All Cats Sweet REACTION's Are Funny ....Mind Voices Saying ....SOS ..... PET CRUVELITY SAVERS "HELP US FROM OUR PARENTS THEY ARE TRYING TO FRIGHTEN US" .... 😅😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😇😇😇😇
I just lost one of my cats today. He's still young. The most active and talkative cat I have ever had. Took care of him for only a few years. Missed him so much. 😢😢😢😢😢
I'm so sorry! I know what you're feeling! I've lost cats before. I adopted 2 senior cats from the shelter 2 years ago & that's something I worry about. They're 13 years old sisters from the same litter. Rest in peace, sweet baby!😢🌈🌁
Im so sorry. I lost my favorite cat this last August to an unexpected illness. Blocked urinary tract. Apparently boy cats that are neutered and in the house are more at risk and need special food and I wish they had told me when I got him fixed. He was only 2. He was beautiful and so smart. Spent 2k trying to save him but it was too late. I know it hurts so bad.
@@JonasBass-vf5lb tell that to the veterans who have fought for this country, but you would rather feed cats and dogs then to give them a new lease on life
The two people who replied your comment are lame asf especially the second one, you're right, as a person who had that knife as a toy sometimes the sharp point of it did hurt
😂😂It was as if there was an orange cat coming to my house to give her food, and one day there was a plate in my hand and she was looking at it with an innocent face and said, “Give it to me.” I joked with her and did not offer it to her, so she looked at me with a cute, disappointed face.
Yes! It's crazy that there isn't many comments like this one! I totally agree, I know it's not hurting them but cats don't like to be poked and stuff, it irritates them and it's just mean. They didn't ask for that, imagine going up to a person and doing that, things probably wouldn't go so well. Be kind to your animals.
Даже если нож игрушечный, то это не повод и не игра так вести себя с кошками и собаками. Хозяев бы также потыкать. Не люблю когда так обращаются с животными.
I don't like the toy knife one, I know the blade is sprung, but it probably still feels weird on their skin - I feel like it's betraying the cat's trust, but that's just me, I don't enjoy practical jokes in general, whether that be to a human or an animal ... I may be a kill-joy, but that's just how I feel!
Thank you. And anyone who actually thinks that the cat takes this as a joke is a complete fool. It takes a long time to gain the trust of a cat and this is a sure fire way of losing that trust.
@@sspsfivefivefive Any shock-scare trick on a cat is horrible - it betrays their precious trust in their humans ... even though I've shared my home with my little girl for 3 years, I always speak gently before approaching her when she's sleeping, I hate to startle her, so these scaring cat videos are very jarring to me 💔
Не то что мило им больно это однозначно, они сперва нож об диван и другие твёрдые предметы тыкать и видно сопротивление есть при давке,кошки мягкие и нежные им больно😮
the knife toy one makes me kinda mad tbh, even tho it retracts, the tip of it will still poke the kitty, and it probably feels weird on their skin, and in one of the videos the lady poked directly into the cats neck, making the cat hiss because their neck is a sensitive area.🙁??
ils pointent toujours leur "couteau jouet" sur les zones sensibles du chat, notamment le dessus de la tête et le ventre, ça leur fait littéralement mal
если бы им было больно, реакция была бы совсем другая. им... странно :) непонятное чувство дискомфорта, вызванное действием кожаного, которому они доверяют.
I think cats are the most beautifulest animal God created
Todos los son🐒🦍🦧🦮🦊🐯🐴🫎🐎🦄🐅🦓🦬🐂🐃🐄🐪🐑🐏🐖🐪🐫🦁🐿️🐹🦫🦇🦇🦥🐼🐻❄️🐻❤los bichito me dan asquitos pero también son necesarios❤
Concordo:Apesar de tbm 💖 cães...😚😍
ITS swan the beautifull..
Beautifulest😂😂😂 RIP ENGLISH
Yes 100%
The cat when her toy taken she looks so much cute ✨😊
Bobby kertanegara ya..kucinge pak president prabowo..ganteng poll meong
@@dewimaharany5767 What do you mean?
@@dewimaharany5767Itu kucingnya dari malaysia lol...namanya yoyo..
Cats name is YOYO..From Malaysia..😊
Kucing dari perlis
Second one is my favourite😂❤
I was going to say the same thing xd
Amazing fur coat
His name is cabinet❤❤
Garfield 😂
Really how much cute they are.. 😘💝
4th one is dangerous ⚡😂
He's not taking anymore crap
That's in nature😺
The devil came out of him 😂
The one holding the cute doll, if you take it, he gets angry, if you give it to him, he is happy.😂😅😊
it from malaysia..the cat name was yoyo
Not angry is crying
@@wangander9787apa ig owner kucing tu? nak tengok kucing diaa
poor kitty ngl ;_;
Now I see why Benson was addicted to cat videos 😂❤
Benson who?
