American Reacts What do Dutch Europeans think of Americans?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 264

  • @admusik99
    @admusik99 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +68

    I'm black and currently live in Barcelona. I am originally from the UK and have also lived in Italy, Ireland, Germany, and Croatia. There is, of course racism everywhere to a degree, but nothing compares to what I witnessed during my travels around the USA. That was WILD to me.

    • @unclejoeoakland
      @unclejoeoakland 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Would you please tell me about it? I'm a white fellow in Northern California and it perhaps I'm not the best equipped to observe it but in my region it seems to be mostly a dealt with problem. Nonetheless I do hear of some areas of the country being absolutely backward- remarkably, up north like Boston and Philadelphia. I would love for you to elaborate on what you saw and where. I don't know a better opportunity for someone inside to learn than from an insider. Like a fish in the fishbowl being told about water if you see what I mean.

    • @admusik99
      @admusik99 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@unclejoeoakland It was more about how open and direct some people were towards me in their dislike to me being black. In my experience, in Europe the racism is far more subtle and hidden in undertones, whereas my experience in certain areas of the USA, i.e., Alabama, people were direct with their opinions and pre conceived ideas. I have to add that the minute these people that were somewhat rude or offish towards me heard my British accent, it all changed, and they couldn't have been nicer to me. I have never experienced issues in LA, NYC, or Miama, so it seems very much where you go. I've never visited Texas, but I have colleagues who have experienced racial issues there, too.

    • @zak3744
      @zak3744 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Just over twenty years ago now (when I was still young 😄) I visited America for a few weeks backpacking (New York, Raleigh, San Diego, San Francisco). I don't want to comment on racism per se, as I didn't see from a first-hand perspective huge amounts of nastiness based on people's race, but as a British traveller I was taken aback by how much of a part race seemed to play in the American life, how racialised and informally segregated the society was.
      I remember being in Raleigh, in North Carolina, and I'd been there for three or four days and was in an out-of-town shopping mall at a fast food court (peak American, haha) and there was a teenaged couple at the next table, obviously seemed to be in the first stages of a high school romance, very sweet. Anyway, something else about them was niggling at the back of my brain, and then I finally realised it: they both had different skin colours. And you know how in a bad zombie movie the hero realises that a person isn't just a bit ill, they're a zombie, and then the scales fall from their eyes and they look round and realise everyone around them is a zombie too but they never noticed, it was kind of a bit like that! I hadn't really noticed it before, but I don't think I'd seen a single mixed-race couple/friendship group walking around town the entire three days, and looking around the mall it was suddenly so obvious: there are some black friends, there are some white friends, there's another black friendship group, there's a table full of Chinese kids, and so on. It wasn't that I'd seen different people being confrontational with each other, and it wasn't that I hadn't seen people of different races interacting and being friendly with each other, but that was all in more forced, public interactions: on the bus, or customer/employee interactions or co-workers or whatever.
      It was when it came to private interactions (like choice of friendship groups or partners, or entire bars/restaurants/areas of town seemingly being "for" different races of people), the apparent self-segregation and the seeming importance of racial group identity was wild, at least to me as a little 19 or 20 year-old UK person. Like even if they're getting along well, and even if they'd welcome individual people of different races, it seemed like different groups of people living side-by-side, rather than living together. Even if Americans think they're doing it as a positive thing, celebrating some racial group identity or community solidarity or something, it's still seeing society through the lens of race and it just all felt a bit creepy and like the start of a horror film!

    • @unclejoeoakland
      @unclejoeoakland 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @admusik99 this is fascinating. You see, I have heard different accounts from different people. I have some black friends who are quite clear that they prefer the up front and matter of fact behavior of southern white folk to the seeming friendliness of much of the north, simply because then they can frankly address it. This carries some baggage in the form of the way neighborhoods are shaped and so called good neighborhoods and school districts or realty markets are formed but there is also stuff like the entirely concealed quiet racism like Boston. But I have other black friends who really prefer the manners shown in the north, and find the south to be an absolute trial. I suspect that for them they figure as long as they aren't being subject to outright abuse, they can find a modus vivendi. I guess we have a lot of growing to do ywt as a nation.

    • @unclejoeoakland
      @unclejoeoakland 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @zak3744 what Ive seen of it, it's a lot better now for social mixing and even interracial courting. The kids are definitely better than the previous generations. Which is a bit why I get so peeved when the elderly whine about how useless the youngsters are. They may not know how to drive manual transmissions but they seem to abandon the foolish old superstitions.

  • @lordwalker71
    @lordwalker71 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    The problem with the U.S is that from the time people are children they are told that the U.S is #1 and it's the best place in the world, I know that kids used to have pledge allegiance in school not sure if they still do. The problem with that is it's not true and never has been but a lot of people there truly believe because they have never traveled outside of the U.S and experienced new things. I think another major problem there is that there is much religion there and it constantly gets brought into politics which it never should be.

    • @Maesterful
      @Maesterful 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Their biggest theme park claims to be the happiest place on earth despite the queues and ridiculous prices, says it all about this Mickey Mouse country

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I lived 7 years outside the U.S. including Europe, S. America, and Asia. I've been to over 50 countries. America is the best after an extensive comparison. Are you a Brit? I lived I lived in Richmond for a year, the best the UK has to offer, and I returned to all the countries of Britain just last May.

    • @arjan2713
      @arjan2713 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Which metrics do you use to say the usa is the best?

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      America has twice the number of Nobel Prize winner than the next country (Switzerland). America takes in more immigrants than any other country. America has the most powerful military in the world, so N. and S. America continents, NATO, even the U.N. hide behind their strength. America has the world's innovators, think iPhone, MS Windows, Facebook, Amazon, the only way the world can cash in on innovation is to fine these companies billions for some infraction such as monopoly. The biggest company in the world is WalMart. The biggest exporter of cheese in the world is the USA. America put men on the moon. America has the most international patents in force, 3.1 million of them. The 40 (at least) top selling motion pictures worldwide are all American. America wins the Olympics every four years. Most popular music, books, periodicals, all American.. The world consumes Budweiser, Starbucks, McDonald's, and Coca-Cola, all the world's best sellers. Should I go on?
      Are you going to tell me that you think the fresh bread from your local bakery is better than in all of America? @@arjan2713

    • @mikefraser4513
      @mikefraser4513 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      There's an interesting book which should be taught in schools . It's called "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" by James W. Loewen

  • @leefordham725
    @leefordham725 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +50

    'Dutch Europeans'? Is the 'European' moniker necessary? Where else would the Dutch live? I🤔

    • @alanfairbrother890
      @alanfairbrother890 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      I’ve said the same before I saw your post. So many Americans think Europe as a country like the US and the countries of Europe like states. Rather than a continent with 49 sovereign countries.

