Pokud svět bude přelidněn a v neustálém konfliktu,žít v západním duchu. Tak bude težké udržet zdravou přírodu. Děkuji každé bytosti za velkou lásku k ní a její ochranu.
Thank you for trying to help the gorillas. It just seems like the last research area with tourism, the gorillas were all wiped out from the virus. Do you really think you should do it again. Observe from a distance, and don't bring people in.
I’m relieved to see this level of effort to keep our species healthy , man and our animal kingdom s . Grateful for the expertise and devotion of the scientists l
Tropical diease is the reason Europeans rarely ventued into Africa during the slv trade. ... They most all died if they did. That's the reason they barganed with African tribes that had delt in slvs for many hundreds of yrs.
It appears that you think the humans spread Ebola to the gorillas. That is utterly ridiculous. I will help you with a few facts about Ebola. Ebola was first discovered in 1976, in the Congo and Sudan regions. There is no vaccine or specific treatment for the virus. The specific origin is not accurate identified. It is believed that fruit bats are the reservoir of the virus. Maybe you were not born yet but in 2013 there was the largest Ebola outbreak so far. It was caused by the people of thos areas eating bushmeat, monkeys in particular. The people were warned not to eat such meat and the sale was banned. Of course, there were many mentally unstable people who felt the government was lying and should nit tell them what to do. It was not until these idiots started dropping like flies from this awful infliction that they stopped eating the rancid, tainted meat and cried to the authorities for help. Not the gorillas so much, but the multiple monkey varities such as chimps, baboons, and especially macaques are proven to carry many serious and potentially lethal diseases. They also have not the slightest regard for cleanliness. This is proven by how they will deficate whether they are crawling around, eating, or laying on the ground. The grounds are carpeted with their disease laden, vile smelling feces. Instead of avoiding their feces like most other animals do, they crawl through it, play with it, and scrape it off of anothers rear as they commonly consume it and crave the stomach churning stench it emits. Knowing this information, why anyone would willingly consume such a gross animal is quite perplexing.
Why do you people always ask this? As if animals that don’t eat meat aren’t usually big and bulky? Because we all know most herbivores are big and bulky. Also their digestive system processes plant matter better than ours does.
It’s quite shocking no that these villages are still so ignorant. I don’t think Africa should be so poor. There’s so much money 💴 n the world. It’s awful
@@josiemainecoon Really?? Some things yes, but many things no!! ... The continued mutilation of little girl's private parts is one!! And in some tribes, the elimination of twins, or one twin after birth. So tell me again how much they know?? The glorification of ignorance the primitive do no one any good.
They're ignorant in the fact that the Gorillas are dying from a deadly disease ebola and the villagers are eating them when they hunt. Example: If a Gorilla has the disease on Monday and doesn't know it wonders around with it then let us say that on Wednesday the villagers go hunting for that Gorilla who has the disease that don't have mask or gloves on for protection then goes cook it then eat it thats ignorant... Just because they're hunters doesn't make them smart and understand deadly disease and how it's spread.. They celebrate the Hunt in a ritual ceremony few days later 5 or more villagers dies from the disease now they're celebrating 5 funerals of their love ones... The bats carries disease too they give it to other animals then animals give it to humans. There's always a beginning and a End to all things.... I wish the villagers had farms for animals they can raise eat and sell like others do around the world. If they're extremely poor the government should buy them a male and female chicken and roaster to provide eggs and chicken, buy one each of goats,pigs, sheep and cows. All those animals generated money 💰 and food security.. The farm also can be be a tourist attraction for kids and family to pet the animals at the farm. We have petting zoo and farm animals where kids can ride ponies or horses, ducks,goats,sheep,and other farm animals the wool skin of the lamb can be made into clothing if they sell it or they keep it for themselves the villagers can create garments to sell to tourist and make money to better their life...and keep the same practice for their future children doing the same thing. There's always a better way to do things.
What is the meaning of your comment? If you are insinuating that Covid was purposely introduced by government agencies, and Ebola was also introduced into the world's population. You definitely need to loosen up your foil hat as it is squeezing the couple of functioning braincells a bit too tight.😂😂😂
Ebola originated from this and all other monkey varities. Before you say they are gorillas, they are just a larger mutant rat-like creature. They crawl on four legs, make loud freakish noises, and are a burden to the environment plauged with their existence. They offer not one benefit to the environment.
Pokud svět bude přelidněn a v neustálém konfliktu,žít v západním duchu. Tak bude težké udržet zdravou přírodu. Děkuji každé bytosti za velkou lásku k ní a její ochranu.
Thank you for helping the Gorillas!
Thank you for trying to help the gorillas. It just seems like the last research area with tourism, the gorillas were all wiped out from the virus. Do you really think you should do it again. Observe from a distance, and don't bring people in.
I’m relieved to see this level of effort to keep our species healthy , man and our animal kingdom s . Grateful for the expertise and devotion of the scientists l
My colleagues are truly passionate; they have worked to preserve primate species and have shown us how beautiful wildlife life can be.
C'est très intéressant merci ❤
J'ai passé un grand moment,merci!❤❤😊😊
J'ai bcp aimé ❤❤
Tropical diease is the reason Europeans rarely ventued into Africa during the slv trade. ... They most all died if they did. That's the reason they barganed with African tribes that had delt in slvs for many hundreds of yrs.
Wow! Great show!
The curse of being too close to human.
