐왔는데요~ 갑작스레 찾아온 손님 때문에 힘들었을텐데, 그럼에도 이렇게 용기내서 공유해줘서 너무 감사해요! 한국어밖에 못하는 제가 최근에 외국인 친구들에게 둘러쌓여서 처음으로 외국어로 대화나눠봤는데 데이브님이 생각나더라구요. 한국에서 적응할 때 이런 기분이겠구나 하구요. 저는 너무 어질어질 했거든요~@_@ 데이브님 마음속에 온 손님은 갑자기 찾아왔지만, 내보낼 때는 조금씩 천천히 내보내며 잘 이겨내길 바랄게요!!♡
Thank you for sharing. I recently started having panic attacks. It's not easy to deal with. Hopefully I can get to a point where they dont bother me as much too.
Ahh panic attacks. I've had them my whole life, since at least the age of 7 anyway. I overthink everything and find myself unable to do a lot of "normal" activities. Literally last week, my friend and I were meeting somewhere with a big parking lot so I was hoping we would just meet at the front door of the place but nooooo my friend called me! I answered it without any issues....without any panic, without overthinking it and I want it to be like that all the time so badly...I'm exercising more now so I'm thinking that must be why I was able to do that so hopefully this is a real change and not just a rare moment of sanity. Thanks for reading.
Thanks for sharing this Dave. There is no need to be embarrassed about this. The more we study these cases, I think the more likelihood that we will somehow find the cure. There are brain studies done in U.S. where scanners are used to look at health of the brain. Also, there are now brain exercises done using a game to heal portions of the brain that has not developed properly or damaged. All of us in one way or the other can benefit from these brain studies. Effect of caffeine or other drugs that impact the brain may cause issues like this. For me, I went through many episodes of sleep paralysis. Like you, I know what to do to minimize the re-occurrence. This happens to me when I am tired and I can feel my heartbeat in my head. For me, I make sure I do not put my head against any hard substance and rest my head with my side jaw to support my head when sleeping instead of laying any portion of top of my head. The key is to not hamper or block blood flow to the brain when we are physically weak. I sincerely hope you get cured of this. btw, I have been a fan for a long time. Love from PA, USA.
영국남자 시리즈 보다가, 너무 반가운 얼굴을 보게 되서 왔어요. 정말 오랫만에 보네요. 너무 반갑고 기쁩니다^^ 절대로 절대로 멈추면 안되지만, 서두를 필요는 없는 것 같아요. 뭔가 문제가 있다고 생각이 들면, 쉬어가는 게 꼭 필요하다고 생각합니다. 물론 유튜브 특징상 오래 쉬는 게 어렵겠지만, 뭐 한달 정도는 괜찮지 않을까요? 아무튼 건강은 행복은 무엇보다 더 중요하다는 걸 잊으면 안되요. 아무튼 너무 반갑습니다 자주 뵈요~
I've never had a panic attack, so it's interesting to learn its not just an intense overstimulation freak out (I get those frequently lol) but I'm glad you're able to manage them I hope it gets better ♥️ side note: I remember watching a video where someone posted a clip from a nature documentary where a gazelle survives being eaten by a predator by jumping in a lake. When it came out of the water it just sat down and started like shaking and twitching. After a while it just got up and ran off. The video commentary was about how after extreme stress the gazelle (or antelope?) had to regulate its nervous system by doing the twitching and shaking - and the point was that we live with stress so much constantly and how that shit effects us, and most people don't actively regulate their nervous systems to get rid of the build up of stress in the body. It makes sense to me that exercise would help with panic attacks - I'd think that's one way of regulating your nervous system 🤔
몸에 염도가 부족하면 각종 병이 생길 수가 있는데, 아침 공복에 소금 한티스푼 넣어서 따뜻한 소금물을 마셔보세요.염도계로 0.9% 맞추면 더 좋습니다. 평소에 소금끼있는 국물 자주 드시고(미역국, 콩나물국,된장국 등등..) 실제로 이 방법으로 약 안먹고 공항장애 완치된 사람도 있음. 커피는 이뇨작용으로 몸속 나트륨을 빼내기 때문에 끊으세요. 소금물 먹으면 어지러움증이나 두통이 올수 있는데 명현현상이니 소금물 양을 조금씩 늘려가보세요
Thank you for sharing your experience, Dave. My coworker experienced this last week while he was driving on a freeway and he thought he was going to die. His neck tingled, then he lost control of his body, and his vision grew blurry. Thankfully, he was able to pull over and get help. But then it happened again the next day at work at his desk and he also didn't understand why it happened again. I'll share your situation to him and hopefully he'll be able to figure it out like you did.