    • @MLWitteman
      @MLWitteman 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      In the Caribbean part of the kingdom perhaps? There are six islands in the Caribbean that are part of the kingdom of the Netherlands.

    • @alanfairbrother890
      @alanfairbrother890 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Maesterful no because there are 49 different countries with 49 different cultures.

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Curacao, Aruba, and Sint Maartin?

    • @herrbonk3635
      @herrbonk3635 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It's not wrong though... it's like "labrador dogs".

  • @Luke-qj5jn
    @Luke-qj5jn 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Fun fact: you won't find any European drinking from 20l barrel at home. we should buy you glasses to drink from LMAO

  • @VoidDragon82
    @VoidDragon82 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I’ve lived and worked in 6 different countries on 3 different continents. I spent 2 years studying in the USA (94-96), and worked there after uni for 2 years. I’ve also traveled to 34 different countries, sometimes holidays and sometimes for conferences (I’m an archaeologist, nothing fancy lol). But I was born and live in the UK; still live here. I’ve dealt with racism in the UK and abroad, but I felt that was down to ignorance; remedied by talking. Whereas in the USA, there was this pervasive and disturbing racism. Judgmental, a sense of superiority and pride in ignorance. Just getting through the airport is troubling; getting pulled out for “random searches”, and everyone that’s being searched is a POC? Never had that experience in the UK or the EU. The people on the other hand are just like any other, but their is still a superiority complex; the US propaganda manual of “we are the greatest country on earth” and “we are the only country with freedom and democracy”. Those phrases are said so often, by bother the right and the US version of the left, even though these no evidence to substantiate this claim. Love that you’re open minded and willing to learn, AND that you don’t mind feeling uncomfortable confronting your bias (we all have biases). 👍🏾

  • @craiglist879
    @craiglist879 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I love how you manage to stand back and listen to both arguments before making up your mind. I really enjoy your channel and the wide range of topics you cover. You have an open mind and as you say in your introductions, you want to learn. Keep up the good work Connor.

  • @dav147
    @dav147 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    Hi Connor, not sure America is as free a country with less rules, Christ you can't cross a road crossing without breaking the law😂

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You need to learn something didn't come from the internet. Everybody parrots the same things about America, and you guys are fascinated by "jay walking", which is crossing a road while avoiding designated crossing lanes (like the Beatles 'White" album) and traffic lights. Otherwise, there's no such thing. Do ever honor crossing lanes, bike lanes, HOV lanes, passing lanes, and waiting areas or do you just do as please in your country?

    • @Sine-gl9ly
      @Sine-gl9ly 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      In my country, as a pedestrian, I have the absolute right to cross and recross the public (see that word? Check it in the dictionary!) highway wherever I wish or need. With some common-sense and a certain consideration for other users, and for my own safety, assumed, of course.
      Public highways were in place long, long before cars were even a twinkle in their European inventor's eye, and all of us who contribute to society - not just the drivers - also contribute to the building, upkeep and repair of them. Drivers of motor vehicles only use the public highway by licence and permission; others use them _as of right_.
      It is perfectly reasonable that the most vulnerable user of the public (that word again!) highway should have the most rights and consideration; might is NOT right, whatever the Russians and the USians think and however they act.

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's the same in America, I can cross the highway wherever I want or need. Common sense is key, with consideration for others and safety. Jaywalking only applies to busy city streets where they have created nearby pedestrian crossings with signs and street markings to tell pedestrians and drivers that people are likely to cross the street at these locations. Jaywalking is a crime only where drivers will be inconvenienced or put in danger because some dumb European might be too lazy to walk half a block to a proper crossing area. @@Sine-gl9ly

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So if you're a pedestrian, you love this legality, you only get charged if you cross carelessly and cause and accident. But if you're a driver, you must hate it when that same careless person forces you to brake or swerve. That sounds like a net-net for pedestrians vs. drivers, but I wouldn't call that "freedom" that America doesn't have. Pedestrians are "free", drivers have another burden. @@Kit-if3fb

  • @Dave.Thatcher1
    @Dave.Thatcher1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    American Football = 10?% sporadic play, and 90% staring at each others Butts discussing what to do next!😅

    • @gluteusmaximus1657
      @gluteusmaximus1657 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I guess it's because the ball is one foot long. When the US is finally changing to metric measurements, they will rename it 30.480 cm-ball. ;-)

  • @wimschoenmakers5463
    @wimschoenmakers5463 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    07:25 Drinking out of a big five liter bottle of water during reacting to this Video is something you would never see in Europe. We don't even need cup holders in our cars. You are a fine example of a American !

  • @letheas6175
    @letheas6175 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I don't mind US'ians, I mean I wouldn't want to live in their country for sure, but it's always fun hanging with them here in Amsterdam. Just one thing- THIS ISN'T DISNEYLAND, stay out of our bike lines. You wouldn't walk onto a highway either right? Anyways love your content as always :)

  • @solidsteel3634
    @solidsteel3634 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    The point is: Europeans do not live under a rock 😅

  • @MLWitteman
    @MLWitteman 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Haha awesome video. Every country has its pros and cons. The Netherlands isn’t a paradise either. I think we can still learn quite a lot from each others countries! And don’t worry, the bond between our two countries isn’t that easily broken. Although a second term for Trump might cause some very serious damage.

    • @laziojohnny79
      @laziojohnny79 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Seeing the last outcome of the elections I think a majority or at least a substantial part of the Dutch would rather see Trump back as POTUS. I sure would.

    • @magnusalexander2965
      @magnusalexander2965 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@laziojohnny79 Given Trump's weak support for NATO it would be a potentially existential crisis for Europe if he got back in office, given the fact that we're in the middle of a European war that is only kept in check by American economic and weapons support. If NATO doesn't have America's full support no country in Europe is safe

    • @Forevertrue-z2w
      @Forevertrue-z2w 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@laziojohnny79 Me too

    • @ladyd8339
      @ladyd8339 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The Dutch live in a smaller country so bikes, buses and trains are more available! Walking and biking aren't reasonable in the US! Also less food and food storage are available in the Dutchland! The Netherl
      ants seems cleaner than the US! Maybe it has better rules on sanitation or the people are cleaner/neater!