Sometimes I wish i could live on an island with only cats and dogs. They are all so precious.
Well i mean it's still a pointed object so it does probably hurt a little.
Edit: damn I didn't think this many people would get so upset over this!
sensitive much
@@noreturn-g5z strange response lol
When its a cat experiencing discomfort for a yt short yeah im sensitive @noreturn-g5z
@@noreturn-g5z projecting much
Ben non la lame ne penetre pas justement😂
저런건 진짜 보기 싫네요... 애기들 한테는 보이지 않는 내상을 입힐수도 있어요 ㅠㅠ
Why do people that I’m a furry just because i like cats. their just cute 😢😢
The 2nd kittey...soooo adorableeee❤❤
Fourth cat 🦁
his name iscabinet 😂🎉
Scotch cat type
القطط تتألم بجد وهي مخلوقات رقيقة جدا وهذا ليس مزاح 😢
What about other animals
مش بوجع
Cats are definitely not delicate creatures. They are wild animals by nature, they are used to rough treatment.
@@-ui3eq الا اللعبة مؤلمه قليل...
ايوة حتى لو كانت لعبة ، القطط لاتزال تتألم
They're so cute, lovely. But that still hurts them a little..
No it doesnt
I am afraid so.. its like pushing something hard agains your body..
Yeah, these always bug me. Especially with their necks/chest area, very sensitive
It doesn't hurt them at all.
@@skyboi8650 yes it does
All Cats Sweet REACTION's Are Funny ....Mind Voices Saying ....SOS
صحيح 👍، حتى السكين اللعبة تؤلم 😖، القطط مسكينه 😣💔
Me dió más pena al que le dió en el cuello 😔
@@クローバー-f6xthat's a light spring that can be retracted by cats themselves. Stop being dramatic.
I think cats are the most beautifulest animal Good cread
I just lost one of my cats today. He's still young. The most active and talkative cat I have ever had. Took care of him for only a few years.
Missed him so much.
sorry for your loss, the same happened to me this year and it does really scarred my heart.
I'm so sorry for your loss 😢
I'm so sorry! I know what you're feeling! I've lost cats before. I adopted 2 senior cats from the shelter 2 years ago & that's something I worry about. They're 13 years old sisters from the same litter. Rest in peace, sweet baby!😢🌈🌁
Prayers and blessings to all animale lovers all over the world that needs it.
Im so sorry. I lost my favorite cat this last August to an unexpected illness. Blocked urinary tract. Apparently boy cats that are neutered and in the house are more at risk and need special food and I wish they had told me when I got him fixed. He was only 2. He was beautiful and so smart. Spent 2k trying to save him but it was too late. I know it hurts so bad.
Really How much cute they are..☺️
Так он все равно больно упирается им, даже если на пружине
Yo tuve uno y no duele ni hasta haciendo fuerza
Eu amo gatos até qui eu tenho um gato😂
@@juarezm9545fuera de contexto xd
Ну от пружины зависит,.
Да вообще издеваются над животными!
The Third Cat Sounded Like Some One Opend a Door On 3 at night😭
Edit: Thanks For 876 Likes
Haunted House Door Ahh Meow😅
The 4th one
The 4th one
🎆 🎇
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته ❤️
مرحبا ممكن بعد اذنك تصحح الكتابة بالأسم عندك غلط شكرا لك
@ganali8418 كاتبتها كويس والله، بس التطبيق نفسه مخربها
Adorable babies!😻
Ekspresi kucingnya bener² kyk mqnghayati bgt lo😂😂
It’s amazing to me how much compassion that people will show animals, but pass by a homeless person and call him a bum and walk by
Cats are innocent humans not so much. That hobo may be a good dude or may be a druggy looking to steal money
@JonasBass-vf5lb hey that's not nice not all addicts are bad ppl. That stereotype has to end. Addiction is a terrible disease..
Humans have it within their power to change their circumstances. Animals can't.
@@JonasBass-vf5lb tell that to the veterans who have fought for this country, but you would rather feed cats and dogs then to give them a new lease on life
@ sometime the forces that be take their power, but you sound like you are more for an animal than for your fellow man
@@Александра-л3хit doesn't "press hard" it's a plastic retractable knife. These don't require much thrusting force to be pushed inwards.
They are all so cute❤❤😊
They all r soooo beautiful nd cute 🥰
It still hurts. Their skin is sensitive.