thank you so much for sharing. it sounds like such a scary experience, maybe even traumatic. i dont know if to call it fortunate or unfortunate that it pushes people to improve their lifestyle XD. i had a panic attack once, in public, the world tuned out and i just kept breathing really hard, it felt like my heart couldnt keep up. but it was because it was extremely stressed. im thankful it doesnt happen to me anymore, but i hope whoever continues to suffer these attacks, please take care of yourself, things will get better.
this is a really interesting video from a very adult and mature point of view. i have a lot of experience with chronic panic disorders that started really early in life, so its cool to learn from this side too. the harsh truth about panic disorders is that its such a wide range of intensity and symptoms in people. it took me a long time to understand that "mild" attacks are also panic attacks. its not just all hysteria and hyperventilating. it can be "calm" so to speak, to the outside. dissociation, panic attacks, and epilepsy are really difficult to determine which symptoms exactly, and how intense or difficult.
I'm glad we're getting to a point where more people are feeling comfortable enough to share their stories. I started having panic attacks in high school when my breathing would become more difficult. Before I really knew what it was I would panic and make it worse. When it got bad I stayed with anxiety and felt very weak and like death. Now I'm on medicine to help but I do still occasionally wake up with anxiety. Although I do notice a difference with my meds, I try to keep a mindset of I don't need them. Now that I know more about my anxiety and how to deal with it I don't fear it. That alone has made such a difference. Mine tends to come to me at night so I just put on a lighthearted or funny show and do some deep breathing until it passes.
Yeah same here. I have lived in Japan for the past 5 years, and I have had panic attacks for 4 of them. I'm on meds and stuff but honestly I'm starting to think that the society here just is not for me... I am so exhausted by a lot here... But then there's the risk of going back to America and it being worse than Japan.... I have a lot to think about, but gosh.... Panic attacks are so tiring. I get them almost every week. Last year I had one almost everyday. Idk i just feel so stuck
흠.... 10년간 공황장애 앓고 있습니다.... 사람마다 증상은 다른데 저 같은 경우는 중증이라 좀.. 화생방훈련+테러에서 산채로 목썰리는 공포가 같이 옵니다 문제는 가면 갈수록 심해 진다는 건데 ... 관리 잘 하셔야 될듯. 그리고 장기간 약 먹고 있는데 이... 약이 치료제가 아니라 댐에 물 가두어 둔거와 같다고 생각 됩니다. 공황발작이라는 큰 물을 댐으로 막고 있는거죠 그러다 약을 끊으면 한방에 터짐다.
I'm going trough what I think it's the worst moment of my life at 24 years in age, your words are encouraging, but I really feel like I've lost to deppresion, and that I am at a point beyond return
데이브님 많이 고생했다... this video came at the right time, last year I started to, idk what to call it, panic or anxiety? Or maybe allergy attack? Cuz I never had it ever in my life. I remember my mind being haywire, I was restless and just like in the books, I feel like I had a lump in my throat. If I'm not careful I'd have hard time breathing, the air has a hard time passing my throat, like I'd choke on nothing. It'll get better, probably. Indeed we just live with it I guess. 🫂
이런 영상 만들기 조금 부끄럽지만 여러분 제 스토리 좋게 봐줬으면 좋겠어요! 확실한거는 2020년으로 돌아갈수있으면 몸 관리 조금 더 잘했을거에요 >_<
I was kinda embarrassed talkin' about this, but hope you guys enjoy the video :)
용기에 👏👏👏
힘들어도 이런 이야기 해 주셔서 저도 대단히 감사합니다.
항상 건강하고 힘내세요 데이브 씨
I have been following you for many years, after this I like you even more !
There is nothing to be ashamed of actually you should be proud for explaining so well what happens in those situations (I understand you well. Stress is the origin of all bad…) we are humans not machines but we often forget that..