    • @MLWitteman
      @MLWitteman 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@ladyd8339 that’s not the reason why we have all of these modes of transport. Germany, France, Japan & China are much bigger countries and they also have perfect public transport. How many kilometers or miles do you travel on a daily basis? I travel 26 kilometers to work everyday. And to my university even further. I just need to get to a train station, and the train will get me everywhere within Europe. I travel to this train station on my bike, because my city has a train station. I just need to travel to work, and university for long commutes. That’s a commute of 60 minutes from door, to door. The United States used to have a similar system, before it was destroyed to make room for cars, parking lots and highways. They tried to do that over here as well, but luckily they stopped it, before all of our heritage was destroyed. Which remained from what survived the Second World War. North America can choose to return to this same way of travel, if it chooses to diversify its way of transportation.

  • @alanfairbrother890
    @alanfairbrother890 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Why did he use the term Dutch Europeans, there is no other type of Dutch person but plain Dutch.
    Why do so many Americans think Europe is a country.
    The title should be just, what the Dutch think of Americans
    Or if it was another country what the Italians think of Americans not what European Italians think of Americans.

    • @hunchbackaudio
      @hunchbackaudio 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You forgot there is something called the Dutch Caribbean.

    • @mikefraser4513
      @mikefraser4513 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      And there's the Double Dutch.

  • @incoocat150
    @incoocat150 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    From a European perspective, the US feels less like a country and more like a collection of people with a similar mindset. And I think this very thing changed massively under Trump, and the country that was once united, where people pursued the same goal vanished. Now there is 'us' and 'them', and the gap between the two is ever increasing, because of Trump. Perhaps his persona is just a symptom of something else in the background, but time will tell what just happened in the past few years on the other side of the pond.

    • @Forevertrue-z2w
      @Forevertrue-z2w 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Why do you blame Trump for everything wrong in US? This old guy now and majority before Trump did nothing to present your country in a good way.

  • @DougBrown-h1n
    @DougBrown-h1n 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    I've heard it said that Americans are the most self-obsessed, and at the same time the least self-aware people in the World.
    I'm from the UK (London), and I see the US as having a really deep seated problem with racism. I was surprised and disappointed that Trumps' racist rhetoric seems to have given many people permission to openly express similar views - which were apparently lurking only just below the surface.
    Over here, we have a small section of society here who are pretty racist, which to a degree seems to correlate with the poorly educated. But their numbers are dwindling, and for most people it's really not an issue these days. There is a strong anti-immigrant sentiment here, but I think that's a different story.
    I'd say most cultures outside the States have a greater sense of social co-responsibility - you might call it practical patriotism. For all of Americas supposed patriotism, if they don't care for the wellbeing of their fellow countrymen, what does that patriotism actually amount to? Is it just the unrealized concept, the armed forces, and "The Flag"?

    • @MsCheesemonster13
      @MsCheesemonster13 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      “… if they don’t care for the wellbeing of their fellow countrymen, what does that patriotism actually amount to?”
      Excellent point. Wish I’d made it. 👍 (Cheshire, UK 🇬🇧)

    • @YojimboKel
      @YojimboKel 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This sounds like it is written by someone who has emigrated to London.

    • @mikefraser4513
      @mikefraser4513 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      When he comes onto his stage clapping to himself, I see all the "Moms for Trump" or "Vets for Trump"...what I don't understand is, I've seen some "Blacks for Trump". (I haven't seen any "Mexicans for Trump" yet.

    • @DougBrown-h1n
      @DougBrown-h1n 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mikefraser4513 It's a mystery to most of us in Europe. Trump is SO easy to see through, his lies and crimes well documented, yet he's adored like a messiah by millions. They are as gullible as small uneducated children.

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There are plenty of Mexican Americans for Trump. Why? Because illegal immigrants undercut the wages of hardworking LEGAL immigrants. They can afford low wages because they are paid "under the table" so don't pay taxes. Their money goes back to Guatelmala so neighborhood loses that purchasing power. They steal identifications, and don't steal Robert Jones, they steal Juan Martinez. The end up in the poorer schools of the Hispanic neighborhoods and over crowd the classrooms and offset teaching time with 2nd-language issues. Nobody likes line cutters. @@mikefraser4513

  • @MsCheesemonster13
    @MsCheesemonster13 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    If you are living in a functioning society, you shouldn’t be completely on your own with little as a safety net, especially if you are vulnerable. A country that is only there for you when you are young, fit and/or wealthy is like a fairweather friend - not to be counted on.

  • @Trebor74
    @Trebor74 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Can America not tell the difference between The Dutch and Pennsylvania Dutch?does it meed clarifying that its european Dutch?

  • @melvincain5012
    @melvincain5012 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Connor, you need to search out the BBC archaeological series "Digging for Britain" into its 11th series.

    • @weepair2
      @weepair2 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It's too complicated for him. He's nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is.

  • @claregale9011
    @claregale9011 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I call the u.s the land of extremes , i just wish a lot more were like you connor willing to be open minded about everything and look outwardly more to maybe see what could be done better in the u.s . 😊

  • @peringefilip
    @peringefilip 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Yes. Brother. 😊👍🇸🇪🇺🇸

  • @squarecircle1473
    @squarecircle1473 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    What you said about politics and sports (Americans get along better in sports and Europeans get along better in politics) is interesting because it often occurred to me that Americans treat their politics like Europeans treat a sport. I dont say that in a joking way. Its as if people pick a team, and every 4 years they get riled up over it. Bumperstickers, signs, etc. The attitude to politics is very sports-like. Funny that you also mentioned something similar.

    • @Forevertrue-z2w
      @Forevertrue-z2w 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Well, American MVP is from Serbia- Nikola Jokic😊

  • @Nettsinthewoods
    @Nettsinthewoods 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    We don’t have anywhere near the racism in Europe that America has. British politicians fought to end slavery in the U.K. back in the 18century.
    Nice Dutch people. It’s a nice country.

    • @sampeeps3371
      @sampeeps3371 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      I'm not sure about that. I think it's more racist in Europe but Americans are more vocal. Have you ever met anyone Portuguese?