Maybe if she had left them alone they would not have gotten Ebola
It appears that you think the humans spread Ebola to the gorillas.
That is utterly ridiculous. I will help you with a few facts about Ebola.
Ebola was first discovered in 1976, in the Congo and Sudan regions. There is no vaccine or specific treatment for the virus. The specific origin is not accurate identified. It is believed that fruit bats are the reservoir of the virus.
Maybe you were not born yet but in 2013 there was the largest Ebola outbreak so far. It was caused by the people of thos areas eating bushmeat, monkeys in particular. The people were warned not to eat such meat and the sale was banned. Of course, there were many mentally unstable people who felt the government was lying and should nit tell them what to do.
It was not until these idiots started dropping like flies from this awful infliction that they stopped eating the rancid, tainted meat and cried to the authorities for help.
Not the gorillas so much, but the multiple monkey varities such as chimps, baboons, and especially macaques are proven to carry many serious and potentially lethal diseases. They also have not the slightest regard for cleanliness. This is proven by how they will deficate whether they are crawling around, eating, or laying on the ground. The grounds are carpeted with their disease laden, vile smelling feces. Instead of avoiding their feces like most other animals do, they crawl through it, play with it, and scrape it off of anothers rear as they commonly consume it and crave the stomach churning stench it emits.
Knowing this information, why anyone would willingly consume such a gross animal is quite perplexing.
Outra missão linda dou muito valor a tudo isto 🇧🇷🥰
Comment des primates sont aussi forts en ne mangeant que de l.herbe des plantes des feuilles ?? Et comme les éléphants sont pacifiques...
C'est vrai ya boeuf aussi
Why do you people always ask this? As if animals that don’t eat meat aren’t usually big and bulky? Because we all know most herbivores are big and bulky. Also their digestive system processes plant matter better than ours does.
They eat all day non stop only to mate and sleep
We only eat a little as we cook
Wild Elephants are not so peaceful
The answer is in their dna. They have a lot more testosterone than humans. Also they are more efficient at processing plants.
Is it still happening? Did they find the cause? My vid cut off
Les protecteurs des gorilles s’approchent sans masques ???
we've been here before..
Africa get your act together and save this precious animal .if you don't do anything the rest of the world will hate you for this
bien triste se virus 😓😓😓
Why didn’t she say hello to the women on the team
Pourquoi ne pas avoir porté vos masques et vos gants dès votre entrée dans la jungle? 🤦♀️
Vous êtes courageux, mais imprudents.
En 2002 ce reportage pour le virus Ebola
It’s quite shocking no that these villages are still so ignorant. I don’t think Africa should be so poor. There’s so much money 💴 n the world. It’s awful
Африканцы первые бездельники на земле.Они умеют только рожать бесконечных детей и всё.Столько вокруг растений,а домашних животных нет.
Be careful with your judgements of indigenous populations! They know a lot more about what's really going on than we do!!
@@josiemainecoon Really?? Some things yes, but many things no!! ... The continued mutilation of little girl's private parts is one!! And in some tribes, the elimination of twins, or one twin after birth. So tell me again how much they know?? The glorification of ignorance the primitive do no one any good.
They're ignorant in the fact that the Gorillas are dying from a deadly disease ebola and the villagers are eating them when they hunt.
If a Gorilla has the disease on Monday and doesn't know it wonders around with it then
let us say that on Wednesday the villagers go hunting for that Gorilla who has the disease that don't have mask or gloves on for protection then goes cook it then eat it thats ignorant...
Just because they're hunters doesn't make them smart and understand deadly disease and how it's spread..
They celebrate the Hunt in a ritual ceremony few days later 5 or more villagers dies from the disease now they're celebrating 5 funerals of their love ones...
The bats carries disease too they give it to other animals then animals give it to humans.
There's always a beginning and a End to all things....
I wish the villagers had farms for animals they can raise eat and sell like others do around the world.
If they're extremely poor the government should buy them a male and female chicken and roaster to provide eggs and chicken, buy one each of goats,pigs, sheep and cows.
All those animals generated money 💰 and food security..
The farm also can be be a tourist attraction for kids and family to pet the animals at the farm.
We have petting zoo and farm animals where kids can ride ponies or horses, ducks,goats,sheep,and other farm animals the wool skin of the lamb can be made into clothing if they sell it or they keep it for themselves the villagers can create garments to sell to tourist and make money to better their life...and keep the same practice for their future children doing the same thing.
There's always a better way to do things.
Né pas croisé leurs regards 😮
Faites attention au marque . Il n'ont pas réussi avec COVID-19...
What is the meaning of your comment?
If you are insinuating that Covid was purposely introduced by government agencies, and Ebola was also introduced into the world's population. You definitely need to loosen up your foil hat as it is squeezing the couple of functioning braincells a bit too tight.😂😂😂
Ebola originated from this and all other monkey varities. Before you say they are gorillas, they are just a larger mutant rat-like creature. They crawl on four legs, make loud freakish noises, and are a burden to the environment plauged with their existence. They offer not one benefit to the environment.
Pourquoi ne leur enseigne t on pas le bon sens ???
Bof! Avec toutes ces herbes qu’ils ingurgitent …que de coliques!…que de chiasses!…😂🤣
Pas étonnant qu’ils soient calmes…🍷🥃🍺👋🏾👋🏾🤣😂
Repent sinners Jesus Christ saves ✝️✅
Bla bla bla