@@TheWorldofDave Thank you Dave for knowledging me🫶
용기 내 주셔서 정말 감사해요 데이브님. 사실 아무리 마음속 질병에 대한 인식이 개선되었다 한들 요즘에도 정신건강의학과 진료 받으러 간다 하면 주변 사람들 시선이 안 좋은 것도 사실이고, 내 마음이 어떤 상태인지 말하는 것 자체가 부끄러운 일이라고 생각하는 사람들도 많아요. 그러나 그런 사람들에게 데이브님의 영상이 또다른 용기가 될 수 있겠다 싶어 저는 정말 너무 감사해요. 그 용기를 얻게 될 사람이 당장에는 제가 될 것이구요. 인간이란 원체 나약한 동물이라 마음속 병을 완벽히 이겨내지는 못하지만 그 병에 잠식당하지 않고 함께 공존하여 살아가는 방법도 있다고 어디서 들은 적이 있어요. 이 영상을 보니까는 그 말이 떠올랐어요. 데이브님이 그렇게 살아가고 계신 것 같아 부럽기도 하면서 저 또한 그렇게 살고 싶다 생각을 했어요. 이 영상 보고 용기 내서 제 오래된 친구 우울증에게 지지 않고 살아갈 수 있는 방법 열심히 찾아보겠습니다. 데이브님도, 저도, 그리고 영상 보신 모든 분들 우리 꼭 오래오래 행복합시다❤ 진심으루요
그간 고생 많으셨네요. 개구쟁이 같은 모습 뒤엔 이런 아픔이 있으셨네요. 잘관리하시고 항상 좋은일만 있으셔서 발작이 찾아오지 않으시길 기원합니다.
데이브형 형 방청소 영상부터 봤었는데 원래는 유쾌한 형만 보았지만 진지한 모습으로 사람들에게 도움을 주는 말 해줘서 고마워 그리고 브아이 사랑해요.
Panic attacks suck so much. I've had several (including some as a kid that I didn't recognize as that) and they never get easy to deal with. Good on you for speaking publicly about this, as it's a really under-covered and misunderstood thing. I haven't gotten the level of dissociation you described, but that chills and heaviness and dark feeling and such is really awful. Sounds like you were probably having some depression too, which can often go along with it. I notice that your methods of reducing them lines up pretty close to what I've been recommended by doctors and therapists in the past, so great job figuring those out on your own (or with help if you had a professional helping you). Still working on some of those things myself, like exercising regularly, but these things take time and effort and willpower.
For some people they get symptoms that are somewhat similar to heart attacks (hyperventilating, tight feeling in the chest, racing thoughts, light-headedness, etc) too, so something for people to watch out for.
본인에겐 남들에게 드러내기 싫거나 힘들수도 있는 일인데 데이브의 용기에 박수를 보냅니다. 건강하게 잘 극복 해내서 예전처럼 유쾌하고 재미있는 컨텐츠 만들어 주실수있게 응원 합니다
많이 힘들었겠어요. 자신의 경험과 상황을 말하기 쉽지 않았을텐데 고마워요.
공황장애를 받아들이고 긍정적으로 생각하고 생활하니까 좋은 결과 있으리라 믿어요. 힘들더라도 낙담하지 말고 포기하지않기를 기원합니다. 데이브~❤
밝고 재밌는 모습을 예전부터 봐오던 데이브에게도 이런 어두운 일들이 있다는걸 알게 되었습니다. 자신의 아픔을 용기내어 말하는 것에도 상당한 고민이 있었을 텐데, 이렇게 구독자들에게 말해줘서 감사해요. 고민거리를 터놓는 것만으로도 조금은 마음의 짐을 덜었을 거에요.
전 공황장애의 증상인지는 모르겠지만 수험생때 스트레스 크게 받은 이후로 계속 만성 어지럼증을 달고 살아요 ㅜ 뭔가 진짜 자기 의지로 극복 가능한게 아니고 어쩔수없이 찾아오는거고 하니깐 스트레스 받는게 너무 공감되네요.
Hi Dave, I've been watching your videos for years now and recently, after fighting anxiety for years I've had my first big panic attack. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences & advices, I feel like I'm not alone and it's possible to overcome this anxious & stressful period of my life. Stay strong & take care! ❤
저는 10년동안 미국 등 외국에 살았어요. 데이브 유툽이 제게는 큰 재미였습니다. 지금은 다시 한국으로 왔는데 데이브 채널 잘 봅니다. 늘 재미난 영상 올려주세요!
I admire your honesty and the courage to talk about this publicly. It must've been hard to deal with it. I'm so glad you're doing better now ❤
전 제 동생이 공황발작을 일으키는 걸 본적이 있어요. 약먹는다고 말만 듣다가 실제로 사람이 무너지고 소리치고 하는 걸 처음 봤을 때 솔직히 충격이 더 컸습니다.. 지금은 완전히 나아진 것은 아니지만 가족 입장에서는 있는 그대로 받아들이려고 노력합니다. 그래도 시간이 지나니까 완전히 없앨 수는 없어도 조금씩 나아지는 것 같긴 해요. 주변 분들은 이해해주실 겁니다. 응원해요 :)
아이고 데이브 맘이 아프네요. 명상이 큰 도움이되요. 그리고 공황장애있는 많은 사람들이 김주환 교수님 영상 너무 많이 도움 받았다고 하더라구요. 영상이 좀 많아서 딱 하나 찝을 수는 없지만 여유를 가지고 천천히 보면 되지 않을까 싶어요. 스스로를 더 많이 아끼고 사랑해주세요. 토닥토닥 ❤
That's a lot, it's nice that you found your way in the middle of this, but also try to consider going to a psychologist, therapy can also help you. I wish all the best for you ❤❤
이렇게 힘든 시간이 있었다니 마음이 아프네요.