It doesn't hurt. The late reaction from the kitten means it actually felt nothing.
If it hurts they'd have hissed and sprinted off
ahh. come on!
it's thin, not sensitive. and if they felt pain they'd move or attack.
@@skyboi8650 The 4th one did hiss
那個刀就算只是道具不會刺進去 但是
Não, ela não doi. Já teve uma de brinquedo? Ou só está falando mesmo?
Senin bunu söylemeye hakkın mı var? Siz kedi köpek yemeğe bayılırsınız
The two people who replied your comment are lame asf especially the second one, you're right, as a person who had that knife as a toy sometimes the sharp point of it did hurt
The little white kitten is my favorite. Adorable reaction
cats are much more delicate then humans and even if you think your not hurting them you might be
My guy I could fall off the bed wrong and snap my neck
Precisely. I got a hold of one of these as a kid and ouch! I can't imagine how their delicate bodies feel :-(
I can . they are fine @@mishacumberbatch
😂😂It was as if there was an orange cat coming to my house to give her food, and one day there was a plate in my hand and she was looking at it with an innocent face and said, “Give it to me.” I joked with her and did not offer it to her, so she looked at me with a cute, disappointed face.
Naah... they got 9 lives.They're tough and agile!!THEY CAN BE BEYOND OVER DRAMATIC.😏
Those poor kitties. I know it’s not a real knife but I still feel anxious watching this. 🐈
It still irritates them
Me too 😢
Yes! It's crazy that there isn't many comments like this one! I totally agree, I know it's not hurting them but cats don't like to be poked and stuff, it irritates them and it's just mean. They didn't ask for that, imagine going up to a person and doing that, things probably wouldn't go so well. Be kind to your animals.
Yang pegang boneka Teddy bear mirip kucingnya presiden "Bobby" 😂
Kucing di Malaysia lupa nama nya
@@adamsolo4730 yoyo namanya
@@adamsolo4730 namanya YoYo bang
Woo cure Very very very uhhhh 😅😅 cUtE😊😊😊😊
Suara Oyen paling mesra😂
저게 사람한테 찌르면 안 아프지 고양이는 저렇게 찌르면 아프지. 아기 고양이한테 한 거는 진심 미친 거 아니냐 주인이 저런 행동을 하고 좋아하는 것도 황당하네. ㅡ ㅡ
These knives are not harmful
국산캣맘이 해외영상까지와서 국가망신주고있네
@@비정상이정상인세상 외국인들도 고양이한테는 아플거라는 댓글 많고 좋아요도 많이 찍혔는데 혼자 눈막귀막 지리네
😊 I love cats.They feel special to me and dogs☺️🐕🐈🐶
I definitely buy it too😅😅
First is my favourite 🤣🤣🤣
Нельзя так издеваться над такими чудными созданиями
Где ты видел издёвки?
ეს რა საშინელებაა.როგორ შეიძლება ამხელა ტრამვა მიაყენოთ ფისოებს.
@@indica_mask そういうことじゃない。サディスティックだと言ってるのよ。
Super 😊
장난감이래도 고양이가 아파해
Yes 😢
Так вы же их едите 😂
@@Korzik1869 вот что вы написали это стыд!
@@Korzik1869 че не прав я?
장난감 칼이지만 찌르는건 상상으로도 하기 싫습니다.
Даже если нож игрушечный, то это не повод и не игра так вести себя с кошками и собаками. Хозяев бы также потыкать. Не люблю когда так обращаются с животными.
Согласна с Вами и поддерживаю!
Это всего лишь игрушка -_- че сразу пишите такое, я сам бы посмотрел как сами ножом тыкали бы своих питомцов:))
You need know the Cats dont hace pain In that toys
о нит! у них же будит перилом шерсти
cute cat my favorite animal is cat 😺 its very cute 🥰🥰❤❤😅😅😊
I don't like the toy knife one, I know the blade is sprung, but it probably still feels weird on their skin - I feel like it's betraying the cat's trust, but that's just me, I don't enjoy practical jokes in general, whether that be to a human or an animal ... I may be a kill-joy, but that's just how I feel!
Thank you. And anyone who actually thinks that the cat takes this as a joke is a complete fool. It takes a long time to gain the trust of a cat and this is a sure fire way of losing that trust.