    • @hanifleylabi8071
      @hanifleylabi8071 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Racism is a huge problem in Europe it just has different dynamics. And it was unfortunately economic arguments that won round many to abolition of slavery

    • @herrbonk3635
      @herrbonk3635 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@hanifleylabi8071 Yes, systemic racism against "white" people is a problem.

    • @Nettsinthewoods
      @Nettsinthewoods 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@hanifleylabi8071 I agree, but my point is that it is nowhere near as bad as it’s been in the USA and still is

    • @Nettsinthewoods
      @Nettsinthewoods 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@sampeeps3371 I’ve been to Portugal, what are you saying?

  • @laziojohnny79
    @laziojohnny79 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I can't speak for my fellow Dutchies, but overall I l just love Americans.
    Except this one Yankee-Doodle from Rhode Island who stood in the bike lane as if this is freaking Disney Land!

  • @QueeferSutherland1
    @QueeferSutherland1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I've got family and friends on both sides of politics and nobody lets it affect any personal relationships, it's unimaginable falling out with someone because of how they voted.

    • @alanfairbrother890
      @alanfairbrother890 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      It’s like democrats and republicans are two different citizenships in America. Is a bizarre system where people register to be republican or democrat. Instead of just going and voting for who ever they prefer, than to go around with a party label.
      Yes people in all countries vote for the same party, but they don’t call themselves after their party of choice as it was a place 😂😂😂

    • @samolevski1119
      @samolevski1119 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Your avatar is a Scottish flag, so surely you are aware of the bitter divide caused by the independence movement and campaigns - how can you post about it being unimaginable

    • @alanfairbrother890
      @alanfairbrother890 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@samolevski1119 there is division like the rhetoric in US politic. Look at Brexit yes there are those still fighting the fight by leave and remain groups. But again nothing like US division. Not sure there’s any country that has the same rhetoric as the US. Bar un functioning ones

    • @QueeferSutherland1
      @QueeferSutherland1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@samolevski1119 It's unimaginable that I would fall out with a family member or friend over ANYTHING political, I'm sure it happens here just nowhere near to the extent of the US.

    • @michalovesanime
      @michalovesanime 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​​@@QueeferSutherland1lol so you're saying you dont have an identity thats marginalized enough, and/or your family isn't extreme enough. Some people have no choice due to who they are. Its not a flex or a bad thing what you describe. It is a description of a privilege and a lack of politics actually being alive. It's probably just a topic for you. Which is fine. Just realize that for some people political differences in their family means their family would be okay if they were dead, imprisoned or severly mentally ill with no access to help. I know people who have seperated from their family over politics and they usually have multiple levels of marginalization and their families were severly racist etc. It's not something people do for fun or for shits and giggles

  • @t.a.k.palfrey3882
    @t.a.k.palfrey3882 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I attended school in England from age eight to 13, before senior school in S Africa. My age 12 exams included a paper on North America. One question was, "List 30 US states with their capitals. An additional point for each state over 30". I came third in my class on that question. I forgot Nebraska, and couldn't name its or the Montana, Oregon, Vermont, or S Carolina capitals correctly. I wonder how many 12-yr old in the US could do as well with Europe's 50 countries. Remember, I came third out of 12 in my class!! 🤔 ps I still have my exam paper and try it out with my grandsons as they reach 12.

    • @fiachraswaz
      @fiachraswaz 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i got 49 out of 50 on naming american states......fucking wisconsin.......i dont think i'll ever forget it again

  • @garryellis3085
    @garryellis3085 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish their was more Americans like you. Cheers from down under!😊

  • @danmayberry1185
    @danmayberry1185 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Before 2016 racism was quiet, and we assumed Americans were peaceful, modern people.

  • @-manthas373
    @-manthas373 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    it doesnt matter you black japanese chinese or what you are we all people you nice to me im nice to you simple as that

  • @conollytom7049
    @conollytom7049 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    it’s less a basic understanding and more of an understanding of what’s basic 😂

  • @gillcawthorn7572
    @gillcawthorn7572 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It`s a little while since I watched your videos and I am impressed with how your comments are now so appreciative of International matters generally .
    What a boon TH-cam will have been if it can fill in all the gaps that American education seems to have left, according to other US posters .

  • @kaarthuisplus
    @kaarthuisplus 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "I think they're self absorbed and feel superior" I promise you, Dutch people are identical in this but they don't realise it. Same with racism.

  • @daniel4647
    @daniel4647 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's kind of true that you can do more as a business in the US because you have much less regulations and less taxes, even tax havens within your own country. From a European perspective that is generally seen as businesses getting away with exploitation of workers and not paying their fair share back to the community it exploits. For example Amazon didn't want to set up shop in Norway because they couldn't follow our regulations and still make enough profit. But small businesses are actually more likely to succeed here because there are a lot of regulations that help them too, so you can run a business here just fine, but the chances of it becoming a multi billion dollar corporation is slim to non, you'll never have the same profit margins you can get in the US. So, if you want to become a billionaire then the US is definitely the place to be as long as you're also willing to end up on the streets.

  • @albertlay8927
    @albertlay8927 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    About feeling superior: I don't know of other nationalities than US-Americans waving their passport, demanding exclusive treatment because "I'm an American citizen". Just yesterday I saw this short vid on YT with a drunk American in Greece, who had been causing trouble and got arrested by the police, and shouting that he was an American and that he would call in NATO.

  • @secretsdunefeechannel
    @secretsdunefeechannel 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Le vieil homme à 11:25 qui dit "they have trouble living together in a democracy". Nous, français, on a pas ce problème car les deux groupes d'abrutis sont réunis en un seul ... Clairement, je suis d'accord avec l'auteur de la vidéo en parlant du racisme mais perso je trouve que les Américains ont raison de se défendre et d'être patriote, les européens ne se défendent pas et regarde le bordel que c'est en Europe ! Envahissement des migrants et islamistes, c'est un vrai génocide ! Ils ont de la chance d'être sur un autre continent les Américains. Je dirais aux Américains de continuer à rester patriotes car ils ont raison sur ce point.

  • @tonikaihola5408
    @tonikaihola5408 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I had visited quite a few countries before the US and when I saw people riding the seated scooters in the supermarket and on the sidewalks I was like “what is happening”?
    Nowhere else had I seen such a thing.
    I had a good time being there though (4 times).

    • @module79l28
      @module79l28 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I've seen some people riding mobility scooters here where I live in Portugal but it's just because they have disabilities, not because they're lazy or obese.