그래도 긍정적으로 받아들이게 되어서 다행입니다.
점점 좋아지길 바라요.
그리고 다른 사람들을 위해 영상 만들어주어서 고마워요.
사실 누구에게나 일어날 수 있는 일이니까요.
항상 건강 조심하세요.
타지에서 얼마나 두려웠을까 증상을 자세히 담담하게 말하는게 맘아프네요 그렇게 밝고 재밌는 영상들을 올리면서 한편으론 공황장애라는 만만치않은 병과 싸우고 있었다니 대단하고 놀랍네요 역시 데이브는 큰사람입니다 완치가 아니면 함께 잘 다스려가면서 쭉 가는거죠 데이브니까 할수있어요 꽤 오래 데이브를 봤는데 더 오래 잘 견디며 잘 지내는 데이브로 보고싶습니다
저도 미국 타지에서 조현병이 두 차례나 발병해서 데이브님 심정을 조금이라도 이해할 수 있는 거 같아요. 그래도 이렇게 허심탄회하게 밝히시고 또 스스로 하나씩 극복해나가시려는 의지가 분명해 보이니 잘 회복되시리라 믿습니다. 아무쪼록 타지에서 좋은 분들과 행복한 추억 계속 유지해나가셨음 하네요. 힘내세요!
I too have been dealing with that paradigm-shifting stress since just before Covid, and another brand of stress for the last decade 🥴 Thank you Dave, this was another reminder of how important it is to take care of yourself during these times. Proper food and sleep are the most basal needs (not even counting exercise yet), but the easiest to fuck up and lose control of when we're not careful. I'm thankful to be in a place where even though the "clouds" persist, I am able to address those needs somewhat better than my past self did.
Of course it was very scary to be alone, whether in the midst of people or literally alone. You disengage completely. Feeling powerless and out of control, like you couldn't do anything, not knowing how to help yourself and no one else could help you. I experienced that feeling again just recently, many years after it first happened. I was surprised to see it, and afterwards I found I was actually able to reflect on what was happening to my body and mind.
Everyone, despite all that happens in this daily life, please remember to be kind to yourselves. ❣️
I have a somewhat similar that happens to me. It is a form of panic attack as its brought out by panic, but its not in a way where I think "this is it, im dying". You did briefly describe something thats called disassociating. This is the feeling where you feel detached from your body, almost like 3rd person viewing yourself. I get that when Im having panic attacks. I get extremely stressed, start panicking and hyperventilating, but then calm. Its like my brain kicks my soul out of my body and says "okay enough, I need to take over and focus on autonomous tasks, you need to take a break over there" I can have really severe versions of it where Im sitting at my desk for hours just looking at my desk, floating around, and only when I come back do I realize its been hours. Luckily I havent had it often and in a way its much better than the stress and panic I was feeling before. Its only been brought on by severe trauma or deep depressions. But its odd the things the body will do to protect itself. Im glad we talk more about mental health nowadays. Thank you for sharing Dave, you're one of my favorite youtubers! Love from Norway
저도 공황발작 오고서 스트레스를 받을 때나 비행기를 타게 되면 항상 숨을 못 쉬어서 심호흡을 해요. 숨을 깊게 들이마시고 내쉬는 게 도움이 된다고 해요. 응원합니다
오래전의 영상에서 왜 미국에 가지않는지에 대한 설명을 하면서 그때도 공황장애에 관한 이야기를 하신적이 있으신데, 사실 우리나라사람들의 인식이
마음속의 병이라고 생각이 되는 정신과라고 하면 인식이 그렇게 좋지를 않고, 그렇다보니, 자신의 마음상태에 대하여 이야기를 하는것을 부끄러워하다보니,
잘 이야기를 안하는 경우가 많습니다. 인간은 원래 나약한 동물이라고는 하지만, 데이브님은 결코 나약하지가 않습니다.이런 이야기를 할수가 있는 데이브님의 용기에
박수를 보내고 싶고 감사한 마음입니다. 아무리 공황장애라고 하더라도 이 병을 이겨나가면서 살아가는 방법도 분명히 있을것입니다. 용기를 내어서 그러한것을