Yes it's not funny or cute
@@sspsfivefivefive Any shock-scare trick on a cat is horrible - it betrays their precious trust in their humans ... even though I've shared my home with my little girl for 3 years, I always speak gently before approaching her when she's sleeping, I hate to startle her, so these scaring cat videos are very jarring to me 💔
@@aufache exactly - why would you intentionally pretend to hurt your cat, I just don't get it 😭
Naw. It’s funny
My babyyy ...... 😂😂
Edited: OMG ty
@Blue-11-p 白い子猫乗っけてるおにゃのこの脚で立った
Awwww..kutu baby❤❤❤
1 to 4 no. cat , height of cuteness ❤❤❤❤😘😘😘
Feels like Talking Tom cat 😅😅
Masya Allah.. lucu banget 😂
아프겠다.. 피부도 사람보다 훨씬 얇은데ㅜㅜ
이게 재밋나요? 장난감칼이래도 그 칼의 개념을 생각한다면 넘 끔찍하지않나요? 이걸보고 어린애들은 진짜칼로 찌를수도있어요 모르니까요 당장 내리세요!! 무지한 유튜버다 웃음이 나오나
Cat starts crying when you take his toy 🥰😂
Very very nice ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Apasih sipit
Terinspirasi dari ketenangan kucing saat di tusuk pisau😮❤❤❤
Бедний питомцы😢💔 Такое отношение (с игрушечным ножом) это совсем не мило!!!
Не то что мило им больно это однозначно, они сперва нож об диван и другие твёрдые предметы тыкать и видно сопротивление есть при давке,кошки мягкие и нежные им больно😮
I agree. There are too many who get ideas from these type of videos.
Я на начале подумала что это реальный нож ваткнули😅😢
De thương quá con ❤❤❤
They are like we are so busy ❤❤😂😂
I love cats😍
the cat when take her toy she looks so beautiful ❤
That cat is from Malaysia and the name is YoYo.
장난이라도 이런 장난은 싫어용😢😢😢😢😢
Я тоже не одабриваю подобного рода действия! 😏👍
Russian ppl be like":☠🤡💔@@Alicia3Lonely248
All cate are so cute
id verry Intelligent cat😊
Such sweet kittens❤😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I Love cute cats❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Кошачий торт 🤣
the knife toy one makes me kinda mad tbh, even tho it retracts, the tip of it will still poke the kitty, and it probably feels weird on their skin, and in one of the videos the lady poked directly into the cats neck, making the cat hiss because their neck is a sensitive area.🙁??
ils pointent toujours leur "couteau jouet" sur les zones sensibles du chat, notamment le dessus de la tête et le ventre, ça leur fait littéralement mal
J ai pensé à la même chose, car sinon ils n'auraient pas fait un petit miaulement.
Si, no tiene nada de divertido.
oh no , a poke 🙄
That fake knife probably actually hurts them!!😾
@@shinjid3705 The tip is still out. They still hurt.
Nope. 😊
I love cats ❤❤❤❤❤ and all animals....
Милота, рыженький вообще прелесть.
А четвертый котяра с пухлыми щеками и навалять в ответку может 😂
Lucu banget kucing nya!!!!!!>
Doesn't it hurt although it's not a real knife. I think those little feel pain.
So cut ❤😊❤
Sometimes that actually hurts please be gental❤❤❤
What? «Be genital»!?
yeah but they are fine .
يا رب يحفظكم لها😊😊😊😊 كثير كثير حلوه❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
可哀想だから止めてあげて 人にやっても痛いのに
أحبائي أرجوكم لا تعذبون الحيوانات بهذه الطريقة 💔
Вообще-то им больно, потому что плотность кожи другая
если бы им было больно, реакция была бы совсем другая.
им... странно :)
непонятное чувство дискомфорта, вызванное действием кожаного, которому они доверяют.
@МаксимКочетков-к9ж иди моему коту так сделай он тебе всё лицо расцарапает
@МаксимКочетков-к9ж моему коту так сделай я посмотрю потом на тебя
@@balinor7975 один твой кот, против кучи экземпляров в ролике.
статистика не в твою пользу.
@@МаксимКочетков-к9ж да я смотрю все коты на видео довольны когда в них тычут
Waaaa so cuteee🥰
Такие очаровашки,мягкие милые и беззащитное,зачем так шутить,им наверно так больно😢
Всё верно! 😏👍
Это просто ужасное поведение над беззащитными животными ((( 😏👎
И здесь нет ничего смешного! ((( 😏
Чо смеётесь это Аллаха сделал это чудеса у котиков ну это игрушечная нож я понимаю но они ах говорят что это боль мне даже чуствуйтся 😢
Согласна с Вами! 😏👍
इनको जितनी बार भी देखो उतना ही कम है ❤❤😂
The bird is cool😅 i Wish it for my cat
So cute 😍💯