    • @tonikaihola5408
      @tonikaihola5408 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@module79l28 never seen them in Finland though they would be great for people with disabilities 👍

    • @Maesterful
      @Maesterful 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      In Benidorm they're fecking everywhere mate

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      If they didn't have the mobility scooters they would stay home and you'd never see them.

    • @gillcawthorn7572
      @gillcawthorn7572 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      " Lazymobiles",when not used by people with genuine mobility issues

  • @wittesneeuw
    @wittesneeuw 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Friends of mine visited your beautiful country with a lot of space for nature and animals...That is something we miss over here in the Netherlands......One big thing they were complaining about.....The exceptional high prices for fresh fruit and vegetables..... Something should be done to stop the obesitasepidemic....

  • @matserdam
    @matserdam 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Dutch Europeans?!!?!
    Dutch Netherlanders!

  • @blodrush25
    @blodrush25 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One concern I have, aside from healthcare, is the apparent lack of improvement in American intelligence over the 47 years I've observed elections. People don't seem to become wealthier when Republicans are in power; instead, the rich keep getting richer. Affording basic healthcare remains a challenge-fixing a broken arm or managing conditions like diabetes can cost $1500, whereas in many EU countries, we pay a fraction of that amount monthly 6-7 dollers . If you can't afford it, the government ensures you don't die from your illness.
    It's disheartening to see a perceived decline in intelligence among people in the USA. In contrast, many EU countries manage to prevent deaths due to lack of access to healthcare. Additionally, if Trump decides to withdraw from NATO, it could be detrimental to your country. Alienating the EU could leave the USA with few friends. Some believe Americans think they are indispensable, but in reality, the EU buys more from the USA than the other way around.
    Moreover, there's a noteworthy observation in a video where ordinary things are tested, revealing that many Americans score poorly when it comes to knowledge outside the USA. Even in terms of knowledge about the USA, people from the EU seem to be more informed than Americans themselves.

  • @cygnusx-3217
    @cygnusx-3217 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "...A Dutch court is set to hear a case accusing the state of complicity in war crimes in Gaza due to its supply of components for Israeli bombers.
    "...Launched by human rights organisations against The Netherlands, the case, which opens on Monday, says that the Dutch state is complicit in the alleged war crimes due to the export of F-35 fighter jet parts.
    "....The Dutch branches of Amnesty International and Oxfam, argue that “the Netherlands is contributing to wide scale and serious violations of humanitarian law by Israel in Gaza” by allowing shipments of reserve parts for Israeli fighter jets while the war continues.
    Headline: Netherlands accused of war crimes complicity for Israeli military supplies
    Source: Al Jazeera, December 4
    Comment: Please tell me again about how the Dutch are so virtuous and holy? They're contributing to a gen*side just like Isr*el, US, UK, Germany and France.

    • @karlbmiles
      @karlbmiles 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would not want to be an Arab Palestinian that can't find a home anywhere in the world because of their complicity with Iranian terrorists that kill, rape, behead, and kidnap innocent people. Egypt was offered Gaza, they didn't want it back because it is full of Arab Palestinians. Israel walked away for the same reason. Jordan had Arab Palestinians until 'Black September' when they went to war with the refugees given haven in Jordan. Nobody wants the Arab Palestinians to the point they will kill them before giving them sanctuary, not Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, or Israel, they have that much in common which is why there are peace treaties and embassies in the Mideast now. The only hope, ONLY hope for Arab Palestinians is to be grateful for what they have, work and save, build something for the future and don't waste it making war on Jews and Christians.

    • @taand4725
      @taand4725 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's our lovely government, not the people

  • @user-cs4fg7bh4r
    @user-cs4fg7bh4r 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I agree with your comparison about freedom versus more solidarity (us-EU) in different times I can value both of those things

  • @DeborahHamilton-q1w
    @DeborahHamilton-q1w 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "The more you know, the more you know you don't know". The biggest differences between Europeans and North Americans are 1) the sheer size of the countries 2) the many different cultures in close proximity 3) the European countries are much, much older and have been through so much more! Both the United States and Canada are very much younger, with less experience. But even many Canadians feel the same way about the U.S., as far as knowledge of the rest of the world is concerned. Americans tend to be very inwardly focused. It's one of the reasons Canadians get upset when Europeans lump us all together. I've been watching a fair number of videos of Americans reacting to how the rest of the world sees them, and it seems there is an ever-increasing number of you. I believe this is a good thing. More of you are wanting to learn about things outside the U.S. Perhaps in the future, the U.S. won't be so self-absorbed as a nation. Keep up the good work!

  • @clivehope8409
    @clivehope8409 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I always wanted to go to the USA but now no way i would be so scared to live in the USA

  • @claudiaberger9639
    @claudiaberger9639 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My Austrian father (*1923) was drafted into military service in 1942.
    He fought on 3 fronts and was captured by the US Army in the Ardennes in 1945.
    He told me that in the American prison camp he was given orders for the day's tasks every morning by a black US officer. Shortly afterward, a white US officer came and forbade the prisoners to follow the black American's orders.
    My father had never experienced this type of racism in the Third Reich.

  • @paul1979uk2000
    @paul1979uk2000 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In truth, you can be very successful as a business in Europe if you're driven, but in the US, I feel that having lower standards that allow individuals and businesses to do more, is at the expense of the citizens, so yes, the US is more business friendly, but the standards are also much lower in a lot of areas that Americans are paying the price for, and as we know, the US is very profit driven which puts more focus on corporations over the well-being of its citizens, EU countries could be more business friendly, but are they willing to lower their standards to get that?
    The same is also the case in the US on a state by state basis, with one state trying to outcompete another by lowering standards, whether that be workers rights, lower corporate taxes and so on, in the end, the American people pay the price for that and I think EU countries have a fairer, better balanced that puts a lot more focus on the well-being of it's citizens, and mostly because Europeans fight for that.
    But regardless, if you are driven, innovative and creative, you can be successful in Europe or American.

  • @Carlos-wv3yj
    @Carlos-wv3yj 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    America is to work and try to have a bright future. Europe you can stop working and stablished whenever you want because we have free healthcare. in America if you don't work you die.

  • @jurgenvoogt1638
    @jurgenvoogt1638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    American 'rugby' is far bigger than basketball bro

  • @mennovroom5537
    @mennovroom5537 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Business wise it is better in America. If you bankrupt a company in Europe it is a shame. In the US this is not a problem, you can always start over again.