이겨나가시면서 혹시나 우울증등으로 더 확대되지않고 오랫동안 데이브님을 볼수가 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 늘 화이팅 하세요.....^^
겪어보지 못한 저로서는 영상 덕분지에 공황장애를 조금 이해하게 됐어요.. 아직 진행중이지만 지금 이겨내고있는 과정같아요!!! 앞으로 분명 좋아질거고 이겨버릴거라고 생각해요! 잘 하고 있어요😊
솔직히 예술 / 영상제작 / 방송 등등 업으로 삼고 있는 사람들 중.. 특히 오랫동안 그 일을 해왔다면 공황이든 뭐든 있는게 너무 자연스럽긴 해요
저도 5년전 군대 훈련소 2주차 때 첫 공황발작이 와 정말 모든걸 포기하고 내던지고 싶었던 그 순간이 기억이 나네요… 최대한 씩씩하게 티 안내며 훈련하다가도 한번씩 발작이 오던 밤이면 ‘내일이라도 포기할까…’ 하고 몇번이나 고민했었는데 하루하루 버티다 보니 어느새 군생활도 끝까지 잘 마치고 어찌저찌 지금에 이르렀네요ㅎㅎ 요즘도 가끔 스트레스가 너무 심할때면 온몸이 차가워지면서 식은땀이 나고 극도로 불안해지면서 막 심장이 뛰는 그때 그 느낌이 또 조금씩 되살아날때도 있지만 그럴땐 최대한 긍정적인 생각을 하면서 ‘그럴 수 있다…괜찮다…‘ 이러고 마인드 컨트롤을 하며 극복하는 요령이 생겨서 이젠 거의 일상생활에 지장을 주지 않을 정도가 됐어요ㅎㅎ 데이브님도 발작을 본인의 의지로 잘 이겨내고 계신거 같아 참 다행이고 그 동안 얼마나 심적으로 힘드셨을지 생각하면 저도 경험자라 참 마음이 아프기도 합니다ㅠ 그래도 마음의 병을 솔직히 다 털어내셨으니 앞으로는 훨씬 더 좋아지실거에요 같이 화이팅해요!
이런 귀한 영상을 만들어 주셔서 정말로 감사해요!^^
저도 가벼운 공황장애가 생겨났기에 진지하게 영상을 시청했습니다.
저는 언제나 잠이 부족하고 예민한데다 커피를 많이 마시거든요.( 특히, 전날의 수면시간과 직접 관련이 있는 듯해요.)
'공황이 갑자기 생기더라도 놀라지 마라' 는 말씀이 도움 되었어요.^^ 운동 많이 하고 잘 자고 잘 지내도록 해요~^^
I too have this disorder, before this i calm myself down using ice pack on my chest and cold icy water on my head and face..but recently i started drinking a glass of lime diluted in water during the attack.. I cut coffee completely and replace them with tea..i read somewhere that this disorder has something to do with our gut health, so now I'm watching what i eat and eating a lot of food that good for the gut plus handle our stress smart
Hey, Dave, how's it going ? I wish you'd feel much better nowadays. I'm a Korean immigrant in Canada. I've been living in Canada for
more than 30 years. I'd had somewhat similar thing happened to me when I was a teenager back in Korea. I wouldn't say it was a panic attack, but I remember feeling extremely jittery , neurotic and apprehensive randomly at times throughout my middle schooldays. It had a really terrible effect on my study and school exams . Some people might deride me for saying this, but whenever that awful feeling came over me , singing as many Christian hymns as possible and reading some bible verses,and listening to some of great classical music helped me feel much more peaceful and soothing. Why don't you go to any biblically sound church in Seoul and try to build genuine relationship with God. I'm sure it'll definitely help you get over your panic attack symptoms ! And also, take a good care of your body and try to have a positive mindset.
저는 15년 전에 공황장애 진단받고 응급실만 몇번 가고 심하게 와서 1년2개월 약 먹고 지금은 안먹고있어요
힘들겠지만 마음가짐이 중요한거같아요
지금도 스트레스 받으면 어쩌다 한번씩 올라오긴하지만 아는 병이라 진정도 금방되는 편이고 긍정적인 마인드로 이겨내고 있습니다!
예기불안 오지않게 항상 스트레스관리 잘하면서 같이 힘내봐요!
This is so good for raising awareness! We need more YTers to make videos like this. The feeling like you’re watching yourself from 3rd person is called disassociation, and happens when there’s a lot of stress/during panic attacks. I didn’t know panic attacks didn’t always involve hyperventilating, TIL. I remember watching plenty of progressive muscle relaxation videos and guided imagery/meditation (the non/religious one) - they describe a forest or something and it helps calm me down. It might be worth exploring :) thanks for sharing and inspiring me and others. Dave fighting!!
