Speedway Motorcycle Racing & Mixed Martial Arts competition are the only sports that require MEN to compete in them!...Any Sissyboy can play Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Swim, or whatever gay sport. .. Greeting's from a Man with a pair of Balls from Reno, Nevada, U S A who Competes in both MMA and rides Speedway!
Commentary by Dave Lanning and a single day World Final. The epitome of speedway at its best.
Дуже дякую! Захоплююче! Неймовірний фінал!
Speedway Motorcycle Racing & Mixed Martial Arts competition are the only sports that require MEN to compete in them!...Any Sissyboy can play Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Swim, or whatever gay sport. .. Greeting's from a Man with a pair of Balls from Reno, Nevada, U S A who Competes in both MMA and rides Speedway!
I was there john cook robbed hans neilson