  • @fiachraswaz
    @fiachraswaz 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    being irish i would say we would never have been overly racist but that is definetely changing now because of the housing/immigrant crisis that is going on which due to what is happening. all round europe people are worried about the amount of immigrants being brought in and how they seem to not integrate and seem to be prioritised above local people. What is scaring a lot of people is crime and rape seems to be on the increase around europe and a lot is put down to the immigrants thinking they are untouchable (certainly in ireland) and that their religion (mainly islam) allows them to treat non muslims with contempt. I would be in favour of immigration where its about imbedding yourself in the local culture and making a decent life for your family but the immigration that is happening at the moment seems to be a lot of people who care about neither of these elements

  • @laziojohnny79
    @laziojohnny79 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Keep in mind this was filmed in a city centre or suburban area, go to the more rural parts of the Netherlands and you'll get quite different feedback, same as in the US and any country really.

  • @elselienklein725
    @elselienklein725 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What are those mountains meaning in the back? Holland is more _________________________________

  • @marcblokpoel
    @marcblokpoel 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm thinking about your question about racism.... We are not free of it, for sure. But i think we discriminate against other countries more then against skincolour or ethnicity. Sure, some races tend to get more negative heat if a bad thing occurs and is broadcasted in media, but over all i'd say the direct racism is less in the Netherlands. Maybe the subtle hints are less subtle here. That could be interpreted as a form of discrimination and sometimes even racism.

    • @Forevertrue-z2w
      @Forevertrue-z2w 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes racism in Europe is on a national level, not a skin colour thing.

  • @glennheuts407
    @glennheuts407 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dutch Europeans??😂😂😂 Is like saying Texas Americans, and Californian Americans😂😂😂😂

  • @LuciannaG123
    @LuciannaG123 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    America is obsessed by race. Obsessed.

  • @GabberPinda
    @GabberPinda 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Use a glass for your water😉

  • @PedroConejo1939
    @PedroConejo1939 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My experience of racism in the US and UK - I've lived elsewhere in Europe but most of my experience is within the UK. American racism is very segregational - there are still black malls, black businesses, black areas. This is very much geographical though - what I experienced in Georgia was very different from Seattle. In the UK, it's deeply ingrained in some people but feels less institutional (though obviously, some notable places can be pretty bad). I think this is because although Britain ran a slave trade, it never had slaves on its own soil; it's been illegal long before the Abolitionist campaigns. So while Black or non-White people have been broadly looked down on, there were never massive areas of slaves or 'freed' slaves. All of that being said, I feel that the progress made in the 60s-90s are being slowly rolled back and the racists are creeping out from under their rocks again in the UK. In the US, they have a very loud voice. I am not optimistic, at least for the near future.

  • @tenniskinsella7768
    @tenniskinsella7768 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    No countryis a paradise thats impossible. Has america lost tourists there sdvertisements to holuday in america all the time.

  • @emmajayne4894
    @emmajayne4894 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In the uk its against the law (by the government) to live in poverty. I really think this whole freedom thing in America is a myth. If you want to start your own business in Europe you have every opportunity. We have the freedom of free healthcare (or very cheap) safe schools, hotels for homeless, benefit system, 1 year maternity leave, womens rights within pregnancy. I love been British. Yes the uk isnt perfect but i wouldn't want to be anywhere else

  • @dannyboy349
    @dannyboy349 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Maybe the Dutch should but the bong down.

  • @alexfletcher5192
    @alexfletcher5192 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Perhaps America underestimates the degree to which the world pays attention to it. But you can't be throwing out media everywhere and not expect people to pick up on it. It's a bit like being in a pub and two very loud people shouting at each other at the bar and all you want to do is have a quiet pint. It's only amplified by social media. Sometimes you can understand why China (without taking China's side on a wide range of other issues!) cuts itself off.

  • @Andrei-ui1cw
    @Andrei-ui1cw 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dutch Europeans??
    Do you say Texans Americans?

  • @JohnResalb
    @JohnResalb 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    HI Connor.
    I dont think there's any difference in racial problems.
    I always put the "racial test" - does every nationality come to my house?, do I go to theirs?, do I go out drinking with them???
    And even more importantly - do they themselves mix with other racial groups.???

  • @conclaveofthelost513
    @conclaveofthelost513 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi Connor, i 've been watching your channel for a while now and have noticed that you visibly appear hurt by some of the statements made in these videos but tend to agree with them. Are there any statements that you have heard, that you totally disagree with and what is the most upsetting but true statement that has been made about America and its people, that you have encountered since starting these reaction videos?

  • @almostyummymummy
    @almostyummymummy 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    America the System: the couple that love getting pregnant. Love being pregnant. Should not be parents.
    Child dies? Eh, we can always have another one.
    Rest of world: we want our kids to grow up to live long healthy lives. We want them to be able to be better than we were. To learn from our mistakes.
    In short, it takes a village. As a rule, we look out for/look after each other.
    We have American neighbours. They've been here almost nine months now. Getting to be great family friends. The first couple of months were tough.

  • @philjones45
    @philjones45 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Connor can't help but patronise people, he doesn't have a clue he's even doing it. The irony is palpable.

  • @StevanOutdoor
    @StevanOutdoor 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In my experience the Americans are very nice but, from a Dutch perspective, overly polite people. They beat around the bush a lot but not with bad intentions. You see that in a lot in other cultures also. I think this racisme issue is more a political agenda but not in the hearts of the people. I think the school system is failing because they are not dumb but just unaware about the world outside the US. But never judge a book by it's cover. I think that many Dutch or Europeans also have this stereotype about Americans. And all we here in our media is how bad Trump is and was. We hear about a school shooting but not about the many lives saved by owning a gun. I'm Dutch but if I was American I would vote Trump. I do follow somewhat American politics but a lot of Dutch are basically ignorant and only parrot what they hear in our media.

  • @jurgenvoogt1638
    @jurgenvoogt1638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    By the way. I can give you a list of at least 25 more things we think about USA. Hahahahahahaa 😢

  • @davidkai2694
    @davidkai2694 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Whenever you watch American programs & news presenters, they are all like models. Also attractive and handsome. Never see fat people.

    • @melvincain5012
      @melvincain5012 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Except off the screen!

    • @leec6707
      @leec6707 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I wouldn't say they are good looking, just glossy and fake.

  • @sathinel77
    @sathinel77 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    U right! We feel superior when see people from the US acting, behaving, etc. Sorry, its not all of you, but for us its like comedy!