약물치료 받는 것도 많이 도움되는데... 약 끊는 거 어렵지 않고 끊었다고 상태가 다시 나빠지는 일은 흔치 않아요.
한 번 더 고민해볼게요! 약간 운동으로 해결해보고있는데 또 안될때 있더라고요. 많이 비싼가요?
아이고 데이브 맘이 아프네요. 명상이 큰 도움이되요. 그리고 공황장애있는 많은 사람들이 김주환 교수님 영상 너무 도움 받았다고 하더라구요. 영상이 좀 많아서 딱 하나 찝을 수는 없지만 여유를 가지고 천천히 보면 되지 않을까 싶어요. 스스로를 더 많이 아끼고 사랑해주세요. 토닥토닥 ❤
@@TheWorldofDave There are preventative medication you can take for chronic panic attacks, but also ones you can take for episodic ones. I think since you only have it once or twice a month you could take some of the acute/episodic ones. Yes they are addictive, but only when taken over 14 days in a row, which is not how you would take it. Its kinda like nose spray, if taken for more than 7 days in a row then they can become addictive. Pain medication also shouldnt be taken more than 15 days in a month either. I really think you should talk to a doctor and air your concerns about it. I dont know all the different medications, but I know the group benzodiazepines can be taken acutely. For many medications its not that taking them period can become addictive, but the *amount* you take and the *frequency.* Good luck
Thank you for sharing, Dave. I'm happy you have friends around you that can help you in situations like that and understand that you're going through tough times when you have an attack.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I've never really educated myself on panic attacks and I thought they would be way different from what you experienced. So it was a very educating and helpful insight that could be helpful in the future either for myself or in understanding others who might experience this so I can emphasize and understand way more what they're going through.
Very good video, thank you for sharing the story. You did well to realize the problem, look it up, find alternative solutions and most importantly, improve your habits and certain lifestyle aspects to improve your health, both physically and mentally. Hope to see more of your videos, whenever you can make some. Take care of yourself!
아아 처음 알았어요 저도 그런 걸 경험했었는데 그걸 공황장애라고 하는군요. 연예인들이 인간관계의 갑작스러운 변화에서 스트레스를 받을 때 그런 걸 겪는 건 많이 봤는데요. 제가 경험했을 땐 그게 그건지 몰랐어요. 코로나 때 다들 당황스러운 일을 하나씩 겪은 것 같은데 님도 그러셨나 봅니다. 아무튼 좀 나아지신 것 같아 다행이네요.
Hi Dave I’ve been watching your video since 2018 when I started college and your video filled my day. I just want you to know that we love and support you❤ I also experienced mental issue since COVID. I got some mental attack when my whole body feel numb, lost my breath and my mind only think about “what the reason human live” and I get sick because my mind works. My friends told me to get to therapist and it helped me a lot. Maybe therapist will help you. I saw people get mental issue because of COVID and I just wanna say to everyone who read it to stay strong and we aren’t alone❤❤
im really proud of you dave!! this video made me feel more safe
많이 힘드셨겠어요😢화이팅! Cheer up 😊
힘내세요 ㅠㅠ..
Dave님, 해피 엔딩이라서 다행입니다. 초등학생때부터 보는 성인 구독자에요! 응원해요
가식없고 진정성있는 유튜버 데이브 힘내고 건강해지기를 응원해요!!
저 요즘 문화시리즈 정주행하고 있어요!!
데이브님 페이스북 리즈시절부터 쭉 봐왔는데요~
갑작스레 찾아온 손님 때문에 힘들었을텐데,
그럼에도 이렇게 용기내서 공유해줘서 너무 감사해요!
한국어밖에 못하는 제가 최근에 외국인 친구들에게 둘러쌓여서 처음으로 외국어로 대화나눠봤는데
데이브님이 생각나더라구요. 한국에서 적응할 때 이런 기분이겠구나 하구요. 저는 너무 어질어질 했거든요~@_@
데이브님 마음속에 온 손님은 갑자기 찾아왔지만, 내보낼 때는 조금씩 천천히 내보내며 잘 이겨내길 바랄게요!!♡
응원과 격려를 보냅니다!
Thank you for sharing. I recently started having panic attacks. It's not easy to deal with. Hopefully I can get to a point where they dont bother me as much too.
ㅋㅋ 힘내십쇼. 몸이 기침한거라고 생각합니다!
저도 공황장애 일어나면 그날 절반은 몸과 머리가 고장이 나지만..말씀하신것처럼 익숙해지는게 중요한 것 같습니다 ㅋㅋ 삶의일부가 돼서 사실 어쩔때는 내가 안죽을거란걸 알고 그 15분간의 공포를 즐기기도.... 😅
화이팅 !!
Ahh panic attacks. I've had them my whole life, since at least the age of 7 anyway. I overthink everything and find myself unable to do a lot of "normal" activities. Literally last week, my friend and I were meeting somewhere with a big parking lot so I was hoping we would just meet at the front door of the place but nooooo my friend called me! I answered it without any issues....without any panic, without overthinking it and I want it to be like that all the time so badly...I'm exercising more now so I'm thinking that must be why I was able to do that so hopefully this is a real change and not just a rare moment of sanity. Thanks for reading.
Stay strong 🥲💪💪💪
Thanks for sharing this Dave. There is no need to be embarrassed about this. The more we study these cases, I think the more likelihood that we will somehow find the cure. There are brain studies done in U.S. where scanners are used to look at health of the brain. Also, there are now brain exercises done using a game to heal portions of the brain that has not developed properly or damaged. All of us in one way or the other can benefit from these brain studies. Effect of caffeine or other drugs that impact the brain may cause issues like this. For me, I went through many episodes of sleep paralysis. Like you, I know what to do to minimize the re-occurrence. This happens to me when I am tired and I can feel my heartbeat in my head. For me, I make sure I do not put my head against any hard substance and rest my head with my side jaw to support my head when sleeping instead of laying any portion of top of my head. The key is to not hamper or block blood flow to the brain when we are physically weak. I sincerely hope you get cured of this. btw, I have been a fan for a long time. Love from PA, USA.
형 힘내세요
영국남자 시리즈 보다가, 너무 반가운 얼굴을 보게 되서 왔어요. 정말 오랫만에 보네요. 너무 반갑고 기쁩니다^^
절대로 절대로 멈추면 안되지만, 서두를 필요는 없는 것 같아요. 뭔가 문제가 있다고 생각이 들면, 쉬어가는 게 꼭 필요하다고 생각합니다. 물론 유튜브 특징상 오래 쉬는 게 어렵겠지만, 뭐 한달 정도는 괜찮지 않을까요? 아무튼 건강은 행복은 무엇보다 더 중요하다는 걸 잊으면 안되요. 아무튼 너무 반갑습니다 자주 뵈요~
4:47 여기 더 잦아졌다는 말이 less frequent라고 잘 못 번역되어있는 것 같아요!!
데이브님 오랜 시간 쭉 영상 보고 있는데 앞으로도 계속 활기찬 모습 많이 봤으면 좋갰어요😆
내 초딩부터 지금 고3 수험생까지 책임져준 당신... 댓글 잘 안적다가 용기내서 적어요😢 힘내요 데이브!!!!
I've never had a panic attack, so it's interesting to learn its not just an intense overstimulation freak out (I get those frequently lol) but I'm glad you're able to manage them I hope it gets better ♥️ side note: I remember watching a video where someone posted a clip from a nature documentary where a gazelle survives being eaten by a predator by jumping in a lake. When it came out of the water it just sat down and started like shaking and twitching. After a while it just got up and ran off.
The video commentary was about how after extreme stress the gazelle (or antelope?) had to regulate its nervous system by doing the twitching and shaking - and the point was that we live with stress so much constantly and how that shit effects us, and most people don't actively regulate their nervous systems to get rid of the build up of stress in the body.
It makes sense to me that exercise would help with panic attacks - I'd think that's one way of regulating your nervous system 🤔
몸에 염도가 부족하면 각종 병이 생길 수가 있는데, 아침 공복에 소금 한티스푼 넣어서 따뜻한 소금물을 마셔보세요.염도계로 0.9% 맞추면 더 좋습니다. 평소에 소금끼있는 국물 자주 드시고(미역국, 콩나물국,된장국 등등..) 실제로 이 방법으로 약 안먹고 공항장애 완치된 사람도 있음. 커피는 이뇨작용으로 몸속 나트륨을 빼내기 때문에 끊으세요. 소금물 먹으면 어지러움증이나 두통이 올수 있는데 명현현상이니 소금물 양을 조금씩 늘려가보세요
하늘건강법, 황수목의 몸마음,박미경TV 영상 보시면 소금이 왜 중요한지 이해가 가실겁니다.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Dave. My coworker experienced this last week while he was driving on a freeway and he thought he was going to die. His neck tingled, then he lost control of his body, and his vision grew blurry. Thankfully, he was able to pull over and get help. But then it happened again the next day at work at his desk and he also didn't understand why it happened again. I'll share your situation to him and hopefully he'll be able to figure it out like you did.
thank you so much for sharing. it sounds like such a scary experience, maybe even traumatic. i dont know if to call it fortunate or unfortunate that it pushes people to improve their lifestyle XD. i had a panic attack once, in public, the world tuned out and i just kept breathing really hard, it felt like my heart couldnt keep up. but it was because it was extremely stressed. im thankful it doesnt happen to me anymore, but i hope whoever continues to suffer these attacks, please take care of yourself, things will get better.