  • @Mischnikvideos
    @Mischnikvideos 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is racism everywhere. However, it is probably more aware of the Europeans because it is also discrembed of each other. Many whites also know what discremination means.
    Politically, the biggest difference is that there are more than just two large parties in the parlamants in most countries. Most European politicians have to be compromising than in the US (or UK). The election system and the abundance of power of the president is the decisive factor here. At the same time, however, there is a global trend towards extreme, including in Europe.
    USA has more freedom and less security, Europe has more security and less freedom. You can't have both strong.
    If the sports club is just a product, then it doesn't matter who you are fan. In Europe, you cannot simply move an club to another city because it is part of the IDity of a city.

  • @talos2373
    @talos2373 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    🇺🇲Call us or think of us what you want it's the thought that counts.🇺🇲

  • @daphnelovesL
    @daphnelovesL 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    NBA Rick Smits!

  • @samolevski1119
    @samolevski1119 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Regarding racism, as a Brit I am well aware of racism here and in other European countries, but in our countries the 'white' people are the vast majority and original inhabitants, whereas the USA is a right mess, with the original native Americans being a small minority and treated like dirt ever since us Europeans and others took control.
    Your biggest problem (from my outsiders viewpoint) is that some people pushed black rights in order to improve their own standing and careers, making many blacks think they are owed something and are even now downtrodden, which is not the case - thankfully the rise of the internet and channels on here shows many black Americans trying to educate others about the true facts, and the manipulation by certain groups.

  • @dantealighieri9540
    @dantealighieri9540 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Alas there is a lot of racism here, in the Netherlands too. My evidence? The most racist party in the Netherlands (PVV) got the most votes during the last elections for our 'congress'. I am real sorry to conclude that, but the thruth will prevail.

  • @DaxRaider
    @DaxRaider 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "we dont care that much about money" in front of the biggest SALE signs on a shop xD

  • @MKR5210
    @MKR5210 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I spent two weeks visiting friends a few years ago and I hated the ridiculous size of portions in restaurants. I never left an eatery without enough food for a second meal. In order not to waste an enormous amount of food I was forced to eat one "American" meal a day using it for two individial meals.
    I tried in several places to simply order a childs meal but was not allowed.
    The only time I enjoyed eating was when I had a buffet meal.....

  • @LB-my1ej
    @LB-my1ej 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yes America does appear racist to most European countries. Why does America refer to their populace as African American or Native American why is it not just American after all you don’t say white American do you. In the UK we don’t have African English etc we are just English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

  • @petedread
    @petedread 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't think America is as racist as the dems would have Americans believe. And it seems to me that Europe has very little racism. Of course, there are racists everywhere.

  • @RobinAsp77
    @RobinAsp77 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Rasism is worse in usa than europe and more segregated. But nationalistic and racist opinions is getting louder in europe.
    Americans are in my experience always helpful. When my kids couldnt find the restroom they never had to ask for guidence people asked them if they needed help, strangers seeing your a tourist stops you and ask you if you need help in finding things and gave recommendations. Not because they had to.
    But I did notice that it was differnet from location to location.
    And I agree with what you said about the superiority has to do with intelligence.
    Its no wonder Europeans would be more educated because of the free school system.

    • @DenUitvreter
      @DenUitvreter 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nationalistic has nothing to do with racism.

  • @Maesterful
    @Maesterful 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sad but true 🎸

  • @stuartcalow737
    @stuartcalow737 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The only thing I liked about the U.S. ,but not anymore, was the music,which was largely evolved from ex slaves and poor white immigrants. Now it's all corporate,unoriginal,overproduced rubbish.
    In 1980, Thatcher and Reagan created Neo- Liberalism and we've been on the road to hell ever since. Tragically, the U. K. always seemed to want the " American" ,not the " European" way, and the catastrophe of Brexit has been the result. Now we're " free" to spoil the environment and give tax breaks to Oligarchs,just like the U.S. only about 20 p.c. of Brits agree with this!
    Anyway, like your thoughtful reactions. Keep it up!

  • @gelderstrotsvaderland5492
    @gelderstrotsvaderland5492 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They asked only left-wing people 😮

  • @abiagio1
    @abiagio1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dutch Europeans?

  • @boscat666
    @boscat666 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    dont get sad ... im 61 a nd dutch but politics here are bad ...
    so its not just only you guys
    big money always fucks working guys
    all over the world

  • @StanWatt.
    @StanWatt. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I've, sadly, been to the US forty three times. Thankfully mostly in transit, It's awful. There is more racism there, too. The usual tropes exists as well; loud, obnoxious and generally thick.

    • @StanWatt.
      @StanWatt. 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@OneTrueScotsman I'm Scottish too. I first went to California in 1979 and I loved it. I went back the following year and loved it then too. Over the past thirty years of going to see friends and family in Hawaii things have changed a lot. Oahu Island is now half concrete. People there and on the mainland have changed in a major way, especially after Trump. They mostly operate a hair-trigger attitude that can change a mundane situation into a dangerous one in the blink of an eye.

  • @iirokarimo4565
    @iirokarimo4565 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How's it when you born in poor family? My opinion is that free education and social safetynets really make people to have more control of their future. But yes, i cannot buy an assault rifle in finland *cry ;)

  • @Alby_Torino
    @Alby_Torino 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well, NL and racism....

  • @melocoton7
    @melocoton7 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    USA is super racist. This whole race war you have going on is super sad. I am in Switzerland and although you can find racists anywhere in the world, it is not such a relevant topic here. People tend to be more focused on whether you are a decent person trying to assimilate Swiss culture than the color of your skin. If you are an immigrant who is here to work hard, follow the law and be a productive part of society, I doubt that racism will be an issue you'll face. Bias and prejudice do exist for sure. If we're completely honest, everyone has subconscious biases until you get to know a person. I would go as far as to say that this initial distrust would be more due to you being a stranger than you being brown or anything else other than central European white. But it would never fly here to be as blatantly racist towards anyone like what you seem to accept in the USA. I am appalled every time I see American black people being openly racist towards other races just because they think they are the perpetual victims. But this is another can of worms I do not wish to open here.