구독했어요!! ❤🎉🎉
저도 코로나때 힘들었어요😢
this is a really interesting video from a very adult and mature point of view. i have a lot of experience with chronic panic disorders that started really early in life, so its cool to learn from this side too. the harsh truth about panic disorders is that its such a wide range of intensity and symptoms in people. it took me a long time to understand that "mild" attacks are also panic attacks. its not just all hysteria and hyperventilating. it can be "calm" so to speak, to the outside. dissociation, panic attacks, and epilepsy are really difficult to determine which symptoms exactly, and how intense or difficult.
I'm glad we're getting to a point where more people are feeling comfortable enough to share their stories. I started having panic attacks in high school when my breathing would become more difficult. Before I really knew what it was I would panic and make it worse. When it got bad I stayed with anxiety and felt very weak and like death. Now I'm on medicine to help but I do still occasionally wake up with anxiety. Although I do notice a difference with my meds, I try to keep a mindset of I don't need them. Now that I know more about my anxiety and how to deal with it I don't fear it. That alone has made such a difference. Mine tends to come to me at night so I just put on a lighthearted or funny show and do some deep breathing until it passes.
좋은 정보 감사합니다!!
스트레스 오면 탈모올수도 있어요ㅠㅠ 당장이라도 탈모약 사시길...
Yeah same here. I have lived in Japan for the past 5 years, and I have had panic attacks for 4 of them. I'm on meds and stuff but honestly I'm starting to think that the society here just is not for me... I am so exhausted by a lot here... But then there's the risk of going back to America and it being worse than Japan.... I have a lot to think about, but gosh.... Panic attacks are so tiring. I get them almost every week. Last year I had one almost everyday. Idk i just feel so stuck
Best wishes 🙏
흠.... 10년간 공황장애 앓고 있습니다.... 사람마다 증상은 다른데 저 같은 경우는 중증이라 좀.. 화생방훈련+테러에서 산채로 목썰리는 공포가 같이 옵니다 문제는 가면 갈수록 심해 진다는 건데 ... 관리 잘 하셔야 될듯. 그리고 장기간 약 먹고 있는데 이... 약이 치료제가 아니라 댐에 물 가두어 둔거와 같다고 생각 됩니다. 공황발작이라는 큰 물을 댐으로 막고 있는거죠 그러다 약을 끊으면 한방에 터짐다.
성격상 남한테 스트레스 풀지 못하고 술로 해결하거나 참는 게 습관 이였는데 아마 그게 원인이 아닐까 합니다
화나면 참지 마시고 조금이라 그상황에서 푸셔야 됩니다
애초에 스트레스 쌓이는 상황을 피하는게 제일 좋습니다
일도 중요하지만 일단 인간이 살아야 되지 않겠습니까?
Greetings from Kentucky USA ❤❤❤
I'm going trough what I think it's the worst moment of my life at 24 years in age, your words are encouraging, but I really feel like I've lost to deppresion, and that I am at a point beyond return
Thanks for the reminder, I gotta get off the coffee again before it comes back!
I don't know what to say bro, cheers!
나도 공황 있는데
근데 바두라는 앱 아세요?
데이브 얼마나 힘드셨을지 감히 상상도 못하겠어요 ㅠㅠ 저도 딱 한번 겪어봤는데 그 날 기 분을 잊을수가 없겠더라구요. 병원 도움 한 번 받아보세요! 그래도 실 보다는 득이 클거예요. 힘내세요! 늘 응원하겠습니다🧡
I literally jumped out of my seat and screamed because I thought someone was behind me @3:05
Right everyone was experiencing anxiety, depression and panic attacks during COVID-19
Will you plz do super sentai all henshin and roll call that's my special request from Kentucky USA ❤❤❤
여자들의 한달중 그날처럼?
데이브님 많이 고생했다... this video came at the right time, last year I started to, idk what to call it, panic or anxiety? Or maybe allergy attack? Cuz I never had it ever in my life. I remember my mind being haywire, I was restless and just like in the books, I feel like I had a lump in my throat. If I'm not careful I'd have hard time breathing, the air has a hard time passing my throat, like I'd choke on nothing. It'll get better, probably. Indeed we just live with it I guess. 🫂
Will you plz do super sentai all henshin and roll call that's my special request from Kentucky USA ❤❤❤