  • @jurgenvoogt1638
    @jurgenvoogt1638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What Trump? These fellow country men do not understand anything

  • @edje858
    @edje858 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you cant handle the truth? come on american is a different world.its so big and getto in the most places and its not organised good

  • @rosaliegolding5549
    @rosaliegolding5549 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    America is not a free country , your even frightened of the police , going to school incase some idiot with a weapon decides to do the unthinkable , frighted to say to your boss can I take time off ,frightened to go on holiday as the boss doesn’t like it ( not all bosses do this but a good percentage ), frightened to call an ambulance or go to the dr because you can’t afford it , frightened when you receive a bill from the Dr / Hospital the list goes on AND YOU SAY YOU ARE FREE ?????😱🥺😞THATS NOT FREEDOM your stuck in your country as you have no holidays causing you to live in a Bubble unable to see the outside. World ‘ no decent news to obtain knowledge , a poor Education System YOU DONT KNOW ITS WRONG as you’ve no comparison YOU LIVE IN A BUBBLE just saying what I’ve observed after living there for a year 😞🤷‍♀️

  • @GianniDN
    @GianniDN 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The problem of the US is that it is one big Marketing Machine. Everything is about buying huge quantities, consuming a lot so it doesn’t amaze me that people are so fat. What amazed me a lot while being in the US is that you can get a loan for everything, from groceries shopping to buying a phone. This is even forbidden in Europe and we don’t have such a huge shops. I honestly hate them, they are such a waste of time and make you buy things you don’t need. Marketing is just everywhere and people think they are just doing a great buy, while they are just wasting a lot of money. When I was studying in Madrid, we had 2 Americans in our class. One said to me that she was amazed that everyone had old IPhones and she was wondering if we were all poor. 🤣 I said I use it until it’s broken. She couldn’t believe that. In Europe we don’t care about material stuff at least not as much as Americans do, but I guess it’s because of the marketing. If you don’t have the newest stuff you ain’t cool. We don’t have that mentality. When Americans talk like that, OMG you still have such an old IPhone are you poor, it comes across as being stupid, ignorant and arrogant even if it wasn’t the goal and it’s just how they are. Europeans don’t even pay attention to that. There is racism everywhere but not like in the US. People would just push my sister saying you are in America speak English while we were talking to each other. If they are this racist against other white peoples, imagine how people of African decent must suffer there. Been there once but never again. It’s just nothing for me. I honestly enjoyed Canada and Australia much more, those countries and the people are culturally much closer to Europe.

  • @chucku00
    @chucku00 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To answer your question about racism in Europe in a bit abrupt way, due to the fact slavery only existed in European overseas territories (aside from countryside serfs during monarchies until the end of the 18th century in western Europe), there was no point in having something similar to Jim Crow laws after slavery has ended in the US, and because European countries followed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights without any restriction ther was no point for something similar to the Civil rights Movement in the US.
    HOWEVER, racism also exists in Europe in more insidious ways, and in some overseas territories like Guadeloupe and Martinique (France) structural racism is clearly visible due to the fact békés (descendants of slave owners) are still keeping the social, economical and political power. Furthermore, xenophobia largely prevailed until the end of WW2 due to frequent armed conflicts, economical and political crisis that provoked emigation waves inside several european countries. Nowadays the same kind of issues still exists, but this time beween Europe as an entity and Africa/Middle Eastern countries.
    It's true Europeans smoke more cigarettes than Americans but ironically the most popular brands in Europe are American (aside from rolling tobacco).

  • @ExohrEcho
    @ExohrEcho 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Racism is still a pretty big thing, but it depends on where you are. In western/central europe the racism isnt noticeable at first glance, but it's still there, the most racist in there has to be France, the least being the UK. By noticeable I mean that people of different color or nationalism are a very very rare sight in the "higher class", but I don't know much about it, because I'm not from the west, I'm from east europe where racism and especially xenophobia is high.

  • @buurmeisje
    @buurmeisje 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think racism in Europe exists just as much as it does in the US, but in different ways. America is a country of immigrants, so everyone has some sort of different ethnic heritage. In Europe, even if you have lived in that country for generations and you only know the local language, people still won't see you as 'really European' (whatever country that might be), because you're not ethnically Polish, or German or whatever. Even if your family lived there for 20 generations, you would still be seen as not really Italian, not really Serbian.

    • @herrbonk3635
      @herrbonk3635 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Which just tells us that that kind of racism is natural.

  • @nicholasjones7312
    @nicholasjones7312 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In addition to open racism by individuals in the U.S., I think there is more institutional racism there. You only have to look a demographics and poverty statistics, prison stats etc.

  • @vtbn53
    @vtbn53 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I doubt that racism in the US is any worse than anywhere else, it's just that it has been so heavily politicised there that it is never out of the news, I would agree that anti-white racism is much worse in the US than elsewhere, but again that's due to it being politicised.

  • @lukespooky
    @lukespooky 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    bro nobody cares about your water

    • @daphnelovesL
      @daphnelovesL 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @soozb15
      @soozb15 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      c'mon, that water comment of his was a tiny part of the reaction.

  • @ralphvelthuis2359
    @ralphvelthuis2359 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Most europeans don't realize how large both the US and Canada are. In Europe you can travel for an hour and be in another country. On this side of the pond, that usually won't even get you out of your state or province.

    • @leec6707
      @leec6707 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I disagree. We know how big other countries are. We travel a lot - within Europe and long-haul.

    • @hunchbackaudio
      @hunchbackaudio 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We do realize, that’s why a lot of people think the USA is all the same.

    • @draculakickyourass
      @draculakickyourass 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It seems you are the one who doesn't realise....what european contury did you crossed in an hour...driving? Go to google map and check the distances again,hahahaha You can travel for an hour and be in another contury if you are situated at an hour distance from the border....otherwise,in many cases it tooks more than a day to cross a contury,except for the tiny conturies like Andorra,Luxemburg,etc

  • @JimpZee
    @JimpZee 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Every time one of these types of video is made, it's always the same ignorant talking points. They all get their opinions from mainstream corporate news (which almost all leans in one political direction) so they all end up with the same opinions, especially people in EU countries. The UK is going the same way too. It's so tiresome and politically illiterate.

    • @QueeferSutherland1
      @QueeferSutherland1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Are you referring to the Trump comment?

    • @alansmith4748
      @alansmith4748 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      So how would you answer these questions?

    • @jonathanfinan722
      @jonathanfinan722 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      And where do you get your news from, oh enlightened one?

  • @pracharm5094
    @pracharm5094 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you want to talk like and have an accent like an US people just think of a mixture of a bulldog barking and Donald Duck 😂🤣